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8baed187 Michal Kliment
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct access allowed.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

$lang = array
'access_to_system' => 'Determinate if user has capability for loging ti Freenetis a can use services of Radius server, which is joined to Freenetis, for example VPN, active parts of net, calling from VoIP.',
'accounting_system' => 'The chart of accounts is the main assistant for the accounting associations. Shows the amount of money in the account from the perspective of the accounting curriculum. By default, this is the amount for the entire operation of the association, but can filter transfers the selected period, such as from the date 01/01/2009 to date 12/31/2009.',
'action_logs_active' => 'Actions log is tool for detectins end user actions on data in system.',
'activate_redirection_to_member' => 'Allows you to manually activate the selected redirection to all IP addresses of member. Whether a member can redirect itself to cancel or not, is given by the properties of the selected message. Manual interference forwarding can be carried out in the table.',
'activated_redirection' => 'Shows raised redirected to IP addresses. One IP address can be activated by more redirect, the user is first shown that, which is higher for given IP address. The order is determined by whether the message is self canceled and then by the date and time of activation.',
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
'active_link_device_templates' => 'Every new device created using selected device templates will use this active link.',
'active_link_name' => 'Link name, if empty link url will be displayed.',
'active_link_title' => 'Link title will be shown on link hover.',
8baed187 Michal Kliment
'actual_traffic %s' => 'It is a member of the operations acquired from the last update ulogd (%s). See Settings - Logging - Ulogd - Update interval.',
'add_new_bank_transfer' => 'Allows you to add new hand bank transfer which has the source and destination account. Typically, these invoice or membership fee. In normal operation, take advantage of automatic import statements. Manually adding there\'s only because it was the need to give the old payment system, which has been only in text format and could not be parse.',
'add_new_bank_transfer_without_counteraccount' => 'Allows you to add a bank transfer without contra account, typically deposit, bank interest, etc. In normal operation, take advantage of automatic import statements. Manually adding there\'s only because it was the need to put the old system of payment, which was no longer possible to parse.',
'add_new_transfer' => 'Displays a form that allows landlords of association to add any transfer between double-entry transfer accounts. Accounting correctness of this intervention, however, is the responsibility of accounting.',
'add_from_account' => 'Allows you to send money from account to another account. For example, a member can send money to the project account to support any project or another member, for example, parents pay for the internet, if you have a separate connection.',
'address_point_member_connecting_place' => 'This is only a hotspot member. Permanent residence is at a different address.',
'address_point_member_domicile' => 'The member has residece at this address.',
'address_point_name' => 'This is a brief description of the address point, eg Booth Šabatec.',
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
'address_point_url' => 'URL of address point database application.',
8baed187 Michal Kliment
'address_map' => 'Address map graphically shows subnets. It may be used as tool for planning address plan. Numbers in rows represent 3rd digit from network address, numbers in columns represent 4th digit from network address.',
'address_ranges' => 'This is possibility to define address ranges belonging to association. It is used in subnets (then can be added only subnet belonging to some address ranges) and in address map of subnets (then it is printed only address ranges of association) and in traffic of IP addresses (then unwritten addresses belonging to some address ranges are red marked). If it is empty, all will be work normally.',
'admins' => 'Admins, who have SSH access to device.',
'allowed_subnets' => 'It is able to restrict traffic to a certain number of members simultaneously moving hotspots. It assumes that every member of the hotspot is in a different subnet.',
'allowed_subnets_count' => 'This is the maximum number of allowed subnets member. IP addresses outside of these subnets will be denied access to the Internet (through redirection). Zero means unlimited.',
'allowed_subnets_default_count' => 'This is the default number of simultaneously allowed subnets member. IP addresses outside of these subnets will be denied access to the Internet (through redirection). Zero means unlimited.',
'allowed_subnets_disabled' => 'Red button on the left means that the subnet from which you login, is not allowed between your subnet and all traffic is because you divert limited. Click it to enable it. ATTENTION! This act will disable any of the currently permitted subnets - the Internet will not work on it.',
'allowed_subnets_enabled' => 'Green button on the left means that the subnet from which you access the board, is allowed between your subnet. ATTENTION! Click the button to disable it. This act enabled some of the currently banned subnets.',
