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8baed187 Michal Kliment
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

* Controller contains methods which are accessed by AJAX and returned as
* JSON document.
* @author Michal Kliment
* @package Controller
class Json_Controller extends Controller
* Send headers for JSON
* @author Ondřej Fibich
public static function send_json_headers()
@header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
@header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');
@header('Content-type: application/json');
* Send headers for each function
public function __construct()
* Function to return accounts belong to account type
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param number $origin_account_id
public function get_accounts_by_type($origin_account_id = NULL)
// access control
if (!$this->acl_check_view('Accounts_Controller', 'transfers'))

$id = $this->input->get('id');

$accounts = ORM::factory('account')->get_some_doubleentry_account_names(
$origin_account_id, $id

$arr_accounts = array();
foreach ($accounts as $account)
{ // convert the object into array (used for HTML select list)
$arr_accounts[$account->id] =
$account->name . ' ' . $account->id . ' (' . $account->addr . ')';
asort($arr_accounts, SORT_LOCALE_STRING);

echo json_encode($arr_accounts);

* Returns all fees belongs to fee type in json format
* @author Michal Kliment
public function get_fees_by_type()
// access control
if (!$this->acl_check_view('Settings_Controller', 'fees'))

$id = (int) $this->input->get('id');

$fee_model = new Fee_Model();

if ($id)
$fees = $fee_model->get_all_fees_by_fee_type_id($id);
$fees = $fee_model->get_all_fees();

$arr_fees = array();
$arr_fees[0] = '----- ' . __('Select fee') . ' -----';

foreach ($fees as $fee)
// tariff of membership interrupt can be add only by adding
// of new membership interrupt
if ($fee->special_type_id == Fee_Model::MEMBERSHIP_INTERRUPT)

// name is optional, uses it only if it is not empthy
$name = ($fee->readonly) ? __('' . $fee->name) : $fee->name;
$name = ($name != '') ? "- $name " : "";

$from = str_replace('-', '/', $fee->from);
$to = str_replace('-', '/', $fee->to);
$arr_fees[$fee->id] = "$fee->fee " . __($this->settings->get('currency')) . " $name($from-$to)";

echo json_encode($arr_fees);

* Callback AJAX function to filter's whisper for member name
* @author Michal Kliment
public function member_name()
$term = $this->input->get('term');

$member_model = new Member_Model();

$members = $member_model->like('name', $term)

echo json_encode(array_values($members));

* Callback AJAX function to filter's whisper for organization identifier
* @author Michal Kliment
public function organization_identifier()
$term = $this->input->get('term');

$member_model = new Member_Model();

$members = $member_model->where('organization_identifier !=', '')
->like('organization_identifier', $term)
->select_list('id', 'organization_identifier');

echo json_encode(array_values($members));

* Callback AJAX function to filter's whisper for variable symbol
* @author Michal Kliment
public function variable_symbol()
$term = $this->input->get('term');
$variable_symbol_model = new Variable_Symbol_Model();
$variable_symbols = $variable_symbol_model->like('variable_symbol', $term)
->select_list('id', 'variable_symbol');

echo json_encode(array_values($variable_symbols));

* Callback AJAX function to filter's whisper for town name
* @author Michal Kliment
public function town_name()
$term = $this->input->get('term');

$town_model = new Town_Model();

$towns = $town_model->like('town', $term)
->select_list('id', 'town');

echo json_encode(array_values($towns));
* Callback AJAX function to filter's whisper for quarter name
* @author Michal Kliment
public function quarter_name()
$term = $this->input->get('term');

$town_model = new Town_Model();

$towns = $town_model->like('quarter', $term)
->select_list('id', 'quarter');

echo json_encode(array_values($towns));
* Callback AJAX function to filter's whisper for ZIP code
* @author Michal Kliment
public function zip_code()
$term = $this->input->get('term');

$town_model = new Town_Model();

$towns = $town_model->like('zip_code', $term)
->select_list('id', 'zip_code');

echo json_encode(array_values($towns));

* Callback AJAX function to filter's whisper for street name
* @author Michal Kliment
public function street_name()
$term = $this->input->get('term');

$street_model = new Street_Model();

$streets = $street_model->like('street', $term)
->select_list('id', 'street');

echo json_encode(array_values($streets));

