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<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

* This class is used as predecesor of models that can be sheduled on sime
* time and then runned by CRON. For example notification may triggered
* daily/hourly/monthly/etc.
* All model classes that implements this class must define columns for
* type (integer) and attribute (mixed - varchar(255)).
* @author Ondrej Fibich
abstract class Time_Activity_Rule extends ORM
// constants that represent types of automatical activation of notification
* auto activation each month, attibutes:
* - day (day of activation with value 1..31, if the current month
* has less days than setted attribute - e.g. 27.2. - notification
* is activated on last of this date)
* - hour (hour of activation with value from 0..23)
const TYPE_MONTHLY = 1;
* auto activation each week, attributes:
* - day (day of activation with value 1..7)
* - hour (hour of activation with value from 0..23)
const TYPE_WEEKLY = 2;
* auto activation each day, attributes:
* - hour (hour of activation with value from 0..23)
const TYPE_DAILY = 3;
* auto activation each working day, attributes:
* - hour (hour of activation with value from 0..23)
const TYPE_DAILY_WD = 4;
* auto activation each hour, empty attributes.
const TYPE_HOURLY = 5;
* auto activation in the deduction day in the specified hour, attributes:
* - hour (hour of activation with value from 0..23)
* Auto activation mesasages
* @author Ondřej Fibich
* @var array
private static $type_messsages = array
self::TYPE_WEEKLY => 'Weekly',
self::TYPE_MONTHLY => 'Monthly',
self::TYPE_DAILY => 'Daily',
self::TYPE_DAILY_WD => 'Daily on working days',
self::TYPE_AFTER_DEDUCTION => 'After deduction of fees',
self::TYPE_HOURLY => 'Hourly',
* Auto activation attributes types.
* Key is olways one of the constant TYPE_* and value is associative array
* that always contains type field that represents a type of
* @author Ondřej Fibich
* @var array
private static $type_attributes = array
self::TYPE_MONTHLY => array
'type' => 'integer',
'name' => 'day of month',
'title' => 'day of month',
'range_from' => 1,
'range_to' => 31,
'type' => 'integer',
'name' => 'hour',
'title' => 'hour',
'range_from' => 0,
'range_to' => 23,
self::TYPE_WEEKLY => array
'type' => 'integer',
'name' => 'day',
'title' => 'day of week',
'range_from' => 1,
'range_to' => 7,
'type' => 'integer',
'name' => 'hour',
'title' => 'hour',
'range_from' => 0,
'range_to' => 23,
self::TYPE_DAILY => array
'type' => 'integer',
'name' => 'hour',
'title' => 'hour',
'range_from' => 0,
'range_to' => 23,
self::TYPE_HOURLY => array
'type' => FALSE, // no attribute
self::TYPE_DAILY_WD => array
'type' => 'integer',
'name' => 'hour',
'title' => 'hour',
'range_from' => 0,
'range_to' => 23,
'type' => 'integer',
'name' => 'hour',
'title' => 'hour',
'range_from' => 0,
'range_to' => 23,
* Gets set of self cancel messages
* @author Ondřej Fibich
* @param bool $translate Translate messages
* @return array
public static function get_type_messages($translate = TRUE)
if ($translate)
return array_map('__', self::$type_messsages);
return self::$type_messsages;
* Gets message for the given type
* @param integer $type
* @param boolean $translate
* @return string|null
public static function get_type_message($type, $translate = TRUE)
if (isset(self::$type_messsages[$type]))
if ($translate)
return __(self::$type_messsages[$type]);
return self::$type_messsages[$type];
return NULL;
* Gets attributes of the given automatical activation type
* @param integer $aa_type Automatical activation type
* @return null|array
public static function get_type_attributes($aa_type)
if (array_key_exists($aa_type, self::$type_attributes))
return self::$type_attributes[$aa_type];
return NULL;
* Gets attributes count of the given automatical activation type
* @param integer $aa_type Automatical activation type
* @return integer
public static function get_type_attributes_count($aa_type)
if (array_key_exists($aa_type, self::$type_attributes))
return count(self::$type_attributes[$aa_type]);
return 0;
* Gets attribute types.
* @param boolean $translate
* @return array
public static function get_attribute_types($translate = TRUE)
if (!$translate)
return self::$type_attributes;
$ta = array();
foreach (self::$type_attributes as $k => $va)
$i = 0;
foreach ($va as $v)
$ta[$k][$i] = $v;

if (isset($v['name']))
$ta[$k][$i]['name'] = __($v['name']);

if (isset($v['title']))
$ta[$k][$i]['title'] = __($v['title']);
return $ta;
* Gets maximal count of attributes of all types of rule.
* @return integer
public static function get_attribute_types_max_count()
$max = 0;
foreach (self::$type_attributes as $v)
$max = max($max, count($v));
return $max;
* Gets type of rule.
* @return integer
public abstract function get_type();
* Gets first attribute of rule
* @param integer $index Index of attribute from 0 [optional - first as default]
* @return mixed Value of attribute or NULL if not valid index
public function get_attribute($index = 0)
$attrs = $this->get_attributes();
return array_key_exists($index, $attrs) ? $attrs[$index] : NULL;
* Gets all attributes of rule.
* @return array
public abstract function get_attributes();
* Check all of obtain rules if they may be activated in the given time
* and returns all that may be.
* @param array[TimeActivityRule] $rules Activity rules
* @param string $apply_minute Minute of activation as string in format /[0-9]{2}/
* @param long $time Time obtain from time() function
* @return array[TimeActivityRule] Passed rules
public static function filter_rules($rules, $apply_minute, $time)
// args check
if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]{2}$/', $apply_minute))
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid apply minute');
// time properties
$year = date('Y', $time);
$month = date('m', $time);
$day = intval(date('d', $time));
$hour = date('H', $time);
$minute = date('i', $time);

// stupid english format (0 is sunday)
$day_of_week = intval(date('w', $time));

if ($day_of_week == 0)
$day_of_week = 7;
// passed rules
$passed_rules = array();
// not apply minute
if ($minute != $apply_minute)
return $passed_rules;
// check all rules if redir/email/sms should be activated now
foreach ($rules as $rule)
$passed = FALSE;
// check valid type
if (!($rule instanceof Time_Activity_Rule)) continue;

switch ($rule->get_type())
case Messages_automatical_activation_Model::TYPE_MONTHLY:
$days_of_month = date::days_of_month($month, $year);
$max_day = max(1, min($days_of_month, intval($rule->get_attribute())));
if ($day == intval($max_day) &&
intval($hour) == intval($rule->get_attribute(1)))
$passed = TRUE;

case Messages_automatical_activation_Model::TYPE_WEEKLY:
if ($day_of_week == intval($rule->get_attribute()) &&
intval($hour) == intval($rule->get_attribute(1)))
$passed = TRUE;

case Messages_automatical_activation_Model::TYPE_DAILY:
if (intval($rule->get_attribute()) == intval($hour))
$passed = TRUE;

case Messages_automatical_activation_Model::TYPE_DAILY_WD:

if (intval($rule->get_attribute()) == intval($hour) && $day_of_week <= 5)
$passed = TRUE;

case Messages_automatical_activation_Model::TYPE_HOURLY:
$passed = TRUE;

case Messages_automatical_activation_Model::TYPE_AFTER_DEDUCTION:
if (Settings::get('deduct_fees_automatically_enabled') &&
intval($rule->get_attribute()) == intval($hour) &&
$day == intval(date::get_deduct_day_to($month, $year)))
$passed = TRUE;

// ok apply rule
if ($passed)
$passed_rules[] = $rule;

// return all passed rules
return $passed_rules;