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18ac9009 Ondřej Fibich

* This file is a part of PHPAX-RS framework, released under terms of GPL-3.0
* licence. Copyright (c) 2014, UnArt Slavičín, o.s. All rights reserved.

namespace phpaxrs;

use \InvalidArgumentException;
use \phpaxrs\common\Annotations;
use \phpaxrs\common\DocCommentWrapper;
use \phpaxrs\common\PathUtil;

* The "PhpaxRs" class encases functionality of the PHPAX-RS framework.
* It allows to specify end point classes and map them to URL paths,
* register serializers for implementing of many types of transport formats,
* and serve and render requests using matched end points.
* Written for PHP 5.3 and higher.
* @author Ondřej Fibich <>
class PhpaxRs {
* PHPAX-RS version.
const VERSION = '0.1.0';
* Serializators for (un)marchalling of object from request and responses.
* Stored in associative array where key is accepted MIME and value is
* name of serializator class.
* @var Array
private $serializators = array();
* End points for serving requests on specified path.
* Stored in associative array where key is base path that is managed
* by endpoint and value is name of end point class.
* @var Array
private $end_points = array();
* Base path to REST api. E.g. /rest-api
* @var string
private $base_path;

* Creates PHPAX-RS API on given base path.
* @param string $base_path base path from document root
public function __construct($base_path = '/') {
$this->base_path = PathUtil::normalize($base_path);
* Adds end point for serving requests on given base path.
* @param string $base_ep_path end point base path
* @param string $end_point_cn class name
* @throws InvalidArgumentException on invalid or duplicate base path
public function add_endpoint($base_ep_path, $end_point_cn) {
if (!PathUtil::is_valid($base_ep_path)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('invalid end point path');
$normalized_base_ep_path = PathUtil::normalize($base_ep_path);
if (array_key_exists($normalized_base_ep_path, $this->end_points)) {
$m = 'path ' . $normalized_base_ep_path . ' already registered';
throw new InvalidArgumentException($m);
$this->end_points[$normalized_base_ep_path] = $end_point_cn;
* Adds serializator for (un)marchalling of object with given MIME type.
* @param string $mime MINE (e.g. application/json)
* @param string $serializator_cn class name
* @throws InvalidArgumentException on invalid arguments or existing MIME
public function add_serializator($mime, $serializator_cn) {
if (empty($serializator_cn)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('invalid serializator');
$tl_mime = mb_strtolower(trim($mime));
if (empty($tl_mime)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('invalid mime: ' . $mime);
if (array_key_exists($tl_mime, $this->serializators)) {
$m = 'serializator for mime ' . $mime . ' already exist';
throw new InvalidArgumentException($m);
$this->serializators[$tl_mime] = $serializator_cn;

