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8baed187 Michal Kliment
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

* Controller performs action for change preferences and settings of system.
* @package Controller
class Settings_Controller extends Controller

private $links;
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
* Definitions of modules and their dependencies
* @author Michal Kliment
* @var array
public static $modules = array
'allowed_subnets' => array
'name' => 'allowed_subnets_enabled',
'dependencies' => array('notification', 'redirection')
'approval' => array
'name' => 'approval_enabled',
'dependencies' => array()
'connection_request' => array
'name' => 'connection_request_enable',
'dependencies' => array('networks'),
'email' => array
'name' => 'email_enabled',
'dependencies' => array()
'finance' => array
'name' => 'finance_enabled',
'dependencies' => array()
'forgotten_password' => array
'name' => 'forgotten_password',
'dependencies' => array('email')
'membership_interrupt' => array
'name' => 'membership_interrupt_enabled',
'dependencies' => array()
'monitoring' => array
'name' => 'monitoring_enabled',
'dependencies' => array('networks', 'email', 'notification')
'networks' => array
'name' => 'networks_enabled',
'dependencies' => array()
'notification' => array
'name' => 'notification_enabled',
'dependencies' => array()
'phone_invoices' => array
'name' => 'users_enabled',
'dependencies' => array()
'qos' => array
'name' => 'qos_enabled',
'dependencies' => array('networks')
'redirection' => array
'name' => 'redirection_enabled',
'dependencies' => array('networks', 'notification')
'self_registration' => array
'name' => 'self_registration',
'dependencies' => array()
'sms' => array
'name' => 'sms_enabled',
'dependencies' => array()
74a7dbca Michal Kliment
'api' => array
'name' => 'api_enabled',
'dependencies' => array()
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
'snmp' => array
'name' => 'snmp_enabled',
'dependencies' => array('networks')
'cgi' => array
'name' => 'cgi_enabled',
'dependencies' => array('networks')
'ulogd' => array
'name' => 'ulogd_enabled',
'dependencies' => array('networks')
'users' => array
'name' => 'users_enabled',
'dependencies' => array()
'voip' => array
'name' => 'voip_enabled',
'dependencies' => array()
'vtiger' => array
'name' => 'vtiger_integration',
'dependencies' => array()
'works' => array
'name' => 'works_enabled',
'dependencies' => array('approval')
* Test whether module is enabled
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param string $module
* @return boolean
* @throws Exception
public static function isModuleEnabled($module)
if (isset(self::$modules[$module]['name']))
return Settings::get(self::$modules[$module]['name']);
throw new Exception('Unknown module: '.$module);
* Disable given module
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param type $module
* @return type
* @throws Exception
private static function disableModule($module)
if (isset(self::$modules[$module]['name']))
return Settings::set(self::$modules[$module]['name'], 0);
throw new Exception('Unknown module: '.$module);
8baed187 Michal Kliment
* Contruct of controller sets tabs names
public function __construct()

c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$this->sections = array();

if ($this->acl_check_view('Settings_Controller', 'info'))
$this->sections['info'] = __('Info');
if ($this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'system_settings'))
$this->sections['system'] = __('System');

if ($this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'users_settings'))
$this->sections['users'] = __('Users');

// are finance enabled
if (self::isModuleEnabled('finance') &&
$this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'finance_settings'))
$this->sections['finance'] = __('Finance');

// is approval enabled
if (self::isModuleEnabled('approval') &&
$this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'approval_settings'))
$this->sections['approval'] = __('Approval');

// are networks enabled
if (self::isModuleEnabled('networks') &&
$this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'networks_settings'))
$this->sections['networks'] = __('Networks');

if (self::isModuleEnabled('email') &&
$this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'email_settings'))
$this->sections['email'] = __('Email');

// are SMS enabled
if (self::isModuleEnabled('sms') &&
$this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'sms_settings'))
$this->sections['sms'] = __('SMS');

// is voip enabled
if (self::isModuleEnabled('voip') &&
$this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'voip_settings'))
$this->sections['voip'] = __('VoIP');

// is notification enabled
if (self::isModuleEnabled('notification') &&
$this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'notification_settings'))
$this->sections['notifications'] = __('Notifications');

// is QoS enabled
if (self::isModuleEnabled('qos') &&
$this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'qos_settings'))
$this->sections['qos'] = __('QoS');

// is monitoring enabled
if (self::isModuleEnabled('monitoring') &&
$this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'monitoring_settings'))
$this->sections['monitoring'] = __('Monitoring');

// is vtiger integration enabled
if (self::isModuleEnabled('vtiger') &&
$this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'vtiger_settings'))
$this->sections['vtiger'] = __('Vtiger');

if ($this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'logging_settings'))
$this->sections['logging'] = __('Logging');
if (count($this->sections) <= 1)
$this->sections = NULL;
8baed187 Michal Kliment

* Redirects to info
public function index()
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
if ($this->acl_check_view('Settings_Controller', 'info'))
else if ($this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'system_settings'))
else if ($this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'users_settings'))
else if ($this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'finance_settings'))
else if ($this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'approval_settings'))
else if ($this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'networks_settings'))
else if ($this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'email_settings'))
else if ($this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'sms_settings'))
else if ($this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'voip_settings'))
else if ($this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'notification_settings'))
else if ($this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'qos_settings'))
else if ($this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'monitoring_settings'))
else if ($this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'vtiger_settings'))
else if ($this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'logging_settings'))
8baed187 Michal Kliment
* info() displays various system information
* @author Tomas Dulik
public function info()
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
if (!$this->acl_check_view('Settings_Controller', 'info'))
8baed187 Michal Kliment

