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8baed187 Michal Kliment
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is release under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

* Member's fees
* @author Michal Kliment
* @package Model
* @property integer $id
* @property integer $fee_id
* @property Fee_Model $fee
* @property integer $member_id
* @property Member_Model $member
* @property date $activation_date
* @property date $deactivation_date
* @property integer $priority
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
* @property string $comment
8baed187 Michal Kliment
* @property ORM_Iterator $membership_interrupts
class Members_fee_Model extends ORM
protected $belongs_to = array('fee', 'member');
protected $has_many = array('membership_interrupts');

* Checks whether exists another tariff for this member and this fee type in the same time
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param numeric $member_id
* @param numeric $fee_type_id
* @param string $activation_date
* @param string $deactivation_date
* @param numeric $members_fee_id
* @return Mysql_Result object
public function exists(
$member_id, $fee_type_id, $activation_date,
$deactivation_date = '9999-12-31 23:59:59',
$members_fee_id = NULL, $priority = 1)
$edit_clause = ($members_fee_id) ? ' AND <> ' . intval($members_fee_id) : '';

return $this->db->query("
FROM members_fees
LEFT JOIN fees ON members_fees.fee_id =
WHERE member_id = ? AND fees.type_id = ? AND
? BETWEEN activation_date AND deactivation_date OR
? BETWEEN activation_date AND deactivation_date
) OR (
activation_date BETWEEN ? AND ? AND deactivation_date BETWEEN ? AND ?
) AND priority = ?
", array
$member_id, $fee_type_id, $activation_date, $deactivation_date,
$activation_date, $deactivation_date, $activation_date, $deactivation_date,

* Returns all fees belongs to member
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param numeric $member_id
* @return Mysql_Result object
public function get_all_fees_by_member_id($member_id)
return $this->db->query("
SELECT mf.*, f.readonly, f.type_id AS fee_type_id,
IFNULL(t.translated_term,et.value) AS fee_type_name, AS fee_name, f.fee AS fee_fee, 1 AS status,
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
f.special_type_id, mf.comment
8baed187 Michal Kliment
FROM members_fees mf
LEFT JOIN fees f ON mf.fee_id =
LEFT JOIN enum_types et ON f.type_id =
LEFT JOIN translations t ON et.value = t.original_term
WHERE mf.member_id = ?
ORDER BY fee_type_id, mf.activation_date, mf.priority
", $member_id);

* Return active fee for current date by member and fee type
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param numeric $member_id
* @param numeric $type_id
* @return Database_Result object
public function get_active_fee_by_member_type($member_id, $type_id)
$result = $this->db->query("
FROM members_fees mf
LEFT JOIN fees f ON mf.fee_id =
WHERE mf.activation_date <= ? AND mf.deactivation_date >= ?
AND f.type_id = ? AND mf.member_id = ?
ORDER BY priority LIMIT 0,1
", date('Y-m-d'), date('Y-m-d'), $type_id, $member_id);
return ($result && $result->count()) ? $result->current() : null;
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
* Caclulate additional payment for services before membership
* @author Ondřej Fibich
* @see Members_Controller#approve_applicant
* @param integer $applicant_id Member ID
* @param string $connected_from Y-m-d format
* @param string $entrance_date Y-m-d format
* @return double
public function calculate_additional_payment_of_applicant($connected_from, $entrance_date)
if (empty($connected_from) || ($connected_from == '0000-00-00'))
return 0;
$fee_model = new Fee_Model();
$amount = 0;
$current_year = date('Y', strtotime($entrance_date));
$current_month = date('m', strtotime($entrance_date));
$year = date('Y', strtotime($connected_from));
$month = date('m', strtotime($connected_from));
$deduct_day = max(1, min(31, Settings::get('deduct_day')));
// will be payed later in ordinary member fees
if (date('d', strtotime($entrance_date)) <= $deduct_day)
if (--$current_month <= 0)
$current_month = 12;

// get payment (loop gets default regular member fees)
while ($year <= $current_year)
$to_month = ($year == $current_year) ? $current_month : 12;

while ($month <= $to_month)
$date = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $deduct_day, $year));
$fee = $fee_model->get_default_fee_by_date_type($date, 'regular member fee');
if ($fee && $fee->id)
$amount += $fee->fee;

$month = 1;
return $amount;
8baed187 Michal Kliment