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<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

* This is one from parsers of some kinds of invoice.
* Parser loads data from XML file and store it in object.
* @author Michal Kliment
* @version 1.0
class Parser_ED_Invoice {

* Basic data obtained from XML file
* @var SimpleXML object
private $data = NULL;

* Object of final data
* @var StdClass object
private $values = NULL;

* Private method to set up id of supplier
* @param $id if of member to set up as supplier
public function set_supplier_id ($id = NULL)
$this->supplier_id = $id;

* Private method to open XML file and load data in SImpleXML object
* @param $file file to parse
* @return true if data was successfully loaded, false if not
private function load_data_from_xml_file($file)
if ($this->data) return true;
$this->data = @simplexml_load_file($file);
if (!$this->data) return false;
return true;

* Private method to setting up final values from basic data
private function set_values_from_data()
if (!$this->data)
die('Need data!');
$this->values = new StdClass();
$this->values->supplier_id = $this->supplier_id;
$this->values->invoice_nr = (double) $this->data->INVOICE->INV_ID;
$this->values->var_sym = (double) $this->data->INVOICE->VAR_SYM;
$this->values->con_sym = (double) $this->data->INVOICE->CON_SYM;
$this->values->date_inv = $this->get_datetime_from_string((string) $this->data->INVOICE->DATE_INV);
$this->values->date_due = $this->get_datetime_from_string((string) $this->data->INVOICE->DATE_DUE);
$this->values->date_vat = $this->get_datetime_from_string((string) $this->data->INVOICE->DATE_VAT);
$this->values->vat = $this->bool($this->data->INVOICE->VAT);
$this->values->order_nr = (int) $this->data->INVOICE->ORD_ID;
$this->values->currency = (string) $this->data->INVOICE->CUR_ID;

$this->values->items = array();
$i = 0;

foreach ($this->data->INVOICE->ITEMS->ITEM as $item)
$this->values->items[$i]->name = (string) $item->PRO_NAME;
$this->values->items[$i]->code = (string) $item->PRO_CODE;
$this->values->items[$i]->quantity = (double) strtr($item->QTY, ',', '.');
$this->values->items[$i]->author_fee = (double) strtr($item->AO, ',', '.');
$this->values->items[$i]->contractual_increase = (double) strtr($item->SNC, ',', '.');
$this->values->items[$i]->service = $this->bool($item->IS_TEXT);
$this->values->items[$i]->price = (double) strtr($item->PRICE, ',', '.');
$this->values->items[$i]->price_vat = (double) strtr($item->PRICE_VAT, ',', '.');

* Private method to convert string to datetime
* @param $string string to convert
* @return converted datetime
private function get_datetime_from_string($string = NULL)
if (strlen($string)!=10) return NULL;

$day = substr($string, 0, 2);
$month = substr($string, 3, 2);
$year = substr($string, 6, 4);
return $year.'-'.$month.'-'.$day;

* Private method to convert string to bool
* @param $value string, probably 'true' or 'false'
* @return return boolean true or false (without quotes)
private function bool($value = 'false')
return (strtolower($value)=='true') ? 1 : 0;

* Public method to parse XML file (uses private methods)
* @param $file file to parse
public function parse($file)
if (!$this->load_data_from_xml_file($file)) die('Spatny format souboru');

* Public method to get final values
* @return StdClass object final values
public function get_values()
return $this->values;