* Callback AJAX function to filter's whisper for user name
* @author Michal Kliment
public function user_name()
$term = $this->input->get('term');

$user_model = new User_Model();

$users = $user_model->like('name', $term)

echo json_encode(array_values($users));

* Callback AJAX function to filter's whisper for user surname
* @author Michal Kliment
public function user_surname()
$term = $this->input->get('term');

$user_model = new User_Model();

$users = $user_model->like('surname', $term)
->select_list('id', 'surname');

echo json_encode(array_values($users));
* Callback AJAX function to filter's whisper for user fullname
* @author Michal Kliment
public function user_fullname()
$term = $this->input->get('term');

$user_model = new User_Model();

$users = $user_model->get_usernames($term);

$arr_users = array();
foreach ($users as $user)
$arr_users[] = $user->username;

echo json_encode($arr_users);

* Callback AJAX function to filter's whisper for user login
* @author Michal Kliment
public function user_login()
$term = $this->input->get('term');

$user_model = new User_Model();

$users = $user_model->like('login', $term)
->select_list('id', 'login');

echo json_encode(array_values($users));

* Callback AJAX function to filter's whisper for user e-mail
* @author Michal Kliment
public function user_email()
$term = $this->input->get('term');

$contact_model = new Contact_Model();

$contacts = $contact_model->where('type', Contact_Model::TYPE_EMAIL)
->like('value', $term)
->select_list('id', 'value');

echo json_encode(array_values($contacts));

* Callback AJAX function to filter's whisper for user phone
* @author Michal Kliment
public function user_phone()
$term = $this->input->get('term');

$contact_model = new Contact_Model();

$contacts = $contact_model->where('type', Contact_Model::TYPE_PHONE)
->like('value', $term)
->select_list('id', 'value');

echo json_encode(array_values($contacts));

* Callback AJAX function to filter's whisper for user ICQ
* @author Michal Kliment
public function user_icq()
$term = $this->input->get('term');

$contact_model = new Contact_Model();

$contacts = $contact_model->where('type', Contact_Model::TYPE_ICQ)
->like('value', $term)
->select_list('id', 'value');

echo json_encode(array_values($contacts));

* Callback AJAX function to filter's whisper for user jabber
* @author Michal Kliment
public function user_jabber()
$term = $this->input->get('term');

$contact_model = new Contact_Model();

$contacts = $contact_model->where('type', Contact_Model::TYPE_JABBER)
->like('value', $term)
->select_list('id', 'value');

echo json_encode(array_values($contacts));
* Performs action of ip_address_check jQuery frm validator.
* @author Ondrej Fibich
public function ip_address_check()
$edit_id = intval($this->input->get('ip_address_id'));
$subnet_id = intval($this->input->get('subnet_id'));
$ip_str = trim($this->input->get('ip_address'));
if (!$subnet_id && !$ip_str)
die(json_encode(array('state' => true)));
$ip_model = new Ip_address_Model();
$subnet_model = new Subnet_Model($subnet_id);
if (!$subnet_model || !$subnet_model->id)
'state' => false,
'message' => __('Subnet not exists.')
$subnet = $subnet_model->get_net_and_mask_of_subnet();
// checks mask
if (!valid::ip_check_subnet(ip2long($ip_str), $subnet->net + 0, $subnet->mask))
'state' => false,
'message' => __('IP address does not match the subnet/mask.')
// checks if exists this ip in database
$ips = $ip_model->where(array
'ip_address' => $ip_str,
'member_id' => NULL

foreach ($ips as $ip)
// only for edit: check if ip_address is not still same
if ($edit_id && ($edit_id == $ip->id))
'state' => false,
'message' => __('IP address already exists.')
echo json_encode(array('state' => true));

* Callback AJAX function to filter's whisper for iface MAC address
* @author Michal Kliment
public function iface_mac()
$term = $this->input->get('term');

$iface_model = new Iface_Model();

$ifaces = $iface_model->like('mac', $term)
->select_list('id', 'mac');

echo json_encode(array_values($ifaces));

* Callback AJAX function to filter's whisper for link name
* @author Michal Kliment
public function link_name()
$term = $this->input->get('term');

$link_model = new Link_Model();