'allowed_subnets_update_interval' => 'Update interval of allowed subnets in seconds. After this time, the IP addresses from unauthorized subnets set up redirects Broken type of membership. The default is 60 seconds (1 minute).',
'amount_including_transfer_fee' => 'Amount including transfer fee',
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
'applicant_additional_payment' => 'Additional charges for member fees for the period before entry.',
'applicant_connection_test_duration' => 'The test connection is enabled for membership applicants and it is limited by the length given in number of days after which the connection is denied. The connection may continue if applicant subnmits a membership registration.',
8baed187 Michal Kliment
'application_password' => 'Application user password used to login to services that are dependent on the Radius server, such as VPN, active network elements, etc. This password is stored in the database in an open form.',
'approval_priority' => 'Priority allows multi-round voting for works / work reports. If you do not vote multi-round template, set the template for all items priority to \'0 \'. Multi-round voting begins at the element with the highest priority and descends to the next rounds of voting until it is either approved in all rounds, or in one of the rounds rejected. If any of the rounds of votes to approve more elements enter them the same priority.',
'approval_state' => 'State with the format in Agree / Disagree / Abstain.',
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
'approval_type_one_vote' => 'Voting is closed after the first vote that is not setup to "abstain".',
'approval_type_min_suggested_amount' => 'This approval type is only applied when suggested amount of voted subject is higher or equal.',
2a205303 Michal Kliment
'assign_payment' => 'Unidentified transfer is commonly a member payment with invalid or missing variable symbol.<br /><br />Otherwise it is an internal transfer in association commonly a bank interest on the deposit, withdrawal of money from time deposit, deposit money or credit note. During assigning of this other transfer it is required to specify origin double-entry account from which money comes from. Money are than transfered from the selected origin double-entry account to double-entry account of the bank of original bank transfer.',
'bank_accounts' => 'Bank accounts are primarily created automatically during import bank statement. In case of successful recognition of payment is equal to the bank account linked with recognized member. In the event that a member makes a mistake in the future variable symbol, then the saving bank accounts, facilitating identification of the payment in case the back pay from the same account. Manually adding a bank account is reserved for unusual cases.',
8baed187 Michal Kliment
'bank_accounts_of_association' => 'The Association may have multiple bank accounts, one is always based upon the installation, however, it is possible to add more time. The relevant bank account can then perform the import statements.',
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
'connection_request_device_type' => 'Typically the device that you are trying to access the internet (PC, laptop, mobile, ...).',
'connection_request_info' => 'To connect unregistered connections/device please fill out this form.<br/>Decision on the pass/rejection of your request will be sent to your e-mail address.',
'connection_request_info_form' => 'Information that is displayed to connection request add form',
'connection_request_info_short' => 'To connect unregistered connections/device please fill out this form.',
'connection_request_user_pre_info' => 'In our network the connection (device) that you are currently using is not registered and therefore it is not allowed to access the internet with it. Would you like to %s?',
'connection_request_mac_address' => 'The physical address of the device that you are trying to access the internet (PC, laptop, mobile, ...).',
8baed187 Michal Kliment
'content_of_message' => 'The content of the message for redirection is possible thanks to the built-in editor to modify both manually and with its variety of formatting. In the text you can use some special tags in curly brackets, which are displayed by IP address redirected member. {member_name} display member\'s name, {member_id} Member ID, {ip_address} IP address, {subnet_name} subnet name, {variable_symbol} variable symbol, {balance} balance, {comment} personal commentary.',
'credit_subaccounts' => 'Credit sub-accounts are elsewhere in Freenetisu mentioned as credit accounts, but in terms of accounting, but rather a sub-accounts. From the perspective of accounting is still a single account 221100. Here, however, are sub-listed, which express the internal distribution of money in the account and the money goes to the accounts of individual members.',
'current_credit' => 'The current status of your credit. Membership fee is deducted monthly from account. In the event that you are approaching zero, or you get to minus, you need to recharge your credit by paying the membership fee.',
'day_book' => 'Accounting diary contains completely all double accounting system conversions Freenetisu.',
'debtor_boundary' => 'The boundaries for the borrower indicates they begin to be redirected to the borrowers due to non-payment of an appropriate message. For example, if the border is 0, then is forwarded to each credit (balance) -1 and smaller. This redirection is not himself a member cancel. He canceled automatically as soon as his credentials again higher than the threshold. But this may take a week to come is imported and paid listing. To temporarily allow access to the Internet, there is a temporary white list.',
