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* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
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require_once __DIR__ . '/FioCsvParserUtil.php';

* Auxiliary class for parsing CSV bank account listings from czech bank
* "FIO banka". Listing may be obtain from from the ebanking web application
* of FIO bank.
* The CSV format looks like this:
* @author Petr Hruska, Lukas Turek, Tomas Dulik, Jiri Svitak
* @todo i18n of error messages
class FioCsvParser
* CSV colum separator.
const CSV_COL_DELIM = ";";

* Bank account number regex.
const ACCOUNT_NUMBER_RE = "/^(\d+)\/(\d+)$/";

* Last line date string that is used for end of statement detection.
const LAST_LINE_DATE_VALUE = 'Suma';

* Default CSV file encoding.

* All fields available must be used and sorted alphabetically
* @var array[string]
private static $fields = array
'datum' => 'Datum',
'id_pohybu' => 'ID pohybu',
'id_pokynu' => 'ID pokynu',
'kod_banky' => 'Kód banky',
'ks' => 'KS',
'mena' => 'Měna',
'nazev_banky' => 'Název banky',
'nazev_protiuctu' => 'Název protiúčtu',
'castka' => 'Objem',
'protiucet' => 'Protiúčet',
'provedl' => 'Provedl',
'prevod' => 'Převod',
'ss' => 'SS',
'typ' => 'Typ',
'upresneni' => 'Upřesnění',
'identifikace' => 'Uživatelská identifikace',
'vs' => 'VS',
'zprava' => 'Zpráva pro příjemce',

* FIO statement columns fields names.
* @return array
public static function get_fields()
return self::$fields;

* Parse bank statement in CSV format that is passed as string.
* @param string $csv string containing the original csv file.
* @param string $charset optional charset name of file, default is UTF-8
* @return FioCsvStatement result
* @throws Exception on parse error
public function parse($csv, $charset = self::DEFAULT_CHARSET)
$result = new FioCsvStatement();
$sum = 0;
$keys = array_keys(self::$fields);
$lines = FioCsvParserUtil::transformFileToLineArray($csv, $charset);
// check each line of CSV
for ($i = 0; $i < count($lines); $i++)
$line = trim($lines[$i]);
// header
if ($i < 10)
$this->parseHeaderLine($result, $line, $i);
// data lines
$cols = $this->parseLine($line, $keys);
// check last sum line, if last line encountered, then we are done
if ($cols['datum'] == self::LAST_LINE_DATE_VALUE)
$this->checkIntegrity($cols, $sum);
return $result;
// add data row
$sum += $cols['castka'];
$result->items[] = $cols;
throw new Exception('CSV soubor není kompletní.');

* Parse given line of statement header.
* @param FioCsvStatement $result result for attaching of header values
* @param string $line_str raw CSV line
* @param integer $number number line from zero
private function parseHeaderLine(FioCsvStatement &$result, $line_str, $number)
// first line of file - get the account number
if ($number == 0)
$account_number = $this->parseBankAccountNumberLine($line_str);
$result->account_nr = $account_number['account_nr'];
$result->bank_nr = $account_number['bank_nr'];
// 4th line, account date from and date to
else if ($number == 3)
$period = $this->parseBankStatementPeriodLine($line_str);
$result->from = $period[0];
$result->to = $period[1];
// 5th line, opening balance
else if ($number == 4)
$result->opening_balance = $this->parseOpenningBalance($line_str);
// 6th line, closing balance
else if ($number == 5)
$result->closing_balance = $this->parseClosingBalance($line_str);
// 10th line, checking column header names and count
else if ($number == 9)

* Parse bank account number on provided line.
* @param string $line_str raw CSV line
* @return array account bank number (key "account_nr") and bank number
* (key "bank_nr")
* @throws InvalidArgumentException on invalid line data
private function parseBankAccountNumberLine($line_str)
$line_arr = explode('"', $line_str);
if (count($line_arr) < 2)
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Nemohu najít číslo účtu na "
. "prvním řádku.");
$account_number = $line_arr[1];
$matches = NULL;
if (!preg_match(self::ACCOUNT_NUMBER_RE, $account_number, $matches))
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Nemohu rozlišit číslo účtu a "
. "kód banky na prvním řádku.");
return array
'account_nr' => $matches[1],
'bank_nr' => $matches[2]

* Parse line with statement period information balance and set it.
* @param string $line_str raw CSV line
* @return array period, first value is from and second is to
* @throws InvalidArgumentException on invalid line data
private function parseBankStatementPeriodLine($line_str)
$line_arr = explode(":", $line_str);
if (count($line_arr) < 2)
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Nemohu najít datum od a do na "
. "čtvrtém řádku.");
$period_parts = array_map('trim', explode('-', $line_arr[1]));
if (count($period_parts) != 2)
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Nemohu najít datum od a do na "
. "čtvrtém řádku.");
return array

* Parse line with openning balance.
* @param string $line_str raw CSV line
* @return double openning balance
* @throws InvalidArgumentException on invalid line data
private function parseOpenningBalance($line_str)
$line_arr = explode(":", $line_str);
if (count($line_arr) < 2)
throw new Exception("Nemohu najít počáteční zůstatek.");
$amount = str_replace(" CZK", "", $line_arr[1]);
return FioCsvParserUtil::parseAmount($amount);

* Parse line with closing balance.
* @param string $line_str raw CSV line
* @return double closing balance
* @throws InvalidArgumentException on invalid line data
private function parseClosingBalance($line_str)
$line_arr = explode(":", $line_str);
if (count($line_arr) < 2)
throw new Exception("Nemohu najít konečný zůstatek.");
$amount = str_replace(" CZK", "", $line_arr[1]);
return FioCsvParserUtil::parseAmount($amount);

* Checks headers that start data part of statement.
* @param integer $header_line header line
* @throws Exception
private function checkHeaders($header_line)
// reconstruct valid header
$expected = implode(self::CSV_COL_DELIM, self::$fields)
. self::CSV_COL_DELIM;
// compare with passed
if ($header_line != $expected)
throw new Exception(__("Nelze parsovat hlavičku Fio výpisu. "
. "Ujistěte se, že jste zvolili všech " . count(self::$fields)
. " sloupců k importu v internetovém bankovnictví."));

* Parse line of dump
* @param string $line
* @param array $keys
* @return array
* @throws Exception
private function parseLine($line, $keys)
$cols = explode(self::CSV_COL_DELIM, $line);

if (count($cols) != count(self::$fields) + 1)
throw new Exception('Chybný počet políček v položce výpisu.');


// Convert to associative array
$assoc_cols = array_combine($keys, $cols);

// Convert date
if ($assoc_cols['datum'] != self::LAST_LINE_DATE_VALUE)
$assoc_cols['datum'] = FioCsvParserUtil::parseDate($assoc_cols['datum']);

// Amount has to be converted
$assoc_cols['castka'] = FioCsvParserUtil::parseAmount($assoc_cols['castka']);

// Trim leading zeros from VS
$assoc_cols['vs'] = ltrim($assoc_cols['vs'], '0');

return $assoc_cols;

* Checks parsed money amount agains data from integrity line.
* @param array $integrity_cols
* @param integer $calculated_sum total counted sum
* @throws Exception on integrity error
private function checkIntegrity($integrity_cols, $calculated_sum)
$amount = $integrity_cols['castka'];

if (abs($calculated_sum - $amount) > 0.0001)
throw new Exception("Chybný kontrolní součet částky "
. "('$calculated_sum' != '$amount').");