$data = array();
if (defined('FREENETIS_VERSION'))
$data['FreenetIS ' . __('version')] = FREENETIS_VERSION;
$data[__('DB schema revision')] = Settings::get('db_schema_version');
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$data[__('CRON state')] = module::get_state('cron');
// redirection is enabled
if (Settings::get('redirection_enabled'))
$data[__('Redirection state')] = module::get_state('redirection');
if (Settings::get('qos_enabled'))
$data[__('QoS state')] = module::get_state('qos');
if (Settings::get('monitoring_enabled'))
$data[__('Monitoring state')] = module::get_state('monitoring');
if (Settings::get('logging_enabled'))
$data[__('Logging state')] = module::get_state('logging');
if (Settings::get('allowed_subnets_enabled'))
$data[__('Allowed subnet state')] = module::get_state('allowed_subnets_update');
8baed187 Michal Kliment
$html = '';
if (function_exists('phpinfo'))
$html = ob_get_contents();
// Delete styles from output (credits:
$html = preg_replace('#(\n?<style[^>]*?>.*?</style[^>]*?>)|(\n?<style[^>]*?/>)#is', '', $html);
$html = preg_replace('#(\n?<head[^>]*?>.*?</head[^>]*?>)|(\n?<head[^>]*?/>)#is', '', $html);
// Delete DOCTYPE from output
$html = preg_replace('/<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC.*?>/is', '', $html);
// Delete body and html tags
$html = preg_replace('/<html.*?>.*?<body.*?>/is', '', $html);
$html = preg_replace('/<\/body><\/html>/is', '', $html);
45b2c3c7 Michal Kliment
if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50600) {
$html = preg_replace('/<table>/is', '<table class="extended" width="720" style="table-layout:fixed; overflow: hidden">', $html);
} else {
$html = preg_replace('/table border="0"/is', 'table class="extended"', $html);
$html = preg_replace('/width="600"/is', 'width="720" style="table-layout:fixed; overflow: hidden"', $html);
8baed187 Michal Kliment
$table = new View('table_2_columns');
$table->table_data = $data;

$view = new View('main');
$view->title = __('System') . ' - ' . __('Info');
$view->content = new View('settings/main');
$view->content->current = 'info';
$view->content->headline = __('Info');
$view->content->content = $table . $html;

* Form to set up system variables
* @author Michal Kliment
public function system()
// access control
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
if (!$this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'system_settings'))
8baed187 Michal Kliment

// creating of new forge
$this->form = new Forge('settings/system');
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$this->form->set_attr('id', 'settings-system-form');
8baed187 Michal Kliment
$this->form->group('System variables');

// page title
->label('Page title')

$countries = ORM::factory('country')->select_list('id', 'country_name');

c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
->label('Hide grid on its first load')
74a7dbca Michal Kliment
$upload_filesize = file::shortened_size_to_bytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
$post_size = file::shortened_size_to_bytes(ini_get('post_max_size'));
if ($upload_filesize > $post_size)
$upload_filesize = $post_size;
->label('Max size of uploaded files')
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$form_modules = array();
$this->form->group(__('Modules').' '.help::hint('modules'));
8baed187 Michal Kliment
// self-registration
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$form_modules['self_registration'] = $this->form->radio('self_registration')
8baed187 Michal Kliment
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
// connection requests
$form_modules['connection_request'] = $this->form->radio('connection_request_enable')
->label('Connection requests')
8baed187 Michal Kliment
// forgotten password
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$form_modules['forgotten_password'] = $this->form->radio('forgotten_password')
8baed187 Michal Kliment
->label('Forgotten password')
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
// membership interrupts
$form_modules['membership_interrupt'] = $this->form->radio('membership_interrupt_enabled')
->label('Membership interrupt')
// finance
$form_modules['finance'] = $this->form->radio('finance_enabled')
// approval
$form_modules['approval'] = $this->form->radio('approval_enabled')
// Works
$form_modules['works'] = $this->form->radio('works_enabled')
// Phone invoice
$form_modules['phone_invoices'] = $this->form->radio('phone_invoices_enabled')
->label('Phone invoices')
// e-mail
$form_modules['email'] = $this->form->radio('email_enabled')
// SMS
$form_modules['sms'] = $this->form->radio('sms_enabled')
// VoIP
$form_modules['voip'] = $this->form->radio('voip_enabled')
// Network
$form_modules['networks'] = $this->form->radio('networks_enabled')
74a7dbca Michal Kliment
// API
$form_modules['api'] = $this->form->radio('api_enabled')
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$form_modules['snmp'] = $this->form->radio('snmp_enabled')
// CGI
$form_modules['cgi'] = $this->form->radio('cgi_enabled')
->label('CGI scripts')
// QoS
$form_modules['qos'] = $this->form->radio('qos_enabled')
// Monitoring
$form_modules['monitoring'] = $this->form->radio('monitoring_enabled')
// Redirection
$form_modules['redirection'] = $this->form->radio('redirection_enabled')
// Notification
$form_modules['notification'] = $this->form->radio('notification_enabled')
8baed187 Michal Kliment
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
// vtiger CRM integration
$form_modules['vtiger'] = $this->form->radio('vtiger_integration')
->label('Vtiger integration')
// add info about modules dependencies
foreach ($form_modules as $module => $item)
// module have at least one dependency
if (count(self::$modules[$module]['dependencies']))
__('Require module') . ': <b>' .
implode(', ', array_map(
'__', self::$modules[$module]['dependencies'])
) . '</b>'
8baed187 Michal Kliment
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$this->form->group('Module settings');
8baed187 Michal Kliment
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$timeout = Settings::get('module_status_timeout');
->help('Time threshold in minutes, before module is shown as inactive');
8baed187 Michal Kliment
$this->form->group(__('URL settings') . ' ' . help::hint('url_settings'));

c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
8baed187 Michal Kliment
'http' => 'http',
'https' => 'https'
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
->callback(array($this, 'valid_domain'))
8baed187 Michal Kliment
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
->callback(array($this, 'valid_suffix'))
8baed187 Michal Kliment
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$this->form->group(__('Address points'));
->label('Address point URL')
$selected_countries = ORM::factory('country')->select('id')->where('enabled', 1)->find_all()->as_array();
->label('Enabled countries')
8baed187 Michal Kliment
// load .htaccess sample file
if (($htaccessFile = @file('.htaccess-sample')) != FALSE)
foreach ($htaccessFile as $line_num => $line)
// find line with RewriteBase
if (preg_match("/^RewriteBase (.+)/", $line, $matches))
// and set there our suffix (subdirectory)
$htaccessFile[$line_num] = preg_replace(
"/^(RewriteBase )(.+)/",
'${1}' . url::suffix(), $line

// write textarea with content of .htaccess sample file
if (!is_writable('.') && !file_exists('.htaccess'))
$textarea = '';
foreach ($htaccessFile as $line)
$textarea .= htmlentities($line);
$help = __('It\'s not possible to write your htacess file for clean URLS.');
$help .= ' ' . __('You must create it manually and paste the following text into it.');

->label('Content of file htaccess')

