


Stáhnout (8.72 KB) Statistiky
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c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
8baed187 Michal Kliment
// filters data used by javascript
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
var types = <?php echo json_encode($js_data) ?>;
8baed187 Michal Kliment
var selected_operations = {
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
foreach ($operations as $i => $operation):
if ($operation != ''):
echo "\t\t$i: ['$operation'],\n"; endif;
8baed187 Michal Kliment
var selected_values = {
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
foreach ($types as $i => $type):
if (isset($js_data[$type]['returns']) && $js_data[$type]['returns'] == 'key'):
echo "\t\t$i: ['" . implode('\',\'', $values[$i]) . "'],\n";
8baed187 Michal Kliment
* Type of filter changed
* @author Michal Kliment
$(".t").die("change").live("change", function (){
// css classes
var classes = [];
// remove all items from operation's select
// adds only operations of current type
var b = [];
for (var i in types[$(this).val()]['operations'])
b.push("<option value='"+i+"'>"+types[$(this).val()]['operations'][i]+"</option>");
// repair classes of value input
for (var i in types[$(this).val()]['classes'])
// add CSS classes
for (var i in types[$(this).val()]['css_classes'])
// type returns key (not value), change value input to select
if (types[$(this).val()]['returns'] == 'key')
if (!$(this).next().next().is("select"))
// adds button to switch to multiple select
$(this).next().next().after("<img src='<?php echo url::base() ?>media/images/icons/ico_add.gif' class='expand-button' title='<?php echo __("Multiple choice") ?>'>");
$(this).next().next().replaceWith("<select class='" + classes.join(' ') + "' name='"+$(this).next().next().attr("name")+"'></select>");
b = [];
for (var i in types[$(this).val()]['values'])
b.push("<option value='"+i+"'>"+types[$(this).val()]['values'][i]+"</option>");
// type returns value (not key), change value select to input
if (!$(this).next().next().is("input"))
$(this).next().next().replaceWith("<input class='" + classes.join(' ') + "' name='"+$(this).next().next().attr("name")+"'>");
// type has callback
if (types[$(this).val()]['callback'] != null)
source: "<?php echo url_lang::base() ?>"+types[$(this).val()]['callback']
// click on expand button
$(".expand-button").die("click").live("click", function (){
var is_multiple = ($(this).prev().attr("multiple") == 'multiple');
if ($(this).prev().attr("multiple") != 'multiple')
var length = $(this).prev().children("option").length;
$(this).prev().attr("multiple", true);
$(this).prev().attr("size", Math.min(length, 10));
$(this).attr("src", "<?php echo url::base() ?>media/images/icons/ico_minus.gif");
$(this).prev().attr("multiple", false);
$(this).prev().attr("size", 1);
$(this).attr("src", "<?php echo url::base() ?>media/images/icons/ico_add.gif");
var title = is_multiple ? "<?php echo __("Multiple choice") ?>" : "<?php echo __("Single choice") ?>";
$(this).attr('title', title);
$(".v").die('focus').live('focus', function (){
var is_multiple = ($(this).attr("multiple") == 'multiple');
if (is_multiple)
$(this).attr("size", Math.min(10, $(this).children("option").length));
$(".v").die('blur').live('blur', function (){
var is_multiple = ($(this).attr("multiple") == 'multiple');
var length = $(this).children("option").length;
if (is_multiple)
$(this).attr("size", Math.min(10, length));
* Adds new filter
$("#add_button").die("click").live("click", function (){
var i = $(".filter_div").length;
$(".filter_div:last .t").trigger("change");
$(".filter_div:last").attr("id", "filter-div-"+i);
$(".filter_div:last .number").text("#"+(i+1));
$(".filter_div:last .n").attr("name", "on["+i+"]");
$(".filter_div:last .n").removeAttr("checked");
$(".filter_div:last .t").attr("name", "types["+i+"]");
$(".filter_div:last .o").attr("name", "opers["+i+"]");
$(".filter_div:last .v").attr("name", "values["+i+"][0]");
$(".filter_div:last .b").attr("name", "tables["+i+"]");
$(".filter_div:last .d").attr("name", "default["+i+"]");
return false;
* Resets filter
$("#reset_button").live("click", function (){
var i = $(".filter_div").length;
for (x=i; x>1; x--) {
$(".filter_div:last .t").val(0);
if ($(".filter_div:last .v").is("input"))
$(".filter_div:last .v").val("");
$(".filter_div:last .v").val(0);
$(".filter_div:last .t").trigger("change");
$(".filter_div:first .n").removeAttr("checked");
return false;
if (window['filter_form_template_loaded'] == undefined)
window['filter_form_template_loaded'] = true;


