


Stáhnout (89.9 KB) Statistiky
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18ac9009 Ondřej Fibich
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Init data for IT tests in bank importers which contains some members and
-- bank accounts.
-- Generated over DB schema version 1.2.0~alpha6.
-- If you want to upgrade this script to new DB shema version then just install
-- 1.2.0~alpha6, run this script, upgrade to desired version and then export
-- data SQL script (with truncations of tables!!).
-- One more thing has to be done, replace truncation of config table with
-- delete command same as found in this file and then remove line that inserts
-- db_chema_version value.
-- @author Ondrej Fibich <>
-- @since 1.2
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

SET time_zone = "+01:00";

TRUNCATE TABLE `accounts`;
INSERT INTO `accounts` (`id`, `member_id`, `name`, `account_attribute_id`, `balance`, `comment`, `comments_thread_id`) VALUES
(1, 1, 'FIO', 221000, 0, 'Bankovní účty', NULL),
(2, 1, 'FIO - Bankovní poplatky', 549001, 0, 'Bankovní poplatky', NULL),
(3, 1, 'FIO - Bankovní úroky', 644000, 0, 'Bankovní úroky', NULL),
(4, 1, 'Pokladna', 211000, 0, 'Pokladna', NULL),
(5, 1, 'Provozní účet', 221101, 0, 'Provozní účet', NULL),
(6, 1, 'Účet infrastruktury', 221102, 0, 'Účet infrastruktury', NULL),
(7, 1, 'Účet odběratelů', 311000, 0, 'Účet odběratelů', NULL),
(8, 1, 'Účet dodavatelů', 321000, 0, 'Účet dodavatelů', NULL),
(9, 1, 'Přijaté členské příspěvky', 684000, 0, 'Přijaté členské příspěvky', NULL),
(10, 2, 'Kučera Milan', 221100, 0, NULL, NULL),
(11, 3, 'Bacigala Emanuel', 221100, 0, NULL, NULL);

TRUNCATE TABLE `accounts_bank_accounts`;
INSERT INTO `accounts_bank_accounts` (`account_id`, `bank_account_id`) VALUES
(1, 1),
(2, 1),
(3, 1);

TRUNCATE TABLE `account_attributes`;
INSERT INTO `account_attributes` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `kind`, `activity`, `track_balance`, `line`, `line_short`, `line_credits`, `line_credits_short`, `comment`) VALUES
(12000, 'Nehmotné výsledky výzkumu a vývoje', 42, 45, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, NULL),
(13000, 'Software', 42, 45, 0, 0, 3, 2, 0, 0, NULL),
(14000, 'Ocenitelná práva', 42, 45, 0, 0, 4, 2, 0, 0, NULL),
(18000, 'Drobný dlouhodobý nehmotný majetek', 42, 45, 0, 0, 5, 2, 0, 0, NULL),
(19000, 'Ostatní dlouhodobý nehmotný majetek', 42, 45, 0, 0, 6, 2, 0, 0, NULL),
(21000, 'Stavby', 42, 45, 0, 0, 12, 3, 0, 0, NULL),
(22000, 'Samostatné movité věci a soubory movitých věcí', 42, 45, 0, 0, 13, 3, 0, 0, NULL),
(25000, 'Pěstitelské celky trvalých porostů', 42, 45, 0, 0, 14, 3, 0, 0, NULL),
(26000, 'Základní stádo a tažná zvířata', 42, 45, 0, 0, 15, 3, 0, 0, NULL),
(28000, 'Drobný dlouhodobý hmotný majetek', 42, 45, 0, 0, 16, 3, 0, 0, NULL),
(29000, 'Ostatní dlouhodobý hmotný majetek', 42, 45, 0, 0, 17, 3, 0, 0, NULL),
(31000, 'Pozemky', 42, 45, 0, 0, 10, 3, 0, 0, NULL),
(32000, 'Umělecká díla, předměty a sbírky', 42, 45, 0, 0, 11, 3, 0, 0, NULL),
(41000, 'Nedokončený dlouhodobý nehmotný majetek', 42, 45, 0, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, NULL),
(42000, 'Nedokončený dlouhodobý hmotný majetek', 42, 45, 0, 0, 18, 3, 0, 0, NULL),
(43000, 'Pořizovaný dlouhodobý finanční majetek', 42, 45, 0, 0, 27, 4, 0, 0, NULL),
(51000, 'Poskytnuté zálohy na dlouhodobý nehmotný majetek', 42, 45, 0, 0, 8, 2, 0, 0, NULL),
(52000, 'Poskytnuté zálohy na dlouhodobý hmotný majetek', 42, 45, 0, 0, 19, 3, 0, 0, NULL),
(61000, 'Podíly v ovládaných a řízených osobách', 42, 45, 0, 0, 21, 4, 0, 0, NULL),
(62000, 'Podíly v osobách pod podstatným vlivem', 42, 45, 0, 0, 22, 4, 0, 0, NULL),
(63000, 'Dluhové cenné papíry držené do splatnosti', 42, 45, 0, 0, 23, 4, 0, 0, NULL),
(66000, 'Půjčky organizačnm složkám', 42, 45, 0, 0, 24, 4, 0, 0, NULL),
(67000, 'Ostatní dlouhodobé půjčky', 42, 45, 0, 0, 25, 4, 0, 0, NULL),
(69000, 'Ostatní dlouhodobý finanční majetek', 42, 45, 0, 0, 26, 4, 0, 0, NULL),
(72000, 'Oprávky k nehmotným výsledkům výzkumu a vývoje', 42, 45, 0, 0, 29, 5, 0, 0, NULL),
(73000, 'Oprávky k softwaru', 42, 45, 0, 0, 30, 5, 0, 0, NULL),
(74000, 'Oprávky k ocenitelným právům', 42, 45, 0, 0, 31, 5, 0, 0, NULL),
(78000, 'Oprávky k drobnému dlouhodobému nehmotnému majetku', 42, 45, 0, 0, 32, 5, 0, 0, NULL),
(79000, 'Oprávky k ostatnímu dlouhodobému nehmotnému majetku', 42, 45, 0, 0, 33, 5, 0, 0, NULL),
(81000, 'Oprávky ke stavbám', 42, 45, 0, 0, 34, 5, 0, 0, NULL),
(82000, 'Oprávky k samost. movitým věcem a souborům movitých věcí', 42, 45, 0, 0, 35, 5, 0, 0, NULL),
(85000, 'Oprávky k pěstitelským celkům trvalých porostů', 42, 45, 0, 0, 36, 5, 0, 0, NULL),
(86000, 'Oprávky k základnímu stádu a tažným zvířatům', 42, 45, 0, 0, 37, 5, 0, 0, NULL),
(88000, 'Oprávky k drobnému dlouhodobému hmotnému majetku', 42, 45, 0, 0, 38, 5, 0, 0, NULL),
(89000, 'Oprávky k ostatnímu dlouhodobému hmotnému majetku', 42, 45, 0, 0, 39, 5, 0, 0, NULL),
(111000, 'Pořizovaný materiál', 42, 45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL),
(112000, 'Materiál na skladě', 42, 45, 0, 0, 42, 7, 0, 0, NULL),
(119000, 'Materiál na cestě', 42, 45, 0, 0, 43, 7, 0, 0, NULL),
(121000, 'Nedokončená výroba', 42, 45, 0, 0, 44, 7, 0, 0, NULL),
(122000, 'Polotovary vlastní výroby', 42, 45, 0, 0, 45, 7, 0, 0, NULL),
(123000, 'Výrobky', 42, 45, 0, 0, 46, 7, 0, 0, NULL),
(124000, 'Zvířata', 42, 45, 0, 0, 47, 7, 0, 0, NULL),
(131000, 'Pořizované zboží', 42, 45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL),
(132000, 'Zboží na skladě a v prodejnách', 42, 45, 0, 0, 48, 7, 0, 0, NULL),
(139000, 'Zboží na cestě', 42, 45, 0, 0, 49, 7, 0, 0, NULL),
(211000, 'Pokladna', 42, 45, 0, 0, 72, 9, 0, 0, NULL),
(213000, 'Ceniny', 42, 45, 0, 0, 73, 9, 0, 0, NULL),
(221000, 'Účty v bankách', 42, 45, 0, 0, 74, 9, 0, 0, NULL),
(221100, 'Účet kreditu', 42, 45, 0, 0, 74, 9, 0, 0, NULL),
(221101, 'Provozní účet', 42, 45, 0, 0, 74, 9, 0, 0, NULL),
(221102, 'Účet infrastruktury', 42, 45, 0, 0, 74, 9, 0, 0, NULL),
(221103, 'Projektový účet', 42, 45, 0, 0, 74, 9, 0, 0, NULL),
(231000, 'Krátkodobé bankovní úvěry', 28, 45, 0, 0, 123, 18, 0, 0, NULL),
(232000, 'Eskontní úvěry', 28, 45, 0, 0, 124, 18, 0, 0, NULL),
(241000, 'Emitované krátkodobé dluhopisy', 28, 45, 0, 0, 125, 18, 0, 0, NULL),
(249000, 'Ostatní krátkodobé finanční výpomoci', 28, 45, 0, 0, 127, 18, 0, 0, NULL),
(251000, 'Majetkové cenné papíry k obchodování', 42, 45, 0, 0, 75, 9, 0, 0, NULL),
(253000, 'Dluhové cenné papíry k obchodování', 42, 45, 0, 0, 76, 9, 0, 0, NULL),
(255000, 'Vlastní dluhopisy', 28, 45, 0, 0, 126, 18, 0, 0, NULL),
(256000, 'Ostatní cenné papíry ', 42, 45, 0, 0, 77, 9, 0, 0, NULL),
(259000, 'Pořizovaný krátkodobý finanční majetek', 42, 45, 0, 0, 78, 9, 0, 0, NULL),
(261000, 'Peníze na cestě', 42, 45, 0, 0, 79, 9, 0, 0, NULL),
(311000, 'Odběratelé', 42, 45, 0, 1, 52, 8, 0, 0, NULL),
(312000, 'Směnky k inkasu', 42, 45, 0, 0, 53, 8, 0, 0, NULL),
(313000, 'Pohledávky za eskontované cenné papíry', 42, 45, 0, 0, 54, 8, 0, 0, NULL),
(314000, 'Poskytnuté provozní zálohy a zálohy na zásoby', 42, 45, 0, 0, 50, 7, 0, 0, NULL),
(315000, 'Ostatní pohledávky', 42, 45, 0, 0, 56, 8, 0, 0, NULL),
(321000, 'Dodavatelé', 28, 45, 0, 1, 106, 18, 0, 0, NULL),
(322000, 'Směnky k úhradě', 28, 45, 0, 0, 107, 18, 0, 0, NULL),
(324000, 'Přijaté zálohy', 28, 45, 0, 0, 108, 18, 0, 0, NULL),
(325000, 'Ostatní závazky', 28, 45, 0, 0, 109, 18, 0, 0, NULL),
(331000, 'Zaměstnanci', 28, 45, 0, 0, 110, 18, 0, 0, NULL),
(333000, 'Ostatní závazky vůči zaměstnancům', 28, 45, 0, 0, 111, 18, 0, 0, NULL),
(335000, 'Pohledávky za zaměstnanci', 42, 45, 0, 0, 57, 8, 0, 0, NULL),
(336000, 'Zúčtování s institucemi sociál. zabezpečení a zdravot. pojištění', 28, 45, 0, 0, 58, 8, 112, 18, NULL),
(336001, 'Sociální pojištění', 28, 45, 0, 0, 58, 8, 112, 18, NULL),
(336002, 'Zdrav. pojištění VZP', 28, 45, 0, 0, 58, 8, 112, 18, NULL),
(336003, 'Zdrav. pojištění HUZP', 28, 45, 0, 0, 58, 8, 112, 18, NULL),
(341000, 'Daň z příjmů', 28, 45, 0, 0, 59, 8, 113, 18, NULL),
(342000, 'Ostatní přímé daně', 28, 45, 0, 0, 60, 8, 114, 18, NULL),
(342001, 'Daň z příjmů zaměstnanců zálohová', 28, 45, 0, 0, 60, 8, 114, 18, NULL),
(342002, 'Daň z příjmů zaměstnanců srážková', 28, 45, 0, 0, 60, 8, 114, 18, NULL),
(343000, 'Daň z přidané hodnoty', 28, 45, 0, 0, 61, 8, 115, 18, NULL),
(345000, 'Ostatní daně a poplatky', 28, 45, 0, 0, 62, 8, 116, 18, NULL),
(346000, 'Nároky na dotace a ost. zúčt. se státním rozpočtem', 28, 45, 0, 0, 63, 8, 117, 18, NULL),
(348000, 'Nároky na dotace a ost. zúčt. s rozpočtem územních celků', 28, 45, 0, 0, 64, 8, 118, 18, NULL),
(349000, 'Vyrovnávací účet pro DPH', 42, 45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL),
(358000, 'Pohledávky za účastníky sdružení', 42, 45, 0, 0, 65, 8, 0, 0, NULL),
(367000, 'Závazky z upsaných nesplacených cenných papírů a vkladů', 28, 45, 0, 0, 119, 18, 0, 0, NULL),
(368000, 'Závazky k účastníkům sdružení', 28, 45, 0, 0, 120, 18, 0, 0, NULL),
(373000, 'Pohledávky a závazky z pevných termínových operací', 28, 45, 0, 0, 66, 8, 121, 18, NULL),
(375000, 'Pohledávky z emitovaných dluhopisů', 42, 45, 0, 0, 67, 8, 0, 0, NULL),
(378000, 'Jiné pohledávky', 42, 45, 0, 0, 68, 8, 0, 0, NULL),
(379000, 'Jiné závazky', 28, 45, 0, 0, 122, 18, 0, 0, NULL),
(381000, 'Náklady příštích období', 42, 45, 0, 0, 81, 10, 0, 0, NULL),
(383000, 'Výdaje příštích období', 28, 45, 0, 0, 127, 19, 0, 0, NULL),
(384000, 'Výnosy příštích období', 28, 45, 0, 0, 127, 19, 0, 0, NULL),
(385000, 'Příjmy příštích období', 42, 45, 0, 0, 82, 10, 0, 0, NULL),
(386000, 'Kursové rozdíly aktivní', 42, 45, 0, 0, 83, 10, 0, 0, NULL),
(387000, 'Kursové rozdíly pasivní', 28, 45, 0, 0, 127, 19, 0, 0, NULL),
(388000, 'Dohadné účty aktivní', 42, 45, 0, 0, 69, 8, 0, 0, NULL),
(389000, 'Dohadné účty pasivní', 28, 45, 0, 0, 103, 17, 0, 0, NULL),
(391000, 'Opravná položka k pohledávkám', 42, 45, 0, 0, 70, 8, 0, 0, NULL),
(395000, 'Vnitřní zúčtování', 42, 45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL),
(396000, 'Spojovací účet při sdružení', 42, 45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL),
(501000, 'Spotřeba materiálu', 43, 48, 1, 0, 3, 2, 0, 0, NULL),
(501001, 'Spotřeba materiálu - SÍŤ', 43, 48, 1, 0, 3, 2, 0, 0, NULL),
(502000, 'Spotřeba energie', 43, 48, 1, 0, 4, 2, 0, 0, NULL),
(503000, 'Spotřeba ostatních neskladovatelných dodávek', 43, 48, 1, 0, 5, 2, 0, 0, NULL),
(504000, 'Prodané zboží', 43, 48, 1, 0, 6, 2, 0, 0, NULL),
(511000, 'Opravy a udržování', 43, 48, 1, 0, 8, 3, 0, 0, NULL),
(512000, 'Cestovné', 43, 48, 1, 0, 9, 3, 0, 0, NULL),
(513000, 'Náklady na reprezentaci', 44, 48, 1, 0, 10, 3, 0, 0, NULL),
(518000, 'Ostatní služby', 43, 48, 1, 0, 11, 3, 0, 0, NULL),
(521000, 'Mzdové náklady', 43, 48, 1, 0, 13, 4, 0, 0, NULL),
(521001, 'Mzdové náklady - HPP', 43, 48, 1, 0, 13, 4, 0, 0, NULL),
(521002, 'Mzdové náklady - dohody', 43, 48, 1, 0, 13, 4, 0, 0, NULL),
(524000, 'Zákonné sociální pojištění', 43, 48, 1, 0, 14, 4, 0, 0, NULL),
(524001, 'Sociální pojištění', 43, 48, 1, 0, 14, 4, 0, 0, NULL),
(524002, 'Zdravotní pojištění VZP', 43, 48, 1, 0, 14, 4, 0, 0, NULL),
(524003, 'Zdravotní pojištění HUZP', 43, 48, 1, 0, 14, 4, 0, 0, NULL),
(525000, 'Ostatní sociální pojištění', 44, 48, 1, 0, 15, 4, 0, 0, NULL),
(527000, 'Zákonné sociální náklady', 43, 48, 1, 0, 16, 4, 0, 0, NULL),
(528000, 'Ostatní sociální náklady', 44, 48, 1, 0, 17, 4, 0, 0, NULL),
(531000, 'Daň silniční', 43, 48, 1, 0, 19, 5, 0, 0, NULL),
(532000, 'Daň z nemovitostí', 43, 48, 1, 0, 20, 5, 0, 0, NULL),
(538000, 'Ostatní daně a poplatky', 43, 48, 1, 0, 21, 5, 0, 0, NULL),
(541000, 'Smluvní pokuty a úroky z prodlení', 43, 48, 1, 0, 23, 6, 0, 0, NULL),
(542000, 'Ostatní pokuty a penále', 44, 48, 1, 0, 24, 6, 0, 0, NULL),
(543000, 'Odpis nedobytné pohledávky', 44, 48, 1, 0, 25, 6, 0, 0, NULL),
(544000, 'Úroky', 43, 48, 1, 0, 26, 6, 0, 0, NULL),
(545000, 'Kursové ztráty', 43, 48, 1, 0, 27, 6, 0, 0, NULL),
(546000, 'Dary', 44, 48, 1, 0, 28, 6, 0, 0, NULL),
(548000, 'Manka a škody', 44, 48, 1, 0, 29, 6, 0, 0, NULL),
(549000, 'Jiné ostatní náklady', 43, 48, 1, 0, 30, 6, 0, 0, NULL),
(549001, 'Bankovní poplatky', 43, 48, 1, 0, 30, 6, 0, 0, NULL),
(549002, 'Jiné ostatní náklady (pojistné apod.)', 43, 48, 1, 0, 30, 6, 0, 0, NULL),
(549999, 'Jiné ostatní náklady - přeplatky', 44, 48, 1, 0, 30, 6, 0, 0, NULL),
(551000, 'Odpisy dlouhodobého nehmotného a hmotného majetku', 43, 48, 1, 0, 32, 7, 0, 0, NULL),
(551001, 'Odpisy dlouhodobého nehmotného a hmotného majetku', 43, 48, 1, 0, 32, 7, 0, 0, NULL),
(551002, 'Odpisy dlouhodobého nehmotného a hmotného majetku', 44, 48, 1, 0, 32, 7, 0, 0, NULL),
(552000, 'Zůstatková cena prodaného dlouh. nehmotného a hmotného majetku', 43, 48, 1, 0, 33, 7, 0, 0, NULL),
(553000, 'Prodané cenné papíry a podíly', 43, 48, 1, 0, 34, 7, 0, 0, NULL),
(554000, 'Prodaný materiál', 43, 48, 1, 0, 35, 7, 0, 0, NULL),
(556000, 'Tvorba rezerv', 44, 48, 1, 0, 36, 7, 0, 0, NULL),
(559000, 'Tvorba opravných položek', 44, 48, 1, 0, 37, 7, 0, 0, NULL),
(581000, 'Poskytnuté příspěvky zúčtované mezi organizačními složkami', 43, 48, 1, 0, 39, 8, 0, 0, NULL),
(582000, 'Poskytnuté členské příspěvky', 43, 48, 1, 0, 40, 8, 0, 0, NULL),
(591000, 'Daň z příjmů', 44, 48, 1, 0, 83, 127, 0, 0, NULL),
(595000, 'Dodatečné odvody daně z příjmů', 44, 48, 1, 0, 42, 9, 0, 0, NULL),
(601000, 'Tržby za vlastní výrobky', 43, 48, 1, 0, 46, 12, 0, 0, NULL),
(602001, 'Tržby z prodeje služeb KULTURA', 43, 48, 1, 0, 47, 12, 0, 0, NULL),
(602002, 'Tržby z prodeje služeb SÍŤ', 43, 48, 1, 0, 47, 12, 0, 0, NULL),
(604000, 'Tržby za prodané zboží', 43, 48, 1, 0, 48, 12, 0, 0, NULL),
(611000, 'Změna stavu zásob nedokončené výroby', 43, 48, 1, 0, 50, 13, 0, 0, NULL),
(612000, 'Změna stavu zásob polotovarů', 43, 48, 1, 0, 51, 13, 0, 0, NULL),
(613000, 'Změna stavu zásob výrobků', 43, 48, 1, 0, 52, 13, 0, 0, NULL),
(614000, 'Změna stavu zvířat', 43, 48, 1, 0, 53, 13, 0, 0, NULL),
(621000, 'Aktivace materiálu a zboží', 43, 48, 1, 0, 55, 14, 0, 0, NULL),
(622000, 'Aktivace vnitroorganizačních služeb', 43, 48, 1, 0, 56, 14, 0, 0, NULL),
(623000, 'Aktivace dlouhodobého nehmotného majetku', 43, 48, 1, 0, 57, 14, 0, 0, NULL),
(624000, 'Aktivace dlouhodobého hmotného majetku', 43, 48, 1, 0, 58, 14, 0, 0, NULL),
(641000, 'Smluvní pokuty a úroky z prodlení', 43, 48, 1, 0, 60, 15, 0, 0, NULL),
(642000, 'Ostatní pokuty a penále', 43, 48, 1, 0, 61, 15, 0, 0, NULL),
(643000, 'Platby za odepsané pohledávky', 43, 48, 1, 0, 62, 15, 0, 0, NULL),
(644000, 'Úroky', 43, 48, 1, 0, 63, 15, 0, 0, NULL),
(645000, 'Kursové zisky', 43, 48, 1, 0, 64, 15, 0, 0, NULL),
(648000, 'Zúčtování fondů', 43, 48, 1, 0, 65, 15, 0, 0, NULL),
(649000, 'Jiné ostatní výnosy', 43, 48, 1, 0, 66, 15, 0, 0, NULL),
(652000, 'Tržby z prodeje dlouhodobého nehmotného a hmotného majetku', 43, 48, 1, 0, 68, 16, 0, 0, NULL),
(653000, 'Tržby z prodeje cenných papírů a podílů', 43, 48, 1, 0, 69, 16, 0, 0, NULL),
(654000, 'Tržby z prodeje materiálu', 43, 48, 1, 0, 70, 16, 0, 0, NULL),
(655000, 'Výnosy z krátkodobého finančního majetku', 43, 48, 1, 0, 71, 16, 0, 0, NULL),
(656000, 'Zúčtování rezerv', 43, 48, 1, 0, 72, 16, 0, 0, NULL),
(657000, 'Výnosy z dlouhodobého finančního majetku', 43, 48, 1, 0, 73, 16, 0, 0, NULL),
(659000, 'Zúčtování opravných položek', 43, 48, 1, 0, 74, 16, 0, 0, NULL),
(681000, 'Přijaté příspěvky zúčtované mezi organizačními složkami', 43, 48, 1, 0, 76, 17, 0, 0, NULL),
(682000, 'Přijaté příspěvky (dary)', 43, 48, 1, 0, 77, 17, 0, 0, NULL),
(684000, 'Přijaté členské příspěvky', 43, 48, 1, 0, 78, 17, 0, 0, NULL),
(691000, 'Provozní dotace', 44, 48, 1, 0, 80, 18, 0, 0, NULL),
(901000, 'Vlastní jmění', 28, 45, 0, 0, 87, 13, 0, 0, NULL),
(911000, 'Fondy', 28, 45, 0, 0, 88, 13, 0, 0, NULL),
(921000, 'Oceňovací rozdíly z přecenění majetku a závazků', 28, 45, 0, 0, 89, 13, 0, 0, NULL),
(931000, 'Výsledek hospodaření ve schvalovacím řízení', 28, 45, 0, 0, 92, 127, 0, 0, NULL),
(932000, 'Nerozdělený zisk, neuhrazená ztráta minulých let', 28, 45, 0, 0, 93, 127, 0, 0, NULL),
(941000, 'Rezervy', 28, 45, 0, 0, 96, 16, 0, 0, NULL),
(951000, 'Dlouhodobé bankovní úvěry', 28, 45, 0, 0, 98, 17, 0, 0, NULL),
(953000, 'Emitované dluhopisy', 28, 45, 0, 0, 99, 17, 0, 0, NULL),
(954000, 'Závazky z pronájmu', 28, 45, 0, 0, 100, 17, 0, 0, NULL),
(955000, 'Přijaté dlouhodobé zálohy', 28, 45, 0, 0, 101, 17, 0, 0, NULL),
(958000, 'Dlouhodobé směnky k úhradě', 28, 45, 0, 0, 102, 17, 0, 0, NULL),
(959000, 'Ostatní dlouhodobé závazky', 28, 45, 0, 0, 104, 17, 0, 0, NULL),
(961000, 'Počáteční účet rozvažný', 0, 47, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL),
(962000, 'Konečný účet rozvažný', 0, 47, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL),
(963000, 'Účet výsledku hospodaření', 0, 47, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL);

