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Revize 5debb8a0

Přidáno uživatelem Ondřej Fibich před více než 8 roky(ů)

refs #1034: Work report cannot be revoted after it is paied off

Zobrazit rozdíly:

$vote_model = new Vote_Model();
// check if not already paid off
$work_report_model->reload(); // need to reload in transaction
if ($work_report_model->transfer_id)
throw new Exception('This work report is already paied off,'
. ' you cannot vote anymore');
$work_ids = $_POST['ids'];
$votes = $_POST['vote'];
Vote_Model::STATE_APPROVED => array()
$votes_count = 0;
$added_votes_count = 0;
// voting user
$user = new User_Model($this->user_id);
// set up state of work
// any vote has been added
if ($votes_count)
if ($added_votes_count)
// send message about adding vote to all watchers
$subject = mail_message::format('work_report_vote_add_subject');

Také k dispozici: Unified diff