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Revize cd149dd5

Přidáno uživatelem Ondřej Fibich před téměř 7 roky(ů)

Refs #1076: member expiration date calculation fix. The calc functionality was separate from Members controller to a new Expiration calc service. The new service comes with unit tests which tests the #1076. Additionally this patch comes with some fixes and improvements in already existing unit and integration tests.

Zobrazit rozdíly:

// finds date of expiration of member fee
$expiration_date = '';
$expiration_info = '';
if (Settings::get('finance_enabled') &&
isset($account) && !$is_applicant && !$is_former)
$expiration_date = self::get_expiration_date($account);
$expiration_info = $this->services->injectMemberExpirationCalc()
// finds total traffic of member
$view->content->contacts = $contacts;
$view->content->contact_types = $contact_types;
$view->content->variable_symbols = (isset($variable_symbols)) ? $variable_symbols : NULL;
$view->content->expiration_date = $expiration_date;
$view->content->expiration_info = $expiration_info;
$view->content->entrance_fee_paid = (isset($entrance_fee_paid)) ? $entrance_fee_paid : NULL;
$view->content->entrance_fee_left = (isset($entrance_fee_left)) ? $entrance_fee_left : NULL;
$view->content->account = (isset($account)) ? $account : NULL;
} // end of show function
* Gets expiration date of member's payments.
* @author Michal Kliment, Ondrej Fibich
* @param object $account
* @return string
public static function get_expiration_date($account)
// member's actual balance
$balance = $account->balance;
$transfer_model = new Transfer_Model();
$close_date = date_parse(
// date
$day = $close_date['day'];
$month = $close_date['month'];
$year = $close_date['year'];
// balance is in positive, we will go to the future
if ($balance > 0)
$sign = 1;
// balance is in negative, we will go to the past
$sign = -1;
// ttl = time to live - it is count how many ending conditions
// will have to happen to end cycle
// negative balance needs one extra more
$ttl = ($balance < 0) ? 2 : 1;
// negative balance will drawn by red color, else balance will drawn by green color
$color = ($balance < 0) ? 'red' : 'green';
$payments = array();
// finds entrance date of member
$entrance_date_str = date::get_closses_deduct_date_to($account->member->entrance_date);
$entrance_date = date_parse($entrance_date_str);
// finds debt payment rate of entrance fee
$debt_payment_rate = ($account->member->debt_payment_rate > 0)
? $account->member->debt_payment_rate : $account->member->entrance_fee;
// finds all debt payments of entrance fee
$payments, $entrance_date['month'], $entrance_date['year'],
$account->member->entrance_fee, $debt_payment_rate
// finds all member's devices with debt payments
$devices = ORM::factory('device')->get_member_devices_with_debt_payments($account->member_id);
foreach ($devices as $device)
// finds buy date of this device
$buy_date = date_parse(date::get_closses_deduct_date_to($device->buy_date));
// finds all debt payments of this device
$payments, $buy_date['month'], $buy_date['year'],
$device->price, $device->payment_rate
$fee_model = new Fee_Model();
// protection from unending loop
$too_long = FALSE;
// finds min and max date = due to prevent before unending loop
$min_fee_date = $fee_model->get_min_fromdate_fee_by_type ('regular member fee');
$max_fee_date = $fee_model->get_max_todate_fee_by_type ('regular member fee');
while (true)
$date = date::create(date::get_deduct_day_to($month, $year), $month, $year);
// date is bigger/smaller than max/min fee date, ends it (prevent before unending loop)
if (($sign == 1 && $date > $max_fee_date) || ($sign == -1 && $date < $min_fee_date))
// finds regular member fee for this month
$fee = $fee_model->get_regular_member_fee_by_member_date($account->member_id, $date);
// if exist payment for this month, adds it to the fee
if (isset($payments[$year][$month]))
$fee += $payments[$year][$month];
// attributed / deduct fee to / from balance
$balance -= $sign * $fee;
if ($sign == -1 && $balance == 0)
if ($balance * $sign < 0)
if ($ttl == 0)
$month += $sign;
if ($month == 0 OR $month == 13)
$month = ($month == 13) ? 1 : 12;
$year += $sign;
// if we are 5 years in future, there is no point of counting more
if (date('Y') + 10 < $year)
$too_long = TRUE;
if ($month == 0)
$month = 12;
$date = date::create(date::days_of_month($month), $month, $year);
if (strtotime($date) < strtotime($entrance_date_str))
$date = $entrance_date_str;
return '<span style="color: '.$color.'">'
. ($too_long ? '&gt; ' : '')
. $date. '</span>';
* It stores debt payments into double-dimensional array (indexes year, month)
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param array $payments
* @param int $month
* @param int $year
* @param float $payment_left
* @param float $payment_rate
protected static function find_debt_payments(
&$payments, $month, $year, $payment_left, $payment_rate)
while ($payment_left > 0)
if ($payment_left > $payment_rate)
$payment = $payment_rate;
$payment = $payment_left;
if (isset($payments[$year][$month]))
$payments[$year][$month] += $payment;
$payments[$year][$month] = $payment;
if ($month > 12)
$month = 1;
$payment_left -= $payment;
* Function adds new member to database.
* Creates user of type member assigned to this member.

Také k dispozici: Unified diff