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<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

* Class for versioning of FreenetIS. Manages source code and database versions
* and it performs database upgrade.
* @author Ondrej Fibich
* @see Controller
class Version
* Regex for valitadation of versions
const VERSION_REGEX = '^(((\d|[1-9][0-9]*)\.(\d|[1-9][0-9]*)\.(\d|[1-9][0-9]*))(~(alpha|beta|dev|rc)([1-9][0-9]*)?)?)$';

* Gets version of Freenetis code
* @return string Version
public static function get_version()
if (!defined('FREENETIS_VERSION'))
require 'version.php';

if (!self::is_valid_version(FREENETIS_VERSION))
throw new ErrorException('Wrong version format in version.php');


* Gets version of Freenetis database
* @param $cache May be value returned from cache [optional]
* @return string Version
public static function get_db_version($cache = TRUE)
return Settings::get('db_schema_version', $cache);

* Check if the version of database is equal
* @return boolean true if versions are equal
public static function is_db_up_to_date()
// old type of DB upgrades? => always false
if (is_numeric(self::get_db_version(FALSE)))
return FALSE;
// new type
return (self::fn_version_compare() == 0);

* Is the current database version one of given versions?
* @param array|string $versions
* @return boolean
public static function is_db_version_in($versions)
if (empty($versions))
return FALSE;
if (!is_array($versions))
$versions = array($versions);
// listed => equivalent
return in_array(self::get_db_version(), $versions);

* Compares version of FreenetIS and its database
* @return integer -1 if the FreenetIS version is lower than the database
* version, 0 if they are equal, and 1 if the second is lower
public static function fn_version_compare()
return self::compare(self::get_version(), self::get_db_version());

* Checks if given version is in correct format
* @param string $version Version to check
* @return boolean true if it is, false otherwise
public static function is_valid_version($version)
return (mb_ereg(self::VERSION_REGEX, $version) > 0);

* Compares two valid versions of FreenetIS
* @param string $version1
* @param string $version2
* @return integer -1 if the first version is lower than the second
* version, 0 if they are equal, and 1 if the second is lower
* @throws InvalidArgumentException On invalid version
public static function compare($version1, $version2)
if (!self::is_valid_version($version1))
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Wrong version1 format: ' . $version1);

if (!self::is_valid_version($version2))
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Wrong version2 format: ' . $version2);

$version1_parts = explode('~', $version1);
$version2_parts = explode('~', $version2);
$cmp = 0;

if (($cmp = version_compare($version1_parts[0], $version2_parts[0])) == 0)
if (!isset($version1_parts[1]) && !isset($version2_parts[1]))
return 0;
else if (!isset($version1_parts[1]))
return 1;
else if (!isset($version2_parts[1]))
return -1;

$order = array('dev', 'alpha', 'beta', 'rc');
$order1 = NULL;
$order2 = NULL;
$i = 0;

foreach ($order as $type)
if (text::starts_with($version1_parts[1], $type))
$order1 = $i;

if (text::starts_with($version2_parts[1], $type))
$order2 = $i;


if (($cmp = $order1 - $order2) == 0)
$number1 = substr($version1_parts[1], mb_strlen($order[$order1]));
$number2 = substr($version2_parts[1], mb_strlen($order[$order2]));

return intval($number1) - intval($number2);

return $cmp;