INSERT INTO `acl` (`id`, `note`) VALUES
(38, 'Adminstratori mohou spravovat vsechny cleny a uzivatele, presmerovani a zalohovani.'),
(40, 'Radni clenove vidi svoje ucty (accounts) a transakce na nich, ale nemohou je editovat. Mohou ale tvorit nove transakce pro casti sveho kreditu na ucty jinych clenu.'),
(42, 'Regular members can see unidentified transfers.'),
(43, 'Radni clen vidi svuj ucet'),
(44, 'All users can edit their usernames and passwords.'),
(47, 'Necertifikovani technici mohou editovat a pridavat vlastni zarizeni.'),
(49, 'Certifikovani technici mohou editovat a pridavat vsechna zarizeni, spravovat presmerovani a zalohovani.'),
(51, 'Spravni rada muze spravovat vse u clenu a uzivatelu.'),
(52, 'Spravni rada ma pravo videt zarizeni, ale nema prave je editovat.'),
(54, 'Predseda a jednatel schvaluji prace.'),
(56, 'Revizni komise vidi vse, editovat vsak muze velke prd :-)'),
(57, 'Administratori systemu mohou spravovat zneni prekladu a veskere nastaveni.'),
(58, 'Certifikovani technici mohou prohlizet, pridavat a editovat jen nektere polozky u clenu a uzivatelu'),
(59, 'Certifikovani technici maji pravo videt a pridavat datum vstupu, login, telefon a heslo.'),
(60, 'Revizni komise muze editovat pouze informace o sobe, nikoliv vsak zarizeni.'),
(61, 'Administratori mohou posilat e-maily z freenetisu'),
(62, 'Vsichni clenove sdruzeni nemohou potvrzovat sve vlastni prace.'),
(63, 'Administratori a spravni rada smi potvrzovat prace.'),
(64, 'Radni clenove si mohou vytvaret, editovat a mazat sve prace.'),
(65, 'Vsicchni clenove vidi jen sve vlastni aplikacni heslo.'),
(66, 'Administratori mohou editovat aplikacni heslo vsem, nesmi je ale videt'),
(67, 'Voip admins are allowed to administrate Voips.'),
(68, 'First-degree certified engineers can only view admins of devices; they cannot edit them.'),
(69, 'Fourth-degree certified engineers can edit admins od devices.'),
(70, 'Fifth-degress certified engineers can view logins and passwords of devices.'),
(71, 'Sixth-degrees certified engineers can add and edit logins and passwords of devices.'),
(72, 'Owners of company telephones can see their phone invoices, and edit their phone invoices dumps'),
(73, 'Owners of company telephones can see their private phone contacts, edit and remove them'),
(74, 'Regulars members can add, update and delete their contacts'),
(75, 'Engineers can view tariffs of members, but they cannot edit them.'),
(76, 'Engineers can view all comments, they can add/edit/delete own comments.'),
(77, 'All members can only edit their allowed subnets.'),
(78, 'Tenth-degree certified engineers and admins can manage clouds.'),
(79, 'Administrators can administer variable symbols'),
(80, 'Administrators can see logs of actions.'),
(81, 'Administrators can see login logs.'),
(82, 'Users can see their login logs.'),
(83, 'Administrators can view request and change state of connection request.'),
(84, 'Regular members and applicants can add new connection request and they can view their requests.'),
(85, 'Technici mohou zobrazit aktivni odkazy zarizeni'),
(86, 'Regular members and applicants can export own registration'),
(87, 'Engineers can export all registrations'),
(88, 'Applicants can show own profile'),
(89, 'Engineers can manage connection requests');

INSERT INTO `aco` (`id`, `value`, `name`) VALUES
(14, 'view_all', 'Viewing of all records'),
(15, 'edit_all', 'Editing of all records'),
(16, 'new_all', 'Creating of all records'),
(17, 'view_own', 'Viewing of own records'),
(18, 'edit_own', 'Editing of own records'),
(19, 'new_own', 'Creating of own records'),
(20, 'delete_all', 'Deleting of all records'),
(21, 'delete_own', 'Deleting of own records');