// form validate
if ($this->form->validate())
$form_data = $this->form->as_array();

c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$issaved = TRUE;
8baed187 Michal Kliment
$message = '';
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$issaved = $issaved && ORM::factory('country')->enable_countries($form_data['enabled_countries']);
// write suffix to .htaccess
if (!file_exists('.htaccess'))
$htaccess = '.htaccess-sample';
$htaccess = '.htaccess';
if (is_writable('.') || (file_exists('.htaccess') && is_writable('.htaccess')))
// load .htaccess file
$htaccessFile = @file($htaccess);

if ($htaccessFile)
74a7dbca Michal Kliment
$upload_max_filesize_changed = FALSE;
$post_max_size_changed = FALSE;

54bb6292 jeffraska
$max_filesize = $form_data['upload_max_filesize'];

if (network::str2bytes($max_filesize) < 1024*1024) // If less than 1M, set to 1M
$max_filesize = network::speed(1024*1024);

// do not save to DB, it's useless

c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
foreach ($htaccessFile as $line_num => $line)
// find line with RewriteBase
if (preg_match("/^RewriteBase (.+)/", $line))
// and set there our suffix (subdirectory)
$htaccessFile[$line_num] = preg_replace(
"/^(RewriteBase )(.+)/",
'${1}/'.trim($form_data['suffix'], " /").'/', $line
74a7dbca Michal Kliment
else if (preg_match("/^php_value upload_max_filesize (.+)/", $line))
$htaccessFile[$line_num] = preg_replace(
"/^(php_value upload_max_filesize )(.+)/",
54bb6292 jeffraska
'${1}'.$max_filesize, $line
74a7dbca Michal Kliment
$upload_max_filesize_changed = TRUE;
else if (preg_match("/^php_value post_max_size (.+)/", $line))
$htaccessFile[$line_num] = preg_replace(
"/^(php_value post_max_size )(.+)/",
54bb6292 jeffraska
'${1}'.$max_filesize, $line
74a7dbca Michal Kliment
$post_max_size_changed = TRUE;

if (!$upload_max_filesize_changed)
54bb6292 jeffraska
$htaccessFile[] = "\nphp_value upload_max_filesize ".$max_filesize."\n";
74a7dbca Michal Kliment
if (!$post_max_size_changed)
54bb6292 jeffraska
$htaccessFile[] = "\nphp_value post_max_size ".$max_filesize."\n";
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$handle = @fopen('.htaccess', 'w');

if ($handle)
foreach($htaccessFile as $line)
@fwrite($handle, $line);

$issaved = FALSE;
$message = __('Cannot open %s for writing', '.htaccess');
// if not saved to htaccess do not save to database
$issaved = FALSE;
$message = __('Failed to read from %s', '.htaccess');
// if not saved to htaccess do not save to database
$issaved = FALSE;
$message = __('File %s does not exists and cannot be created', '.htaccess');
8baed187 Michal Kliment
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
// if not saved to htaccess do not save to database
8baed187 Michal Kliment
foreach ($form_data as $name => $value)
if ($name == 'module_status_timeout')
$value = max($value, 1);
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
else if ($name == 'security_password_length')
8baed187 Michal Kliment
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$value = min(50, max(1, $value)); // <1..50>
8baed187 Michal Kliment

$issaved = $issaved && Settings::set($name, $value);
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
foreach (self::$modules as $module => $module_info)
foreach ($module_info['dependencies'] as $dependency)
if (self::isModuleEnabled($module) && !self::isModuleEnabled($dependency))
status::error(__('Cannot enable module %s, enabled module %s is required.', array($module, $dependency)));
8baed187 Michal Kliment
if ($issaved)
// if all action were succesfull
__('System variables have been successfully updated.').
'<br />' . $message, FALSE
// if not
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
__('System variables havent been updated.').
'<br />' . $message, NULL, FALSE
8baed187 Michal Kliment


$view = new View('main');
$view->title = __('Settings') . ' - ' . __('System');
$view->content = new View('settings/main');
$view->content->current = 'system';
$view->content->content = $this->form->html();
$view->content->headline = __('System');
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
* Settings of users variables
* @author Michal Kliment
public function users()
// access control
if (!$this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'users_settings'))

// creating of new forge
$this->form = new Forge();

->label('Enable automatical deletion of devices of former members')
2a205303 Michal Kliment
->label('Enable multiple users to have assigned same phone contact')

->label('Enable multiple users to have assigned same e-mail contact')
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
->label('Minimal password length')
$pass_levels = array
1 => __('very weak'),
2 => __('weak'),
3 => __('good'),
4 => __('strong'),
->label('Minimal password level')
if (Settings::get('membership_interrupt_enabled'))
$this->form->group('Membership interrupt');

->label('Minimum membership interrupt period (months)')

->label('Maximum membership interrupt period (months)')
if (Settings::get('self_registration'))
$this->form->group('Applicant for membership');
->label('Enable approval of membership without submited registration')
if (Settings::get('finance_enabled'))
->label('Enable additional member fee during the approval of membership')
74a7dbca Michal Kliment
$this->form->group('Registration form');
->label('Applicant e-mail is not required')
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$this->form->group('Export of registration');
if (Settings::get('finance_enabled'))
$bank_account = new Bank_account_Model();
$concat = "CONCAT(account_nr, '/', bank_nr, IF(name IS NULL, '', CONCAT(' - ', name)))";
->label('Bank account')
->options($bank_account->where('member_id', Member_Model::ASSOCIATION)->select_list('id', $concat))
// directory is writable
if (is_writable('upload'))
$additional_info = '';
$logo = Settings::get('registration_logo');
74a7dbca Michal Kliment
$document = Settings::get('registration_document');
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
if (file_exists($logo))
$additional_info = '<img src="'. url_lang::base().'export/logo" style="margin-left:10%;height:50px;vertical-align:middle"/>';
74a7dbca Michal Kliment
if (file_exists($document))
$additional_info = '<img src="'. url::base().'media/images/icons/activate.png" style="margin-left:10%;vertical-align:middle"/>';
$additional_info = '';
->label('Attached document')
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment



// form validate
if ($this->form->validate())
$form_data = $this->form->as_array(FALSE);

$issaved = true;

foreach ($form_data as $name => $value)
74a7dbca Michal Kliment
if ((is_a($this->form->$name, "Form_Upload") && $value !== '') ||
!is_a($this->form->$name, "Form_Upload")
$issaved = $issaved && Settings::set($name, $value);
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
if ($issaved)
// if all action were succesfull
status::success('System variables have been successfully updated.');
// if not
status::error('System variables havent been successfully updated.');


