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* File contains the class files for ExcelWriterXML_Style
* @package ExcelWriterXML

* Style class for generating Excel styles
* @link
* @author Robert F Greer
* @version 1.0
* @package ExcelWriterXML
class ExcelWriterXML_Style {
// Private Variables
// Options
private $id;
private $name;
private $useAlignment = false;
private $useFont = false;
private $useBorder = false;
private $useInterior = false;
// Alignment
private $valign;
private $halign;
private $rotate;
private $shrinktofit = 0;
private $verticaltext = 0;
private $wraptext = 0;

// Font
private $fontColor = 'Automatic';
private $fontName;
private $fontFamily;
private $fontSize;
private $bold;
private $italic;
private $underline;
private $strikethrough;
private $shadow;
private $outline;
// Borders
private $borderTop = array();
private $borderBottom = array();
private $borderLeft = array();
private $borderRight = array();
private $borderDL = array();
private $borderDR = array();
// Interior
private $interiorColor;
private $interiorPattern;
private $interiorPatternColor;
// NumberFormat
private $numberFormat;
// Other Vars
private $formatErrors = array();
private $namedColorsIE = array (
'aliceblue' => '#F0F8FF',
'antiquewhite' => '#FAEBD7',
'aqua' => '#00FFFF',
'aquamarine' => '#7FFFD4',
'azure' => '#F0FFFF',
'beige' => '#F5F5DC',
'bisque' => '#FFE4C4',
'black' => '#000000',
'blanchedalmond' => '#FFEBCD',
'blue' => '#0000FF',
'blueviolet' => '#8A2BE2',
'brown' => '#A52A2A',
'burlywood' => '#DEB887',
'cadetblue' => '#5F9EA0',
'chartreuse' => '#7FFF00',
'chocolate' => '#D2691E',
'coral' => '#FF7F50',
'cornflowerblue' => '#6495ED',
'cornsilk' => '#FFF8DC',
'crimson' => '#DC143C',
'cyan' => '#00FFFF',
'darkblue' => '#00008B',
'darkcyan' => '#008B8B',
'darkgoldenrod' => '#B8860B',
'darkgray' => '#A9A9A9',
'darkgreen' => '#006400',
'darkkhaki' => '#BDB76B',
'darkmagenta' => '#8B008B',
'darkolivegreen' => '#556B2F',
'darkorange' => '#FF8C00',
'darkorchid' => '#9932CC',
'darkred' => '#8B0000',
'darksalmon' => '#E9967A',
'darkseagreen' => '#8FBC8F',
'darkslateblue' => '#483D8B',
'darkslategray' => '#2F4F4F',
'darkturquoise' => '#00CED1',
'darkviolet' => '#9400D3',
'deeppink' => '#FF1493',
'deepskyblue' => '#00BFFF',
'dimgray' => '#696969',
'dodgerblue' => '#1E90FF',
'firebrick' => '#B22222',
'floralwhite' => '#FFFAF0',
'forestgreen' => '#228B22',
'fuchsia' => '#FF00FF',
'gainsboro' => '#DCDCDC',
'ghostwhite' => '#F8F8FF',
'gold' => '#FFD700',
'goldenrod' => '#DAA520',
'gray' => '#808080',
'green' => '#008000',
'greenyellow' => '#ADFF2F',
'honeydew' => '#F0FFF0',
'hotpink' => '#FF69B4',
'indianred' => '#CD5C5C',
'indigo' => '#4B0082',
'ivory' => '#FFFFF0',
'khaki' => '#F0E68C',
'lavender' => '#E6E6FA',
'lavenderblush' => '#FFF0F5',
'lawngreen' => '#7CFC00',
'lemonchiffon' => '#FFFACD',
'lightblue' => '#ADD8E6',
'lightcoral' => '#F08080',
'lightcyan' => '#E0FFFF',
'lightgoldenrodyellow' => '#FAFAD2',
'lightgreen' => '#90EE90',
'lightgrey' => '#D3D3D3',
'lightpink' => '#FFB6C1',
'lightsalmon' => '#FFA07A',
'lightseagreen' => '#20B2AA',
'lightskyblue' => '#87CEFA',
'lightslategray' => '#778899',
'lightsteelblue' => '#B0C4DE',
'lightyellow' => '#FFFFE0',
'lime' => '#00FF00',
'limegreen' => '#32CD32',
'linen' => '#FAF0E6',
'magenta' => '#FF00FF',
'maroon' => '#800000',
'mediumaquamarine' => '#66CDAA',
'mediumblue' => '#0000CD',
'mediumorchid' => '#BA55D3',
'mediumpurple' => '#9370DB',
'mediumseagreen' => '#3CB371',
'mediumslateblue' => '#7B68EE',
'mediumspringgreen' => '#00FA9A',
'mediumturquoise' => '#48D1CC',
'mediumvioletred' => '#C71585',
'midnightblue' => '#191970',
'mintcream' => '#F5FFFA',
'mistyrose' => '#FFE4E1',
'moccasin' => '#FFE4B5',
'navajowhite' => '#FFDEAD',
'navy' => '#000080',
'oldlace' => '#FDF5E6',
'olive' => '#808000',
'olivedrab' => '#6B8E23',
'orange' => '#FFA500',
'orangered' => '#FF4500',
'orchid' => '#DA70D6',
'palegoldenrod' => '#EEE8AA',
