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<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

* Bank account settings enables to store different types of settings to
* bank account (e.g. API key) in order to type of the bank account.
* Types of bank account are specified at Bank_Account_Model database entity.
* @author Ondrej Fibich
* @see Bank_Account_Model
abstract class Bank_Account_Settings
* Dir with driver classes
const DIR = 'bank_account_settings';
// Type constants
/** Integer type */
const FIELD_TYPE_INT = 'integer';
/** Integer type */
const FIELD_TYPE_BOOL = 'boolean';
/** String type */
const FIELD_TYPE_STRING = 'string';
/** Data of settings */
private $data = array();
* Creates bank account setting for bank account with given type.
* If an new bank account type will be added, it must be added also
* to this method.
* @param integer $type type of bank account (from ORM model)
* @return BankAccountSettings An instance of driver
* @throws InvalidArgumentException On unknown type
public static function factory($type)
// class path dir
$cp_dir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . self::DIR . '/';
// require class and return it
switch ($type)
case Bank_account_Model::TYPE_FIO:
require_once $cp_dir . 'Fio_Bank_Account_Settings.php';
return new Fio_Bank_Account_Settings();
case Bank_account_Model::TYPE_UNICREDIT:
require_once $cp_dir . 'Unicredit_Bank_Account_Settings.php';
return new Unicredit_Bank_Account_Settings();
case Bank_account_Model::TYPE_RAIFFEISENBANK:
require_once $cp_dir . 'Raiffeisenbank_Bank_Account_Settings.php';
return new Raiffeisenbank_Bank_Account_Settings();
// invalid type
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unknown driver for type: ' . $type);
* Can be bank statements automatically downloaded (using API) in this
* type of bank?
* @return boolean
public abstract function can_download_statements_automatically();
* Gets download statement type (e.g. csv, json).
* Valid only if download is enabled.
* Tells what file type is espected as result of download.
* This type is later use for detection of importer for statement.
* Override this method in order to support auto downloading of statements.
* @see Bank_Account_Settings#can_download_statements_automatically()
* @return string
public function get_download_statement_type()
return NULL;
* Gets base download URL (e.g. http://mbank/)
* Valid only if download is enabled.
* Override this method in order to support auto downloading of statements.
* @see Bank_Account_Settings#can_download_statements_automatically()
* @return string URL string
* @throws InvalidArgumentException On invalid settings (e.g. API token)
public function get_download_base_url()
return NULL;
* Gets download URL for statement (e.g. http://mbank/json/transactions)
* Valid only if download is enabled.
* The statment for the bank account is downloaded from this URL.
* This method may use get_download_base_url() method for obtaining
* of base URL path.
* Override this method in order to support auto downloading of statements.
* @see Bank_Account_Settings#can_download_statements_automatically()
* @return string URL string
* @throws InvalidArgumentException On invalid settings (e.g. API token)
public function get_download_statement_url()
return NULL;
* Can be bank statements imported in this type of bank?
* @return boolean
public abstract function can_import_statements();
* Gets fields array (key is a name of field and value contains a another
* array with fields type, name, help, rules, etc.)
* @return array Fields array
public abstract function get_column_fields();
* Gets settings data in JSON format. This method is used for retrieving
* new value in order to store it into a database table.
* @return array Settings
public function get_column_data()
return json_encode($this->data);
* Loads data settings from a given JSON data.
* @param string JSON data
public function load_column_data($json)
// init columns
$columns = $this->get_column_fields();
foreach ($columns as $column => $type)
$this->data[$column] = NULL;
// laod values (only if not empty)
if (!empty($json))
$data = json_decode($json, TRUE);

if (!$data)
$m = 'Wrong data settings in the database: ' . $json;
throw new InvalidArgumentException($m);

foreach ($data as $column => $value)
$this->$column = $value; // call setter
* Checks if the column exists in the column data.
* @param string $column Column name
* @return boolean
public function __isset($column)
return array_key_exists($column, $this->get_column_fields());

* Gets value from the column data.
* @param string $column Column name
* @throws InvalidArgumentException On invalid column
public function __get($column)
$columns = $this->get_column_fields();
if (!array_key_exists($column, $columns))
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Column not founded: ' . $column);
return $this->data[$column];
* Sets value from the column data.
* @param string $column Column name
* @param mixed $data
* @throws InvalidArgumentException On invalid column or invalid data format
public function __set($column, $data)
$columns = $this->get_column_fields();
if (!array_key_exists($column, $columns))
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Column not founded: ' . $column);
if (!empty($data) && isset($columns[$column]['type']))
switch ($columns[$column]['type'])
case self::FIELD_TYPE_INT:
if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $data))
$m = 'Invalid integer format: ' . data;
throw new InvalidArgumentException($m);
$data = intval($data);

$data = strval($data);
case self::FIELD_TYPE_BOOL:
$this->data[$column] = $data;
$this->data[$column] = NULL;