INSERT INTO `aco_map` (`acl_id`, `value`) VALUES
(38, 'delete_all'),
(38, 'edit_all'),
(38, 'new_all'),
(38, 'view_all'),
(40, 'new_own'),
(40, 'view_own'),
(42, 'view_all'),
(43, 'view_own'),
(44, 'edit_own'),
(47, 'delete_own'),
(47, 'edit_own'),
(47, 'new_own'),
(47, 'view_own'),
(49, 'delete_all'),
(49, 'edit_all'),
(49, 'new_all'),
(49, 'view_all'),
(51, 'delete_all'),
(51, 'edit_all'),
(51, 'new_all'),
(51, 'view_all'),
(52, 'view_all'),
(54, 'delete_all'),
(54, 'edit_all'),
(54, 'new_all'),
(54, 'view_all'),
(56, 'view_all'),
(57, 'delete_all'),
(57, 'edit_all'),
(57, 'new_all'),
(57, 'view_all'),
(58, 'edit_all'),
(58, 'new_all'),
(58, 'view_all'),
(59, 'new_all'),
(59, 'view_all'),
(60, 'delete_own'),
(60, 'edit_own'),
(60, 'new_own'),
(60, 'view_own'),
(63, 'delete_own'),
(63, 'edit_own'),
(63, 'new_own'),
(63, 'view_all'),
(63, 'view_own'),
(64, 'delete_own'),
(64, 'edit_own'),
(64, 'new_own'),
(64, 'view_own'),
(65, 'view_own'),
(66, 'edit_all'),
(67, 'delete_all'),
(67, 'edit_all'),
(67, 'new_all'),
(67, 'view_all'),
(68, 'view_all'),
(69, 'delete_all'),
(69, 'edit_all'),
(69, 'new_all'),
(69, 'view_all'),
(70, 'view_all'),
(71, 'delete_all'),
(71, 'edit_all'),
(71, 'new_all'),
(71, 'view_all'),
(72, 'edit_own'),
(72, 'view_own'),
(73, 'delete_own'),
(73, 'edit_own'),
(73, 'new_own'),
(73, 'view_own'),
(74, 'delete_own'),
(74, 'edit_own'),
(74, 'new_own'),
(75, 'view_all'),
(76, 'delete_own'),
(76, 'edit_own'),
(76, 'new_all'),
(76, 'view_all'),
(77, 'edit_own'),
(78, 'delete_all'),
(78, 'edit_all'),
(78, 'new_all'),
(78, 'view_all'),
(79, 'delete_all'),
(79, 'edit_all'),
(79, 'new_all'),
(79, 'view_all'),
(80, 'view_all'),
(81, 'view_all'),
(82, 'view_own'),
(83, 'edit_all'),
(83, 'view_all'),
(84, 'new_own'),
(84, 'view_own'),
(85, 'view_all'),
(86, 'view_own'),
(87, 'view_all'),
(88, 'view_own'),
(89, 'delete_all'),
(89, 'edit_all'),
(89, 'new_all'),
(89, 'view_all');

TRUNCATE TABLE `address_points`;
INSERT INTO `address_points` (`id`, `name`, `country_id`, `town_id`, `street_id`, `street_number`, `gps`) VALUES
(1, NULL, 55, 1, 1, '594', NULL),
cd149dd5 Ondřej Fibich
(2, NULL, 55, 1, 2, '784', NULL),
(3, NULL, 55, 2, NULL, '78', NULL),
(4, NULL, 55, 3, 3, '454/8a', NULL);
18ac9009 Ondřej Fibich
TRUNCATE TABLE `allowed_subnets`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `allowed_subnets_counts`;
INSERT INTO `allowed_subnets_counts` (`id`, `member_id`, `count`) VALUES
(1, 2, 1),
(2, 3, 1);

TRUNCATE TABLE `api_accounts`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `api_account_logs`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `approval_templates`;
INSERT INTO `approval_templates` (`id`, `name`, `comment`, `state`) VALUES
(1, 'Default', 'Výchozí hlasovací šablona podle směrnic o.s. UnArt', 1),
(2, 'Požadavek na podporu', 'Výchozí šablona pro požadavky na podporu', 0);

TRUNCATE TABLE `approval_template_items`;
INSERT INTO `approval_template_items` (`id`, `approval_template_id`, `approval_type_id`, `priority`) VALUES
(1, 1, 1, 0),
(2, 1, 2, 1),
(3, 2, 3, 0);

TRUNCATE TABLE `approval_types`;
INSERT INTO `approval_types` (`id`, `name`, `comment`, `type`, `majority_percent`, `aro_group_id`, `interval`, `default_vote`, `min_suggest_amount`, `one_vote`) VALUES
(1, 'Správní rada', 'Výchozí hlasovací typ pro hlasování Správní rady', 1, 51, 25, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', NULL, 0, 0),
(2, 'Revizní komise', 'Výchozí hlasovací typ pro hlasování Revizní komise.', 1, 51, 24, '0000-00-01 00:00:00', NULL, 5000, 0),
(3, 'Podpora', 'Výchozí hlasovací typ pro poskytování podpory (stačí aby hlasoval pouze jeden oprávněný)', 1, 51, 32, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', NULL, 0, 1);

TRUNCATE TABLE `aro_groups`;
INSERT INTO `aro_groups` (`id`, `parent_id`, `lft`, `rgt`, `name`, `value`) VALUES
(21, 0, 1, 40, 'All', 'all'),
(22, 21, 2, 37, 'Regular members', 'regular_members'),
(23, 21, 38, 39, 'Registered applicants', 'registered_applicants'),
(24, 22, 4, 4, 'Auditing comittee', 'auditing_comittee'),
(25, 22, 5, 8, 'Executive counsil', 'executive_counsil'),
(26, 22, 9, 32, 'Engineers', 'engineers'),
(28, 25, 6, 7, 'Chairman and agent', 'chairman_and_agent'),
(29, 26, 10, 31, 'First-degree certified engineers', 'first_degree_certified_engineers'),
(32, 22, 33, 34, 'System administrators', 'admins'),
(33, 22, 35, 35, 'Users of regular members', 'users'),
(34, 29, 29, 30, 'VoIP admins', 'voip_admins'),
(35, 29, 11, 28, 'Second-degree certified engineers', 'second_degree_certified_engineers'),
(36, 35, 12, 27, 'Third-degree certified engineers', 'third_degree_certified_engineers'),
(37, 36, 13, 26, 'Fourth-degree certified engineers', 'fourth_degree_certified_engineers'),
(38, 37, 14, 25, 'Fifth-degree certified engineers', 'fifth_degree_certified_engineers'),
(39, 38, 15, 24, 'Sixth-degree certified engineers', 'sixth_degree_certified_engineers'),
(40, 39, 16, 23, 'Seventh-degree certified engineers', 'seventh_degree_certified_engineers'),
(41, 40, 17, 22, 'Eighth-degree certified engineers', 'eighth_degree_certified_engineers'),
(42, 41, 18, 21, 'Nineth-degree certified engineers', 'nineth_degree_certified_engineers'),
(43, 42, 19, 20, 'Tenth-degree certified engineers', 'tenth_degree_certified_engineers'),
(44, 22, 3, 36, 'Owners of company telephones', 'telephonists');

TRUNCATE TABLE `aro_groups_map`;
INSERT INTO `aro_groups_map` (`acl_id`, `group_id`) VALUES
(40, 22),
(42, 22),
(43, 22),
(44, 22),
(62, 22),
(64, 22),
(65, 22),
(73, 22),
(74, 22),
(77, 22),
(82, 22),
(84, 22),
(86, 22),
(84, 23),
(86, 23),
(88, 23),
(56, 24),
(60, 24),
(63, 24),
(51, 25),
(52, 25),
(63, 25),
(47, 26),
(85, 26),
(87, 26),
(89, 26),
(54, 28),
(49, 29),
(58, 29),
(59, 29),
(68, 29),
(75, 29),
(76, 29),
(38, 32),
(57, 32),
(61, 32),
(66, 32),
(78, 32),
(79, 32),
(80, 32),
(81, 32),
(83, 32),
(67, 34),
(69, 37),
(70, 38),
(71, 39),
(78, 43),
(72, 44);

INSERT INTO `axo` (`id`, `section_value`, `value`, `name`) VALUES
(20, 'Members_Controller', 'comment', 'Comment'),
(21, 'Members_Controller', 'entrance_date', 'Entrance date'),
(22, 'Members_Controller', 'qos_ceil', 'QoS ceil'),
(23, 'Members_Controller', 'qos_rate', 'QoS rate'),
(55, 'Accounts_Controller', 'invoices', 'Invoices'),
(91, 'Members_Controller', 'members', 'Members'),
(92, 'Users_Controller', 'additional_contacts', 'Additional contacts'),
(93, 'Users_Controller', 'users', 'Users'),
(95, 'Accounts_Controller', 'transfers', 'Transfers'),
(96, 'Accounts_Controller', 'accounts', 'Accounts'),
(97, 'Users_Controller', 'login', 'Login'),
(98, 'Members_Controller', 'name', 'Name'),
(100, 'Members_Controller', 'type', 'Type'),
(103, 'Members_Controller', 'address', 'Address'),
(106, 'Members_Controller', 'currentcredit', 'Current credit'),
(107, 'Members_Controller', 'en_fee', 'Entrance fee'),
(109, 'Members_Controller', 'debit', 'Debit'),
(111, 'Works_Controller', 'work', 'Work'),
(112, 'Users_Controller', 'comment', 'Comment'),
(113, 'Users_Controller', 'password', 'Password'),
(115, 'Devices_Controller', 'devices', 'Devices'),
(116, 'Devices_Controller', 'admin', 'Admin'),
(117, 'Ifaces_Controller', 'iface', 'Interface'),
(119, 'Ip_addresses_Controller', 'ip_address', 'IP address'),
(121, 'Links_Controller', 'link', 'Link'),
(122, 'Vlans_Controller', 'vlan', 'VLAN'),
(123, 'Subnets_Controller', 'subnet', 'Subnet'),
(124, 'Members_Controller', 'registration', 'Registration'),
(126, 'Translations_Controller', 'translation', 'Translation'),
(128, 'Users_Controller', 'member', 'Member'),
(129, 'Members_Controller', 'membership_interrupts', 'Membership interrupts'),
(132, 'Members_Controller', 'organization_id', 'Organization identifier'),
(133, 'Members_Controller', 'leaving_date', 'Leaving date'),
(134, 'Accounts_Controller', 'bank_transfers', 'Bank transfers'),
(135, 'Accounts_Controller', 'bank_accounts', 'Bank accounts'),
(136, 'Accounts_Controller', 'unidentified_transfers', 'Unidentified transfers'),
(139, 'Devices_Controller', 'engineer', 'Engineer'),
(140, 'Address_points_Controller', 'address_point', 'Address point'),
(142, 'Address_points_Controller', 'town', 'Town'),
(143, 'Address_points_Controller', 'street', 'Street'),
(145, 'Subnets_Controller', 'redirect', 'Redirection of subnet'),
(146, 'VoIP_Controller', 'voip', 'VoIP'),
(147, 'VoIP_Controller', 'voip_password', 'VoIP password'),
(148, 'Tools_Controller', 'tools', 'Tools'),
(149, 'Users_Controller', 'application_password', 'Application password'),
(150, 'Members_Controller', 'locked', 'Locked account'),
(153, 'Members_Controller', 'user_id', 'User who added member to system'),
(154, 'Messages_Controller', 'message', 'Message used for redirection'),
(156, 'Messages_Controller', 'member', 'Redirection of IP addresses of member'),
(160, 'approval', 'templates', 'Approval templates'),
(161, 'approval', 'template_items', 'Approval template items'),
(162, 'approval', 'types', 'Approval types'),
(163, 'Accounts_Controller', 'bank_statements', 'Bank statements'),
(164, 'Phone_invoices_Controller', 'invoices', 'Invoices'),
(165, 'Phone_invoices_Controller', 'lock', 'Lock'),
(166, 'Phone_invoices_Controller', 'pay', 'Pay'),
(167, 'Phone_invoices_Controller', 'details', 'Details'),
(168, 'Phone_invoices_Controller', 'dumps', 'Dumps'),
(169, 'Private_phone_contacts_Controller', 'contacts', 'contacts'),
(170, 'Phone_invoices_Controller', 'mail_warning', 'Mail warning'),
(171, 'Members_Controller', 'fees', 'Member''s fees'),
(172, 'Ulogd_Controller', 'ip_address', 'IP address'),
(173, 'Ulogd_Controller', 'member', 'Member'),
(174, 'Comments_Controller', 'works', ''),
(175, 'Allowed_subnets_Controller', 'allowed_subnet', 'Allowed subnet'),
(176, 'Users_Controller', 'keys', 'Keys (SSH)'),
(177, 'Clouds_Controller', 'clouds', 'Clouds'),
(178, 'Variable_Symbols_Controller', 'variable_symbols', 'Variable symbols'),
(179, 'Logs_Controller', 'logs', 'Logs'),
(180, 'Login_logs_Controller', 'logs', 'Login logs'),
(181, 'Connection_Requests_Controller', 'request', 'Connection request'),
(182, 'Requests_Controller', 'request', 'Request'),
(183, 'Requests_Controller', 'approval_template', 'Approval template of request'),
(184, 'Work_reports_Controller', 'work_report', 'Work report'),
(185, 'Work_reports_Controller', 'approval_template', 'Approval template of work report'),
(186, 'Comments_Controller', 'requests', 'Comments for request'),
(187, 'Works_Controller', 'approval_template', 'Approval template of work'),
(188, 'Log_queues_Controller', 'log_queue', 'Log queues'),
(189, 'Log_queues_Controller', 'comments', 'Comments for log queue'),
(190, 'Membership_transfers_Controller', 'membership_transfer', 'Transfer of membership'),
(191, 'Monitoring_Controller', 'monitoring', 'Monitoring'),
(192, 'Device_logs_Controller', 'device_log', 'Logs from devices'),
(193, 'Devices_Controller', 'export', 'Export of device'),
(194, 'Devices_Controller', 'map', 'Map of devices'),
(195, 'Ifaces_Controller', 'link', 'Link of ifaces'),
(197, 'Messages_Controller', 'auto_config', 'Messages auto activation configuration'),
(198, 'Accounts_Controller', 'bank_account_auto_down_config', 'Bank account configuration for automatical download of statements'),
(199, 'Stats_Controller', 'members_increase_decrease', 'Members increase decrease'),
(200, 'Stats_Controller', 'members_growth', 'Members growth'),
(201, 'Stats_Controller', 'incoming_member_payment', 'Incoming member payment'),
(202, 'Stats_Controller', 'members_fees', 'Members fees'),
(203, 'Devices_Controller', 'topology', 'Topology of device'),
(204, 'Notifications_Controller', 'member', 'Member notification'),
(205, 'Notifications_Controller', 'members', 'Members notification'),
(206, 'Notifications_Controller', 'subnet', 'Subnet notification'),
(207, 'Notifications_Controller', 'cloud', 'Cloud notification'),
(208, 'Messages_Controller', 'activate', 'Activate message'),
(209, 'Messages_Controller', 'deactivate', 'Deactivate message'),
(210, 'Messages_Controller', 'preview', 'Preview message'),
(211, 'Redirect_Controller', 'redirect', 'Redirection'),
(212, 'Members_whitelists_Controller', 'whitelist', 'Whitelist'),
(213, 'Sms_Controller', 'sms', 'SMS'),
(214, 'Ulogd_Controller', 'total', 'Total'),
(215, 'Email_queues_Controller', 'email_queue', 'E-mail queue'),
(216, 'Device_templates_Controller', 'device_template', 'Device template'),
(217, 'Fees_Controller', 'fees', 'Fees'),
(218, 'Acl_Controller', 'acl', 'ACL'),
(219, 'Aro_groups_Controller', 'aro_group', 'ARO Group'),
(220, 'Enum_types_Controller', 'enum_types', 'Enumeration types'),
(221, 'Speed_classes_Controller', 'speed_classes', 'Speed classes'),
(222, 'Phone_operators_Controller', 'phone_operators', 'Phone operators'),
(223, 'Filter_queries_Controller', 'filter_queries', 'Filter queries'),
(224, 'Settings_Controller', 'info', 'Info'),
(225, 'Settings_Controller', 'system_settings', 'System settings'),
(226, 'Settings_Controller', 'users_settings', 'Users settings'),
(227, 'Settings_Controller', 'finance_settings', 'Finance'),
(228, 'Settings_Controller', 'approval_settings', 'Approval'),
(229, 'Settings_Controller', 'networks_settings', 'Networks'),
(230, 'Settings_Controller', 'email_settings', 'E-mail'),
(231, 'Settings_Controller', 'sms_settings', 'SMS'),
(232, 'Settings_Controller', 'voip_settings', 'VoIP'),
(233, 'Settings_Controller', 'notification_settings', 'Notification'),
(234, 'Settings_Controller', 'qos_settings', 'QoS'),
(235, 'Settings_Controller', 'monitoring_settings', 'Monitoring'),
(236, 'Settings_Controller', 'vtiger_settings', 'Vtiger'),
(237, 'Settings_Controller', 'logging_settings', 'Logging'),
(238, 'Users_Controller', 'additional_contacts_admin_delete', 'Additional contacts administrator delete'),
(239, 'Export_Controller', 'all_tables', 'Export all tables to csv'),
(240, 'Subnets_Controller', 'dhcp', 'DHCP server on subnet'),
(241, 'Subnets_Controller', 'qos', 'QoS on subnet'),
(242, 'Subnets_Controller', 'dns', 'DNS server on subnet'),
(243, 'Members_Controller', 'vat_organization_identifier', 'VAT organization identifier'),
(244, 'Device_active_links_Controller', 'active_links', 'Device active links'),
(245, 'Device_active_links_Controller', 'display_device_active_links', 'Display device active links'),
(246, 'Notifications_Controller', 'device', 'Device admins notification'),
(247, 'Notifications_Controller', 'devices', 'Devices admins notification'),
(248, 'Devices_Controller', 'ports_vlans_settings', 'Ports and VLANs settings of device'),
(249, 'Devices_Controller', 'login', 'Device login name'),
(250, 'Devices_Controller', 'password', 'Device password'),
(251, 'Phone_invoices_Controller', 'user_invoices', 'User phone invoices'),
(252, 'Devices_Controller', 'main_engineer', 'Main engineer'),
(253, 'Members_Controller', 'registration_export', 'Export of registration'),
(254, 'Members_Controller', 'notification_settings', 'Member notification settings'),
(255, 'Dns_Controller', 'zone', 'DNS zone'),
(256, 'Members_Controller', 'applicants', 'Applicants registration'),
(257, 'Api_Controller', 'account', 'API account management'),
(258, 'Api_Controller', 'account_token', 'API account token management'),
(259, 'Api_Controller', 'account_log', 'API account logs');

