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Revize cb22d58e

Přidáno uživatelem Ondřej Fibich před téměř 9 roky(ů)

Preparation for 1.1.15

Zobrazit rozdíly:

freenetis (1.1.15) stable; urgency=hight
* Fix reactivation of notification messages for members with old whitelist
* Fix allowing of empty e-mail suffix in the e-mail notification
* Allow to disable notification message name in e-mail notification subject
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Wed, 28 Oct 2015 20:54:54 +0100
freenetis (1.1.14) stable; urgency=hight
* Fix DEB postinst script for Jessie
* Remove GIT files from DEB

Také k dispozici: Unified diff