$view = new View('main');
$view->title = __('Settings') . ' - ' . __('Users');
$view->content = new View('settings/main');
$view->content->current = 'users';
$view->content->content = $this->form->html();
$view->content->headline = __('Users');
// directory is not writable
if (!is_writable('upload'))
$view->content->warning = __(
'Directory "upload" is not writable, change access ' .
'rights to be able upload your own logo.'
* Settings of finance variables
* @author Ondrej Fibich
public function finance()
// access control
if (!module::e('finance') ||
!$this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'finance_settings'))

// creating of new forge
$this->form = new Forge();
$this->form->group('Finance settings');
$this->form->group('Automatic actions');
$deduct_day = Settings::get('deduct_day');
->label(__('Deduct fees automatically') . ' ' .
help::hint('deduct_fees_automatically_enabled', $deduct_day));
$this->form->group('Variable symbol settings');
->options(array(NULL => '') + Variable_Key_Generator::get_drivers_for_dropdown())
->label('Algorithm for generation of variable symbols')


// form validate
if ($this->form->validate())
$form_data = $this->form->as_array(FALSE);

$issaved = true;

foreach ($form_data as $name => $value)
$issaved = $issaved && Settings::set($name, $value);
if ($issaved)
// if all action were succesfull
status::success('System variables have been successfully updated.');
// if not
status::error('System variables havent been successfully updated.');


$view = new View('main');
$view->title = __('Settings') . ' - ' . __('Finance');
$view->content = new View('settings/main');
$view->content->current = 'finance';
$view->content->content = $this->form->html();
$view->content->headline = __('Finance');
8baed187 Michal Kliment
* Settings for QoS
public function qos()
// access control
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
if (!module::e('qos') ||
!$this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'qos_settings'))
8baed187 Michal Kliment
// creating of new forge
$this->form = new Forge('settings/qos');
$this->form->group('Variables for QoS');

->label(__('Total speed') . ': '.help::hint('qos_total_speed'))
if (Settings::get('ulogd_enabled'))
->label(__('Speed for active members') . ': '.help::hint('qos_active_speed'))
->label(__('Speed for high priority IP addresses') . ': '.help::hint('qos_high_priority_speed'))
->label(__('High priority IP addresses'). ': '.help::hint('qos_high_priority_ip_addresses'))


// form validate
if ($this->form->validate())
$form_data = $this->form->as_array();
// transform lines to one line
$form_data["qos_high_priority_ip_addresses"] = implode(

$issaved = true;
if (isset($form_data['qos_enabled']) &&
$form_data['qos_enabled'] == 1)
$qos_enabled = '1';
$qos_enabled = '0';
$issaved = $issaved && Settings::set('qos_enabled', $qos_enabled);

foreach ($form_data as $name => $value)
if ($name == 'qos_enabled')
$issaved = $issaved && Settings::set($name, $value);
if ($issaved)
// if all action were succesfull
status::success('QoS variables have been successfully updated.');
// if not
status::error('QoS variables havent been successfully updated.');


$view = new View('main');
$view->title = __('Settings') . ' - ' . __('QoS');
$view->content = new View('settings/main');
$view->content->current = 'qos';
$view->content->content = $this->form->html();
$view->content->headline = __('QoS');
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$view->content->description = module::get_state('qos', TRUE);
8baed187 Michal Kliment

* Settings of email variables
* @author Michal Kliment
public function email()
// access control
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
if (!module::e('email') ||
!$this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'email_settings'))
8baed187 Michal Kliment
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
8baed187 Michal Kliment
// creating of new forge
$this->form = new Forge('settings/email');

c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$this->form->group('E-mail settings');

->label('Default e-mail')
8baed187 Michal Kliment
$this->form->group('E-mail variables');

'native' => __('Native'),
'smtp' => __('SMTP'),
'sendmail' => __('Sendmail')

c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
->help(__('For SMTP settings only.'));
8baed187 Michal Kliment
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
->help(__('For SMTP settings only.'));
8baed187 Michal Kliment
->label('User name')
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
->help(__('For SMTP settings only.'));
8baed187 Michal Kliment
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
->help(__('For SMTP settings only.'));
8baed187 Michal Kliment

// form validate
if ($this->form->validate())
$form_data = $this->form->as_array(FALSE);

$issaved = true;

foreach ($form_data as $name => $value)
$issaved = $issaved && Settings::set($name, $value);
if ($issaved)
// if all action were succesfull
status::success('E-mail variables have been successfully updated.');
// if not
status::error('E-mail variables havent been successfully updated.');


$view = new View('main');
$view->title = __('Settings') . ' - ' . __('E-mail');
$view->content = new View('settings/main');
$view->content->current = 'email';
$view->content->content = $this->form->html();
$view->content->headline = __('E-mail');
if (!empty($message))
$view->content->message = $message;

* Approval settings
public function approval()
// access control
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
if (!module::e('approval') ||
!$this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'approval_settings'))
8baed187 Michal Kliment

$approval_templates = ORM::factory('approval_template')->select_list('id', 'name');
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$arr_approval_templates = array
NULL => '----- ' . __('Select approval template') . ' -----'
) + $approval_templates;

// creating of new forge
$this->form = new Forge('settings/approval');
if (Settings::get('works_enabled'))
->label('Default approval template')

$this->form->group('Work report');

->label('Default approval template')


->label('Default approval template for "proposals to association"')

->label('Default approval template for "support requests"')


if ($this->form->validate())
$form_data = $this->form->as_array(FALSE);
$issaved = true;
foreach ($form_data as $name => $value)
$issaved = $issaved && Settings::set($name, $value);
if ($issaved)
status::success('System variables have been successfully updated.');
status::error('System variables havent been successfully updated.');


$view = new View('main');
$view->title = __('Settings') . ' - ' . __('Approval');
$view->content = new View('settings/main');
$view->content->current = 'approval';
$view->content->headline = __('Approval');
$view->content->link_back = $this->links;
$view->content->content = $this->form->html();
* Networks settings
public function networks()
// access control
if (!module::e('networks') ||
!$this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'networks_settings'))

// creating of new forge
$this->form = new Forge();
$this->form->group('Network settings');

->value(str_replace(",","\n", Settings::get('address_ranges')))

->value(str_replace(",","\n", Settings::get('dns_servers')))