INSERT INTO `axo_map` (`acl_id`, `section_value`, `value`) VALUES
(38, 'Accounts_Controller', 'accounts'),
(38, 'Accounts_Controller', 'bank_account_auto_down_config'),
(38, 'Accounts_Controller', 'bank_accounts'),
(38, 'Accounts_Controller', 'bank_statements'),
(38, 'Accounts_Controller', 'bank_transfers'),
(38, 'Accounts_Controller', 'invoices'),
(38, 'Accounts_Controller', 'transfers'),
(38, 'Accounts_Controller', 'unidentified_transfers'),
(38, 'Acl_Controller', 'acl'),
(38, 'Address_points_Controller', 'address_point'),
(38, 'Address_points_Controller', 'street'),
(38, 'Address_points_Controller', 'town'),
(38, 'Allowed_subnets_Controller', 'allowed_subnet'),
(38, 'Api_Controller', 'account'),
(38, 'Api_Controller', 'account_log'),
(38, 'Api_Controller', 'account_token'),
(38, 'approval', 'template_items'),
(38, 'approval', 'templates'),
(38, 'approval', 'types'),
(38, 'Aro_groups_Controller', 'aro_group'),
(38, 'Comments_Controller', 'requests'),
(38, 'Comments_Controller', 'works'),
(38, 'Device_active_links_Controller', 'active_links'),
(38, 'Device_active_links_Controller', 'display_device_active_links'),
(38, 'Device_logs_Controller', 'device_log'),
(38, 'Device_templates_Controller', 'device_template'),
(38, 'Devices_Controller', 'admin'),
(38, 'Devices_Controller', 'devices'),
(38, 'Devices_Controller', 'engineer'),
(38, 'Devices_Controller', 'export'),
(38, 'Devices_Controller', 'login'),
(38, 'Devices_Controller', 'main_engineer'),
(38, 'Devices_Controller', 'map'),
(38, 'Devices_Controller', 'password'),
(38, 'Devices_Controller', 'ports_vlans_settings'),
(38, 'Devices_Controller', 'topology'),
(38, 'Dns_Controller', 'zone'),
(38, 'Email_queues_Controller', 'email_queue'),
(38, 'Enum_types_Controller', 'enum_types'),
(38, 'Export_Controller', 'all_tables'),
(38, 'Fees_Controller', 'fees'),
(38, 'Filter_queries_Controller', 'filter_queries'),
(38, 'Ifaces_Controller', 'iface'),
(38, 'Ifaces_Controller', 'link'),
(38, 'Ip_addresses_Controller', 'ip_address'),
(38, 'Links_Controller', 'link'),
(38, 'Log_queues_Controller', 'comments'),
(38, 'Log_queues_Controller', 'log_queue'),
(38, 'Members_Controller', 'address'),
(38, 'Members_Controller', 'applicants'),
(38, 'Members_Controller', 'comment'),
(38, 'Members_Controller', 'currentcredit'),
(38, 'Members_Controller', 'debit'),
(38, 'Members_Controller', 'en_fee'),
(38, 'Members_Controller', 'entrance_date'),
(38, 'Members_Controller', 'fees'),
(38, 'Members_Controller', 'leaving_date'),
(38, 'Members_Controller', 'locked'),
(38, 'Members_Controller', 'members'),
(38, 'Members_Controller', 'membership_interrupts'),
(38, 'Members_Controller', 'name'),
(38, 'Members_Controller', 'notification_settings'),
(38, 'Members_Controller', 'organization_id'),
(38, 'Members_Controller', 'qos_ceil'),
(38, 'Members_Controller', 'qos_rate'),
(38, 'Members_Controller', 'registration'),
(38, 'Members_Controller', 'registration_export'),
(38, 'Members_Controller', 'type'),
(38, 'Members_Controller', 'user_id'),
(38, 'Members_Controller', 'vat_organization_identifier'),
(38, 'Members_whitelists_Controller', 'whitelist'),
(38, 'Membership_transfers_Controller', 'membership_transfer'),
(38, 'Messages_Controller', 'activate'),
(38, 'Messages_Controller', 'auto_config'),
(38, 'Messages_Controller', 'deactivate'),
(38, 'Messages_Controller', 'member'),
(38, 'Messages_Controller', 'message'),
(38, 'Messages_Controller', 'preview'),
(38, 'Monitoring_Controller', 'monitoring'),
(38, 'Notifications_Controller', 'cloud'),
(38, 'Notifications_Controller', 'device'),
(38, 'Notifications_Controller', 'devices'),
(38, 'Notifications_Controller', 'member'),
(38, 'Notifications_Controller', 'members'),
(38, 'Notifications_Controller', 'subnet'),
(38, 'Phone_invoices_Controller', 'details'),
(38, 'Phone_invoices_Controller', 'dumps'),
(38, 'Phone_invoices_Controller', 'invoices'),
(38, 'Phone_invoices_Controller', 'lock'),
(38, 'Phone_invoices_Controller', 'mail_warning'),
(38, 'Phone_invoices_Controller', 'pay'),
(38, 'Phone_operators_Controller', 'phone_operators'),
(38, 'Redirect_Controller', 'redirect'),
(38, 'Requests_Controller', 'approval_template'),
(38, 'Requests_Controller', 'request'),
(38, 'Settings_Controller', 'approval_settings'),
(38, 'Settings_Controller', 'email_settings'),
(38, 'Settings_Controller', 'finance_settings'),
(38, 'Settings_Controller', 'info'),
(38, 'Settings_Controller', 'logging_settings'),
(38, 'Settings_Controller', 'monitoring_settings'),
(38, 'Settings_Controller', 'networks_settings'),
(38, 'Settings_Controller', 'notification_settings'),
(38, 'Settings_Controller', 'qos_settings'),
(38, 'Settings_Controller', 'sms_settings'),
(38, 'Settings_Controller', 'system_settings'),
(38, 'Settings_Controller', 'users_settings'),
(38, 'Settings_Controller', 'voip_settings'),
(38, 'Settings_Controller', 'vtiger_settings'),
(38, 'Sms_Controller', 'sms'),
(38, 'Speed_classes_Controller', 'speed_classes'),
(38, 'Stats_Controller', 'incoming_member_payment'),
(38, 'Stats_Controller', 'members_fees'),
(38, 'Stats_Controller', 'members_growth'),
(38, 'Stats_Controller', 'members_increase_decrease'),
(38, 'Subnets_Controller', 'dhcp'),
(38, 'Subnets_Controller', 'dns'),
(38, 'Subnets_Controller', 'qos'),
(38, 'Subnets_Controller', 'redirect'),
(38, 'Subnets_Controller', 'subnet'),
(38, 'Tools_Controller', 'tools'),
(38, 'Ulogd_Controller', 'ip_address'),
(38, 'Ulogd_Controller', 'member'),
(38, 'Ulogd_Controller', 'total'),
(38, 'Users_Controller', 'additional_contacts'),
(38, 'Users_Controller', 'additional_contacts_admin_delete'),
(38, 'Users_Controller', 'comment'),
(38, 'Users_Controller', 'keys'),
(38, 'Users_Controller', 'login'),
(38, 'Users_Controller', 'member'),
(38, 'Users_Controller', 'password'),
(38, 'Users_Controller', 'users'),
(38, 'Vlans_Controller', 'vlan'),
(38, 'VoIP_Controller', 'voip'),
(38, 'VoIP_Controller', 'voip_password'),
(38, 'Work_reports_Controller', 'approval_template'),
(38, 'Work_reports_Controller', 'work_report'),
(38, 'Works_Controller', 'approval_template'),
(38, 'Works_Controller', 'work'),
(40, 'Accounts_Controller', 'accounts'),
(40, 'Accounts_Controller', 'transfers'),
(40, 'Users_Controller', 'login'),
(40, 'Users_Controller', 'users'),
(40, 'VoIP_Controller', 'voip'),
(42, 'Accounts_Controller', 'unidentified_transfers'),
(43, 'Devices_Controller', 'admin'),
(43, 'Devices_Controller', 'devices'),
(43, 'Ifaces_Controller', 'iface'),
(43, 'Ip_addresses_Controller', 'ip_address'),
(43, 'Members_Controller', 'address'),
(43, 'Members_Controller', 'currentcredit'),
(43, 'Members_Controller', 'debit'),
(43, 'Members_Controller', 'en_fee'),
(43, 'Members_Controller', 'entrance_date'),
(43, 'Members_Controller', 'fees'),
(43, 'Members_Controller', 'members'),
(43, 'Members_Controller', 'name'),
(43, 'Members_Controller', 'qos_ceil'),
(43, 'Members_Controller', 'qos_rate'),
(43, 'Users_Controller', 'additional_contacts'),
(43, 'Users_Controller', 'login'),
(43, 'Users_Controller', 'users'),
(43, 'Works_Controller', 'work'),
(44, 'Users_Controller', 'application_password'),
(44, 'Users_Controller', 'login'),
(44, 'Users_Controller', 'password'),
(44, 'Users_Controller', 'users'),
(44, 'VoIP_Controller', 'voip_password'),
(47, 'Devices_Controller', 'admin'),
(47, 'Devices_Controller', 'devices'),
(47, 'Ifaces_Controller', 'iface'),
(47, 'Ip_addresses_Controller', 'ip_address'),
(47, 'Links_Controller', 'link'),
(47, 'Subnets_Controller', 'subnet'),
(47, 'Vlans_Controller', 'vlan'),
(49, 'Devices_Controller', 'devices'),
(49, 'Devices_Controller', 'engineer'),
(49, 'Ifaces_Controller', 'iface'),
(49, 'Ip_addresses_Controller', 'ip_address'),
(49, 'Links_Controller', 'link'),
(49, 'Subnets_Controller', 'subnet'),
(49, 'Tools_Controller', 'tools'),
(49, 'Ulogd_Controller', 'ip_address'),
(49, 'Ulogd_Controller', 'member'),
(49, 'Vlans_Controller', 'vlan'),
(49, 'Works_Controller', 'work'),
(51, 'Accounts_Controller', 'accounts'),
(51, 'Accounts_Controller', 'bank_accounts'),
(51, 'Accounts_Controller', 'bank_statements'),
(51, 'Accounts_Controller', 'bank_transfers'),
(51, 'Accounts_Controller', 'invoices'),
(51, 'Accounts_Controller', 'transfers'),
(51, 'Accounts_Controller', 'unidentified_transfers'),
(51, 'Address_points_Controller', 'address_point'),
(51, 'Address_points_Controller', 'street'),
(51, 'Address_points_Controller', 'town'),
(51, 'Comments_Controller', 'requests'),
(51, 'Comments_Controller', 'works'),
(51, 'Devices_Controller', 'admin'),
(51, 'Devices_Controller', 'engineer'),
(51, 'Members_Controller', 'address'),
(51, 'Members_Controller', 'comment'),
(51, 'Members_Controller', 'currentcredit'),
(51, 'Members_Controller', 'debit'),
(51, 'Members_Controller', 'en_fee'),
(51, 'Members_Controller', 'entrance_date'),
(51, 'Members_Controller', 'fees'),
(51, 'Members_Controller', 'leaving_date'),
(51, 'Members_Controller', 'locked'),
(51, 'Members_Controller', 'members'),
(51, 'Members_Controller', 'membership_interrupts'),
(51, 'Members_Controller', 'name'),
(51, 'Members_Controller', 'organization_id'),
(51, 'Members_Controller', 'qos_ceil'),
(51, 'Members_Controller', 'qos_rate'),
(51, 'Members_Controller', 'registration'),
(51, 'Members_Controller', 'type'),
(51, 'Members_Controller', 'user_id'),
(51, 'Messages_Controller', 'member'),
(51, 'Messages_Controller', 'message'),
(51, 'Requests_Controller', 'request'),
(51, 'Subnets_Controller', 'redirect'),
(51, 'Users_Controller', 'additional_contacts'),
(51, 'Users_Controller', 'comment'),
(51, 'Users_Controller', 'login'),
(51, 'Users_Controller', 'password'),
(51, 'Users_Controller', 'users'),
(51, 'Work_reports_Controller', 'work_report'),
(51, 'Works_Controller', 'work'),
(52, 'Accounts_Controller', 'bank_statements'),
(52, 'Devices_Controller', 'admin'),
(52, 'Devices_Controller', 'devices'),
(52, 'Ifaces_Controller', 'iface'),
(52, 'Ip_addresses_Controller', 'ip_address'),
(52, 'Links_Controller', 'link'),
(52, 'Messages_Controller', 'member'),
(52, 'Messages_Controller', 'message'),
(52, 'Subnets_Controller', 'subnet'),
(52, 'Vlans_Controller', 'vlan'),
(54, 'Members_Controller', 'registration'),
(54, 'Works_Controller', 'work'),
(56, 'Accounts_Controller', 'accounts'),
(56, 'Accounts_Controller', 'bank_accounts'),
(56, 'Accounts_Controller', 'bank_transfers'),
(56, 'Accounts_Controller', 'invoices'),
(56, 'Accounts_Controller', 'transfers'),
(56, 'Accounts_Controller', 'unidentified_transfers'),
(56, 'Devices_Controller', 'admin'),
(56, 'Devices_Controller', 'devices'),
(56, 'Ifaces_Controller', 'iface'),
(56, 'Ip_addresses_Controller', 'ip_address'),
(56, 'Links_Controller', 'link'),
(56, 'Members_Controller', 'address'),
(56, 'Members_Controller', 'comment'),
(56, 'Members_Controller', 'currentcredit'),
(56, 'Members_Controller', 'debit'),
(56, 'Members_Controller', 'en_fee'),
(56, 'Members_Controller', 'entrance_date'),
(56, 'Members_Controller', 'fees'),
(56, 'Members_Controller', 'members'),
(56, 'Members_Controller', 'name'),
(56, 'Members_Controller', 'qos_ceil'),
(56, 'Members_Controller', 'qos_rate'),
(56, 'Members_Controller', 'type'),
(56, 'Subnets_Controller', 'subnet'),
(56, 'Users_Controller', 'additional_contacts'),
(56, 'Users_Controller', 'comment'),
(56, 'Users_Controller', 'login'),
(56, 'Users_Controller', 'password'),
(56, 'Users_Controller', 'users'),
(56, 'Vlans_Controller', 'vlan'),
(56, 'Work_reports_Controller', 'work_report'),
(56, 'Works_Controller', 'work'),
(57, 'Translations_Controller', 'translation'),
(58, 'Members_Controller', 'address'),
(58, 'Members_Controller', 'comment'),
(58, 'Members_Controller', 'members'),
(58, 'Members_Controller', 'name'),
(58, 'Members_Controller', 'organization_id'),
(58, 'Members_Controller', 'qos_ceil'),
(58, 'Members_Controller', 'qos_rate'),
(58, 'Members_Controller', 'type'),
(58, 'Users_Controller', 'additional_contacts'),
(58, 'Users_Controller', 'comment'),
(58, 'Users_Controller', 'login'),
(58, 'Users_Controller', 'users'),
(59, 'Address_points_Controller', 'address_point'),
(59, 'Address_points_Controller', 'street'),
(59, 'Address_points_Controller', 'town'),
(59, 'Members_Controller', 'entrance_date'),
(59, 'Users_Controller', 'additional_contacts'),
(59, 'Users_Controller', 'login'),
(59, 'Users_Controller', 'member'),
(59, 'Users_Controller', 'password'),
(60, 'Members_Controller', 'address'),
(60, 'Members_Controller', 'comment'),
(60, 'Members_Controller', 'members'),
(60, 'Members_Controller', 'name'),
(60, 'Users_Controller', 'additional_contacts'),
(60, 'Users_Controller', 'comment'),
(60, 'Users_Controller', 'login'),
(60, 'Users_Controller', 'password'),
(60, 'Users_Controller', 'users'),
(60, 'Works_Controller', 'work'),
(62, 'Works_Controller', 'work'),
(64, 'Requests_Controller', 'request'),
(64, 'Users_Controller', 'keys'),
(64, 'Work_reports_Controller', 'work_report'),
(64, 'Works_Controller', 'work'),
(65, 'Users_Controller', 'application_password'),
(66, 'Users_Controller', 'application_password'),
(67, 'Members_Controller', 'currentcredit'),
(67, 'Members_Controller', 'debit'),
(67, 'Members_Controller', 'en_fee'),
(67, 'Members_Controller', 'leaving_date'),
(67, 'Members_Controller', 'membership_interrupts'),
(67, 'Members_Controller', 'registration'),
(67, 'VoIP_Controller', 'voip'),
(67, 'VoIP_Controller', 'voip_password'),
(67, 'Works_Controller', 'work'),
(68, 'Devices_Controller', 'admin'),
(69, 'Devices_Controller', 'admin'),
(70, 'Devices_Controller', 'login'),
(70, 'Devices_Controller', 'password'),
(71, 'Devices_Controller', 'login'),
(71, 'Devices_Controller', 'password'),
(72, 'Phone_invoices_Controller', 'dumps'),
(72, 'Phone_invoices_Controller', 'user_invoices'),
(73, 'Private_phone_contacts_Controller', 'contacts'),
(74, 'Users_Controller', 'additional_contacts'),
(75, 'Members_Controller', 'fees'),
(76, 'Comments_Controller', 'requests'),
(76, 'Comments_Controller', 'works'),
(77, 'Allowed_subnets_Controller', 'allowed_subnet'),
(78, 'Clouds_Controller', 'clouds'),
(79, 'Variable_Symbols_Controller', 'variable_symbols'),
(80, 'Logs_Controller', 'logs'),
(81, 'Login_logs_Controller', 'logs'),
(82, 'Login_logs_Controller', 'logs'),
(83, 'Connection_Requests_Controller', 'request'),
(84, 'Connection_Requests_Controller', 'request'),
(85, 'Device_active_links_Controller', 'display_device_active_links'),
(86, 'Members_Controller', 'registration_export'),
(87, 'Members_Controller', 'registration_export'),
(88, 'Members_Controller', 'members'),
(89, 'Connection_Requests_Controller', 'request');

