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<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
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* Helper for working with variable symbols of payments.
* @author Tomas Dulik, Ondrej Fibich
* @package Helper
class variable_symbol

* CRC-CCITT-16 algorithm for the polynomial 0x1021
* Tomas Dulik note: the algorithm is too nice to be true.
* The values it computes differ from the values returned by other calculators, e.g.
* This function can be used for generating the payments variable symbol from member id.
* crc16 can check error bursts up to 16bits long, so if the member mistypes such
* a generated variable symbol, almost any possible error should be detected.
* @author Tomas Dulik, using
* @param $data 16bit integer for which crc16 should be computed
* @return 16bit int value containing crc16
public static function crc16($data)
$crc = 0xFFFF;
for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++)
$x = (($crc >> 8) ^ $data) & 0xFF;
$data = $data >> 8;
$x ^= $x >> 4;
$crc = (($crc << 8) ^ ($x << 12) ^ ($x << 5) ^ $x) & 0xFFFF;
return $crc;

* This function can be used for generating variable symbols from member id
* @author Tomas Dulik
* @param integer $member_id
* @return string containing concatenation of member_id and 5 digits of its crc16
public static function make_variable_symbol($member_id)
return $member_id . sprintf("%5d", self::crc16($member_id));
