Revize c2e44ab0
Přidáno uživatelem Michal Kliment před více než 9 roky(ů)
application/controllers/devices.php | ||
->label('Monthly payment rate')
->callback(array($this, 'valid_repayment'));
->label('Buy date')
... | ... | |
$dm = new Device_Model();
$update_allowed_params = array();
// gets number of maximum of acceptable repeating of operation
// after reaching of deadlock and time of waiting between
// other attempt to make transaction (#254)
$transaction_attempt_counter = 0;
$max_attempts = max(1, abs(Settings::get('db_trans_deadlock_repeats_count')));
$timeout = abs(Settings::get('db_trans_deadlock_repeats_timeout'));
// try to delete
while (TRUE)
// device //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
$dm->user_id = $form_data['user_id'];
if (!isset($user_id))
$um = new User_Model($dm->user_id);
if (empty($form_data['device_name']))
$dm->name = $um->login.'_'.$types[$form_data['device_type']];
$dm->name = $form_data['device_name'];
$device_template = new Device_template_Model($form_data['device_template_id']);
// device //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
$device = new Device_Model();
$device->user_id = $form_data['user_id'];
if ($device_template && $device_template->id)
$dm->trade_name = $device_template->name;
$dm->type = $form_data['device_type'];
$dm->PPPoE_logging_in = $form_data['PPPoE_logging_in'];
if ($this->acl_check_new(get_class($this), 'login'))
$dm->login = $form_data['login'];
if ($this->acl_check_new(get_class($this), 'password'))
$dm->password = $form_data['login_password'];
if (!isset($user_id))
$um = new User_Model($device->user_id);
$dm->price = $form_data['price'];
$dm->payment_rate = $form_data['payment_rate'];
$dm->buy_date = date('Y-m-d', $form_data['buy_date']);
$dm->comment = $form_data['device_comment'];
if (empty($form_data['device_name']))
$device->name = $um->login.'_'.$types[$form_data['device_type']];
$device->name = $form_data['device_name'];
// address point ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
$device_template = new Device_template_Model($form_data['device_template_id']);
// gps
$gpsx = NULL;
$gpsy = NULL;
if ($device_template && $device_template->id)
$device->trade_name = $device_template->name;
if (!empty($form_data['gpsx']) && !empty($form_data['gpsy']))
$gpsx = doubleval($form_data['gpsx']);
$gpsy = doubleval($form_data['gpsy']);
$device->type = $form_data['device_type'];
$device->PPPoE_logging_in = $form_data['PPPoE_logging_in'];
if (gps::is_valid_degrees_coordinate($form_data['gpsx']))
if ($this->acl_check_new(get_class($this), 'login'))
$gpsx = gps::degrees2real($form_data['gpsx']);
$device->login = $form_data['login'];
if (gps::is_valid_degrees_coordinate($form_data['gpsy']))
if ($this->acl_check_new(get_class($this), 'password'))
$gpsy = gps::degrees2real($form_data['gpsy']);
$device->password = $form_data['login_password'];
$address_point_model = new Address_point_Model();
$device->price = $form_data['price'];
$device->payment_rate = $form_data['payment_rate'];
$device->buy_date = date('Y-m-d', $form_data['buy_date']);
$device->comment = $form_data['device_comment'];
$ap = $address_point_model->get_address_point(
$form_data['country_id'], $form_data['town_id'],
$form_data['street_id'], $form_data['street_number'],
$gpsx, $gpsy
// address point ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
// add address point if there is no such
if (!$ap->id)
// gps
$gpsx = NULL;
$gpsy = NULL;
// add GPS
if (!empty($gpsx) && !empty($gpsy))
