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8baed187 Michal Kliment
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

* FORGE (FORm GEneration) library.
* $Id: Forge.php 1923 2008-02-05 14:49:08Z Shadowhand $
* @package Forge
* @author Kohana Team
* @copyright (c) 2007-2008 Kohana Team
* @license
* @method Form_Checkbox checkbox(string $name)
* @method Form_Checklist checklist(string $name)
* @method Form_Date date(string $name)
* @method Form_Dateselect dateselect(string $name)
* @method Form_Dropdown dropdown(string $name)
* @method Form_Group group(string $name)
* @method Form_Hidden hidden(string $name)
* @method Form_Html_textarea html_textarea(string $name)
* @method Form_Input input(string $name)
* @method Form_Password password(string $name)
* @method Form_Radio radio(string $name)
* @method Form_Submit submit(string $name)
* @method Form_Textarea textarea(string $name)
* @method Form_Upload upload(string $name)
class Forge {

// Template variables
protected $template = array
'title' => '',
'class' => '',
'open' => '',
'close' => '',

// Form attributes
protected $attr = array();

// Form inputs and hidden inputs
public $inputs = array();
public $hidden = array();

// Error message format, only used with custom templates
public $error_format = '<p class="error">{message}</p>';
public $newline_char = "\n";
private $data = array();
public $visible = NULL;

* Form constructor. Sets the form action, title, method, and attributes.
* @return void
public function __construct($action = NULL, $title = '', $method = NULL, $attr = array())
// default action
if (!$action)
$action = url::base(TRUE).url::current(TRUE);
// auto action prefix
if (!text::starts_with($action, url::base()))
$action = url_lang::base(TRUE) . $action;
//echo $action.'<br>';
if (isset($_GET[Path::QSNAME]))
$parts_action = explode('?', $action);
$action = $parts_action[0] . '?';
$path_var_name = Path::QSNAME . '=';
$vars = array();
if (isset($parts_action[1]))
$vars = explode('&', $parts_action[1]);
foreach ($vars as $i => $var)
if (text::starts_with($var, $path_var_name))
$vars[] = $path_var_name . urlencode(urldecode($_GET[Path::QSNAME]));
$action .= implode('&', $vars);
//echo $action.'<br>';
// Set form attributes
$this->attr['action'] = $action;
$this->attr['method'] = empty($method) ? 'post' : $method;

// Set template variables
$this->template['title'] = $title;

// Empty attributes sets the class to "form"
empty($attr) and $attr = array('class' => 'form');

// String attributes is the class name
is_string($attr) and $attr = array('class' => $attr);

// Extend the template with the attributes
$this->attr += $attr;

* Magic __get method. Returns the specified form element.
* @param string unique input name
* @return object
public function __get($key)
if (isset($this->inputs[$key]))
return $this->inputs[$key];
elseif (isset($this->hidden[$key]))
return $this->hidden[$key];

* Magic __call method. Creates a new form element object.
* @throws Kohana_Exception
* @param string input type
* @param string input name
* @return object
public function __call($method, $args)
// Class name
$input = 'Form_'.ucfirst($method);

// Create the input
case 1:
$input = new $input($args[0]);
case 2:
$input = new $input($args[0], $args[1]);

if ( ! ($input instanceof Form_Input) AND ! ($input instanceof Forge))
throw new Kohana_Exception('forge.invalid_input', get_class($input));

$input->method = $this->attr['method'];

if ($name = $input->name)
// Assign by name
if ($method == 'hidden')
$this->hidden[$name] = $input;
$this->inputs[$name] = $input;
// No name, these are unretrievable
$this->inputs[] = $input;
return $input;

* Set a form attribute. This method is chainable.
* @param string|array attribute name, or an array of attributes
* @param string attribute value
* @return object
public function set_attr($key, $val = NULL)
if (is_array($key))
// Merge the new attributes with the old ones
$this->attr = array_merge($this->attr, $key);
// Set the new attribute
$this->attr[$key] = $val;

return $this;

* Validates the form by running each inputs validation rules.
* @return bool
public function validate()
74a7dbca Michal Kliment
$upload_filesize = file::shortened_size_to_bytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
$post_size = file::shortened_size_to_bytes(ini_get('post_max_size'));
if ($upload_filesize > $post_size)
$upload_filesize = $post_size;
if (server::content_length() !== NULL &&
server::content_length() > $upload_filesize)
status::warning('Uploaded data exceeded PHP size limit');
return FALSE;
8baed187 Michal Kliment
$status = TRUE;
// validate inputs
foreach($this->inputs as $input)
if ($input->validate() == FALSE)
$status = FALSE;
// validate hidden inputs
foreach ($this->hidden as $input)
if ($input->validate() == FALSE)
$status = FALSE;

return $status;
* Loads inputs
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param type $object
private function load_inputs ($object)
foreach(array_merge($object->hidden, $object->inputs) as $input)
if ($input->inputs)
if (!($input instanceof Form_Group) && ($name = $input->name))
$name = str_replace('[]', '', $name);
// Return only named inputs
$this->data[$name] = $input->value;

* Returns the form as an array of input names and values.
* @param boolean clean If set to TRUE (default) returned values are escaped
* Otherwise they are not.
* @return array
public function as_array($clean = TRUE)
return $clean ? array_map('html::specialchars', $this->data) : $this->data;

* Changes the error message format. Your message formatting must
* contain a {message} placeholder.
* @throws Kohana_Exception
* @param string new message format
* @return void
public function error_format($string = '')
if (strpos((string) $string, '{message}') === FALSE)
throw new Kohana_Exception('validation.error_format');

$this->error_format = $string;

* Creates the form HTML
* @param string form view template name
* @param boolean use a custom view
* @return string
public function html($template = 'forge_template', $custom = FALSE)
// Load template
$form = new View($template);

if ($custom)
// Using a custom view

$data = array();
foreach ($this->inputs as $input)
$data[$input->name] = $input;

// Compile the error messages for this input
$messages = '';
$errors = $input->error_messages();
if (is_array($errors) AND ! empty($errors))
foreach($errors as $error)
// Replace the message with the error in the html error string
$messages .= str_replace('{message}', $error, $this->error_format).$this->newline_char;

$data[$input->name.'_errors'] = $messages;

// Using a template view

$hidden = array();
if ( ! empty($this->hidden))
foreach($this->hidden as $input)
$hidden[$input->name] = $input->value;

$form_type = 'open';
// See if we need a multipart form
foreach ($this->inputs as $input)
if ($input instanceof Form_Upload)
$form_type = 'open_multipart';

// Set the form open and close
$form->open = form::$form_type(arr::remove('action', $this->attr), $this->attr, $hidden);
$form->close = form::close();

// Set the inputs
$form->inputs = $this->inputs;

return $form->render();

* Returns the form HTML
public function __toString()
return $this->html();

} // End Forge