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<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

require_once "Object.php";

* Informace o faktuře a seznam čísel, které jsou fakturované.
* Seznam čísel je ukládán v poli jejichž index je fakturované číslo a hodnota
* třída Services, která obsahuje fakturované položky.
* @author Ondřej Fibich
* @property DateTime $billing_period_from
* @property DateTime $billing_period_to
* @property DateTime $date_of_issuance
* @property int $variable_symbol
* @property int $specific_symbol
* @property float $total_price
* @property float $dph
* @property int $dph_rate
* @property-read array $bill_numbers
class Bill_Data extends Object

* Zůčtovací období od
* @var DateTime
protected $billing_period_from;
* Zůčtovací období do
* @var DateTime
protected $billing_period_to;
* Datum vystavení
* @var DateTime
protected $date_of_issuance;
* Variabilní symbol
* @var int
protected $variable_symbol;
* Specifický symbol
* @var int
protected $specific_symbol;
* Celková cena
* @var float
protected $total_price;
* Daň
* @var float
protected $dph;
* Sazba daně faktury
* @var integer
protected $dph_rate;
* Pole fakturovaných čísel, index pole je číslo, hodnota třída Services
* @var array
protected $bill_numbers;

* Vytvoří instanci a inicializuje objekty pro datumy
public function __construct()
$this->billing_period_from = new DateTime();
$this->billing_period_to = new DateTime();
$this->date_of_issuance = new DateTime();
$this->bill_numbers = array();

* Přidá služby čísla
* @param mixed $number
* @param Services $services
* @throws InvalidArgumentException Při neexistujcím čísle
public function add_bill_number($number, Services $services)
if (array_key_exists($number, $this->bill_numbers))
throw new InvalidArgumentException();
$this->bill_numbers[$number] = $services;

* Vrací služby čísla
* @param mixed $number
* @return Services
* @throws InvalidArgumentException Při neexistujcím čísle
public function get_bill_number($number)
if (!array_key_exists($number, $this->bill_numbers))
throw new InvalidArgumentException();
return $this->bill_numbers[$number];

* Nastaví služby
* @param string $number
* @param Services $services
* @throws InvalidArgumentException Při neexistujcím čísle
public function set_bill_number($number, Services $services)
if (!array_key_exists($number, $this->bill_numbers))
throw new InvalidArgumentException();
$this->bill_numbers[$number] = $services;

protected function set_bill_numbers($bill_numbers)
if (!is_array($bill_numbers))
throw new InvalidArgumentException();
$this->bill_numbers = $bill_numbers;

protected function set_billing_period_from(DateTime $billing_period_from)
$this->billing_period_from = $billing_period_from;

protected function set_billing_period_to(DateTime $billing_period_to)
$this->billing_period_to = $billing_period_to;

protected function set_date_of_issuance(DateTime $date_of_issuance)
$this->date_of_issuance = $date_of_issuance;

protected function set_variable_symbol($variable_symbol)
$this->variable_symbol = $variable_symbol;

protected function set_specific_symbol($specific_symbol)
$this->specific_symbol = $specific_symbol;

protected function set_total_price($total_price)
$this->total_price = floatval($total_price);

protected function set_dph($dph)
$this->dph = floatval($dph);

protected function set_rate($dph_rate)
$this->dph_rate = intval($dph_rate);