TRUNCATE TABLE `axo_sections`;
INSERT INTO `axo_sections` (`id`, `value`, `name`) VALUES
(13, 'Members_Controller', 'Regular members'),
(14, 'Users_Controller', 'Users of regular members'),
(16, 'Accounts_Controller', 'Accounts, transfers, bank accounts and bank transfers'),
(17, 'Devices_Controller', 'Devices and other dependent objects'),
(18, 'Translations_Controller', 'Translations'),
(19, 'Settings_Controller', 'Settings'),
(20, 'Address_points_Controller', 'Address points'),
(21, 'VoIP_Controller', 'Voip'),
(22, 'Messages_Controller', 'Controller used for handling messages for redirection including setting redirection for IP addresses, members and subnets.'),
(24, 'Phone_invoices_Controller', 'Phone invoice managing'),
(25, 'Private_phone_contacts_Controller', 'Private phone contacts managing'),
(26, 'Ulogd_Controller', 'Network traffics of ip addresses and members'),
(27, 'Clouds_Controller', 'Clouds managing'),
(28, 'Variable_Symbols_Controller', 'Variable symbols managing'),
(29, 'Logs_Controller', 'Logs of operations on data'),
(30, 'Login_logs_Controller', 'Logs of operations on data'),
(31, 'Connection_Requests_Controller', 'Connection requests handling'),
(32, 'Stats_Controller', 'Stats'),
(33, 'Notifications_Controller', 'Notifications'),
(34, 'Redirect_Controller', 'Redirection'),
(35, 'Members_Whitelists_Controller', 'Members Whitelists'),
(36, 'Sms_Controller', 'SMS'),
(37, 'Email_queues_Controller', 'Email queues'),
(38, 'Fees_Controller', 'Fees'),
(39, 'Acl_Controller', 'ACL'),
(40, 'Aro_groups_Controller', 'ARO Groups'),
(41, 'Enum_types_Controller', 'Enumeration types'),
(42, 'Phone_operators_Controller', 'Phone oprators'),
(43, 'Filter_queries_Controller', 'Filter queries'),
(44, 'Export_Controller', 'Export'),
(45, 'Device_templates_Controller', 'Device templates'),
(46, 'Speed_classes_Controller', 'Speed classes'),
(47, 'Dns_Controller', 'Manages DNS zones'),
(48, 'Api_Controller', 'API management');

TRUNCATE TABLE `bank_accounts`;
INSERT INTO `bank_accounts` (`id`, `name`, `member_id`, `account_nr`, `bank_nr`, `type`, `settings`, `IBAN`, `SWIFT`) VALUES
(1, 'FIO', 1, '1111122222', '2010', 1, NULL, '', ''),
(2, 'Kučera Milan', 2, '2001345678', '0500', 0, NULL, '', ''),
(3, 'Kučera Milan', 2, '2000001245', '2100', 0, NULL, '', ''),
(4, 'Neprirazeny ucet', NULL, '78974515545', '2100', 0, NULL, '', '');

TRUNCATE TABLE `bank_accounts_automatical_downloads`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `bank_statements`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `bank_transfers`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `clouds_subnets`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `clouds_users`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `comments`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `comments_threads`;
-- replacement for: TRUNCATE TABLE `config`;
DELETE FROM `config` WHERE name <> 'db_schema_version';
INSERT INTO `config` (`name`, `value`) VALUES
('address_point_url', ''),
('allowed_subnets_enabled', '0'),
('api_enabled', '0'),
('approval_enabled', '0'),
('cgi_enabled', ''),
('connection_request_enable', ''),
('currency', 'CZK'),
('deduct_day', '15'),
('deduct_fees_automatically_enabled', '1'),
('default_country', '55'),
('default_request_approval_template', '1'),
('default_request_support_approval_template', '2'),
('default_work_approval_template', '1'),
('default_work_report_approval_template', '1'),
('domain', 'localhost'),
('email_enabled', '1'),
('finance_enabled', '1'),
('forgotten_password', ''),
('grid_hide_on_first_load', '0'),
('index_page', '0'),
('membership_interrupt_enabled', '0'),
('module_status_timeout', '2'),
('monitoring_enabled', '0'),
('networks_enabled', '0'),
('notification_enabled', '1'),
('phone_invoices_enabled', '0'),
('protocol', 'http'),
('qos_enabled', ''),
('redirection_enabled', '0'),
('self_registration', '0'),
('sms_enabled', '0'),
('snmp_enabled', ''),
('suffix', '/freenetis-12/'),
('title', 'FreenetIS - testovaci data'),
('ulogd_enabled', '0'),
('upgrade_midpoint_error', ''),
('upload_max_filesize', '4M'),
('variable_key_generator_id', ''),
('voip_enabled', '0'),
('vtiger_integration', '0'),
('works_enabled', '');

TRUNCATE TABLE `connection_requests`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `contacts`;
INSERT INTO `contacts` (`id`, `type`, `value`) VALUES
(1, 21, '721123132'),
(2, 20, ''),
(3, 21, '777123123'),
(4, 20, ''),
(5, 21, '721456897');

TRUNCATE TABLE `contacts_countries`;
INSERT INTO `contacts_countries` (`contact_id`, `country_id`) VALUES
(1, 55),
(3, 55),
(5, 55);