->label('DHCP server maximal timeout')
74a7dbca Michal Kliment
->label('DNS server maximal timeout')
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
if (Settings::get('connection_request_enable'))
$this->form->group('Connection requests');
// enum types for device
$enum_type_model = new Enum_type_Model();
$types = $enum_type_model->get_values(Enum_type_Model::DEVICE_TYPE_ID);
$allowed_types = explode(':', Settings::get('connection_request_device_types'));
$default_types = $types;
// throw away unallowed types
if (Settings::get('connection_request_device_types'))
foreach ($default_types as $key => $val)
if (array_search($key, $allowed_types) === FALSE)
$default_types[NULL] = '--- ' . __('Select type') . ' ---';
->label('Default device type')
->label('Allowed device types')
->label('Add form information')
$this->form->group('Other settings');
->label('Enable automatic loading of "connected to" field during adding of device')
// CGI scripts
if (module::e('cgi'))
$this->form->group('CGI scripts');
->label('URL for ARP table')
->style('width: 400px');
8baed187 Michal Kliment

if ($this->form->validate())
$form_data = $this->form->as_array(FALSE);
$issaved = true;
foreach ($form_data as $name => $value)
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
if ($name == 'address_ranges')
$value = str_replace("\n", ",", $value);
else if ($name == 'connection_request_device_types')
$value = empty($value) ? '' : implode(':', $value);
else if ($name == 'dns_servers')
$old_value = Settings::get('dns_servers');
// expire DHCP? (#472)
if (trim($value) != trim($old_value))
8baed187 Michal Kliment
$issaved = $issaved && Settings::set($name, $value);
if ($issaved)
status::success('System variables have been successfully updated.');
status::error('System variables havent been successfully updated.');

c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
8baed187 Michal Kliment

$view = new View('main');
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$view->title = __('Settings') . ' - ' . __('Networks');
8baed187 Michal Kliment
$view->content = new View('settings/main');
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$view->content->current = 'networks';
$view->content->headline = __('Networks');
8baed187 Michal Kliment
$view->content->link_back = $this->links;
$view->content->content = $this->form->html();

* VOIP settings
public function voip()
// access control
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
if (!module::e('voip') ||
!$this->acl_check_edit(get_class($this), 'voip_settings'))
8baed187 Michal Kliment

// creating of new forge
$this->form = new Forge('settings/voip');

$this->form->group('VoIP settings');

// page title
->label('Number interval')
->callback(array($this, 'valid_voip_number_interval'));
->label('Exclude numbers')
->callback(array($this, 'valid_voip_number_exclude'));
->label('SIP server')

$this->form->group('Asterisk manager settings');

$this->form->group('Billing settings');
Billing::INACTIVE => __('Inactive'),
Billing::NFX_LBILLING => 'lBilling - NFX'

$this->form->group('Actual price of calls');
->label('Fixed line number')
->label('Cellphone number')
->label('VoIP number')


// form validate
if ($this->form->validate())
$form_data = $this->form->as_array(FALSE);
$issaved = true;
$driver = true;
// enable VoIP driver
if ($form_data['voip_billing_driver'] != Billing::INACTIVE)
$voip_sip = new Voip_sip_Model();
// Check pre requirements of VoIP
if (!$voip_sip->check_pre_requirements())
// Make pre requirements
// creates helper functions
7dafd607 Michal Kliment
8baed187 Michal Kliment
// create views
7dafd607 Michal Kliment
8baed187 Michal Kliment
catch (Exception $e)
// unset driver
Settings::set('voip_billing_driver', Billing::INACTIVE);
// don't change in next foreach
// error flad
$driver = false;

foreach ($form_data as $name => $value)
$issaved = $issaved && Settings::set($name, $value);
if (!$driver)
{ // driver error
'Cannot enable VoIP driver, allow `%s` rights for MySQL user',
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
) . '.',NULL, FALSE);
8baed187 Michal Kliment
else if ($issaved)
status::success('System variables have been successfully updated.');
status::success('System variables havent been successfully updated.');


// drover informations
$ai = null;

if (Billing::instance()->has_driver())
if (Billing::instance()->test_conn())
$ai = __('Testing driver');
$ai .= ': lBilling - NFX......<span style="color:green">OK</span>';
$ai = __('Testing driver');
$ai .= ': lBilling - NFX......<span style="color:red">';
$ai .= __('Failed') . '</span>';

// create view for this template
$view = new View('main');
$view->title = __('Settings') . ' - ' . __('VoIP');
$view->content = new View('settings/main');
$view->content->current = 'voip';
$view->content->content = $this->form->html();
$view->content->headline = __('VoIP');
$view->content->additional_info = $ai;

* SMS settings
public function sms()
// access control
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
if (!module::e('sms') ||
!$this->acl_check_edit(get_class($this), 'sms_settings'))
8baed187 Michal Kliment
// enabled SMS?
if (!Sms::enabled())
$view = new View('main');
$view->title = __('Settings') . ' - ' . __('SMS');
$view->content = new View('settings/main');
$view->content->current = 'sms';
$view->content->content = new View('sms/not_enabled');
$view->content->headline = __('Error - SMS not enabled');

$drivers = Sms::get_active_drivers();

// creating of new forge
$this->form = new Forge('settings/sms');

$this->form->group('SMS settings');

// page title
->label('Number of the sender')
->label('Default driver')

/* Forms for all drivers */
$aditional_info = '';
$drivers = Sms::get_drivers();
foreach ($drivers as $driver)
$key = $driver['id'];
/* Build form */
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$this->form->group(Sms::get_driver_name($key, TRUE));
8baed187 Michal Kliment
$this->form->dropdown('sms_driver_state' . $key)
->label('Driver state')
Sms::DRIVER_INACTIVE => __('Inactive'),
Sms::DRIVER_ACTIVE => __('Active')
))->selected(Settings::get('sms_driver_state' . $key));
// hostname not defined by config driver array?
if (!array_key_exists('hostname', $driver))
$this->form->input('sms_hostname' . $key)
->value(Settings::get('sms_hostname' . $key));

$this->form->input('sms_user' . $key)
->value(Settings::get('sms_user' . $key));

$this->form->input('sms_password' . $key)
->value(Settings::get('sms_password' . $key));

