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c2e44ab0 Michal Kliment
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

* Pivot table between ARO map and user.
* Interaction between user and access system.
* @author Ondřej Fibich
* @package Model
* @property integer $group_id
* @property integer $aro_id
class Groups_aro_map_Model extends ORM
* Table name is groups_aro_map not groups_aro_maps
* @var bool
protected $table_names_plural = FALSE;
* Check access of user to part of system.
* Be wery carefull with editing of this method, whole system can be
* damaged by impropriate edit!
* I have tried to different method of fetching data,
* and for each I have made benchmarks using unit tester
* throught all controllers.
* 1) DB query for each access rights
* AVG Results: 0,3187821622s 6,4278378378MB
* 2) DB query for all user's rights cached after first of his access request
* AVG Results: 0,3484608815s 6,4987052342MB
* The first method seems to be better, so here it is :-)
* @author Ondřej Fibich
* @staticvar array $cache Cache of access
* @staticvar array $cache_aro_user Cache of ACL parent tree
* @staticvar array $cache_aro_hierarchy Cache of ACL parent tree
* @param integer $user_id User to check access
* @param string $aco_value ACO value - action (view_all, new_own, ...)
* @param string $axo_section_value AXO section value - Controller name
* @param string $axo_value AXO value - part of Controller
* @return boolean Has this user access to this part of system?
public function has_access(
$user_id, $aco_value, $axo_section_value, $axo_value)
// Cache
static $cache = array();
static $cache_aro_hierarchy = NULL;
static $cache_aro_user = array();
// This codes calculates all predecesors of ARO group for hieararchy of
// access rights.
if ($cache_aro_hierarchy === NULL)
// // Debug for testing (benchmark)
// $start_time = microtime();
// Gets all groups id with relation to parent
$aro_groups = ORM::factory('aro_group')->select_list('id', 'parent_id', 'id');
// Go throught groupd
foreach ($aro_groups as $i => $v)
// Final set of all parents (recursive) of group
$final_set = array($i);
// Stack for recursive walk throught groups
$stack = ($v == 0) ? array() : array($v);
// Go recursive throught parents
while (($top = array_pop($stack)) !== NULL)
// End of tree?
if ($aro_groups[$top] != 0)
// Add parents to stack
array_push($stack, $aro_groups[$top]);
// Add current to final set
$final_set[] = $top;
// Add to cache
$cache_aro_hierarchy[$i] = array_unique($final_set);
// // Debug for testing
// $diff = microtime() - $start_time;
// echo 'It tooks: ' . $diff . 'ms <br>';
// foreach ($cache_acl as $i => $v)
// {
// echo '<b>' . ORM::factory('aro_group', $i)->name . '</b>: ';
// sort($v);
// foreach ($v as $id)
// {
// echo ORM::factory('aro_group', $id)->name . ', ';
// }
// echo "<br><br>";
// }
// die();
// Cache key
$key = "$user_id#$aco_value#$axo_section_value#$axo_value";
// Is in cache?
if (!array_key_exists($key, $cache))
// Fill in user cache?
if (!array_key_exists($user_id, $cache_aro_user))
// Get all ARO groups of user
$user_in_groups = $this->where('aro_id', $user_id)
->select_list('group_id', 'aro_id');
// Set cache
$cache_aro_user[$user_id] = array();
// Add all parents for users group and set it to cache
foreach ($user_in_groups as $group_id => $aro_id)
$cache_aro_user[$user_id] = array_merge(
// Discart not unique values
$cache_aro_user[$user_id] = array_unique($cache_aro_user[$user_id]);
// Is user in any group?
if (count($cache_aro_user[$user_id]))
// Check and add to cache
$cache[$key] = $this->db->query("
FROM aro_groups
LEFT JOIN aro_groups_map ON aro_groups_map.group_id =
LEFT JOIN acl ON = aro_groups_map.acl_id
LEFT JOIN aco_map ON aco_map.acl_id =
LEFT JOIN aco ON aco.value = aco_map.value
LEFT JOIN axo_map ON axo_map.acl_id =
WHERE IN(" . implode(',', $cache_aro_user[$user_id]) . ") AND
aco.value = ? AND
axo_map.section_value = ? AND
axo_map.value = ?
", array
$aco_value, $axo_section_value, $axo_value
))->current()->count > 0;
// No group, no access :-)
$cache[$key] = FALSE;
// Return access info
return $cache[$key];
* Checks if aro map row exists
* @author Ondřej Fibich
* @param integer $group_id ARO group ID
* @param integer $aro_id User ID
* @return boolean true if exists false otherwise
public function groups_aro_map_exists($group_id, $aro_id)
return $this->db->query("
FROM groups_aro_map
WHERE group_id = ? AND aro_id = ?
", array
$group_id, $aro_id
))->current()->count > 0;
* Deletes user wights from diven group
* @param integer $group_id Group ID
* @param integer $aro_id User ID
public function detete_row($group_id, $aro_id)
DELETE FROM groups_aro_map
WHERE group_id=? AND aro_id=?
", $group_id, $aro_id);

* Check if users is in given group
* @param integer $group_id Group ID
* @param integer $aro_id User ID
public function exist_row($group_id, $aro_id)
$result = $this->db->query("
SELECT group_id
FROM groups_aro_map
WHERE group_id=? AND aro_id=?
", $group_id, $aro_id);

return $result && $result->count() > 0;

* Counts number of users in given group
* @param integer $group_id
* @return integer
public function count_rows_by_group_id($group_id)
return $this->db->query("
FROM groups_aro_map where group_id=?
", $group_id)->current()->count;

* Function to get all users belongs to group
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param int $group_id
* @return Mysql_Result object
public function get_all_users_by_group_id($group_id)
return $this->db->query("
SELECT u.* FROM groups_aro_map g
LEFT JOIN users u ON g.aro_id =
WHERE g.group_id = ?
", $group_id);
