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<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
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* GPS coordinate helper
* @author Ondřej Fibich
* @package Helper
class gps
const REGEX = "/^([0-9]+)°([0-9]+)′([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)″$/";

private static $STR_REPLACE_SUBJECT = array(',', '"', '\'');
private static $STR_REPLACE_REPLACEMENT = array('.', '″', '′');

* Render real coordinates to form:
* degreesX°minuteX'secondX"N degreesY°minuteY'secondY"E
* @param double $coordinateX Coordinate X to render
* @param double $coordinateY Coordinate Y to render
* @param bool $use_html_entity If it is true °'" are return as HTML entity
* @return string Rendered coordinates
public static function degrees($coordinateX, $coordinateY, $use_html_entity)
return self::real2degrees($coordinateX, $use_html_entity) . "N, " .
self::real2degrees($coordinateY, $use_html_entity) . "E";

* Render coordinate from MySQL point __toString()
* @return string $coordinates Rendered coordinates
* @param bool $use_html_entity If it is true °'" are return as HTML entity
public static function degrees_from_str($coordinates, $use_html_entity)
if (mb_eregi("^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+ [0-9]+\.[0-9]+$", $coordinates))
$coordinates = explode(' ', $coordinates);
return gps::degrees($coordinates[0], $coordinates[1], $use_html_entity);
return "";

* Check if degrees coordinate is valid
* @param string $degrees_coordinate Coordinate in form: degreesX°minuteX'secondX"
* @return bool
public static function is_valid_degrees_coordinate($degrees_coordinate)
$degrees_coordinate = str_replace(

return preg_match(self::REGEX, $degrees_coordinate) == 1;

* Render real coordinate to form: degrees°minute'second"
* @param double $coordinate Coordinate to render
* @param bool $use_html_entity If it is true °'" are return as HTML entity
* @return string Rendered coordinate
public static function real2degrees($coordinate, $use_html_entity)
$coordinate = doubleval($coordinate);
$use_html_entity = ($use_html_entity === true);

if ($coordinate <= 0)
return "0";

$degrees = (int) $coordinate;
$degrees .= ( $use_html_entity ? "&deg;" : "°");

// round 12 - because of floating point effect (for example 0.1)
$minutes = (round(($coordinate - (int) $coordinate), 15) * 60);

$degrees .= (int) $minutes;
$degrees .= $use_html_entity ? "&prime;" : "′";

// round 12 - because of floating point effect (for example 0.1)
$degrees .= round(round(($minutes - (int) $minutes) * 60, 15), 3);
$degrees .= $use_html_entity ? "&Prime;" : "″";

return $degrees;

* Transform string coordinate in degrees to real
* @param string $degrees_coordinate Coordinate in form: degreesX°minuteX'secondX"
* @return double Coordinate
public static function degrees2real($degrees_coordinate)
$degrees_coordinate = str_replace(

if (preg_match(self::REGEX, $degrees_coordinate, $regs))
return intval($regs[1]) + intval($regs[2]) / 60 + doubleval($regs[3]) / 3600;

return -1.0;