TRUNCATE TABLE `countries`;
INSERT INTO `countries` (`id`, `country_name`, `country_iso`, `country_code`, `enabled`) VALUES
(1, 'Afghanistan', 'AFG', '93', 0),
(2, 'Albania', 'ALB', '355', 0),
(3, 'Algeria', 'DZA', '213', 0),
(4, 'American Samoa', 'ASM', '1684', 0),
(5, 'Andorra', 'AND', '376', 0),
(6, 'Angola', 'AGO', '244', 0),
(7, 'Anguilla', 'AIA', '1264', 0),
(8, 'Antarctica', 'ATA', '672', 0),
(9, 'Antigua and Barbuda', 'ATG', '1268', 0),
(10, 'Argentina', 'ARG', '54', 0),
(11, 'Armenia', 'ARM', '374', 0),
(12, 'Aruba', 'ABW', '297', 0),
(13, 'Australia', 'AUS', '61', 0),
(14, 'Austria', 'AUT', '43', 0),
(15, 'Azerbaijan', 'AZE', '994', 0),
(16, 'Bahamas', 'BHS', '1242', 0),
(17, 'Bahrain', 'BHR', '973', 0),
(18, 'Bangladesh', 'BGD', '880', 0),
(19, 'Barbados', 'BRB', '1246', 0),
(20, 'Belarus', 'BLR', '375', 0),
(21, 'Belgium', 'BEL', '32', 0),
(22, 'Belize', 'BLZ', '501', 0),
(23, 'Benin', 'BEN', '229', 0),
(24, 'Bermuda', 'BMU', '1441', 0),
(25, 'Bhutan', 'BTN', '975', 0),
(26, 'Bolivia', 'BOL', '591', 0),
(27, 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'BIH', '387', 0),
(28, 'Botswana', 'BWA', '267', 0),
(29, 'Brazil', 'BRA', '55', 0),
(30, 'British Indian Ocean Territory', 'IOT', '', 0),
(31, 'British Virgin Islands', 'VGB', '1284', 0),
(32, 'Brunei', 'BRN', '673', 0),
(33, 'Bulgaria', 'BGR', '359', 0),
(34, 'Burkina Faso', 'BFA', '226', 0),
(35, 'Burma (Myanmar)', 'MMR', '95', 0),
(36, 'Burundi', 'BDI', '257', 0),
(37, 'Cambodia', 'KHM', '855', 0),
(38, 'Cameroon', 'CMR', '237', 0),
(39, 'Canada', 'CAN', '1', 0),
(40, 'Cape Verde', 'CPV', '238', 0),
(41, 'Cayman Islands', 'CYM', '1345', 0),
(42, 'Central African Republic', 'CAF', '236', 0),
(43, 'Chad', 'TCD', '235', 0),
(44, 'Chile', 'CHL', '56', 0),
(45, 'China', 'CHN', '86', 0),
(46, 'Christmas Island', 'CXR', '61', 0),
(47, 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', 'CCK', '61', 0),
(48, 'Colombia', 'COL', '57', 0),
(49, 'Comoros', 'COM', '269', 0),
(50, 'Cook Islands', 'COK', '682', 0),
(51, 'Costa Rica', 'CRC', '506', 0),
(52, 'Croatia', 'HRV', '385', 0),
(53, 'Cuba', 'CUB', '53', 0),
(54, 'Cyprus', 'CYP', '357', 0),
(55, 'Czech Republic', 'CZE', '420', 1),
(56, 'Democratic Republic of the Congo', 'COD', '243', 0),
(57, 'Denmark', 'DNK', '45', 0),
(58, 'Djibouti', 'DJI', '253', 0),
(59, 'Dominica', 'DMA', '1767', 0),
(60, 'Dominican Republic', 'DOM', '1809', 0),
(61, 'Ecuador', 'ECU', '593', 0),
(62, 'Egypt', 'EGY', '20', 0),
(63, 'El Salvador', 'SLV', '503', 0),
(64, 'Equatorial Guinea', 'GNQ', '240', 0),
(65, 'Eritrea', 'ERI', '291', 0),
(66, 'Estonia', 'EST', '372', 0),
(67, 'Ethiopia', 'ETH', '251', 0),
(68, 'Falkland Islands', 'FLK', '500', 0),
(69, 'Faroe Islands', 'FRO', '298', 0),
(70, 'Fiji', 'FJI', '679', 0),
(71, 'Finland', 'FIN', '358', 0),
(72, 'France', 'FRA', '33', 0),
(73, 'French Polynesia', 'PYF', '689', 0),
(74, 'Gabon', 'GAB', '241', 0),
(75, 'Gambia', 'GMB', '220', 0),
(76, 'Georgia', 'GEO', '995', 0),
(77, 'Germany', 'DEU', '49', 0),
(78, 'Ghana', 'GHA', '233', 0),
(79, 'Gibraltar', 'GIB', '350', 0),
(80, 'Greece', 'GRC', '30', 0),
(81, 'Greenland', 'GRL', '299', 0),
(82, 'Grenada', 'GRD', '1473', 0),
(83, 'Guam', 'GUM', '1671', 0),
(84, 'Guatemala', 'GTM', '502', 0),
(85, 'Guinea', 'GIN', '224', 0),
(86, 'Guinea-Bissau', 'GNB', '245', 0),
(87, 'Guyana', 'GUY', '592', 0),
(88, 'Haiti', 'HTI', '509', 0),
(89, 'Holy See (Vatican City)', 'VAT', '39', 0),
(90, 'Honduras', 'HND', '504', 0),
(91, 'Hong Kong', 'HKG', '852', 0),
(92, 'Hungary', 'HUN', '36', 0),
(93, 'Iceland', 'IS', '354', 0),
(94, 'India', 'IND', '91', 0),
(95, 'Indonesia', 'IDN', '62', 0),
(96, 'Iran', 'IRN', '98', 0),
(97, 'Iraq', 'IRQ', '964', 0),
(98, 'Ireland', 'IRL', '353', 0),
(99, 'Isle of Man', 'IMN', '44', 0),
(100, 'Israel', 'ISR', '972', 0),
(101, 'Italy', 'ITA', '39', 0),
(102, 'Ivory Coast', 'CIV', '225', 0),
(103, 'Jamaica', 'JAM', '1876', 0),
(104, 'Japan', 'JPN', '81', 0),
(105, 'Jersey', 'JEY', '', 0),
(106, 'Jordan', 'JOR', '962', 0),
(107, 'Kazakhstan', 'KAZ', '7', 0),
(108, 'Kenya', 'KEN', '254', 0),
(109, 'Kiribati', 'KIR', '686', 0),
(110, 'Kuwait', 'KWT', '965', 0),
(111, 'Kyrgyzstan', 'KGZ', '996', 0),
(112, 'Laos', 'LAO', '856', 0),
(113, 'Latvia', 'LVA', '371', 0),
(114, 'Lebanon', 'LBN', '961', 0),
(115, 'Lesotho', 'LSO', '266', 0),
(116, 'Liberia', 'LBR', '231', 0),
(117, 'Libya', 'LBY', '218', 0),
(118, 'Liechtenstein', 'LIE', '423', 0),
(119, 'Lithuania', 'LTU', '370', 0),
(120, 'Luxembourg', 'LUX', '352', 0),
(121, 'Macau', 'MAC', '853', 0),
(122, 'Macedonia', 'MKD', '389', 0),
(123, 'Madagascar', 'MDG', '261', 0),
(124, 'Malawi', 'MWI', '265', 0),
(125, 'Malaysia ', 'MYS', '60', 0),
(126, 'Maldives', 'MDV', '960', 0),
(127, 'Mali', 'MLI', '223', 0),
(128, 'Malta', 'MLT', '356', 0),
(129, 'Marshall Islands', 'MHL', '692', 0),
(130, 'Mauritania', 'MRT', '222', 0),
(131, 'Mauritius', 'MUS', '230', 0),
(132, 'Mayotte ', 'MYT', '262', 0),
(133, 'Mexico', 'MEX', '52', 0),
(134, 'Micronesia', 'FSM', '691', 0),
(135, 'Moldova', 'MDA', '373', 0),
(136, 'Monaco', 'MCO', '377', 0),
(137, 'Mongolia ', 'MNG', '976', 0),
(138, 'Montenegro ', 'MNE', '382', 0),
(139, 'Montserrat', 'MSR', '1664', 0),
(140, 'Morocco', 'MAR', '212', 0),
(141, 'Mozambique', 'MOZ', '258', 0),
(142, 'Namibia ', 'NAM', '264', 0),
(143, 'Nauru', 'NRU', '674', 0),
(144, 'Nepal', 'NPL', '977', 0),
(145, 'Netherlands', 'NLD', '31', 0),
(146, 'Netherlands Antilles', 'ANT', '599', 0),
(147, 'New Caledonia', 'NCL', '687', 0),
(148, 'New Zealand ', 'NZL', '64', 0),
(149, 'Nicaragua', 'NIC', '505', 0),
(150, 'Niger', 'NER', '227', 0),
(151, 'Nigeria', 'NGA', '234', 0),
(152, 'Niue', 'NIU', '683', 0),
(153, 'Norfolk Island', 'NFK', '672', 0),
(154, 'North Korea', 'PRK', '850', 0),
(155, 'Northern Mariana Islands', 'MNP', '1670', 0),
(156, 'Norway', 'NOR', '47', 0),
(157, 'Oman', 'OMN', '968', 0),
(158, 'Pakistan', 'PAK', '92', 0),
(159, 'Palau', 'PLW', '680', 0),
(160, 'Panama', 'PAN', '507', 0),
(161, 'Papua New Guinea', 'PNG', '675', 0),
(162, 'Paraguay', 'PRY', '595', 0),
(163, 'Peru ', 'PER', '51', 0),
(164, 'Philippines', 'PHL', '63', 0),
(165, 'Pitcairn Islands', 'PCN', '870', 0),
(166, 'Poland', 'POL', '48', 0),
(167, 'Portugal', 'PRT', '351', 0),
(168, 'Puerto Rico', 'PRI', '1', 0),
(169, 'Qatar', 'QAT', '974', 0),
(170, 'Republic of the Congo', 'COG', '242', 0),
(171, 'Romania', 'ROU', '40', 0),
(172, 'Russia', 'RUS', '7', 0),
(173, 'Rwanda', 'RWA', '250', 0),
(174, 'Saint Barthelemy', 'BLM', '590', 0),
(175, 'Saint Helena', 'SHN', '290', 0),
(176, 'Saint Kitts and Nevis ', 'KNA', '1869', 0),
(177, 'Saint Lucia', 'LCA', '1758', 0),
(178, 'Saint Martin', 'MAF', '1599', 0),
(179, 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon', 'SPM', '508', 0),
(180, 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines', 'VCT', '1784', 0),
(181, 'Samoa', 'WSM', '685', 0),
(182, 'San Marino', 'SMR', '378', 0),
(183, 'Sao Tome and Principe', 'STP', '239', 0),
(184, 'Saudi Arabia', 'SAU', '966', 0),
(185, 'Senegal', 'SEN', '221', 0),
(186, 'Serbia', 'SRB', '381', 0),
(187, 'Seychelles', 'SYC', '248', 0),
(188, 'Sierra Leone', 'SLE', '232', 0),
(189, 'Singapore', 'SGP', '65', 0),
(190, 'Slovakia', 'SVK', '421', 0),
(191, 'Slovenia', 'SVN', '386', 0),
(192, 'Solomon Islands', 'SLB', '677', 0),
(193, 'Somalia', 'SOM', '252', 0),
(194, 'South Africa', 'ZAF', '27', 0),
(195, 'South Korea', 'KOR', '82', 0),
(196, 'Spain', 'ESP', '34', 0),
(197, 'Sri Lanka', 'LKA', '94', 0),
(198, 'Sudan', 'SDN', '249', 0),
(199, 'Suriname', 'SUR', '597', 0),
(200, 'Svalbard', 'SJM', '', 0),
(201, 'Swaziland', 'SWZ', '268', 0),
(202, 'Sweden', 'SWE', '46', 0),
(203, 'Switzerland', 'CHE', '41', 0),
(204, 'Syria', 'SYR', '963', 0),
(205, 'Taiwan', 'TWN', '886', 0),
(206, 'Tajikistan', 'TJK', '992', 0),
(207, 'Tanzania', 'TZA', '255', 0),
(208, 'Thailand', 'THA', '66', 0),
(209, 'Timor-Leste', 'TLS', '670', 0),
(210, 'Togo', 'TGO', '228', 0),
(211, 'Tokelau', 'TKL', '690', 0),
(212, 'Tonga', 'TON', '676', 0),
(213, 'Trinidad and Tobago', 'TTO', '1868', 0),
(214, 'Tunisia', 'TUN', '216', 0),
(215, 'Turkey', 'TUR', '90', 0),
(216, 'Turkmenistan', 'TKM', '993', 0),
(217, 'Turks and Caicos Islands', 'TCA', '1649', 0),
(218, 'Tuvalu', 'TUV', '688', 0),
(219, 'Uganda', 'UGA', '256', 0),
(220, 'Ukraine', 'UKR', '380', 0),
(221, 'United Arab Emirates', 'ARE', '971', 0),
(222, 'United Kingdom', 'GBR', '44', 0),
(223, 'United States', 'USA', '1', 0),
(224, 'Uruguay', 'URY', '598', 0),
(225, 'US Virgin Islands', 'VIR', '1340', 0),
(226, 'Uzbekistan', 'UZB', '998', 0),
(227, 'Vanuatu', 'VUT', '678', 0),
(228, 'Venezuela', 'VEN', '58', 0),
(229, 'Vietnam', 'VNM', '84', 0),
(230, 'Wallis and Futuna', 'WLF', '681', 0),
(231, 'Western Sahara', 'ESH', '', 0),
(232, 'Yemen', 'YEM', '967', 0),
(233, 'Zambia', 'ZMB', '260', 0),
(234, 'Zimbabwe', 'ZWE', '263', 0);

TRUNCATE TABLE `device_active_links`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `device_active_links_map`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `device_admins`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `device_engineers`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `device_templates`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `dns_records`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `dns_zones`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `dns_zones_map`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `email_queues`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `enum_types`;
INSERT INTO `enum_types` (`id`, `type_id`, `value`, `read_only`) VALUES
(1, 1, 'Applicant', 1),
(2, 1, 'Regular member', 1),
(3, 1, 'Honorary member', 1),
(4, 1, 'Sympathizing member', 1),
(5, 1, 'Non-member', 1),
(6, 1, 'Fee-free regular member', 1),
(7, 2, 'PC', 1),
(8, 2, 'client', 1),
(9, 2, 'router', 1),
(10, 2, 'switch', 1),
(11, 3, 'member', 1),
(12, 3, 'member', 1),
(13, 3, 'user', 1),
(14, 3, 'other', 1),
(15, 1, 'Former member', 1),
(17, 2, 'notebook', 1),
(18, 4, 'ICQ', 1),
(19, 4, 'Jabber', 1),
(20, 4, 'E-mail', 1),
(21, 4, 'Phone', 1),
(22, 4, 'Skype', 1),
(23, 4, 'MSN', 1),
(24, 2, 'home AP', 1),
(25, 4, 'Website', 1),
(26, 2, 'VoIP', 1),
(27, 5, 'bank', 1),
(28, 5, 'credit', 1),
(30, 5, 'project', 1),
(31, 5, 'operating', 1),
(32, 5, 'infrastructure', 1),
(33, 5, 'suppliers', 1),
(34, 5, 'unidentified', 1),
(35, 6, 'regular member fee', 1),
(36, 6, 'entrance fee', 1),
(37, 6, 'transfer fee', 1),
(38, 6, 'bank transfer fee', 1),
(39, 6, 'penalty', 1),
(42, 5, 'debit', 0),
(43, 5, 'tax', 0),
(44, 5, 'non-tax', 0),
(45, 7, 'balance sheet ', 0),
(46, 7, 'sub-ledger', 0),
(47, 7, 'closing', 0),
(48, 7, 'income statement', 0),
(49, 8, 'AP', 1),
(50, 8, 'Client', 1),
(51, 9, '802.11a', 1),
(52, 9, '802.11b', 1),
(53, 9, '802.11g', 1),
(54, 9, '802.11n', 1),
(55, 10, 'Directional', 1),
(56, 10, 'Omnidirectional', 1),
(57, 10, 'Sectional', 1),
(58, 11, 'Horizontal', 1),
(59, 11, 'Vertical', 1),
(60, 11, 'Circular', 1),
(61, 12, 'air', 1),
(62, 12, 'cable', 1),
(63, 12, 'single-mode optical fiber', 1),
(64, 12, 'multi-mode optical fiber', 1),
(65, 9, '802.11b/g', 1),
(66, 2, 'AP', 1),
(67, 11, 'Horizontal and vertical', 0),
(68, 14, 'Virus', 1),
(69, 14, 'Spam', 1),
(70, 14, 'Message', 1),
(71, 14, 'Admin contacting', 1),
(72, 14, 'Rules breaking', 1),
(77, 15, 'redirected', 1),
(78, 15, 'edited', 1),
(79, 15, 'deleted', 1),
(80, 16, 'RB mikrotik', 1),
(81, 16, 'PC router', 1);