{ // save
$ap->update_gps_coordinates($ap->id, $gpsx, $gpsy);
{ // delete gps
$ap->gps = '';
if (!empty($form_data['gpsx']) && !empty($form_data['gpsy']))
$gpsx = doubleval($form_data['gpsx']);
$gpsy = doubleval($form_data['gpsy']);
$dm->address_point_id = $ap->id;
if (gps::is_valid_degrees_coordinate($form_data['gpsx']))
$gpsx = gps::degrees2real($form_data['gpsx']);
// device engineer ////////////////////////////////////////////
$device_engineer = new Device_engineer_Model();
$device_engineer->device_id = $dm->id;
$device_engineer->user_id = $form_data['first_engineer_id'];
// ifaces //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if (gps::is_valid_degrees_coordinate($form_data['gpsy']))
$gpsy = gps::degrees2real($form_data['gpsy']);
$post_use = isset($_POST['use']) ? $_POST['use'] : array();
foreach ($post_use as $i => $v)
// skip not used
if ($v != 1)
$address_point_model = new Address_point_Model();
$ap = $address_point_model->get_address_point(
$form_data['country_id'], $form_data['town_id'],
$form_data['street_id'], $form_data['street_number'],
$gpsx, $gpsy
// add address point if there is no such
if (!$ap->id)
// save iface
$im = new Iface_Model();
$im->device_id = $dm->id;
$im->name = htmlspecialchars($_POST['name'][$i]);
$im->comment = htmlspecialchars($_POST['comment'][$i]);
$im->type = intval($_POST['type'][$i]);
if ($im->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_PORT)
$im->number = intval($_POST['number'][$i]);
$im->port_mode = intval($_POST['port_mode'][$i]);
// add GPS
if (!empty($gpsx) && !empty($gpsy))
{ // save
$ap->update_gps_coordinates($ap->id, $gpsx, $gpsy);
$im->mac = htmlspecialchars($_POST['mac'][$i]);
{ // delete gps
$ap->gps = '';
if ($im->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS)
$im->wireless_antenna = intval($_POST['wireless_antenna'][$i]);
$im->wireless_mode = intval($_POST['wireless_mode'][$i]);
// can autosave?
$autosave_may = TRUE;
if (isset($_POST['connected_iface'][$i]))
$device->address_point_id = $ap->id;
// device engineer ////////////////////////////////////////////
$device_engineer = new Device_engineer_Model();
$device_engineer->device_id = $device->id;
$device_engineer->user_id = $form_data['first_engineer_id'];
// ifaces //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
$update_allowed_params = array();// reset
$post_use = isset($_POST['use']) ? $_POST['use'] : array();
foreach ($post_use as $i => $v)
// restrict blank fields
if (!(Iface_Model::type_has_ip_address($im->type) &&
Iface_Model::type_has_mac_address($im->type) &&
empty($im->mac) && (
!isset($_POST['ip'][$i]) ||
empty($_POST['ip'][$i]) ||
// skip not used
if ($v != 1)
// save iface
$im = new Iface_Model();
$im->device_id = $device->id;
$im->name = htmlspecialchars($_POST['name'][$i]);
$im->comment = htmlspecialchars($_POST['comment'][$i]);
$im->type = intval($_POST['type'][$i]);
if ($im->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_PORT)
$im->number = intval($_POST['number'][$i]);
$im->port_mode = intval($_POST['port_mode'][$i]);
$im->mac = htmlspecialchars($_POST['mac'][$i]);
if ($im->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS)
// connected iface
$im_connect_to = new Iface_Model($_POST['connected_iface'][$i]);
$im->wireless_antenna = intval($_POST['wireless_antenna'][$i]);
$im->wireless_mode = intval($_POST['wireless_mode'][$i]);
// save link
if (Iface_Model::type_has_link($im->type) &&
$im_connect_to && $im_connect_to->id)
// can autosave?