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
'deduct_day' => 'Day of the month in which monthly fees, entrance fee and device fees are deducted. Set the value from 1 to 31.',
'deduct_entrance_fees' => 'Even without the form and click the confirmation is carried out independently of the time tearing down initial contribution of all members who have a set amount of initial contribution, or have a set payment. Then the payments are deducted only to the current date. This operation is again well done on a monthly basis since %d day of the month. Once stripped initial contribution is ignored in further entrainment.',
'deduct_fees_automatically_enabled' => 'If enabled then members and entrance fees are automatically deducted by CRON. Deduction take place shortly after midnight of the %th day of month.',
'deduct_member_fees' => 'Form appears, which offers a month and year to tear down the membership fee. Entrainment of membership fees is not automatic and must be carried out once a month, preferably in the %dth day of month by landlord associations. The result is that for a given month to all members according to their tariff driven demolished membership fee.',
8baed187 Michal Kliment
'deduct_device_repayments' => 'Performs demolition equipment payments. It is a device that you bought from member associations. If your association do not carry on installment sale of equipment, probably will not use this option.',
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
'default_page' => 'Default page will open after login.',
8baed187 Michal Kliment
'device_admin_users_filter' => 'Allows to filter out only certain user devices. They are written in the form of a member ID - name surname of user.',
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
'dhcp_server_reload_timeout' => 'If last reloading of dhcp server was made before this number of seconds DHCP server is threated as inactive.',
'dns_servers' => 'It are dns servers of association. You should write each server to one line.',
8baed187 Michal Kliment
'engineer' => 'Engineer, who has performed device installation.',
'engineers' => 'Engineers, who has performed installation, replacement or repair of device.',
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
'entrance_date' => 'Date of entry into the association. With the entry into the association is a member must pay membership dues. In the event that the member joined by %d including the day of the month, and already this month is counted for payment.',
8baed187 Michal Kliment
'entrance_fee' => 'Entrance fee is a one-time membership fee, which member is obligated to pay at the entrance to the association unless it is forgiven.',
'entrance_fee_instalment' => 'Instalment initial contribution is for the case when a member wants to repay the initial contribution gradually. Here he set amount each month will be deducted from his credit account. If you do not use the installment, let the installment amount equal to the amount of initial contribution.',
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
'entrance_fee_left' => 'Shows remaining amount to pay from entrance fee.',
'entrance_fee_paid' => 'Shows sum of already deducted amounts of instalments of entrance fee.',
8baed187 Michal Kliment
'gateway' => 'Determines whether an IP address in your subnet gateway. Typically this is set each IP address ending in the number one network prefix 24th',
'gps_coordinates' => 'GPS can be in shape of real number, or: hours°minutes\'seconds&quot.',
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
'grid_hide_on_first_load' => 'It determines whether hide grid and its items on its first load. It is used as optimalization of memory usage.',
8baed187 Michal Kliment
'ignore_whitelist' => 'Allows this report, when activated, to ignore the white list. Designed for very special cases, such as when connected to the municipality, which is on permanent white list not to be harassed and even though we want to redirect his computer for information about the outage.',
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
'log_queues_info' => 'Errors has been reported (in system or in some network elements), please %s and perform the necessary actions to correct them.',
8baed187 Michal Kliment
'login_name' => 'Login name is necessary for login to system. Login name can contains letters from english alphabet, numbers and dot. It has to contains at least 5 letters.',
'mail_to_field' => 'The box takes as input the user login you want to send a message. You can specify multiple recipients, separate them with commas.',
'member_name' => 'Fill in the case of adding an organization. If you connect a regular member, as the final name of the member uses his name and surname.',
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
'membership_transfer' => 'Transfer of membership is only way for member to move membership share to another member.',
'modules' => 'Module adds some new functionality to system. Modules can be enabled/disabled here.',
'monitoring_notification_down_host_interval' => 'It determines for how many minutes from host failure will be send notification. Default valueis 10, to disable of sending notifications set 0.',
'monitoring_notification_up_host_interval' => 'It determines for how many minutes from host funcionality again will be send notification. Default valueis 5, to disable of sending notifications set 0.',
'monitoring_notification_interval' => 'It is interval of loop of notification in minutes. Default value is (notification will be every minute).',