$links = $link_model->like('name', $term)

echo json_encode(array_values($links));

* Callback AJAX function to filter's whisper for device name
* @author Michal Kliment
public function device_name()
$term = $this->input->get('term');

$device_model = new device_Model();

$devices = $device_model->like('name', $term)

echo json_encode(array_values($devices));

* Callback AJAX function to filter's whisper for subnet name
* @author Michal Kliment
public function subnet_name()
$term = $this->input->get('term');

$subnet_model = new subnet_Model();

$subnets = $subnet_model->like('name', $term)

echo json_encode(array_values($subnets));

* Callback AJAX function to filter's whisper for device login
* @author Michal Kliment
public function device_login()
$term = $this->input->get('term');

$device_model = new Device_Model();

$devices = $device_model->like('login', $term)
->select_list('id', 'login');

echo json_encode(array_values($devices));

* Callback AJAX function to filter's whisper for device password
* @author Michal Kliment
public function device_password()
$term = $this->input->get('term');

$device_model = new Device_Model();

$devices = $device_model->like('password', $term)
->select_list('id', 'password');

echo json_encode(array_values($devices));

* Callback AJAX function to filter's whisper for device trade name
* @author Michal Kliment
public function device_trade_name()
$term = $this->input->get('term');

$device_model = new Device_Model();

$devices = $device_model->like('trade_name', $term)
->select_list('id', 'trade_name');

echo json_encode(array_values($devices));
* Callback AJAX function to filter's whisper for country name
* @author Michal Kliment
public function country_name()
$term = $this->input->get('term');

$country_model = new Country_Model();

$countries = $country_model->like('country_name', $term)
->select_list('id', 'country_name');

echo json_encode(array_values($countries));
* Callback AJAX function to filter's whisper for GPS
* @author Michal Kliment
public function gps()
$term = $this->input->get('term');

$address_point_model = new Address_point_Model();

$agps = $address_point_model->get_all_gps($term);

$arr_gps = array();
foreach ($agps as $gps)
$arr_gps[] = $gps->gps;

echo json_encode($arr_gps);
* Callback AJAX function to filter's whisper for address point name
* @author Michal Kliment
public function address_point_name()
$term = $this->input->get('term');

$address_point_model = new Address_point_Model();

$address_points = $address_point_model->like('name',$term)

echo json_encode(array_values($address_points));
* Callback AJAX function to return link by iface id
* @author Ondřej Fibich
public function get_link_by_iface()
$iface = new Iface_Model($this->input->get('iface_id'));
if ($iface->id && $iface->link_id)
$arr = $iface->link->as_array();
$arr['bitrate'] = network::bytes2str($arr['bitrate'], 'M');
* Callback AJAX function to filter's whisper for SSID
* @author Michal Kliment
public function ssid()
$term = $this->input->get('term');

$link_model = new Link_Model();

$ssids = $link_model->like('wireless_ssid',$term)
->select_list('id', 'wireless_ssid');

echo json_encode(array_values($ssids));
* Callback AJAX function for getting if device name
* @author Ondřej Fibich
public function get_device_name()
$device_id = $this->input->get('device_id');

$device_model = new Device_Model($device_id);

if ($device_model && $device_model->id && !empty($device_model->name))
'name' => $device_model->name