$autosave_may = TRUE;
if (isset($_POST['connected_iface'][$i]))
// restrict blank fields
if (!(Iface_Model::type_has_ip_address($im->type) &&
Iface_Model::type_has_mac_address($im->type) &&
empty($im->mac) && (
!isset($_POST['ip'][$i]) ||
empty($_POST['ip'][$i]) ||
// disable autosave
$autosave_may = FALSE;
$roaming = new Link_Model();
$link_id = $_POST['link_id'][$i];
$roaming_id = $roaming->get_roaming();
$roaming = $roaming->find($roaming_id);
$name = $_POST['link_name'][$i];
$medium = $_POST['medium'][$i];
// don not connect to roaming
if ($link_id == $roaming_id)
// connected iface
$im_connect_to = new Iface_Model($_POST['connected_iface'][$i]);
// save link
if (Iface_Model::type_has_link($im->type) &&
$im_connect_to && $im_connect_to->id)
$link_id = NULL;
// fix name
if (trim($name) == trim($roaming->name))
// disable autosave
$autosave_may = FALSE;
$roaming = new Link_Model();
$link_id = $_POST['link_id'][$i];
$roaming_id = $roaming->get_roaming();
$roaming = $roaming->find($roaming_id);
$name = $_POST['link_name'][$i];
$medium = $_POST['medium'][$i];
// don not connect to roaming
if ($link_id == $roaming_id)
if ($im->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS)
$name = __('air') . ' ';
$name = __('cable') . ' ';
if ($im_connect_to->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS &&
$im_connect_to->wireless_mode == Iface_Model::WIRELESS_MODE_AP)
$name .= $im_connect_to->device->name;
$name .= ' - ' . $dm->name;
$name .= $dm->name . ' - ';
$name .= $im_connect_to->device->name;
// fix medium
if ($medium == Link_Model::MEDIUM_ROAMING)
$link_id = NULL;
// fix name
if (trim($name) == trim($roaming->name))
if ($im->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS)
$medium = Link_Model::MEDIUM_AIR;
$name = __('air') . ' ';
$name = __('cable') . ' ';
if ($im_connect_to->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS &&
$im_connect_to->wireless_mode == Iface_Model::WIRELESS_MODE_AP)
$name .= $im_connect_to->device->name;
$name .= ' - ' . $device->name;
$medium = Link_Model::MEDIUM_CABLE;
$name .= $device->name . ' - ';
$name .= $im_connect_to->device->name;
// fix medium
if ($medium == Link_Model::MEDIUM_ROAMING)
if ($im->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS)
$medium = Link_Model::MEDIUM_AIR;
$medium = Link_Model::MEDIUM_CABLE;
$lm = new Link_Model($link_id);
$lm->name = htmlspecialchars($name);
$lm->medium = intval($medium);
$lm->comment = htmlspecialchars($_POST['link_comment'][$i]);
$lm->bitrate = network::str2bytes($_POST['bitrate'][$i]);
$lm->duplex = ($_POST['duplex'][$i] == 1);
if ($im->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS)
$lm->wireless_ssid = htmlspecialchars($_POST['wireless_ssid'][$i]);
$lm->wireless_norm = intval($_POST['wireless_norm'][$i]);
$lm->wireless_frequency = intval($_POST['wireless_frequency'][$i]);
$lm->wireless_channel = intval($_POST['wireless_channel'][$i]);
$lm->wireless_channel_width = intval($_POST['wireless_channel_width'][$i]);
$lm->wireless_polarization = intval($_POST['wireless_polarization'][$i]);
// restrict count of connected devices to link
$max = Link_Model::get_max_ifaces_count($im->type);
if ($lm->id != $roaming_id &&
$max <= 2) // delete connected (port, eth)
foreach ($lm->ifaces as $i_del)
$lm = new Link_Model($link_id);
$lm->name = htmlspecialchars($name);
$lm->medium = intval($medium);
$lm->comment = htmlspecialchars($_POST['link_comment'][$i]);