'monthly_member_fee' => 'Shows value current monthly member fee of member. This amount is every month deducted from member\'s credit.',
8baed187 Michal Kliment
'multiple_dropdown' => 'More values can be selected by mouse with triggered CTRL key.',
'never_redirect' => 'When you turn on this option, it is not possible to redirect an IP address never ordinary redirection. This is particularly suitable for major partners such as offices, schools, etc.',
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
'notification_member_settings' => 'Enables to disable/enable activation of notification messages that are self cancelable.',
8baed187 Michal Kliment
'notification_settings' => 'On this page you can set redirection and sending messages to members.<br>Activate - enable redirection or sending messages to member.<br>Without change - don\'t change redirection setting or disable sending messages.<br>Deactivate - disable redirection for member.<br>Text in comment field will replace {comment} tag in SMS and E-mail message.',
'old_upgrade_system' => 'Old upgrade system detected, please see <a href="á_změna_struktury_databáze#P.C5.99echod_ze_star.C5.A1.C3.AD_verze_mechanismu">documentation</a> for solution.',
'other_subaccounts' => 'Other sub-accounts are in fact already used by all other accounts in Freenetisu that no internally dividing. These include the account taken of contributions or the box office and so on. Freenetis obviously does not use a chart of accounts Republic, given the nature of the civic association.',
'password' => 'User password must contain at least 8 characters and contain at least one letter or number.',
'payed_to' => 'Date by which you have paid membership dues. Time before that date, you should pay the membership dues. If you have a credit in the red, so pay as soon as possible, otherwise you will be banned.',
'payment_notice_boundary' => 'Boundaries of the notice to pay such amount for which, once a member of the lower state credit than this amount, then he will be activated by appropriate redirection. Eg. when the 300 CZK will be a member of the credit and less 299Kč be informed that he should pay. This information, however, a member can still cancel itself.',
'phone_invoice_user_lock' => 'Mark the invoice as a filled, which will prevent further editing and facilitate an overview of the invoices that you have already filled in',
'phone_invoice_user_unlock' => 'Deselects the invoice as a filled, which allow you to edit it.',
'price_tax' => 'Price with tax',
'project_subaccounts' => 'Project account 221103 for the financial account is an account. Here, however, are broken down all the sub-project from the perspective of Freenetis. Each member has the right to create your project, which is in accordance with the Articles of Association, for example, a training or an event. The aim of such project is a sub-account to other members of the founders of the project had the opportunity to contribute money from your credit account to the project.',
'qos_active_speed' => 'It is a value that limits the speed of too much active members (see Logging). The value may be written in shape XXXJ (XXX is a shared value for download and upload and J is a unit, e.g. 300M, 1G) or in shape XXXJ/YYYJ (where XXX is a value for download, YYY for upload and J is a unit, e.g. 100M/300M, 400M/1G).',
'qos_ceil' => 'It is a maximal possible speed. The value may be written in shape XXXJ (XXX is a shared value for download and upload and J is a unit, e.g. 300M, 1G) or in shape XXXJ/YYYJ (where XXX is a value for download, YYY for upload and J is a unit, e.g. 100M/300M, 400M/1G).',
'qos_high_priority_ip_addresses' => 'It is a list of hight priority IP addresses. It is primary dedicated for IP addresses outside the network (e.g. VoIP gateways). It can be also used for inner IP addresses, but it is not recomended - for such purpouses it is more suitable to set up speed directly in member speed options. Each IP address must be written to a new line.',
'qos_high_priority_speed' => 'It is speed of hight priorited IP addresses. It is primary dedicated for IP addresses outside the network (e.g. VoIP gateways). It can be also used for inner IP addresses, but it is not recomended - for such purpouses it is more suitable to set up speed directly in member speed options. The value may be written in shape XXXJ (XXX is a shared value for download and upload and J is a unit, e.g. 300M, 1G) or in shape XXXJ/YYYJ (where XXX is a value for download, YYY for upload and J is a unit, e.g. 100M/300M, 400M/1G).',
'qos_rate' => 'It is a minimal (guarenteed) speed. The value may be written in shape XXXJ (XXX is a shared value for download and upload and J is a unit, e.g. 300M, 1G) or in shape XXXJ/YYYJ (where XXX is a value for download, YYY for upload and J is a unit, e.g. 100M/300M, 400M/1G).',
'qos_total_speed' => 'Is is the total speed (connectivity) of association. The value may be written in shape XXXJ (XXX is a shared value for download and upload and J is a unit, e.g. 300M, 1G) or in shape XXXJ/YYYJ (where XXX is a value for download, YYY for upload and J is a unit, e.g. 100M/300M, 400M/1G).',
'recalculate_account_balances' => 'The primary source of state finance in the system are transfers. Balances were previously calculated on every request from the transfers. Now each account stores your balance due to higher speeds. This function is use when upgrading to a system that includes this optimization.',
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
