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* GPS javascript view.
* During adding of address point, try to add GPS for selected country,
* street, street number and town and set it to GPS fields.
* @author Michal Kliment, Ondřej Fibich, David Raška

// IDE complementation
if (FALSE): ?><script type="text/javascript"><?php endif

var gps_get = null;
var domicile_gps_get = null;
// try to find GPS for address point and set it (esed ad devices and members)
$("#country_id, #town, #district, #street, #zip").change(function ()
if (gps_get !== null)
gps_get = null;
gps_get = $.ajax({
url: '<?php echo url_lang::base() ?>address_points/get_gps_by_address_string/',
data: "country_id="+encodeURIComponent($("#country_id").val())+"&town="+encodeURIComponent($("#town").val())+"&district="+encodeURIComponent($("#district").val())+"&street="+encodeURIComponent($("#street").val())+"&zip="+encodeURIComponent($("#zip").val()),
success: function( data ) {
if (data !== '')
var s = data.split(" ");
// show on map
if ($("#ap_map").length)
$('#ap_map').html('<div class="ap_form_map_container no_map"></div>');
var width = $('#ap_map .no_map').width();
var height = $('#ap_map .no_map').height();
var map = '<img src="'+s[0]+','+s[1]+'&zoom=18&size=' + width + 'x' + height + '&maptype=mapnik" width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '"></img>';
map = '<div class="ap_form_map_container"><a href="'+s[1]+'&y='+s[0]+'&z=18" target="_blank">'+map+'</a></div>';
map_add_zoom_buttons($("#ap_map a"), 6, 18);
$('#ap_map').html('<div class="ap_form_map_container no_map"></div>');

gps_get = null;

// try to find GPS for domicile address point and set it (used at members)
$("#domicile_country_id, #domicile_town, #domicile_district, #domicile_street, #domicile_zip").change(function ()
if (domicile_gps_get !== null)
domicile_gps_get = null;
domicile_gps_get = $.ajax({
url: '<?php echo url_lang::base() ?>address_points/get_gps_by_address_string/',
data: "country_id="+encodeURIComponent($("#domicile_country_id").val())+"&town="+encodeURIComponent($("#domicile_town").val())+"&street="+encodeURIComponent($("#domicile_street").val())+"&zip="+encodeURIComponent($("#domicile_zip").val()),
success: function( data ) {
if (data !== '')
var s = data.split(" ");
// show on map
if ($("#domicile_ap_map").length)
$('#domicile_ap_map').html('<div class="ap_form_map_container no_map"></div>');
var width = $('#domicile_ap_map .no_map').width();
var height = $('#domicile_ap_map .no_map').height();
var map = '<img src="'+s[0]+','+s[1]+'&zoom=18&size=' + width + 'x' + height + '&maptype=mapnik" width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '"></img>';
map = '<div class="ap_form_map_container"><a href="'+s[1]+'&y='+s[0]+'&z=18" target="_blank">'+map+'</a></div>';
map_add_zoom_buttons($("#domicile_ap_map a"), 6, 18);
$('#domicile_ap_map').html('<div class="ap_form_map_container no_map"></div>');

domicile_gps_get = null;
$('#street, #domicile_street').keyup(function(){