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<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is release under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

* Config values.
* Do not use these methods use class Settings!
* @package Model
* @see Settings#get
* @see Settings#set
class Config_Model extends Model
* Gets value from config
* @param string $name Key value
* @return string
public function get_value_from_name($name = '')
// try if query return exception, for example config table doesn't exist
$result = $this->db->query("
select value
from config
where name = ?
", $name);
catch (Kohana_Database_Exception $e)
$result = NULL;

return (count($result)) ? $result[0]->value : '';

* Gets all values from config to assoc. array
* where key is name and value is value.
* Do not fetch values which containst word 'pass', because of security
* of services provided by freenetis.
* @return array
public function get_all_values()
// query
$data = $this->db->query("
select name, value
from config
where name not like '%pass%'
order by name
// create array
$arr_data = array();
foreach ($data as $row)
$arr_data[$row->name] = $row->value;
// get data
return $arr_data;

* Checks if var exists in config
* @param string $name Key value
* @return boolean
public function check_exist_variable($name = '')
return ($this->db->query("
select value
from config
where name = ?
", $name)->count() > 0);

* Updates value in config
* @param string $name Key value
* @param string $value Value
* @return boolean
public function update_variable($name, $value)
return $this->db->query("
update config
set value = ?
where name = ?
", $value, $name);

* Insert value in config
* @param string $name Key value
* @param string $value Value
* @return boolean
public function insert_variable($name, $value)
return $this->db->query("
insert into config (name,value)
", $name, $value);
