Refs #1109: drop support for Lenny
Release 1.1.23
Refs #1101: Support for Debian Stretch (PHP 7.0 + Maria DB 15.1). Improved setup that no longer support database creation (in Maria DB it is hard to do so from non-root user due to security restrictions), database setup error cause was added, disabling Settings DB queries in non-setup environment. In order to fix DB init some FK indexes/constrains must have been renamed in 1.1.0 SQL script (Maria DB enforces uniqueness on FK names).
Release 1.1.22
Prepare release 1.1.21
Prepare release 1.1.20
Prepare release 1.1.19
Prepare release 1.1.18
Release 1.1.7 - change log.
refs #1037: HTTPS configuration does not work in some WWW-browsers
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