// test mode on?
if ($driver['test_mode_enabled'])
$this->form->dropdown('sms_test_mode' . $key)
->label(__('Test mode') . ':')
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
->help(__('SMS will not be send if test mode is enabled, ' .
'driver will only try to send them'))
8baed187 Michal Kliment
->selected(Settings::get('sms_test_mode' . $key));
/* Testing of gates */
if (Settings::get('sms_driver_state' . $key) == Sms::DRIVER_ACTIVE)
$aditional_info .= __('Testing driver') . ' : '
. Sms::get_driver_name($key)
. '......<span style="color:';
// sms
$sms = Sms::factory($key);

// loaded?
if (!$sms)
$aditional_info .= 'red">' . __('Load failed') . '</span><br />';

// sets vars to class
$sms->set_hostname(Settings::get('sms_hostname' . $key));
$sms->set_user(Settings::get('sms_user' . $key));
$sms->set_password(Settings::get('sms_password' . $key));
$sms->set_test(Settings::get('sms_test_mode' . $key) == 1);

if ($sms->test_conn())
$aditional_info .= 'green">OK</span><br />';
$aditional_info .= 'red">' . __('Failed') . '</span><br />';


// form validate
if ($this->form->validate())
$form_data = $this->form->as_array(FALSE);
$issaved = true;

foreach ($form_data as $name => $value)
$value = empty($value) ? '' : $value;
$issaved = $issaved && Settings::set($name, $value);
if ($issaved)
status::success('System variables have been successfully updated.');
status::error('System variables havent been successfully updated.');
// description
$description = html::anchor('phone_operators', __(
'Approved phone operators and prefixes'
)) . ' ' . help::hint('sms_enabled');

// create view for this template
$view = new View('main');
$view->title = __('Settings') . ' - ' . __('SMS');
$view->content = new View('settings/main');
$view->content->current = 'sms';
$view->content->content = $this->form->html();
$view->content->headline = __('SMS');
$view->content->description = $description;
$view->content->link_back = $this->links;
$view->content->additional_info = $aditional_info;

* Shows notification settings and enables their editing.
* @author Jiri Svitak
public function notifications()
// access control
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
if (!self::isModuleEnabled('notification') ||
!$this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'notification_settings'))
8baed187 Michal Kliment
// creating of new forge
$this->form = new Forge('settings/notifications');
$this->form->group('General settings');
->label(__('Payment notice boundary')." (".
->label(__('Debtor boundary')." (".
->label(__('Initial immunity').': '.
->label(__('Initial debtor immunity').': '.
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
if (Settings::get('self_registration'))
->label('Test connection duration')
8baed187 Michal Kliment
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
// redirection is enabled
if (Settings::get('redirection_enabled'))
8baed187 Michal Kliment
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment

->label(__('Gateway IP address').":")

->label(__('Port for self-canceling').": ".help::hint('redirection_port_self_cancel'))

// directory is writable
if (is_writable('upload'))
8baed187 Michal Kliment
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$additional_info = '';
$logo = Settings::get('redirection_logo_url');

if (file_exists($logo))
$additional_info = '<img src="'. url_lang::base().'redirect/logo" style="margin-left:10%;height:49px;vertical-align:middle"/>';

->label('Redirection logo URL')
8baed187 Michal Kliment
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
->label(__('Text for self cancel anchor').":&nbsp;".
// allowed subnets
$this->form->group(__('Allowed subnets') . ' ' . help::hint('allowed_subnets'));
8baed187 Michal Kliment
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
->label('Enable allowed subnets');
if (Settings::get('allowed_subnets_enabled'))
1e8c793d Michal Kliment
->label('Default allowed subnets count')

c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
->label('Interval of update')
8baed187 Michal Kliment
->label(__('E-mail subject prefix').':')
// form validate
if ($this->form->validate())
$form_data = $this->form->as_array(FALSE);
$issaved = true;
foreach ($form_data as $name => $value)
74a7dbca Michal Kliment
if ((is_a($this->form->$name, "Form_Upload") && $value !== '') ||
!is_a($this->form->$name, "Form_Upload")
$issaved = $issaved && Settings::set($name, $value);
8baed187 Michal Kliment
if ($issaved)
{ // if all action were succesfull
status::success('Notification settings have been successfully updated.');
{ // if not
status::error('Notification settings have not been updated.');

c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
// states of modules
$states = array();
if (Settings::get('redirection_enabled'))
$states[] = module::get_state('redirection', TRUE);
if (Settings::get('allowed_subnets_enabled'))
$states[] = module::get_state('allowed_subnets_update', TRUE);
8baed187 Michal Kliment
// create view for this template
$view = new View('main');
$view->title = __('System') . ' - ' . __('Notification settings');
$view->content = new View('settings/main');
$view->content->current = 'notifications';
$view->content->content = $this->form->html();
$view->content->headline = __('Notification settings');
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$view->content->description = implode('<br />', $states);
8baed187 Michal Kliment
* Settings for logging
* @author Michal Kliment
public function logging()
// access control
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
if (!$this->acl_check_edit(get_class($this), 'logging_settings'))
8baed187 Michal Kliment

$user_model = new User_Model();

// creating of new forge
$this->form = new Forge('settings/logging');
$this->form->group('Centralized logging');
$this->form->group('ulogd ' . help::hint('ulogd'))
->label('Enable ulogd');
if (version_compare($user_model->get_mysql_version(), '5.1.0', '<'))
__('Enable ulogd') . ' - <span class="error">' .
__('require MySQL %s and higher', array('5.1')) . '</span>')
->label(__('Interval of update') . ': ' .

->label(__('Active members') . ' ' .

->label(__('Base') . ': ' .

->label(__('Type of traffic') . ': ' .
0 => '----- ' . __('Select type') . ' -----',
'upload' => __('upload'),
'download' => __('download'),
'total' => __('both') . ' (' . __('upload') . ' + ' . __('download') . ')'

->label(__('Minimum of traffic') . ': ' .
$this->form->group(__('Syslog NG MySQL API').' '.help::hint('syslog_ng_mysql_api'));
74a7dbca Michal Kliment
->label('Turn on');
8baed187 Michal Kliment
if (Settings::get('syslog_ng_mysql_api_enabled') == 1)
->label(__('API URL').': '.help::hint('syslog_ng_mysql_api_url'))
->style('width: 500px;');
$this->form->group(__('Action logs') . ' ' . help::hint('action_logs_active'));
->label('Enable action logs');
if (version_compare($user_model->get_mysql_version(), '5.1.0', '<'))
__('Enable action logs') . ' - <span class="error">' .
__('require MySQL %s and higher', array('5.1')) . '</span>'
else if (Settings::get('action_logs_active') == 1)