$lm->bitrate = network::str2bytes($_POST['bitrate'][$i]);
$lm->duplex = ($_POST['duplex'][$i] == 1);
if ($im->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS)
$i_del->link_id = null;
$lm->wireless_ssid = htmlspecialchars($_POST['wireless_ssid'][$i]);
$lm->wireless_norm = intval($_POST['wireless_norm'][$i]);
$lm->wireless_frequency = intval($_POST['wireless_frequency'][$i]);
$lm->wireless_channel = intval($_POST['wireless_channel'][$i]);
$lm->wireless_channel_width = intval($_POST['wireless_channel_width'][$i]);
$lm->wireless_polarization = intval($_POST['wireless_polarization'][$i]);
// restrict count of connected devices to link
$max = Link_Model::get_max_ifaces_count($im->type);
if ($lm->id != $roaming_id &&
$max <= 2) // delete connected (port, eth)
foreach ($lm->ifaces as $i_del)
$i_del->link_id = null;
$im->link_id = $lm->id;
$im_connect_to->link_id = $lm->id;
$im->link_id = $lm->id;
$im_connect_to->link_id = $lm->id;
// autosave (add) link
if (isset($_POST['link_autosave'][$i]) &&
$_POST['link_autosave'][$i] && $autosave_may)
$lm = new Link_Model();
$lm->name = htmlspecialchars($_POST['link_name'][$i]);
$lm->medium = intval($_POST['medium'][$i]);
$lm->comment = htmlspecialchars($_POST['link_comment'][$i]);
$lm->bitrate = network::str2bytes($_POST['bitrate'][$i]);
$lm->duplex = ($_POST['duplex'][$i] == 1);
if ($im->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS)
// autosave (add) link
if (isset($_POST['link_autosave'][$i]) &&
$_POST['link_autosave'][$i] && $autosave_may)
$lm->wireless_ssid = htmlspecialchars($_POST['wireless_ssid'][$i]);
$lm->wireless_norm = intval($_POST['wireless_norm'][$i]);
$lm->wireless_frequency = intval($_POST['wireless_frequency'][$i]);
$lm->wireless_channel = intval($_POST['wireless_channel'][$i]);
$lm->wireless_channel_width = intval($_POST['wireless_channel_width'][$i]);
$lm->wireless_polarization = intval($_POST['wireless_polarization'][$i]);
$lm = new Link_Model();
$lm->name = htmlspecialchars($_POST['link_name'][$i]);
$lm->medium = intval($_POST['medium'][$i]);
$lm->comment = htmlspecialchars($_POST['link_comment'][$i]);
$lm->bitrate = network::str2bytes($_POST['bitrate'][$i]);
$lm->duplex = ($_POST['duplex'][$i] == 1);
if ($im->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS)
$lm->wireless_ssid = htmlspecialchars($_POST['wireless_ssid'][$i]);
$lm->wireless_norm = intval($_POST['wireless_norm'][$i]);
$lm->wireless_frequency = intval($_POST['wireless_frequency'][$i]);
$lm->wireless_channel = intval($_POST['wireless_channel'][$i]);
$lm->wireless_channel_width = intval($_POST['wireless_channel_width'][$i]);
$lm->wireless_polarization = intval($_POST['wireless_polarization'][$i]);
$im->link_id = $lm->id;
$im->link_id = $lm->id;
if (isset($_POST['ip'][$i]) && valid::ip_address($_POST['ip'][$i]))
// save IP address
$ipm = new Ip_address_Model();
$ipm->iface_id = $im->id;
$ipm->subnet_id = intval($_POST['subnet'][$i]);
$ipm->member_id = NULL;
$ipm->ip_address = htmlspecialchars($_POST['ip'][$i]);
$ipm->dhcp = ($_POST['dhcp'][$i] == 1);
$ipm->gateway = ($_POST['gateway'][$i] == 1);
$ipm->service = ($_POST['service'][$i] == 1);
// allowed subnet to added IP
$update_allowed_params[] = array
'member_id' => $device->user->member_id,
'to_enable' => array($ipm->subnet_id)
// done
//Update allowed subnets after transaction is successfully commited
$error_added = TRUE; // throw error?