* Creates serializator for the given MIME type.
* @param string $mime MIME of serializator
* @return null|serializator\ISerializator null if not founded or instance
* @throws \ErrorException on invalid founded serializator (invalid sub class)
public function create_serializer($mime) {
$consumer = $this->find_serializator($mime);
if ($consumer === NULL) {
return NULL;
$r_consumer = new \ReflectionClass($consumer);
if (!$r_consumer->isSubclassOf('phpaxrs\serializator\ISerializator')) {
throw new \ErrorException('Invalid serializator');
return $r_consumer->newInstanceArgs();
* Serve given URL with available end points with HTTP method and headers
* obtained from PHP runtime.
* This method can be run only if PHP is hosted by Apache server.
* @param string $url
* @return http\HttpResponse
* @throws Exception on invalid or non existing server side scripts
* (end points or serializers)
public function serve($url) {
return $this->serve_request(new http\HttpRequest(
$url, filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'REQUEST_METHOD'),
getallheaders() // available only on Apache
* Serve given HTTP request with available end points.
* @param http\HttpRequest $request
* @return http\HttpResponse
* @throws Exception on invalid or non existing server side scripts
* (end points or serializers)
public function serve_request($request) {
// get base api path
$full_path = $request->get_url()->get_path();
$path = PathUtil::relative($this->base_path, $full_path);
if ($path == NULL) {
return http\ResponseBuilder::not_found('invalid path');
// find end point
if (($ep = $this->find_end_point($path)) == NULL) {
return http\ResponseBuilder::not_found('no end point founded');
// remove matched part of the path => path for method
$path_method = PathUtil::relative($ep['base_path'], $path);
if ($path_method == NULL) {
return http\ResponseBuilder::not_found();
// init end point metaclass
try {
$r_ep = new \ReflectionClass($ep['class_name']);
} catch (\ReflectionException $ex) {
throw new \Exception('end point class not found', NULL, $ex);
$methods = self::get_endpoint_methods($r_ep, $request->get_method());
$fmethods = self::filter_endpoint_methods_by_path($methods, $path_method);
if (!count($fmethods)) {
return http\ResponseBuilder::not_found();
$dc_ep = new DocCommentWrapper($r_ep->getDocComment());
$cfmethods = self::fill_in_consume_info($fmethods, $request,
if (!count($cfmethods)) {
return http\ResponseBuilder::unsupported_media();
$pcfmethods = self::fill_in_produce_info($cfmethods, $request,
if (!count($pcfmethods)) {
return http\ResponseBuilder::not_acceptable();
// we have more methods we must do some additional comparison
uasort($pcfmethods, function ($m1, $m2) {
// less count of arguments means better match
$cmp = count($m1['args']) - count($m2['args']);
if ($cmp == 0) {
// choose method with most priority accept content-type
$cmp = $m1['produces_rating'] - $m2['produces_rating'];
return $cmp;
// take first sorted item
$serve_method = reset($pcfmethods);
$args = $serve_method['args'];
// unmarshall input
if ($request->has_body()) {
// bad request if POST or PUT and does not have body
if ($request->get_body() === NULL) {
return http\ResponseBuilder::bad_request();
if (!count($serve_method['consumes'])) {
if (!count($request->get_content_type_header())) {
// CT header missing
return http\ResponseBuilder::bad_request();
throw new \ErrorException('@Consumes not defined');
$mime = reset($serve_method['consumes']);
$consumer = $this->create_serializer($mime);
if ($consumer == NULL) {
return http\ResponseBuilder::unsupported_media();
// add unmarshalled body as fist argument for serve method
try {
$obj = $consumer->unmarshall($request->get_body());
$args = array($obj) + $args;
} catch (serializator\SerializationException $ex) {
return http\ResponseBuilder::server_error($ex);
// call method
try {
$ep_instance = $r_ep->newInstanceArgs();
// handle PHP errors
set_error_handler(function($severenity, $message, $file, $line) {
throw new \Exception('Error during processing: ' . $message);
// handle PHP fatal errors
register_shutdown_function(function () {
static $one_time_only = TRUE; // protection before loop
$error = error_get_last();
if ($one_time_only && $error['type'] == E_ERROR) {
if (!headers_sent()) {
$status_text = common\HttpUtil::status_message(500);
header('HTTP/1.0 500 ' . $status_text);
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
die("PHP fatal error: " . print_r($error, TRUE));
$output = $serve_method['rm']->invokeArgs($ep_instance, $args);
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
return http\ResponseBuilder::server_error($ex);
// data returned right from method? Wpar them!
if (!($output instanceof http\HttpResponse)) {
$output = http\ResponseBuilder::ok($output);
// no output? or output already serialized (error case)
if ($output->get_body() !== NULL &&
!$output->has_header('Content-Type')) {
// serialize body
$producer = NULL;
$content_type = NULL;
// find first available serializer
while ($producer == NULL && !empty($serve_method['produces'])) {
$content_type = array_shift($serve_method['produces']);
$producer = $this->create_serializer($content_type);
if ($producer == NULL) {
return http\ResponseBuilder::not_acceptable();
// marshall body and set CT header
$output->add_header('Content-Type', $content_type);
try {
} catch (serializator\SerializationException $ex) {
return http\ResponseBuilder::server_error($ex);
// return result
return $output;
* Renders given response to standart output.
* @param \phpaxrs\http\HttpResponse $response
* @throws InvalidArgumentException on invalid response
* @throws \ErrorException if render cannot be performed
public function render($response) {
// check input
if (empty($response) || !($response instanceof http\HttpResponse)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('invalid response passed');
// check state
if (headers_sent()) {
throw new \ErrorException('headers were already sended');
// render status header
$status_code = $response->get_status();
$text = common\HttpUtil::status_message($status_code);
$protocol = filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SERVER_PROTOCOL');
if (empty($protocol)) {
$protocol = 'HTTP/1.0';
header($protocol . ' ' . $status_code . ' ' . $text);
// render headers
foreach ($response->get_headers() as $name => $value) {
header($name . ': ' . $value);
// render body
echo $response->get_body();
* Finds end poin for the given request URL path.
* @param string $request_path
* @return array|null array with key base_path and class_name
protected function find_end_point($request_path) {
$found = null;
$found_lenght = -1;
// / at the end of path required
$n_request_path = PathUtil::normalize($request_path);
// search for match in path of each end point
foreach ($this->end_points as $ep_bp => $ep) {
if (mb_strlen($ep_bp) > $found_lenght &&
strncmp($n_request_path, $ep_bp, mb_strlen($ep_bp)) === 0) {
$found = $ep_bp;
$found_lenght = mb_strlen($found);
// founded?
if ($found) {
return array(
'base_path' => $found,
'class_name' => $this->end_points[$found]
// not found
return NULL;
* Finds serializator that is able to serialize one of given MIME types.
* @param string $mime accepted MIME
* @return string|null class name of serializator or null
* @throws InvalidArgumentException on invalid MIMEs
protected function find_serializator($mime) {
if (empty($mime)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('invalid MIME passed');
if (array_key_exists($mime, $this->serializators)) {
return $this->serializators[$mime];
return NULL;

