


Stáhnout (1.08 KB) Statistiky
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8baed187 Michal Kliment
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct access allowed.');

$lang = array
'no_connection' => 'Unable to locate a valid connection ID. Please make sure you are connected before peforming any file routines.',
'unable_to_connect' => 'Unable to connect to your FTP server using the supplied hostname.',
'unable_to_login' => 'Unable to login to your FTP server. Please check your username and password.',
'unable_to_makdir' => 'Unable to create the directory you have specified.',
'unable_to_changedir' => 'Unable to change directories.',
'unable_to_chmod' => 'Unable to set file permissions. Please check your path. Note: This feature is only available in PHP 5 or higher.',
'unable_to_upload' => 'Unable to upload the specified file. Please check your path.',
'no_source_file' => 'Unable to locate the source file. Please check your path.',
'unable_to_remame' => 'Unable to rename the file.',
'unable_to_delete' => 'Unable to delete the file.',
'unable_to_move' => 'Unable to move the file. Please make sure the destination directory exists.'