'recalculate_fees' => 'For primary entrainment function, use the fees for the global entrainment of fees in the Court diary. Use this function with caution and only in exceptional cases.',
8baed187 Michal Kliment
'recalculate_entrance_fees' => 'For primary use posts input entrainment function for global entrainment in an accounting journal. Use this function only if there was any mistake, for example, that he had to pay the entrance and then it turned out that did not.',
'redirection_logo' => 'Is a logo that appears on redirection page. Image size should be 212x49px',
'redirection_preview' => 'Preview shows the page exactly as it appears that IP address. In the case of multiple simultaneously activated to redirect one IP address is displayed only thing that appears as a member first.',
'register_install' => 'Send data about installation (name of organization and your email address) to FreenetIS developer for getting news and info about development',
'registration_logo' => 'It is an association logo that appears in the upper left corner of the Exported Application. Aspect ratio should be 16:6.',
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
'request_description' => 'The module &quot;requirements&quot; has two uses. Usage is apecified during adding of a request by selecting a type of the request. The first possible usage is the support request. You can ask our administrator for an act that you are unable to make by yourself (eg. an interrupt request membership request, changing of contact details, etc.) by using the first type. The second type of usage is the proposal to the association. Using this type of request you can apply for example propose a change in the functioning of the association. The request go through the approval process after sending.',
'request_type' => 'Choose type &quot;support request&quot; if you would like to help with something you do not understand or you are not authorised to do (e.g. ask for membership interruption). On the other hand if you would like to send some proposal to the association that may contains information about its price then choose the second type &quot;proposal to association&quot;.',
8baed187 Michal Kliment
'self_cancel' => 'If the message self cancelable, it means that when the display member in the bottom of the page will see a link that will redirect him off. Suitable for informative messages. A distinction is samozrušitelnost for one IP address or IP addresses for all members.',
'self_cancel_text' => 'The text for link is designed to cancel mamber redirection. This text is displayed in the bottom of the page redirected member.',
'self_cancel_url' => 'It addresses the central gate, which runs lighthttpd web server. Firewall rules on the central gate thus identify the user\'s intention to terminate redirection. Page therefore may contain brief information for the user to terminate any links and redirects.',
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
'send_as_form' => 'Sends parameters in link using POST method. Enter items as in GET method, e.g.<br/>http://{ip_address}?username={login}&pass={password}',
8baed187 Michal Kliment
'service' => 'If the IP address for this service is enabled, then this IP address used for the Radius. Typically, these IP addresses of active network elements on which it is possible to log on via Radius.',
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
'set_whitelist_to_member' => 'Permanent white list is a list of members for which it does not redirect. This is such an important partner institution involved in the network, such as municipal authorities, etc. Any diversion system is not in default bother computer with an IP address on the white list. But you can create a message that will ignore this list, such as informing of impending failure. For temporary whitelist does the same, but IP addresses in it after a specified time from the instrument clean. Eg. user was redirected due to non-payment and we want him to allow short-term Internet access to internet banking.',
'sms_driver_klikniavolej' => ' is an internet service that provide sending SMS through a software interface. To activate the driver you must register at <a href=\'\' target=\'_blank\'></a> as a corporate customer and then activate the SMS gateway using instructions that may be found <a href=\'\' target=\'_blank\'>here</a>. The numeric identifier that will be generated for you must be put into the "user" field.',
'sms_driver_soudvinv100' => 'Soudvin V100 is a network device that is able to send and receive SMS through the SIM card which is placed in it. Documentation of the device is available <a href=\'\' target=\'_blank\'>here</a>.',
8baed187 Michal Kliment
'sms_enabled' => 'Specifies whether to send SMS messages from the system into a network of this operator is allowed.',
'ssh' => 'Key is used for accessing devices, which are administrated by this user.',
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
'subnet_dhcp' => 'Indicator whether there is a running DHCP server on this subnet. It is used for export of devices.',
'subnet_dns' => 'Indicator whether there is a running DNS server on this subnet. It is used for export of devices.',
8baed187 Michal Kliment
'subnet_owner' => 'IP addresses, which are not in the system, belonging to a subnet will be assigned to the member-owner. These are therefore not subnet redirects Unknown device - unknown IP addresses are assigned to the member.',
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
'subnet_qos' => 'Indicator whether there is a running QoS on this subnet. It is used for export of devices.',