TRUNCATE TABLE `enum_type_names`;
INSERT INTO `enum_type_names` (`id`, `type_name`) VALUES
(1, 'Member types'),
(2, 'Device types'),
(3, 'User types'),
(4, 'Contact types'),
(5, 'Account types'),
(6, 'Fees types'),
(7, 'Account kinds'),
(8, 'Wireless modes'),
(9, 'Wireless norms'),
(10, 'Antennas'),
(11, 'Polarizations'),
(12, 'Media'),
(14, 'Redirect destination'),
(15, 'Redirect action'),
(16, 'backup platform');

INSERT INTO `fees` (`id`, `readonly`, `fee`, `from`, `to`, `type_id`, `name`, `special_type_id`) VALUES
(1, 0, 2000, '2004-01-15', '9999-12-31', 36, NULL, NULL),
(2, 0, 150, '2004-01-15', '9999-12-31', 35, NULL, NULL),
(3, 0, 30, '2004-01-15', '9999-12-31', 37, NULL, NULL),
(4, 0, 30, '2004-01-15', '9999-12-31', 39, NULL, NULL),
(5, 1, 0, '2004-01-15', '9999-12-31', 35, 'Membership interrupt', 1),
(6, 1, 0, '2004-01-15', '9999-12-31', 35, 'Fee-free regular member', 2),
(7, 1, 0, '2004-01-15', '9999-12-31', 35, 'Non-member', 3),
(8, 1, 0, '2004-01-15', '9999-12-31', 35, 'Honorary member', 4);

TRUNCATE TABLE `filter_queries`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `groups_aro_map`;
INSERT INTO `groups_aro_map` (`group_id`, `aro_id`) VALUES
(32, 1),
(22, 2),
(22, 3);

TRUNCATE TABLE `ifaces_relationships`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `ifaces_vlans`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `invoices`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `invoice_items`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `invoice_templates`;
INSERT INTO `invoice_templates` (`id`, `name`, `invoices`, `sup_company`, `sup_name`, `sup_street`, `sup_street_number`, `sup_town`, `sup_zip_code`, `sup_country`, `sup_organization_identifier`, `sup_vat_organization_identifier`, `sup_phone_number`, `sup_email`, `cus_company`, `cus_name`, `cus_street`, `cus_street_number`, `cus_town`, `cus_zip_code`, `cus_country`, `cus_organization_identifier`, `cus_phone_number`, `cus_email`, `org_id`, `invoice_nr`, `invoice_type`, `invoice_type_issued`, `account_nr`, `var_sym`, `con_sym`, `date_inv`, `date_due`, `date_vat`, `vat`, `order_nr`, `price`, `price_vat`, `currency`, `note`, `items`, `item_name`, `item_code`, `item_quantity`, `item_price`, `item_vat`, `charset`, `namespace`, `vat_variables`, `type`, `begin_tag`, `end_tag`) VALUES
(1, 'ED invoice in XML', '/INVOICES/INVOICE', NULL, 'string(''eD system Czech a.s.'')', 'string(''Tuřanka'')', 'string(''1222/115'')', 'string(''Brno – Slatina'')', 'string(''627 00'')', 'string(''Czech Republic'')', 'string(''47974516'')', NULL, 'string(''531011111'')', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'string(./INV_ID)', 'number(1)', NULL, 'string(''409039533/0300'')', 'string(./VAR_SYM)', 'string(./CON_SYM)', 'concat(substring(string(./DATE_INV),7,4),''-'',substring(string(./DATE_INV),4,2),''-'',substring(string(./DATE_INV),1,2))', 'concat(substring(string(./DATE_DUE),7,4),''-'',substring(string(./DATE_DUE),4,2),''-'',substring(string(./DATE_DUE),1,2))', 'concat(substring(string(./DATE_VAT),7,4),''-'',substring(string(./DATE_VAT),4,2),''-'',substring(string(./DATE_VAT),1,2))', 'number(starts-with(string(./VAT),''True''))', 'string(./ORD_ID)', NULL, NULL, 'string(./CUR_ID)', NULL, './ITEMS/ITEM', 'string(./PRO_NAME)', 'string(./PRO_CODE)', 'string(./QTY)', 'string(./PRICE)', '(number(translate(./PRICE_VAT, ",", ".")) div number(translate(./PRICE, ",", ".")) - 1) * 100', 'utf-8', NULL, '', 4, '', ''),
(2, 'Pohoda invoice in eForm', '/eform/invoice', 'string(./pricestax/supplier/company)', 'string(./pricestax/supplier/name)', 'string(./pricestax/supplier/street)', NULL, 'string(./pricestax/supplier/city)', 'string(./pricestax/supplier/psc)', NULL, 'string(./pricestax/supplier/ico)', NULL, 'string(./pricestax/supplier/tel)', 'string(./pricestax/supplier/email)', 'string(./pricestax/customer/company)', 'string(./pricestax/customer/name)', 'string(./pricestax/customer/street)', NULL, 'string(./pricestax/customer/city)', 'string(./pricestax/customer/psc)', NULL, 'string(./pricestax/customer/ico)', 'string(./pricestax/customer/tel)', 'string(./pricestax/customer/email)', NULL, 'string(./documenttax/@number)', NULL, NULL, 'concat(substring(concat(./pricestax/payment/@accountno, ''/'', string(./pricestax/payment/@bankcode)), 1 div boolean(boolean(./pricestax/payment/@accountno) and boolean(string(./pricestax/payment/@bankcode)))), substring(string(''''), 1 div not(boolean(boolean(./pricestax/payment/@accountno) and boolean(string(./pricestax/payment/@bankcode))))))', 'string(./documenttax/@symvar)', 'string(./documenttax/@symconst)', 'string(./documenttax/@date)', 'string(./documenttax/@datedue)', 'string(./documenttax/@datetax)', 'number(concat(substring(1, 1 div boolean(./pricestax/payment[@payvat=''yes''])), substring(0, 1 div not(boolean(./pricestax/payment[@payvat=''yes''])))))', 'string(./documenttax/@numberorder)', NULL, NULL, '''''', NULL, './invoiceitem', 'string(.)', 'string(./@code)', 'string(./@quantity)', 'string(./@price)', 'string(./@ratevat)', 'CP1250', NULL, '{"export":{"0":"none","150":"low","210":"high"},"import":{"none":0,"low":150,"high":210}}', 0, '<xml>', '</xml>'),
(3, 'Pohoda invoice in ISDOC', '/i:Invoice', 'concat(substring(./i:AccountingSupplierParty/i:Party/i:PartyName/i:Name, 1 div boolean(./i:AccountingSupplierParty/i:Party/i:Contact/i:Name)), substring('''', 1 div not(boolean(./i:AccountingSupplierParty/i:Party/i:Contact/i:Name))))', 'concat(substring(./i:AccountingSupplierParty/i:Party/i:Contact/i:Name, 1 div boolean(./i:AccountingSupplierParty/i:Party/i:Contact/i:Name)), substring(./i:AccountingSupplierParty/i:Party/i:PartyName/i:Name, 1 div not(boolean(./i:AccountingSupplierParty/i:Party/i:Contact/i:Name))))', 'string(./i:AccountingSupplierParty/i:Party/i:PostalAddress/i:StreetName)', 'string(./i:AccountingSupplierParty/i:Party/i:PostalAddress/i:BuildingNumber)', 'string(./i:AccountingSupplierParty/i:Party/i:PostalAddress/i:CityName)', 'string(./i:AccountingSupplierParty/i:Party/i:PostalAddress/i:PostalZone)', 'string(./i:AccountingSupplierParty/i:Party/i:PostalAddress/i:Country/i:Name)', 'string(./i:AccountingSupplierParty/i:Party/i:PartyIdentification/i:ID)', NULL, 'string(./i:AccountingSupplierParty/i:Party/i:Contact/i:Telephone)', 'string(./i:AccountingSupplierParty/i:Party/i:Contact/i:ElectronicMail)', 'concat(substring(./i:AccountingCustomerParty/i:Party/i:PartyName/i:Name, 1 div boolean(./i:AccountingCustomerParty/i:Party/i:Contact/i:Name)), substring('''', 1 div not(boolean(./i:AccountingCustomerParty/i:Party/i:Contact/i:Name))))', 'concat(substring(./i:AccountingCustomerParty/i:Party/i:Contact/i:Name, 1 div boolean(./i:AccountingCustomerParty/i:Party/i:Contact/i:Name)), substring(./i:AccountingCustomerParty/i:Party/i:PartyName/i:Name, 1 div not(boolean(./i:AccountingCustomerParty/i:Party/i:Contact/i:Name))))', 'string(./i:AccountingCustomerParty/i:Party/i:PostalAddress/i:StreetName)', 'string(./i:AccountingCustomerParty/i:Party/i:PostalAddress/i:BuildingNumber)', 'string(./i:AccountingCustomerParty/i:Party/i:PostalAddress/i:CityName)', 'string(./i:AccountingCustomerParty/i:Party/i:PostalAddress/i:PostalZone)', 'string(./i:AccountingCustomerParty/i:Party/i:PostalAddress/i:Country/i:Name)', 'string(./i:AccountingCustomerParty/i:Party/i:PartyIdentification/i:ID)', 'string(./i:AccountingCustomerParty/i:Party/i:Contact/i:Telephone)', 'string(./i:AccountingCustomerParty/i:Party/i:Contact/i:ElectronicMail)', NULL, 'string(./i:ID)', NULL, NULL, 'concat(substring(concat(./i:PaymentMeans/i:Payment/i:Details/i:ID, ''/'', ./i:PaymentMeans/i:Payment/i:Details/i:BankCode), 1 div boolean(boolean(./i:PaymentMeans/i:Payment/i:Details/i:ID) and boolean(./i:PaymentMeans/i:Payment/i:Details/i:BankCode))), substring(string(''''), 1 div not(boolean(boolean(./i:PaymentMeans/i:Payment/i:Details/i:ID) and boolean(./i:PaymentMeans/i:Payment/i:Details/i:BankCode)))))', 'string(./i:PaymentMeans/i:Payment/i:Details/i:VariableSymbol)', 'string(./i:PaymentMeans/i:Payment/i:Details/i:ConstantSymbol)', 'string(./i:IssueDate)', 'string(./i:PaymentMeans/i:Payment/i:Details/i:PaymentDueDate)', 'string(./i:TaxPointDate)', 'number(concat(substring(1, 1 div boolean(./i:VATApplicable[text() = ''true''])), substring(0, 1 div not(boolean(./i:VATApplicable[text() = ''true''])))))', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'string(/i:LocalCurrencyCode)', 'string(./i:Note)', './i:InvoiceLines/*', 'string(./i:Item/i:Description)', 'string(./i:ID)', 'string(./i:InvoicedQuantity)', 'string(./i:UnitPrice)', 'string(./i:ClassifiedTaxCategory/i:Percent)', 'utf-8', '{"i":""}', '', 2, '', ''),
(4, 'Pohoda invoice in XML', '/dat:dataPack/dat:dataPackItem', 'string(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:partnerIdentity/typ:address/typ:company)', 'string(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:partnerIdentity/typ:address/typ:name)', 'string(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:partnerIdentity/typ:address/typ:street)', NULL, 'string(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:partnerIdentity/typ:address/typ:city)', 'string(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:partnerIdentity/typ:address/typ:zip)', 'string(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:partnerIdentity/typ:address/typ:country/typ:ids)', 'string(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:partnerIdentity/typ:address/typ:ico)', NULL, 'string(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:partnerIdentity/typ:address/typ:phone)', 'string(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:partnerIdentity/typ:address/typ:email)', 'string(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:partnerIdentity/typ:address/typ:company)', 'string(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:partnerIdentity/typ:address/typ:name)', 'string(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:partnerIdentity/typ:address/typ:street)', NULL, 'string(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:partnerIdentity/typ:address/typ:city)', 'string(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:partnerIdentity/typ:address/typ:zip)', 'string(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:partnerIdentity/typ:address/typ:country/typ:ids)', 'string(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:partnerIdentity/typ:address/typ:ico)', 'string(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:partnerIdentity/typ:address/typ:phone)', 'string(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:partnerIdentity/typ:address/typ:email)', 'string(/dat:dataPack/@ico)', 'string(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:number/typ:numberRequested)', 'string(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:invoiceType)', 'issuedInvoice', 'concat(substring(concat(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:account/typ:accountNo, ''/'', ./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:account/typ:bankCode), 1 div boolean(boolean(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:account/typ:accountNo) and boolean(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:account/typ:bankCode))), substring(string(''''), 1 div not(boolean(boolean(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:account/typ:accountNo) and boolean(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:account/typ:bankCode)))))', 'string(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:symVar)', 'string(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:symConst)', 'string(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:date)', 'string(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:dateDue)', 'string(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:dateTax)', 'number(1)', 'string(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:numberOrder)', 'number(concat(substring(concat(substring(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceSummary/inv:homeCurrency/typ:priceNone, 1 div boolean(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceSummary/inv:homeCurrency/typ:priceNone)), substring(0, 1 div not(boolean(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceSummary/inv:homeCurrency/typ:priceNone))))+concat(substring(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceSummary/inv:homeCurrency/typ:priceLow, 1 div boolean(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceSummary/inv:homeCurrency/typ:priceLow)), substring(0, 1 div not(boolean(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceSummary/inv:homeCurrency/typ:priceLow))))+concat(substring(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceSummary/inv:homeCurrency/typ:priceHigh, 1 div boolean(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceSummary/inv:homeCurrency/typ:priceHigh)), substring(0, 1 div not(boolean(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceSummary/inv:homeCurrency/typ:priceHigh)))),1 div boolean(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceSummary/inv:homeCurrency)),substring(concat(substring(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceSummary/inv:foreignCurrency/typ:priceSum, 1 div boolean(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceSummary/inv:foreignCurrency/typ:priceSum)), substring(0, 1 div not(boolean(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceSummary/inv:foreignCurrency/typ:priceSum)))),1 div not(boolean(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceSummary/inv:homeCurrency)))))', 'number(concat(substring(concat(substring(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceSummary/inv:homeCurrency/typ:priceNone, 1 div boolean(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceSummary/inv:homeCurrency/typ:priceNone)), substring(0, 1 div not(boolean(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceSummary/inv:homeCurrency/typ:priceNone))))+concat(substring(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceSummary/inv:homeCurrency/typ:priceLowSum, 1 div boolean(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceSummary/inv:homeCurrency/typ:priceLowSum)), substring(0, 1 div not(boolean(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceSummary/inv:homeCurrency/typ:priceLowSum))))+concat(substring(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceSummary/inv:homeCurrency/typ:priceHighSum, 1 div boolean(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceSummary/inv:homeCurrency/typ:priceHighSum)), substring(0, 1 div not(boolean(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceSummary/inv:homeCurrency/typ:priceHighSum)))),1 div boolean(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceSummary/inv:homeCurrency)),substring(concat(substring(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceSummary/inv:foreignCurrency/typ:priceSum, 1 div boolean(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceSummary/inv:foreignCurrency/typ:priceSum)), substring(0, 1 div not(boolean(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceSummary/inv:foreignCurrency/typ:priceSum)))),1 div not(boolean(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceSummary/inv:homeCurrency)))))', 'string(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceSummary/inv:foreignCurrency/typ:currency/typ:ids)', 'string(./inv:invoice/inv:invoiceHeader/inv:note)', './inv:invoice/inv:invoiceDetail/inv:invoiceItem', 'string(./inv:text)', 'string(./inv:code)', 'string(./inv:quantity)', 'concat(substring(./inv:homeCurrency/typ:unitPrice, 1 div boolean(./inv:homeCurrency)), substring(./inv:foreignCurrency/typ:unitPrice, 1 div not(boolean(./inv:homeCurrency))))', 'string(./inv:rateVAT)', 'utf-8', '{"inv":"","dat":"","typ":""}', '{"export":{"0":"none","150":"low","210":"high"},"import":{"none":0,"low":150,"high":210}}', 1, '', ''),
(5, 'Pohoda issued invoice in DBase', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '0', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '{"export":{"0":"none","150":"low","210":"high"},"import":{"none":0,"low":150,"high":210}}', 3, '', ''),
(6, 'Pohoda received invoice in DBase', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '{"export":{"0":"none","150":"low","210":"high"},"import":{"none":0,"low":150,"high":210}}', 3, '', '');