$ulog2_ct_model = new Ulog2_ct_Model();
if (!$ulog2_ct_model->check_pre_requirements() &&
!$user_model->check_permission('CREATE ROUTINE'))
__('Enable ulogd') . ' - <span class="error">' .
__('it requires already created functions for '.
'ulogd or MySQL permission CREATE ROUTINE for create them'
) . '</span>');
else if (Settings::get('ulogd_enabled') == 1)

// form validate
if ($this->form->validate())
$form_data = $this->form->as_array(FALSE);

// action logs value
if (isset($form_data['action_logs_active']) &&
$form_data['action_logs_active'] == 1)
$action_logs_active = '1';
$action_logs_active = '0';

// action logs value
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
if (Settings::get('networks_enabled') && isset($form_data['ulogd_enabled']) &&
8baed187 Michal Kliment
$form_data['ulogd_enabled'] == 1)
$ulogd_enabled = '1';
$ulogd_enabled = '0';
// syslog-ng mysql
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
if (Settings::get('networks_enabled') && isset($form_data['syslog_ng_mysql_api_enabled']) &&
8baed187 Michal Kliment
$form_data['syslog_ng_mysql_api_enabled'] == 1)
$syslog_ng_mysql_api_enabled = '1';
$syslog_ng_mysql_api_enabled = '0';

// set logs checkbox value to db
Settings::set('action_logs_active', $action_logs_active);
Settings::set('syslog_ng_mysql_api_enabled', $syslog_ng_mysql_api_enabled);

$issaved = true;
// try to create log table if not exists
if ($action_logs_active == '1')
c2e44ab0 Michal Kliment
// create table
8baed187 Michal Kliment
c2e44ab0 Michal Kliment
// create partition fo today (fixes #363)
catch (Exception $ignore)
{ // ignore errors (partition already exists)
8baed187 Michal Kliment
catch (Exception $e)
$issaved = false;
Settings::set('action_logs_active', 0);
status::error('Cannot enable logs, error: ' . $e->getMessage());

// try to create ulogd function if not exists
if ($ulogd_enabled == '1' && $user_model->check_permission('CREATE ROUTINE'))
c2e44ab0 Michal Kliment
Settings::set('ulogd_enabled', 1);
8baed187 Michal Kliment
catch (Exception $e)
$issaved = false;
Settings::set('ulogd_enabled', 0);
status::error('Cannot enable ulogd, error: ' . $e->getMessage());
c2e44ab0 Michal Kliment
Settings::set('ulogd_enabled', 0);
8baed187 Michal Kliment
foreach ($form_data as $name => $value)
if ($name == 'action_logs_active' OR
$name == 'ulogd_enabled' OR
$name == 'syslog_ng_mysql_api_enabled')
$issaved = $issaved && Settings::set($name, $value);
if ($issaved)
status::success('System variables have been successfully updated.');
status::error('System variables havent been successfully updated.');
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
8baed187 Michal Kliment
// create view for this template
$view = new View('main');
$view->title = __('Settings') . ' - ' . __('logging');
$view->content = new View('settings/main');
$view->content->current = 'logging';
$view->content->content = $this->form->html();
$view->content->headline = __('Logging');
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$view->content->description = module::get_state('logging', TRUE);
8baed187 Michal Kliment
* Settings for monitoring
* @author Michal Kliment
public function monitoring()
// access control
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
if (!module::e('monitoring') ||
!$this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'monitoring_settings'))
8baed187 Michal Kliment
// creating of new forge
$this->form = new Forge();

$this->form->group('Variables for monitoring');
->label('IP address of monitoring server')
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
8baed187 Michal Kliment
->label('Send to e-mail address')
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
->label('Interval of loop')
->class('number increase_decrease_buttons');
->label('Maximum period of notification from host failure')
->class('number increase_decrease_buttons');
->label('Maximum period of notification from host functionality again')
->class('number increase_decrease_buttons');
8baed187 Michal Kliment

// form validate
if ($this->form->validate())
$form_data = $this->form->as_array();
$issaved = TRUE;
foreach ($form_data as $key => $val)
$issaved = $issaved && Settings::set($key, $val);
if ($issaved)
status::success('System variables have been successfully updated.');
status::error('System variables havent been successfully updated.');

$view = new View('main');
$view->title = __('Settings') . ' - ' . __('Monitoring');
$view->content = new View('settings/main');
$view->content->current = 'monitoring';
$view->content->content = $this->form->html();
$view->content->headline = __('Monitoring');
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$view->content->description = module::get_state('monitoring', TRUE);
8baed187 Michal Kliment

c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
* Form to set up vtiger variables
* @author Jan Dubina
8baed187 Michal Kliment
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
public function vtiger()
8baed187 Michal Kliment
// access control
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
if (!module::e('vtiger') ||
!$this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'vtiger_settings'))
8baed187 Michal Kliment

c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$values_member = json_decode(Settings::get('vtiger_member_fields'), true);
$values_user = json_decode(Settings::get('vtiger_user_fields'), true);
8baed187 Michal Kliment
// creating of new forge
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$this->form = new Forge();
8baed187 Michal Kliment
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$this->form->group('Vtiger integration');
8baed187 Michal Kliment
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
8baed187 Michal Kliment
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment

->label('User access key')
8baed187 Michal Kliment
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$this->form->group(__('Vtiger field names').' - '.__('Accounts'));
8baed187 Michal Kliment
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
->label('FreenetIS ID')
->label('Account type')
->label('Entrance date')
->label('Variable symbol')
->label('Organization identifier')
->label('Do not send emails')
->label('notify owner')
->label(__('Phone').' 2')
->label(__('Phone').' 3')
->label(__('Email').' 2')
->label(__('Email').' 3')
->label('Zip code')
$this->form->group(__('Vtiger field names').' - '.__('Contacts'));
->label('FreenetIS ID')
->label('Middle name')
->label('Pre title')
->label('Post title')
->label('Member ID')
->label('Do not call')
->label('Do not send emails')
->label('Notify owner')
->label(__('Phone').' 2')
->label(__('Phone').' 3')
->label(__('Email').' 2')
->label(__('Email').' 3')
8baed187 Michal Kliment
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
->label('Zip code')