'name' => $device_id
* Callback AJAX function to get value of device template
* @author Ondřej Fibich
public function get_device_template_value()
$device_template_id = $this->input->get('device_template_id');
$device_template = new Device_template_Model($device_template_id);
if ($device_template && $device_template->id)
echo $device_template->values;
echo json_encode(array());
* Callback AJAX function to get only device templates of choosen type of
* device to dropdown
* @author Ondřej Fibich
public function get_device_templates_by_type()
$type = $this->input->get('type');
$device_template = new Device_template_Model();
$types = $device_template->where('enum_type_id', $type)->orderby('name')->find_all();
$arr_types = array();
foreach ($types as $type)
$arr_types[] = array
'id' => $type->id,
'name' => $type->name,
'isDefault' => $type->default
echo json_encode($arr_types);
* Callback AJAX function to get only streets of choosen town to dropdown
* @author Ondřej Fibich
public function get_streets_by_town()
// H@ck: key is swaped with value because of sorting asociative array
// by street name in JavaScript coause by auto sorting in jQuery AJAX fnc.
$streets = ORM::factory('street')
->where('town_id', $this->input->get('town_id'))
->select_list('street', 'id', 'street');
echo json_encode($streets);
* Gets suggestion for connecting one type of interface on location given by
* member address point or by given GPS.
* @author Ondřej Fibich
* @see Devices_Controller#add
public function get_suggestion_for_connecting_to()
// filter
$filter = new Filter_form();
// vars
$user_id = $this->input->get('user_id');
$gpsx = $this->input->get('gpsx');
$gpsy = $this->input->get('gpsy');
$wmode = $this->input->get('wmode');
$gps = array();
if ($user_id)
if ($gpsx && $gpsy)
$gps = array('x' => $gpsx, 'y' => $gpsy);
$im = new Iface_Model();
echo json_encode(array
Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS => $im->get_iface_for_connecting_to_iface(
$user_id, Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS, $gps, $filter->as_sql(), $wmode
Iface_Model::TYPE_ETHERNET => $im->get_iface_for_connecting_to_iface(
$user_id, Iface_Model::TYPE_ETHERNET, $gps, $filter->as_sql()
Iface_Model::TYPE_PORT => $im->get_iface_for_connecting_to_iface(
$user_id, Iface_Model::TYPE_PORT, $gps, $filter->as_sql()
echo json_encode(array());
* Returns all members in JSON format
* @author Michal Kliment
public function get_members()
$arr_members = array();
$members = ORM::factory('member')
foreach ($members as $member)
$arr_members[] = arr::from_object($member);
echo json_encode($arr_members);
* Returns all devices of member in JSON format
* @author Michal Kliment
public function get_devices()
$member_id = (int) $this->input->get('data');
$arr_devices = array();
$devices = ORM::factory('device')
foreach ($devices as $device)
$arr_devices[] = arr::from_object($device);
echo json_encode($arr_devices);
* Returns filtered devices in JSON format
* @author Ondřej Fibich
* @see Device_Controller#add
* @see Filter_form
public function get_filtered_devices()
// filter
$filter = new Filter_form();
// data
$dm = new Device_Model();
$devices = $dm->select_list_filtered_device_with_user($filter->as_sql());
$out_devices = array();
foreach ($devices AS $user_name => $device)
$out_devices[] = array('user_name' => $user_name, 'devices' => $device);
// output
echo json_encode($out_devices);
* Returns all ifaces in in JSON format
* @author Michal Kliment, Ondrej Fibich
public function get_ifaces()
$device_id = (int) $this->input->get('data');
$itype = $this->input->get('itype');
$wmode = $this->input->get('wmode');
$ifaces = array();
$arr_ifaces = array();
$concat = 'CONCAT(IFNULL(mac, \'- \'),\': \',IFNULL(name,\'\'))';
if ($device_id && is_numeric($itype))
$itypes = Iface_Model::get_can_connect_to($itype);
if (count($itypes))
if (is_numeric($wmode) && ($itype == Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS))
// select oposite mode
if ($wmode == Iface_Model::WIRELESS_MODE_AP)
$wmode = Iface_Model::WIRELESS_MODE_CLIENT;
$wmode = Iface_Model::WIRELESS_MODE_AP;
$ifaces = ORM::factory('iface')
->where('device_id', $device_id)
->where('wireless_mode', $wmode)
->in('type', $itypes)
->select_list('id', $concat);
$ifaces = ORM::factory('iface')
->where('device_id', $device_id)
->in('type', $itypes)
->select_list('id', $concat);
foreach ($ifaces as $id => $name)
$arr_ifaces[] = array
'id' => $id,
'name' => $name
echo json_encode($arr_ifaces);
c2e44ab0 Michal Kliment
* Function return address of given user
* @author David Raska
public function get_user_address()
$user_id = (int) $this->input->get('user_id');
if ($user_id)
$um = new User_Model($user_id);
$result = array(
'country_id' => $um->member->address_point->country_id,
'town_id' => $um->member->address_point->town_id,
'street_id' => $um->member->address_point->street_id,
'street_number' => $um->member->address_point->street_number,

echo json_encode($result);
8baed187 Michal Kliment