// add button for adding new filter
$("<a id='add_button'><img src='<?php echo url::base() ?>media/images/icons/ico_add.gif'> <?php echo __('Add new filter') ?></a>").insertBefore("#filters");

// add button for reset filter
$("<a id='reset_button'><img src='<?php echo url::base() ?>media/images/icons/voip-terminating.png'> <?php echo __('reset_filters') ?></a>").insertBefore("#filters");



$(".t, .o, .v").live("change", function (){
$(this).parent().children(".n").attr("checked", "checked");
$("filter_div:last .n").removeAttr("checked");

for (i in selected_values)
if (selected_values[i].length > 1)
$("#filter-div-"+i+" .expand-button").trigger('click');

$("#filter-div-"+i+" .v").val(selected_values[i]);

for (i in selected_operations)
$("#filter-div-"+i+" .o").val(selected_operations[i]);

$("#filter_form fieldset legend").click(function(){


$("#filter-query-select").change(function (){
window.location.href = '<?php echo url::base(TRUE).url::current(FALSE) ?>?query='+$(this).val();
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
8baed187 Michal Kliment
<?php echo form::open(url::base(TRUE).url::current(FALSE), array('method' => 'get', 'id' => 'filter_form')); ?>
<legend><?php echo __('Filters') ?></legend>
<?php if (count($queries)): ?>
<div id="filter-queries-div">
<?php echo __('Saved queries') ?>:
<select name="query" id="filter-query-select">
<option value="NULL">----- <?php echo __("Choose query") ?> -----</option>
<?php foreach ($queries as $query): ?>
<option value="<?php echo $query->id ?>"><?php echo $query->name ?></option>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endif ?>
<div id="filters-div">
<div id="filters">
<?php foreach ($types as $i => $type): ?>
<div class="filter_div" id="filter-div-<?php echo $i ?>">
<span class="number">#<?php echo ($i+1) ?></span>
<?php echo form::checkbox ('on['.$i.']', 1, $states[$i], " class='n'") ?>
<?php echo form::dropdown ('types['.$i.']', $type_options, $type, " class='t'") ?>
<?php echo form::dropdown ('opers['.$i.']', $operation_options, $operations[$i], " class='o'") ?>
<?php echo form::input(array('name' => 'values['.$i.'][]', 'value' => $values[$i][0], 'class' => implode(' ', array_merge(array('v'), $classes)))) ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php foreach ($tables as $type => $table): ?>
<?php echo form::hidden('tables['.$type.']', $table, " class='b'") ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
<button type="submit" class="submit filter-button">
<?php echo html::image(array('src' => 'media/images/icons/filter.png', 'width' => 14, 'height' => 14, 'style' => 'float:left')) ?>&nbsp;
<?php echo __('Filter') ?>
<?php if ($can_add): ?>
<a href="<?php echo url_lang::base().'filter_queries/add'.server::query_string().'&url='.$base_url ?>" class="save-button popup_link submit">
<?php echo html::image(array('src' => 'media/images/icons/save.png', 'width' => 14, 'height' => 14, 'style' => 'float:left')) ?>&nbsp;
<?php echo __('Save filter') ?>
<?php endif; ?>
8baed187 Michal Kliment
<?php echo form::close() ?>