if (isset($_POST['ip'][$i]) && valid::ip_address($_POST['ip'][$i]))
foreach ($update_allowed_params as $params)
// save IP address
$ipm = new Ip_address_Model();
$ipm->iface_id = $im->id;
$ipm->subnet_id = intval($_POST['subnet'][$i]);
$ipm->member_id = NULL;
$ipm->ip_address = htmlspecialchars($_POST['ip'][$i]);
$ipm->dhcp = ($_POST['dhcp'][$i] == 1);
$ipm->gateway = ($_POST['gateway'][$i] == 1);
$ipm->service = ($_POST['service'][$i] == 1);
// allowed subnet to added IP
$update_allowed_params[] = array
'member_id' => $dm->user->member_id,
'to_enable' => array($ipm->subnet_id)
$params['member_id'], $params['to_enable'],
array(), array(), $error_added
catch (Exception $e)
$error_added = FALSE;
status::warning('Error - cannot update allowed subnets of member.');
// done
//Update allowed subnets after transaction is successfully commited
foreach ($update_allowed_params as $params)
status::success('Device has been successfully saved.');
catch (Exception $e) // failed => rollback and wait 100ms before next attempt
if (++$transaction_attempt_counter >= $max_attempts) // this was last attempt?
status::error('Device has not been successfully saved.');
status::success('Device has been successfully saved.');
catch (Exception $e)
status::error('Device has not been successfully saved.');
if (isset($user_id))
... | ... | |
$selected_engineer = $found_engineer->id;
$arr_users[$um->id] = $um->get_name_with_login();
... | ... | |
$selected_street_id = 0;
$selected_street_number = '';
$selected_town_id = 0;
$arr_users = array
NULL => '----- '.__('select user').' -----'
) + $um->select_list_grouped();
$arr_users = array
NULL => '----- '.__('select user').' -----'
) + $um->select_list_grouped();
// enum types for device
$enum_type_model = new Enum_type_Model();
$types = $enum_type_model->get_values(Enum_type_Model::DEVICE_TYPE_ID);
... | ... | |
->label('Monthly payment rate')
->callback(array($this, 'valid_repayment'));
->label('Buy date')
... | ... | |
->label('Monthly payment rate')
->value($device->payment_rate ? $device->payment_rate : '');
->value($device->payment_rate ? $device->payment_rate : '')
->callback(array($this, 'valid_repayment'));
->label('Buy date')
... | ... | |
$linkback = 'devices/show_all';
if ($device->delete())
Allowed_subnets_Controller::update_enabled($mid, NULL, NULL, $subnets);
status::success('Device has been successfully deleted.');
status::error('Error - cant delete device.');
// gets number of maximum of acceptable repeating of operation
// after reaching of deadlock and time of waiting between
// other attempt to make transaction (#254)
$transaction_attempt_counter = 0;
$max_attempts = max(1, abs(Settings::get('db_trans_deadlock_repeats_count')));
$timeout = abs(Settings::get('db_trans_deadlock_repeats_timeout'));
// redirect
// try to delete
while (TRUE)
try // try to make DB transction
Allowed_subnets_Controller::update_enabled($mid, NULL, NULL, $subnets, TRUE);
catch (Exception $e)
status::warning('Error - cannot update allowed subnets of member.');
// redirect
status::success('Device has been successfully deleted.');
catch (Exception $e) // failed => rollback and wait 100ms before next attempt
if (++$transaction_attempt_counter >= $max_attempts) // this was last attempt?
status::error('Error - cant delete device.');
... | ... | |
return $filter_form;
* Validate repayment of device
* @param Form_Field $input
public function valid_repayment($input = NULL)
if (empty($input) || !is_object($input))
$price = $this->input->post('price');
$rate = $input->value;
if (!empty($price) && doubleval($rate) <= 0)
$input->add_error('required', __('Must be greater than zero'));
Také k dispozici: Unified diff
Release 1.0.12