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Revize a33fa7cc

Přidáno uživatelem Michal Kliment před asi 9 roky(ů)

Release 1.1.2

Zobrazit rozdíly:

->default(Filter_form::OPER_GREATER_OR_EQUAL, $association->entrance_date)
->default(Filter_form::OPER_SMALLER_OR_EQUAL, $last_entrance_date)
$view->content = new View('stats/members_increase_decrease');
$view->content->js_data_array_str = '';
$year = min(array_keys($counts));
$month = min(array_keys($counts[$year]));
$max_year = max(array_keys($counts));
$max_month = max(array_keys($counts[$max_year]));
$year = $max_year = $month = $max_month = NULL;
$counts_year_keys = array_keys($counts);
if (!empty($counts_year_keys))
$year = min($counts_year_keys);
$max_year = max($counts_year_keys);
$counts_month_keys = array_keys($counts[$year]);
if (!empty($counts_month_keys))
$month = min(array_keys($counts[$year]));
$max_month = max(array_keys($counts[$max_year]));
$max_date = date('Y-m-d', mktime(
0, 0, 0, $max_month, count(date::days($max_month)), $max_year
freenetis (1.1.2) stable; urgency=hight
* Fix release
* Fixes #868: member statistics on no filtered results
* Fixes #869: datepicker in SMS messages date filter
* Fixes #871: dialog loading in IE7
* Fixes #873: invalid rebuilding of filter
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Tue, 04 Feb 2014 22:21:11 +0100
freenetis (1.1.1) stable; urgency=hight
* Fix release (#862: Activation of user notification message)
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Fri, 24 Jan 2014 18:45:31 +0100
* @author Michal Kliment
$(".t").die("change").live("change", function (){
// css classes
var classes = [];
// filter items
var $op = $(this).parent().find("select.o");
var $val = $(this).parent().find(":input.v");console.log($val.length);
// value
var val = $(this).val();
var name = $val.attr("name");
// remove all items from operation's select
// adds only operations of current type
var b = [];
for (var i in types[$(this).val()]['operations'])
for (var i in types[val]['operations'])
b.push("<option value='"+i+"'>"+types[$(this).val()]['operations'][i]+"</option>");
b.push("<option value='"+i+"'>"+types[val]['operations'][i]+"</option>");
// destroy old objects
// repair classes of value input
for (var i in types[$(this).val()]['classes'])
// add CSS classes
for (var i in types[$(this).val()]['css_classes'])
// remove old CSS classes
// type returns key (not value), change value input to select
if (types[$(this).val()]['returns'] == 'key')
if (types[val]['returns'] == 'key')
if (!$(this).next().next().is("select"))
if (!$"select"))
// adds button to switch to multiple select
$(this).next().next().after("<img src='<?php echo url::base() ?>media/images/icons/ico_add.gif' class='expand-button' title='<?php echo __("Multiple choice") ?>'>");
$val.after($("<img>", {
src: "<?php echo url::base() ?>media/images/icons/ico_add.gif",
title: "<?php echo __("Multiple choice") ?>"
$(this).next().next().replaceWith("<select class='" + classes.join(' ') + "' name='"+$(this).next().next().attr("name")+"'></select>");
b = [];
for (var i in types[$(this).val()]['values'])
// build select
b = ["<select name='" + name + "' class='v'>"];
for (var i in types[val]['values'])
b.push("<option value='"+i+"'>"+types[$(this).val()]['values'][i]+"</option>");
b.push("<option value='"+i+"'>"+types[val]['values'][i]+"</option>");
// replace old input with select
// replace pointer to value
$val = $(this).parent().find(":input.v");
// type returns value (not key), change value select to input
if (!$(this).next().next().is("input"))
if (!$"input"))
$(this).next().next().replaceWith("<input class='" + classes.join(' ') + "' name='"+$(this).next().next().attr("name")+"'>");
$; // expand button remove
$val.replaceWith($("<input>", {name: name}).addClass('v'));
// replace pointer to value
$val = $(this).parent().find(":input.v");
// set CSS classes
.addClass(types[val]['classes'].join(' '))
.addClass(types[val]['css_classes'].join(' '));
// type has callback
if (types[$(this).val()]['callback'] != null)
if (types[val]['callback'] != null)
source: "<?php echo url_lang::base() ?>"+types[$(this).val()]['callback']
source: "<?php echo url_lang::base() ?>"+types[val]['callback']
if (data.length)
// detecting returned data's type by first character
switch (data[0])
switch (data.charAt(0))
// result is html
case '<':
* The current version of FreenetIS.
* This value must be changed by developers in a new release of FreenetIS.
define('FREENETIS_VERSION', '1.1.1');
define('FREENETIS_VERSION', '1.1.2');

Také k dispozici: Unified diff