TRUNCATE TABLE `ip_addresses`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `ip_addresses_traffics`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `job_reports`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `local_subnets`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `login_logs`;
INSERT INTO `login_logs` (`id`, `user_id`, `time`, `IP_address`) VALUES
(1, 1, '2015-01-15 19:54:39', '');

TRUNCATE TABLE `log_queues`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `mail_messages`;
INSERT INTO `mail_messages` (`id`, `from_id`, `to_id`, `subject`, `body`, `time`, `readed`, `from_deleted`, `to_deleted`) VALUES
(1, 1, 2, '#####welcome_subject', '#####welcome', '2015-01-15 19:57:48', 0, 1, 0),
(2, 1, 3, '#####welcome_subject', '#####welcome', '2015-01-15 20:08:29', 0, 1, 0);

INSERT INTO `members` (`id`, `user_id`, `registration`, `name`, `address_point_id`, `type`, `external_type`, `organization_identifier`, `vat_organization_identifier`, `speed_class_id`, `entrance_fee`, `debt_payment_rate`, `entrance_fee_left`, `entrance_fee_date`, `entrance_date`, `entrance_form_received`, `entrance_form_accepted`, `leaving_date`, `applicant_registration_datetime`, `applicant_connected_from`, `locked`, `voip_billing_limit`, `voip_billing_type`, `comment`, `notification_by_redirection`, `notification_by_email`, `notification_by_sms`) VALUES
(1, NULL, 0, 'Test data', 1, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2004-01-15', NULL, NULL, '0000-00-00', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 'prepaid', NULL, 1, 1, 1),
(2, 1, 0, 'Milan Kučera', 2, 2, NULL, '', '', 1, 2000, 2000, NULL, NULL, '2006-01-18', NULL, NULL, '0000-00-00', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 'prepaid', 'První testovací člen.', 1, 1, 1),
(3, 1, 0, 'Emanuel Bacigala', 3, 4, NULL, '', '', NULL, 2000, 200, NULL, NULL, '2011-08-17', NULL, NULL, '0000-00-00', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 'prepaid', '', 1, 1, 1);

TRUNCATE TABLE `membership_interrupts`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `membership_transfers`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `members_domiciles`;
INSERT INTO `members_domiciles` (`id`, `member_id`, `address_point_id`) VALUES
(1, 3, 4);

TRUNCATE TABLE `members_fees`;
INSERT INTO `members_fees` (`id`, `fee_id`, `member_id`, `activation_date`, `deactivation_date`, `priority`, `comment`) VALUES
(1, 1, 1, '2004-01-15', '9999-12-31', 1, ''),
(2, 2, 1, '2004-01-15', '9999-12-31', 1, ''),
(3, 3, 1, '2004-01-15', '9999-12-31', 1, ''),
(4, 4, 1, '2004-01-15', '9999-12-31', 1, '');

TRUNCATE TABLE `members_whitelists`;
INSERT INTO `members_whitelists` (`id`, `member_id`, `permanent`, `since`, `until`, `comment`) VALUES
(1, 1, 1, '2015-01-15', '9999-12-31', NULL);

TRUNCATE TABLE `messages`;
INSERT INTO `messages` (`id`, `name`, `text`, `email_text`, `sms_text`, `type`, `self_cancel`, `ignore_whitelist`) VALUES
(1, 'Contact information', 'Side panel with contacts', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 0),
(2, 'Page after canceling redirection', 'Content of page after redirection', NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, 0),
(3, 'Unknown device', 'Content of unknown device page', NULL, NULL, 3, 0, 0),
(4, 'Interrupted membership message', 'Content of page for interrupted membership', NULL, NULL, 4, 0, 1),
(5, 'Debtor message', 'Content of page for debtors', NULL, NULL, 5, 0, 0),
(6, 'Payment notice', 'Content of page for payment notice', NULL, NULL, 6, 1, 0),
(7, 'Unallowed connecting place', NULL, NULL, NULL, 7, 0, 0),
(8, 'Received payment notice', NULL, 'Hello {member_name},<br /><br />Your payment has been accepted into FreenetIS.<br/>Your current balance is: {balance},-', 'Your payment has been accepted into FreenetIS. Your current balance is: {balance},-', 8, NULL, 1),
(9, 'Application for membership approved', NULL, 'Hello {member_name},<br/><br/>your membership application has been approved. You are one of us from now :-)<br/><br/>Your association!', NULL, 9, NULL, 1),
(10, 'Application for membership rejected', NULL, 'Hello {member_name},<br/><br/>your membership application has been refused. Sorry :-(', NULL, 10, NULL, 1),
(11, 'Notice of adding connection request', NULL, 'Hello {member_name},<br /><br />your request for connection has been stored.<br /><br />Details:<br /> <br /> {comment}<br /><br />Your will be inform about approving/rejecting of your request by e-mail.<br /><br />Your association', NULL, 13, NULL, 1),
(12, 'Request for connection approved', NULL, 'Hello {member_name},<br/><br/>your request for connection has been approoved, details:<br/><br/>{comment}<br/><br/>Your association', NULL, 11, NULL, 1),
(13, 'Request for connection rejected', NULL, 'Hello {member_name},<br/><br/>your request for connection has been rejected, details:<br/><br/>{comment}<br/><br/>Your association', NULL, 12, NULL, 1),
(14, 'Host {device_name} is unreachable'')', NULL, '<p>Host {device_name} is unreachable since {state_changed_date}.</p>', NULL, 14, NULL, 0),
(15, 'Host {device_name} is again reachable', NULL, '<p>Host {device_name} is again reachable since {state_changed_date}.</p>', NULL, 15, NULL, 0),
(16, 'Membership interrupt begins notification', NULL, NULL, NULL, 17, NULL, 1),
(17, 'Membership interrupt ends notification', NULL, NULL, NULL, 18, NULL, 1),
(18, 'Former member message', 'You are not a member of this association anymore.', NULL, NULL, 19, NULL, 1),
(19, 'Test connection has expired', 'Test connection has expired. You must submit your membership registration!', NULL, NULL, 16, NULL, 0);

TRUNCATE TABLE `messages_automatical_activations`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `messages_ip_addresses`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `monitor_hosts`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `phone_calls`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `phone_connections`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `phone_fixed_calls`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `phone_invoices`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `phone_invoice_users`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `phone_operators`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `phone_operator_prefixes`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `phone_pays`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `phone_roaming_sms_messages`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `phone_sms_messages`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `phone_vpn_calls`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `private_users_contacts`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `requests`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `sms_messages`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `speed_classes`;
INSERT INTO `speed_classes` (`id`, `name`, `d_ceil`, `d_rate`, `u_ceil`, `u_rate`, `regular_member_default`, `applicant_default`) VALUES
(1, 'Základní', 536870912, 268435456, 536870912, 268435456, 0, 0);

INSERT INTO `streets` (`id`, `town_id`, `street`, `gps`) VALUES
(1, 1, 'Okružní', NULL),
(2, 1, 'Dlouhá', NULL),
(3, 3, 'Slavíčkova', NULL);

TRUNCATE TABLE `subnets_owners`;
INSERT INTO `towns` (`id`, `zip_code`, `town`, `quarter`, `gps`) VALUES
(1, '76321', 'Slavičín', '', NULL),
(2, '76321', 'Šanov', '', NULL),
(3, '63800', 'Brno', 'Sever', NULL);

TRUNCATE TABLE `transfers`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `translations`;
INSERT INTO `translations` (`id`, `original_term`, `translated_term`, `lang`) VALUES
(1, 'client', 'klient', 'cs'),
(2, 'home AP', 'domácí AP', 'cs'),
(3, 'Telephone', 'Telefon', 'cs'),
(4, 'Applicant', 'Čekatel na členství', 'cs'),
(5, 'Regular member', 'Řádný člen', 'cs'),
(6, 'Honorary member', 'Čestný člen', 'cs'),
(7, 'Former member', 'Bývalý člen', 'cs'),
(8, 'Vacating member', 'Prázdninový člen', 'cs'),
(9, 'Non-statutory member', 'Člen bez statusu', 'cs'),
(10, 'Bad payer', 'Neplatič', 'cs'),
(11, 'Non-member', 'Nečlen', 'cs'),
(12, 'Phone', 'Telefon', 'cs'),
(13, 'Website', 'Web', 'cs'),
(14, 'regular member fee', 'pravidelný členský příspěvek', 'cs'),
(15, 'entrance fee', 'vstupní příspěvek', 'cs'),
(16, 'transfer fee', 'poplatek za transakci', 'cs'),
(17, 'bank transfer fee', 'poplatek za bankovní transakci', 'cs'),
(18, 'penalty', 'pokuta', 'cs'),
(19, 'bank', 'bankovní', 'cs'),
(20, 'credit', 'kreditní', 'cs'),
(21, 'infrastructure', 'infrastrukturní', 'cs'),
(22, 'suppliers', 'dodavatelé', 'cs'),
(23, 'unidentified', 'neidentifikovaný', 'cs'),
(24, 'bank fees', 'bankovní poplatky', 'cs'),
(25, 'bank interests', 'bankovní úroky', 'cs'),
(26, 'operating', 'provozní', 'cs'),
(27, 'credit', 'pasivní', 'cs'),
(28, 'debit', 'aktivní', 'cs'),
(29, 'tax', 'daňový', 'cs'),
(30, 'non-tax', 'nedaňový', 'cs'),
(31, 'balance sheet', 'rozvahový', 'cs'),
(32, 'sub-ledger', 'podrozvahový', 'cs'),
(33, 'closing', 'závěrkový', 'cs'),
(34, 'income statement', 'výsledovkový', 'cs'),
(35, 'Fee-free regular member', 'Řádný člen osvobozený od členských příspěvků', 'cs'),
(36, 'Sympathizing member', 'Sympatizující člen', 'cs'),
(38, 'Directional', 'Směrová', 'cs'),
(39, 'Omnidirectional', 'Všesměrová', 'cs'),
(40, 'Sectional', 'Sektorová', 'cs'),
(41, 'Horizontal', 'Horizontální', 'cs'),
(42, 'Vertical', 'Vertikální', 'cs'),
(43, 'Circular', 'Kruhová', 'cs'),
(44, 'air', 'vzduch', 'cs'),
(45, 'cable', 'kabel', 'cs'),
(46, 'single-mode optical fiber', 'jednovidové optické vlákno', 'cs'),
(47, 'multi-mode optical fiber', 'vícevidové optické vlákno', 'cs'),
(48, 'Horizontal and vertical', 'Horizontální i vertikální', 'cs'),
(49, '4 hours', '4 hodiny', 'cs'),
(50, 'End of day', 'Do konce dne', 'cs'),
(51, 'End of month', 'Do konce měsíce', 'cs'),
(52, 'Indefinitely', 'Na neurčito', 'cs'),
(53, 'Admin contacting', 'Kontaktovaní správce', 'cs'),
(54, 'Message', 'Zpráva', 'cs'),
(55, 'Rules breaking', 'Porušení pravidel', 'cs'),
(56, 'Spam', 'Rozesílání spamu', 'cs'),
(57, 'Virus', 'Zavirovaný počítač', 'cs'),
(58, 'Redirected', 'Přesměroval', 'cs'),
(59, 'Edited', 'Upravil', 'cs'),
(60, 'Deleted', 'Smazal', 'cs');

TRUNCATE TABLE `ulog2_ct`;
INSERT INTO `users` (`member_id`, `id`, `login`, `password`, `password_request`, `name`, `middle_name`, `surname`, `pre_title`, `post_title`, `birthday`, `type`, `comment`, `application_password`, `settings`) VALUES
(1, 1, 'admin', 'f865b53623b121fd34ee5426c792e5c33af8c227', NULL, 'admin', NULL, 'admin', NULL, NULL, '2004-01-15', 1, NULL, 'yglOXN0X', ''),
(2, 2, 'kucera', '2dbc5caa8dd444664535e970b544b014d5a28df7', NULL, 'Milan', 'Antonín', 'Kučera', 'Ing.', 'Ph.D.', '1944-01-12', 1, NULL, 'dR5YV54o', ''),
(3, 3, 'bacigala', '2026baf413565cfb5595401c24a59350d3cf0f58', NULL, 'Emanuel', '', 'Bacigala', '', '', '1980-01-24', 1, NULL, 'Fa4K9z81', '');

TRUNCATE TABLE `users_contacts`;
INSERT INTO `users_contacts` (`user_id`, `contact_id`, `mail_redirection`) VALUES
(1, 1, 0),
(1, 2, 0),
(2, 3, 0),
(2, 4, 0),
(3, 5, 0);

TRUNCATE TABLE `users_keys`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `user_favourite_pages`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `variable_symbols`;
INSERT INTO `variable_symbols` (`id`, `account_id`, `variable_symbol`) VALUES
(1, 10, '7894561321'),
(2, 10, '654123'),
(3, 10, '045'),
(4, 10, '897456'),
(5, 11, '5462317894');

INSERT INTO `vlans` (`id`, `name`, `tag_802_1q`, `comment`) VALUES
(1, 'Default VLAN', 1, 'Default VLAN');

TRUNCATE TABLE `voip_sips`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `voip_voicemail_users`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `watchers`;