8baed187 Michal Kliment
'subnet_used_ips' => 'This percentage of use of IP addresses in the subnet. Red coloration indicates incoming IP addresses, then the unused green subnet (too large?).',
'syslog_ng_mysql_api' => 'It is a simple API for loading of data from syslog-ng deamon which is storing logs into a MySQL database. More informations <a href=>here</a>',
'syslog_ng_mysql_api_url' => 'URL address API for receiving of requests with loginnameand password http://URL?user=username&password=pass',
'total_traffic' => 'It is total traffic of member since running ulogd.',
'ulogd' => 'Ulogd is logging daemon for monitoring of traffic. It is possible to set it to send information about connections remotely to database of FreenetIS which uses it for graphing of traffics of members and for evaluating of QoS.',
'ulogd_active' => 'This is a list (in terms of type of operation) very active members. This list is used for example to evaluate QoSu for members (members of this list are slightly disadvantaged compared to other members), updated with each update ulogd see. Settings - Logging - Ulogd - Update interval.',
'ulogd_active_button' => 'Determines whether a member has been designated as Active = very active in terms of traffic. Members from the list of active members as slightly disadvantaged compared to other members of the evaluation QoSu for members. See. Settings - Logging - Active Members',
'ulogd_active_count' => 'Number of members, whose average will be calculated. Members who achieve this average will be identified as very active. Can be specified in absolute terms (number) or relatively (in percentage). The default value is 10&#37.',
'ulogd_active_min' => 'Members who do reach the average, but do not reach this minimum value will be marked as active. (e.g. 1GB)',
'ulogd_active_type' => 'Type of operation by which to search for very active members. Possible values ​​are: upload, download or both.',
'ulogd_order' => 'This is the order of items according to the selected ordering. By default, ranked according to the same type of operation as they are looking for active members. See Options - Logging - Active members - type of operation.',
'ulogd_update_interval' => 'Ulogd update interval in seconds. After this time, to revise the counter service members and there will be very active members. The default value is 1800 seconds (30 minutes).',
'unidentified_transfers' => 'Unidentified payments are all incoming bank payments that our system was not capable of automatically recognize different reasons. Typically it is a variable payment with incorrect symbol. If you find your payment, then contact the landlord association for the correct assignment.',
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
'url_pattern' => 'Link will be generated from url pattern. You can use special tags:<br/>{ip_address} - will be replaced by device IP address{gateway_ip} - will be replaced by gateway IP address<br/>{login} - will be replaced by login name<br/>{password} - will be replaced by login password',
8baed187 Michal Kliment
'url_settings' => 'By changing of this variables the configuration of the FreenetIS on this server may not be directly affected. To change the configuration, it\'s necessarily to change the configuration of the Apache web server. E.g. when installing from packaging system, run command <code>dpkg-reconfigure freenetis</code> and fill with same values as you have in this form.',
'variable_symbol' => 'Variable symbol is used to unambiguously determine the incoming payments member.',
'voip_login_data' => 'Following settings are used to set up your VoIP phone. Login is for your login name or display name, password is for your account password and proxy server address is address of your telephone exchange. We recommend setting CLIP the same as your phone number. CLIP is displayed to receiver as your additional identification.',
'voip_status' => 'State Registered means that client either hardware or software is turned on and correctly connected to telephone exchange. Otherwise the state is Unregistered. For successfully registered VoIP phone is shown its IP address, port and timeout of registration.',
c1bdc1c4 Michal Kliment
'whitelist' => 'Members, whose are located on the white list, you may be able to activate the redirect (notification), but not sent to the central router (messages sended). Will not be diverted until removed from the white list. Temporary White List from the persistent differ in that it is valid just for a specified time interval.',
'work_description' => 'Module &quot;work reports&quot; is designed for active members of the association (member performing a work for the association), which allows to report worked time and ask for his payment. Unlike module works a work report may include more works clustered for eaxample to the months of the year. After sending a work report go through the approval process. If the work report is approved, then the payment is transferred to the credit account of the member.',
'work_report_description' => 'Module &quot;work&quot; is designed for active members of the association (member performing a work for the association), which allows to report working time report and ask for its payment. After sending Work go through the approval process after sending. If the work is approved, the payment is transferred to the credit account of the member.',
'work_report_export' => 'Exports XML file with work report for import to Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc or LibreOffice Calc',
8baed187 Michal Kliment