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* This file is a part of PHPAX-RS framework, released under terms of GPL-3.0
* licence. Copyright (c) 2014, UnArt Slavičín, o.s. All rights reserved.

namespace phpaxrs\common;

* The "DocCommentWrapper" class that provides access to annotations that are
* present in PHP DOC comment tht is passed via contructor.
* Annotations should have following synax:
* annotation ::= '@' annotationName annotationArgumentList
* annotation ::= '@' annotationName
* annotationName ::= [a-zA-Z]+
* annotationArgumentList ::= '(' annotationArgument ')'
* annotationArgument ::= [^(]+
* @author Ondřej Fibich <>
class DocCommentWrapper {
* Regex for annotations according to annotation syntax
const ANNOTATION_REGEX = '/[@]([A-Za-z]+)([(]([^)]+)[)])?/';
* Parsed annotations with their attributes.
* @var Array
private $annotations;
* Create wrapper for the given DOC comment.
* @param string $doc_comment
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException on invalid
public function __construct($doc_comment) {
$this->annotations = $this->parse($doc_comment);
* Parse annotations from given DOC comment string.
* @param string $dc DOC comment
* @return array with key as annotations names and list of arguments of all
* same annotations as value
public static function parse($dc) {
$annotations = array();
$matches = NULL;
// find all annotations
preg_match_all(self::ANNOTATION_REGEX, $dc, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach ($matches as $match) {
if (!array_key_exists($match[1], $annotations)) {
$annotations[$match[1]] = array();
if (!empty($match[3])) {
$annotations[$match[1]][] = $match[3];
return $annotations;
* Is annotation with the given name available?
* @param string $annotation_name
public function is_present($annotation_name) {
return array_key_exists($annotation_name, $this->annotations);
* Gets first attribute of annotations with the given name.
* @param string|null $default default value [optional]
* @return string|null attribute string value or null if attribute not
* present
public function get_first_value($annotation_name, $default = NULL) {
if ($this->is_present($annotation_name) &&
count($this->annotations[$annotation_name])) {
return reset($this->annotations[$annotation_name]);
return $default;
* Gets attributes of annotations with the given name.
* @param string $annotation_name
* @param array $default default value [optional]
* @return array list of annotations attributes
public function get_values($annotation_name, $default = array()) {
if ($this->is_present($annotation_name)) {
return $this->annotations[$annotation_name];
return $default;