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Revize 67e49d08

Přidáno uživatelem Ondřej Fibich před asi 6 roky(ů)

Prepare release 1.1.22

Zobrazit rozdíly:

freenetis (1.1.22) stable; urgency=low
* GDPR: Former members older than 5 years can be deleted
* Member registration field can be set during adding
* User birthday can be non-mandatory item
* Fix getting MAC from DHCP leases through SNMP on RouterOS 6.35>=
* Fix payed to calculation if deduct day is set to 28th
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Wed, 13 Jun 2018 22:41:16 +0200
freenetis (1.1.21) stable; urgency=low
* Add support for SMTP servers with encryption
* Fix RB importer in PHP 5.6 >=

Také k dispozici: Unified diff