* Gets public implemented non-static methods of a end point that can handle
* given HTTP method.
* @param \ReflectionClass $rep reflection end point metaclass
* @param string $http_method HTTP method
* @return Array
protected static function get_endpoint_methods($rep, $http_method) {
$l_http_method = strtoupper($http_method);
$public_methods = array_diff(
$methods = array();
// filter methods that handles the same HTTP method
foreach ($public_methods as $method) {
$r_method = new \ReflectionMethod($rep->getName(), $method->name);
$dc_method = new DocCommentWrapper($r_method->getDocComment());
// check if @<method> annotation is present
if ($dc_method->is_present($l_http_method)) {
$methods[] = array('rm' => $r_method, 'dc' => $dc_method);
return $methods;

* Filters methods with @Path annotation attribute that do not match the
* given path.
* @param type $methods list of methods
* @param string $path path to be matched
* @return array filtered methods with appended arguments
protected static function filter_endpoint_methods_by_path($methods, $path) {
// iterate throught each method and remove those who do not match
foreach ($methods as $i => $method) {
// get path template from @Path annotation if no @Path anntation
// is present than path is same as for whole end point so use "/"
$templ = $method['dc']->get_first_value(Annotations::URL_PATH, '/');
if (($args = PathUtil::match($templ, $path)) !== FALSE) {
$methods[$i]['args'] = $args;
} else {
unset($methods[$i]); // filter out
return $methods;
* Fills information about consuming MIME types that are supported
* by given end point methods and filter out methods that are not
* capable of consuming the request.
* @param array $methods list of methods for fill in
* @param http\HttpRequest $request request for obtaining header info
* @param array $cdf default consume MIME type
* @return array filtered methods with appended consumes information
protected static function fill_in_consume_info(&$methods, $request, $cdf) {
if (empty($cdf)) {
$cdf = array();
// iterate throught each method and fill consume/produce info field
foreach ($methods as $i => $method) {
$dc = $method['dc'];
$ct_mime = $request->get_content_type_header();
if ($ct_mime != NULL) { // CT header not present?
$mimes = $dc->get_values(Annotations::CONSUME_MINES, $cdf);
$consumes = array_intersect(array($ct_mime), $mimes);
if (!count($consumes)) {
unset($methods[$i]); // filter out
$methods[$i]['consumes'] = $consumes;
} else {
$methods[$i]['consumes'] = array();
return $methods;
* Fills information about producing MIME types that are supported
* by given end point methods and filter out methods that are not
* capable of produce accepted response.
* @param array $methods list of methods for fill in
* @param http\HttpRequest $request request for obtaining header info
* @param array $pdf default array of produce MIME types
* @return array filtered methods with appended produce information
protected static function fill_in_produce_info(&$methods, $request, $pdf) {
if (empty($pdf)) {
$pdf = array();
// iterate throught each method and fill consume/produce info field
foreach ($methods as $i => $method) {
$dc = $method['dc'];
$accepted_mimes = $request->get_accept_header();
$produced_mimes = $dc->get_values(Annotations::PRODUCE_MINES, $pdf);
$methods[$i]['produces_rating'] = PHP_INT_MAX;
// Accept header not present => accept everything
if (!count($accepted_mimes)) {
$methods[$i]['produces'] = $produced_mimes;
} else {
$methods[$i]['produces'] = array();
$rating = 0;
foreach ($accepted_mimes as $amime) {
foreach ($produced_mimes as $pmime) {
if (common\HttpUtil::accept_match($amime, $pmime)) {
if (!count($methods[$i]['produces'])) {
$methods[$i]['produces_rating'] = $rating;
$methods[$i]['produces'][] = $pmime;
// filter out method on no match
if (!count($methods[$i]['produces'])) {
return $methods;
