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<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

* Abstrakní třída pro parsery telefonnich faktur.
* Cílem parseru je získat informace o faktuře, fakturovaných telefoních číslech
* a o službách které byly číslům poskytnuty.
* @author Ondřej Fibich - ondrej.fibich(at)gmail(dot)com
* David Raška - jeffraska(at)gmail(dot)com
* @version 1.0
abstract class Parser_Phone_Invoice
* Dir with classes
const DIR = 'phone_invoice_parsers';
/** Parser require file upload */
const TYPE_UPLOAD = 1;
/** Parser require data in textarea */
const TYPE_TEXTAREA = 2;
* Array of availables drivers for factory method.
* Keys:
* id Parser ID
* name Name
* class Class name in phone invoice parsers folder
* @var array
private static $PARSERS = array
'vodafone_onenet_xml' => array
'id' => 'vodafone_onenet_xml',
'name' => 'Vodafone OneNet XML',
'class' => 'Vodafone_Onenet_Xml',
'input' => self::TYPE_UPLOAD
'vodafone_onenet_xls_csv_ge_8_2012' => array
'id' => 'vodafone_onenet_xls_csv_ge_8_2012',
'name' => 'Vodafone OneNet XLS > CSV, >= 8.2012',
'class' => 'Vodafone_Onenet_Csv_Ge_8_2012',
'input' => self::TYPE_UPLOAD,
'files' => 3
'vodafone_onenet_xls_csv_le_7_2012' => array
'id' => 'vodafone_onenet_xls_csv_le_7_2012',
'name' => 'Vodafone OneNet XLS > CSV, <= 7.2012',
'class' => 'Vodafone_Onenet_Csv_Le_7_2012',
'input' => self::TYPE_UPLOAD,
'files' => 2
'vodafone_ge_9_2011' => array
'id' => 'vodafone_ge_9_2011',
'name' => 'Vodafone, >= 09.2011',
'class' => 'Parser_Phone_Invoice_Vodafone2',
'input' => self::TYPE_TEXTAREA
'vodafone_le_8_2011' => array
'id' => 'vodafone_le_8_2011',
'name' => 'Vodafone, <= 08.2011',
'class' => 'Parser_Phone_Invoice_Vodafone',
'input' => self::TYPE_TEXTAREA

* Factory for parsers
* @param mixed $parser String index of parser or integer ID of driver
* @return Parser_Phone_Invoice Parser instance or NULL
* if driver name or ID is incorect.
public static function factory($parser = NULL)
if ($parser)
$selected_parser = self::_get_parser_index($parser);
if ($selected_parser)
$parser = self::$PARSERS[$selected_parser];
$class_name = $parser['class'];
$class_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . self::DIR
. '/' . $class_name . '.php';

require_once $class_path;
return new $class_name;
return NULL;
* Gets index of driver
* @param mixed $parser String index of driver or integer ID of driver.
* @return mixed String key on success FALSE on error.
private static function _get_parser_index($parser)
if (array_key_exists($parser, self::$PARSERS))
return $parser;
foreach (self::$PARSERS as $key => $available_parser)
if ($available_parser['id'] == $parser)
return $key;
return FALSE;
* Gets parser input types
* @return type
public static function get_parser_input_types()
$options = array();
foreach (self::$PARSERS as $d)
$options[$d['id']] = $d['input'];
return $options;
* Gets parser upload files num
* @return array
public static function get_parser_upload_files()
$files = array();
foreach (self::$PARSERS as $d)
if (isset($d['files']))
$f = $d['files'];
else if ($d['input'] == self::TYPE_UPLOAD)
$f = 1;
$f = 0;
$files[$d['id']] = $f;
return $files;
* Gets parsers array for dropdown
* @return array
public static function get_parsers_for_dropdown()
$options = array();
foreach (self::$PARSERS as $d)
$options[$d['id']] = __($d['name']);
return $options;
* Parsovací funkce.
* Obsahuje vnitřní testování správnosti parsování a integrity dat ve 2 bodech:
* - Testuje zda-li odpovídá počet fakturovaných a parsovaných čísel.
* - Testuje zda-li odpovídají ceny položek služeb s celkovou cenou za danou službu
* daného čísla.
* @param string $text Text k parsování(vstup)
* @param boolean $integrity_test_enabled
* Povolení testování integrity čísel
* v podrobných výpisech
* @return Bill_Data Data faktury
* @throws Exception Při chybě při parsování
* @throws InvalidArgumentException Při prázdném vstupu
public static abstract function parse($text, $integrity_test_enabled = TRUE);