'palegreen' => '#98FB98',
'paleturquoise' => '#AFEEEE',
'palevioletred' => '#DB7093',
'papayawhip' => '#FFEFD5',
'peachpuff' => '#FFDAB9',
'peru' => '#CD853F',
'pink' => '#FFC0CB',
'plum' => '#DDA0DD',
'powderblue' => '#B0E0E6',
'purple' => '#800080',
'red' => '#FF0000',
'rosybrown' => '#BC8F8F',
'royalblue' => '#4169E1',
'saddlebrown' => '#8B4513',
'salmon' => '#FA8072',
'sandybrown' => '#F4A460',
'seagreen' => '#2E8B57',
'seashell' => '#FFF5EE',
'sienna' => '#A0522D',
'silver' => '#C0C0C0',
'skyblue' => '#87CEEB',
'slateblue' => '#6A5ACD',
'slategray' => '#708090',
'snow' => '#FFFAFA',
'springgreen' => '#00FF7F',
'steelblue' => '#4682B4',
'tan' => '#D2B48C',
'teal' => '#008080',
'thistle' => '#D8BFD8',
'tomato' => '#FF6347',
'turquoise' => '#40E0D0',
'violet' => '#EE82EE',
'wheat' => '#F5DEB3',
'white' => '#FFFFFF',
'whitesmoke' => '#F5F5F5',
'yellow' => '#FFFF00',
'yellowgreen' => '#9ACD32',
// Public Variables
// Constructor
* Constructor for a style
* @param string $id The named style referenced by Excel. This is called by
* ExcelWriterXML object when adding a style
function ExcelWriterXML_Style($id){
$this->id = $id;
* Returns the named style for this style
* @return string $id The id for this style
public function getID(){
return $this->id;
* Retrieves the XML string data for a style.
* Called by ExcelWriterXML object
* @return string Returns the formatted XML data <style>...</style>
public function getStyleXML(){
$name = '';
$valign = '';
$halign = '';
$rotate = '';
$shrinktofit = '';
$verticaltext = '';
$wraptext = '';
$bold = '';
$italic = '';
$strikethrough = '';
$underline = '';
$outline = '';
$shadow = '';
$fontName = '';
$fontFamily = '';
$fontSize = '';
$borders = '';
$interior = '';
$interiorColor = '';
$interiorPattern = '';
$interiorPatternColor = '';
$numberFormat = '';
if (empty($this->id)) throw new exception;
if (!empty($this->name)){$name = 'ss:Name="'.$this->name.'"';}
// Alignment
if ($this->useAlignment){
if (!empty($this->valign)){$valign = 'ss:Vertical="'.$this->valign.'"';}
if (!empty($this->halign)){$halign = 'ss:Horizontal="'.$this->halign.'"';}
if (!empty($this->rotate)){$rotate = 'ss:Rotate="'.$this->rotate.'"';}
if (!empty($this->shinktofit)){$shrinktofit = 'ss:ShrinkToFit="1"';}
if (!empty($this->verticaltext)){$verticaltext = 'ss:VerticalText="1"';}
if (!empty($this->wraptext)){$wraptext = 'ss:WrapText="1"';}
// Font
if ($this->useFont){
if (!empty($this->fontColor)){$fontColor = 'ss:Color="'.$this->fontColor.'"';}
if (!empty($this->bold)){$bold = 'ss:Bold="1"';}
if (!empty($this->italic)){$italic = 'ss:Italic="1"';}
if (!empty($this->strikethrough)){$strikethrough = 'ss:StrikeThrough="'.$this->strikethrough.'"';}
if (!empty($this->underline)){$underline = 'ss:Underline="'.$this->underline.'"';}
if (!empty($this->outline)){$outline = 'ss:Outline="1"';}
if (!empty($this->shadow)){$shadow = 'ss:Shadow="1"';}
if (!empty($this->fontName)){$fontName = 'ss:FontName="'.$this->fontName.'"';}
if (!empty($this->fontFamily)){$fontFamily = 'x:Family="'.$this->fontFamily.'"';}
if (!empty($this->fontSize)){$fontSize = 'ss:Size="'.$this->fontSize.'"';}
// Border
if ($this->useBorder){
$borders = ' <Borders>'."\r";
$positions = array(
'Top' => $this->borderTop,
'Bottom' => $this->borderBottom,
'Left' => $this->borderLeft,
'Right' => $this->borderRight,
'DiagonalLeft' => $this->borderDL,
'DiagonalRight' => $this->borderDR,

foreach($positions as $position => $pData){
if (empty($pData)) continue;
$bLinestyle = isset($pData['LineStyle'])
? 'ss:LineStyle="'.$pData['LineStyle'].'"'
: '';
$bColor = isset($pData['Color'])
? 'ss:Color="'.$pData['Color'].'"'
: '';
$bWeight = isset($pData['Weight'])
? 'ss:Weight="'.$pData['Weight'].'"'
: '';
$borders .= '<Border ss:Position="'.$position.'" '.$bLinestyle.' '.$bColor.' '.$bWeight.'/>'."\r";
$borders .= '</Borders>'."\r";
if ($this->useInterior){
if (!empty($this->interiorColor)){$interiorColor = 'