


Stáhnout (3.9 KB) Statistiky
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18ac9009 Ondřej Fibich

* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is release under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

namespace freenetis\service\core;

use Database;
use SqlScriptParser;

* Utility service function for working over database such as SQL script
* processing, database truncation, etc.
* @author Ondřej Fibich <>
* @since 1.2
class DatabaseService
* Run SQL script at given file path on passed connection.
* @param Database $conn database connection
* @param string $script_path path to SQL script to be executed
* @return int executed query count
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException on invalid connection or non existing
* or invalid script file
* @throws \Exception on error during script execution
public function run_file(Database $conn, $script_path)
// prepare parser and script content
$parser = new SqlScriptParser();
$sqls = $this->load_file($script_path);
$queries = $parser->parse_queries($sqls);
// run
$this->run_queries($conn, $queries);
return count($queries);
catch (\Exception $ex)
throw new \Exception('SQL script exec failed', NULL, $ex);

* Load file on given path and returns its content.
* @param string $file_path file path
* @return striung file content
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException on non-readable file
private final function load_file($file_path)
if (!\file_exists($file_path) || !\is_readable($file_path))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('invalid script file');
$script = \file_get_contents($file_path);
if ($script == FALSE)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('script file read error');
return $script;

* Execute all given queries in given connection.
* @param Database $conn
* @param array $queries
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
private function run_queries(Database $conn, $queries)
if (empty($conn))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('null connection');
if (!is_array($queries))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('queries should be array');
for ($i = 0; $i < \count($queries); $i++)
catch (\Kohana_Database_Exception $ex)
throw new \Exception('query(' . ($i + 1) . ') '
. $queries[$i] . ' failed', NULL, $ex);

* Truncates all databases in database that is managed by given connection.
* @param Database $conn
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException on invalid connection
* @throws \Exception on any error during truncation
public function truncate_db(Database $conn)
if (empty($conn))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('null connection');
$tables = $conn->list_tables();
$conn->foreign_key_check(FALSE); // must disable foreing key check
foreach ($tables as $table_name)
catch (\Exception $ex)
catch (\Exception $ignore)
throw new \Exception('truncation failed', NULL, $ex);