8baed187 Michal Kliment
// form validate
if ($this->form->validate())
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$form_data = $this->form->as_array();
$values_member['id'] = $form_data['member_id'];
$values_member['name'] = $form_data['member_name'];
$values_member['acc_type'] = $form_data['member_acc_type'];
$values_member['employees'] = $form_data['member_employees'];
$values_member['type'] = $form_data['member_type'];
$values_member['entrance_date'] = $form_data['member_entrance_date'];
$values_member['var_sym'] = $form_data['member_var_sym'];
$values_member['organization_identifier'] = $form_data['member_organization_identifier'];
$values_member['do_not_send_emails'] = $form_data['member_do_not_send_emails'];
$values_member['notify_owner'] = $form_data['member_notify_owner'];
$values_member['phone1'] = $form_data['member_phone1'];
$values_member['phone2'] = $form_data['member_phone2'];
$values_member['phone3'] = $form_data['member_phone3'];
$values_member['email1'] = $form_data['member_email1'];
$values_member['email2'] = $form_data['member_email2'];
$values_member['email3'] = $form_data['member_email3'];
$values_member['street'] = $form_data['member_street'];
$values_member['town'] = $form_data['member_town'];
$values_member['country'] = $form_data['member_country'];
$values_member['zip_code'] = $form_data['member_zip_code'];
$values_member['comment'] = $form_data['member_comment'];
$values_user['id'] = $form_data['user_id'];
$values_user['name'] = $form_data['user_name'];
$values_user['middle_name'] = $form_data['user_middle_name'];
$values_user['surname'] = $form_data['user_surname'];
$values_user['pre_title'] = $form_data['user_pre_title'];
$values_user['post_title'] = $form_data['user_post_title'];
$values_user['member_id'] = $form_data['user_member_id'];
$values_user['birthday'] = $form_data['user_birthday'];
$values_user['do_not_call'] = $form_data['user_do_not_call'];
$values_user['do_not_send_emails'] = $form_data['user_do_not_send_emails'];
$values_user['notify_owner'] = $form_data['user_notify_owner'];
$values_user['phone1'] = $form_data['user_phone1'];
$values_user['phone2'] = $form_data['user_phone2'];
$values_user['phone3'] = $form_data['user_phone3'];
$values_user['email1'] = $form_data['user_email1'];
$values_user['email2'] = $form_data['user_email2'];
$values_user['email3'] = $form_data['user_email3'];
$values_user['street'] = $form_data['user_street'];
$values_user['town'] = $form_data['user_town'];
$values_user['country'] = $form_data['user_country'];
$values_user['zip_code'] = $form_data['user_zip_code'];
$values_user['comment'] = $form_data['user_comment'];
8baed187 Michal Kliment
$issaved = true;
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$issaved = $issaved && Settings::set('vtiger_domain', $form_data['vtiger_domain']);
$issaved = $issaved && Settings::set('vtiger_username', $form_data['vtiger_username']);
$issaved = $issaved && Settings::set('vtiger_user_access_key', $form_data['vtiger_user_access_key']);
$issaved = $issaved && Settings::set('vtiger_member_fields', json_encode($values_member));
$issaved = $issaved && Settings::set('vtiger_user_fields', json_encode($values_user));
8baed187 Michal Kliment
if ($issaved)
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
// if all action were succesfull
8baed187 Michal Kliment
status::success('System variables have been successfully updated.');
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
// if not
8baed187 Michal Kliment
status::error('System variables havent been successfully updated.');

c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
8baed187 Michal Kliment
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
8baed187 Michal Kliment
$view = new View('main');
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$view->title = __('Settings') . ' - ' . __('Vtiger integration');
8baed187 Michal Kliment
$view->content = new View('settings/main');
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$view->content->current = 'vtiger';
8baed187 Michal Kliment
$view->content->content = $this->form->html();
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
$view->content->headline = __('Vtiger integration');
8baed187 Michal Kliment

// start of validation function

* Check if intervals of VoIP numbers are valid
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param object $input input to validation
public function valid_voip_number_interval($input = NULL)
// validators cannot be accessed
if (empty($input) || !is_object($input))
// parse interval to array of VoIP numbers
$numbers = explode('-', $input->value);
// check if count of numbers is smaller or longer than 2
// (123456789, 987654321; NOT 123456,654321,987654)
if (count($numbers) != 2)
$input->add_error('required', __('Bad VoIP number interval format'));
// check if first and second number are 9 characters long (123456789, NOT 1234567890)
if (strlen($numbers[0]) != 9 || strlen($numbers[1]) != 9)
$input->add_error('required', __(
'VoIP number must be 9 characters long'
// check if first and second number are numbers :-) (123456789, NOT abcdefghi)
if (!is_numeric($numbers[0]) || !is_numeric($numbers[1]))
$input->add_error('required', __('VoIP number must be a number'));
// check if first number are not larger than second number
if ($numbers[0] > $numbers[1])
$input->add_error('required', __(
'First number mustn\'t be larger then second number'

* Validator
* @param object $input
public function valid_voip_number_exclude($input = NULL)
// validators cannot be accessed
if (empty($input) || !is_object($input))
7dafd607 Michal Kliment
$value = $input->value;

// do not check empty
if (empty($value)) {
8baed187 Michal Kliment
// parse interval to array of VoIP numbers
74a7dbca Michal Kliment
$numbers = explode(';', $input->value);
8baed187 Michal Kliment
// check if count of numbers is smaller or longer than 2
// (123456789, 987654321; NOT 123456,654321,987654)

foreach ($numbers as $number)
// check if first and second number are 9 characters long (123456789, NOT 1234567890)
if (strlen($number) != 9)
$input->add_error('required', __('VoIP number must be 9 characters long'));
// check if first and second number are numbers :-) (123456789, NOT abcdefghi)
if (!is_numeric($number))
$input->add_error('required', __('VoIP number must be a number'));
}// end of validatation function
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
* Validates suffix
* @param object $input
public function valid_suffix($input = null)
// validators cannot be accessed
if (empty($input) || !is_object($input))
if (!preg_match ("/^\/([A-Za-z0-9\-_]+\/)*$/", $input->value))
$input->add_error('required', __("Suffix has to start with slash character, has to end with slash character and contains only a-z, 0-9, - and /"));
* Validates domain
* @param object $input
public function valid_domain($input = null)
// validators cannot be accessed
if (empty($input) || !is_object($input))
if (!preg_match ("/^[A-Za-z0-9\-_\.]+$/", $input->value))
$input->add_error('required', __("Domain has to contain only a-z, 0-9, -, / and dot characters"));
8baed187 Michal Kliment