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8baed187 Michal Kliment
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

* Controller performs user registration by him self.
* @package Controller
class Registration_Controller extends Controller

* Function to self-registration of candidates about membership (applicants
* @author Michal Kliment, Jiri Svitak, Ondřej Fibich
public function index()
// if self-registration is not allow, redirect to login page
if (!$this->settings->get('self_registration'))
// countries
$country_model = new Country_Model();
$arr_countries = $country_model->select_list('id', 'country_name');
// streets
$arr_streets = array
NULL => '--- ' . __('Without street') . ' ---'
) + ORM::factory('street')->select_list('id', 'street');
// towns with zip code and quarter
$arr_towns = array
NULL => '--- ' . __('Select town') . ' ---'
) + ORM::factory('town')->select_list_with_quater();
// list for phone prefixes
$phone_prefixes = $country_model->select_country_list();

// registration form
$form = new Forge(url_lang::base() . 'registration');
$form->group('Login data');
->label(__('Username') . ':&nbsp;'.help::hint('login_name'))
->callback(array($this, 'valid_username'));
->label(__('Password') . ':&nbsp;'.help::hint('password'))
->label(__('Confirm password') . ':')
$form->group('Basic information');
->label('Pre title')
->label('Post title')
->label('Name of organization')
->label('Organization identifier')
->years(date('Y') - 100, date('Y'))

$form->group('Contact information');
->label('Telephone prefix')
->callback(array($this, 'valid_phone'));
->callback(array($this, 'valid_email'));
$form->group('Additional information');


// posted form
if ($form->validate())
$user = new User_Model;

// start transaction

$form_data = $form->as_array();
// gps
$gpsx = NULL;
$gpsy = NULL;

if (!empty($form_data['gpsx']) && !empty($form_data['gpsy']))
$gpsx = doubleval($form_data['gpsx']);
$gpsy = doubleval($form_data['gpsy']);

if (gps::is_valid_degrees_coordinate($form_data['gpsx']))
$gpsx = gps::degrees2real($form_data['gpsx']);

if (gps::is_valid_degrees_coordinate($form_data['gpsy']))
$gpsy = gps::degrees2real($form_data['gpsy']);

$member = new Member_Model;
$enum_type = new Enum_type_Model();

$user->login = $form_data['login'];
$user->password = sha1($form_data['password']);
$user->name = $form_data['name'];
$user->middle_name = $form_data['middle_name'];
$user->surname = $form_data['surname'];
$user->pre_title = $form_data['title1'];
$user->post_title = $form_data['title2'];
$user->birthday = date('Y-m-d', $form_data['birthday']);
$user->type = User_Model::MAIN_USER;

// entrance fee
$fee_model = new Fee_Model();
$fee = $fee_model->get_by_date_type(date('Y-m-d'), 'entrance fee');
if (is_object($fee) && $fee->id)
$entrance_fee = $fee->fee;
$entrance_fee = 0;

$address_point_model = new Address_point_Model();
$address_point = $address_point_model->get_address_point(
$form_data['country_id'], $form_data['town_id'],
$form_data['street_id'], $form_data['street_number'],
$gpsx, $gpsy

// address point doesn't exist exist, create it
if (!$address_point->id)

// add GPS
if (!empty($gpsx) && !empty($gpsy))
{ // save
$address_point->id, $gpsx, $gpsy
{ // delete gps
$address_point->gps = '';

$member->name = ($form_data['membername'] != '') ?
$form_data['membername'] : $user->name . ' ' . $user->surname;
$member->address_point_id = $address_point->id;
$member->type = Member_Model::TYPE_APPLICANT;
$member->organization_identifier = $form_data['organization_identifier'];
$member->entrance_fee = $entrance_fee;
$member->applicant_registration_datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$member->comment = $form_data['comment'];
$user->member_id = $member->id;
$member->user_id = $user->id;

// telephone
$contact = new Contact_Model();
$contact->type = Contact_Model::TYPE_PHONE;
$contact->value = $form_data['phone'];
$phone_country = new Country_Model($form_data['phone_prefix']);
// email
$contact->type = Contact_Model::TYPE_EMAIL;
$contact->value = $form_data['email'];

// account
$account = new Account_Model();
$account->member_id = $member->id;
$account->account_attribute_id = Account_attribute_Model::CREDIT;
if ($form_data['membername'] == '')
$account->name = $form_data['surname'] . ' ' . $form_data['name'];
$account->name = $form_data['membername'];

// access rights of expectant for membership (wannabe - aro group 23)
$groups_aro_map = new Groups_aro_map_Model();
$groups_aro_map->aro_id = $user->id;
$groups_aro_map->group_id = Aro_group_Model::REGISTERED_APPLICANTS;

// commit transaction

catch (Exception $ex)
status::error('Cannot complete registration.');

$view = new View('registration/index');
$view->title = __('Registration form');
$view->form = $form->html();
* Info about registration after correct sending
* @author Ondřej Fibich
public function complete()
$view = new View('registration/done');
* Check if username is valid
* @param string $input
public static function valid_username($input = NULL)
// validators cannot be accessed
if (empty($input) || !is_object($input))
$user_model = new User_Model();
if ($user_model->username_exist($input->value) && !trim($input->value) == '')
$input->add_error('required', __('Username already exists in database'));
else if (preg_match('/^[a-z]{1}[a-z0-9]+$/', $input->value) == 0)
'required', __('Login must contains only a-z and 0-9 and starts with literal.')

* Check if phone is valis
* @param string $input
public static function valid_phone($input = NULL)
// validators cannot be accessed
if (empty($input) || !is_object($input))
$user_model = new User_Model();
if ($user_model->phone_exist($input->value) && !trim($input->value) == '')
$input->add_error('required', __('Phone already exists in database.'));

* Check if email is valis
* @param string $input
public static function valid_email($input = NULL)
// validators cannot be accessed
if (empty($input) || !is_object($input))
$user_model = new User_Model();
if ($user_model->email_exist($input->value) && !trim($input->value) == '')
$input->add_error('required', __('Email already exists in database.'));