


Stáhnout (2.36 KB) Statistiky
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8baed187 Michal Kliment
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct access allowed.');

$lang = array
// Class errors
'error_format' => 'Your error message string must contain the string {message} .',
'invalid_rule' => 'Invalid validation rule used: %s',

// General errors
'unknown_error' => 'Unknown validation error while validating the %s field.',
'required' => 'The %s field is required.',
'min_length' => 'The %s field must be at least %d characters long.',
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
'min_value' => 'The value of the %s field must be at least %d.',
8baed187 Michal Kliment
'max_length' => 'The %s field must be %d characters or fewer.',
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
'max_value' => 'The value of the %s field must be %d or fewer.',
8baed187 Michal Kliment
'exact_length' => 'The %s field must be exactly %d characters.',
'in_array' => 'The %s field must be selected from the options listed.',
'matches' => 'The %s field must match the %s field.',
'valid_url' => 'The %s field must contain a valid URL.',
'valid_email' => 'The %s field must contain a valid e-mail.',
2bd3da8a Ondřej Fibich
'valid_emails' => 'The %s field must contain a valid e-mails delimited by comma.',
8baed187 Michal Kliment
'valid_ip' => 'The %s field must contain a valid IP address.',
'valid_type' => 'The %s field must only contain %s characters.',
'range' => 'The %s field must be between specified ranges.',
'regex' => 'The %s field does not match accepted input.',
'depends_on' => 'The %s field depends on the %s field.',

// Upload errors
'user_aborted' => 'The %s file was aborted during upload.',
'invalid_type' => 'The %s file is not an allowed file type.',
'max_size' => 'The %s file you uploaded was too large. The maximum size allowed is %s.',
'max_width' => 'The %s file you uploaded was too big. The maximum allowed width is %spx.',
'max_height' => 'The %s file you uploaded was too big. The maximum allowed height is %spx.',
'min_width' => 'The %s file you uploaded was too small. The minimum allowed width is %spx.',
'min_height' => 'The %s file you uploaded was too small. The minimum allowed height is %spx.',

// Field types
'alpha' => 'alphabetical',
'alpha_dash' => 'alphabetical, dash, and underscore',
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
'date_interval' => 'Date is not in valid interval',
8baed187 Michal Kliment
'digit' => 'digit',
'numeric' => 'numeric',
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'gps' => 'Wrong format of GPS coordinate',
'preg_regex' => 'Wrong regular expresion format',
8baed187 Michal Kliment