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<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* FORGE dateselect input library.
* $Id: Form_Dateselect.php 1923 2008-02-05 14:49:08Z Shadowhand $
* @package Forge
* @author Kohana Team
* @copyright (c) 2007-2008 Kohana Team
* @license
* @method Form_Date label(string $label)
* @method Form_Date rules(string $rules)
* @method Form_Date class(string $class)
* @method Form_Date months(int $month)
* @method Form_Date days(int $day)
* @method Form_Date years(int $year)
class Form_Date extends Form_Input {

protected $data = array
'name' => '',
'class' => 'dropdown',

protected $protect = array('type');

// Precision for the parts, you can use @ to insert a literal @ symbol
protected $parts = array
'day' => array(1),
'month' => array(),
'year' => array(),

public function __construct($name)
// Set name
$this->data['name'] = $name;

// Default to the current time
$this->data['value'] = time();

public function __call($method, $args)
if (isset($this->parts[substr($method, 0, -1)]))
// Set options for date generation
$this->parts[substr($method, 0, -1)] = $args;
return $this;

return parent::__call($method, $args);

public function html_element()
// Import base data
$data = $this->data;

// Get the options and default selection
$time = $this->time_array(arr::remove('value', $data));

// No labels or values

$input = '';
foreach($this->parts as $type => $val)
if (is_int($type))
// Just add the separators
$input .= $val;

// Set this input name
$data['name'] = $this->data['name'].'['.$type.']';

// Set the selected option
$selected = $time[$type];

if ($type == 'am_pm')
// Options are static
$options = array('AM' => 'AM', 'PM' => 'PM');
// minute(s), hour(s), etc
$type .= 's';

// Use the date helper to generate the options
$options = empty($val) ? date::$type() : call_user_func_array(array('date', $type), $val);

$input .= form::dropdown($data, $options, $selected);

return $input;

protected function time_array($timestamp)
$time = array_combine
array('month', 'day', 'year', 'hour', 'minute', 'am_pm'),
explode('--', date('n--j--Y--g--i--A', $timestamp))

// Minutes should always be in 5 minute increments
//$time['minute'] = num::round($time['minute'], current($this->parts['minute']));

return $time;

protected function load_value()
if (is_bool($this->valid))

$time = $this->input_value($this->name);
if (!is_array($time))
$time = array();

// Make sure all the required inputs keys are set
$time += $this->time_array(time());

$this->data['value'] = mktime
date::adjust($time['hour'], $time['am_pm']),

} // End Form Dateselect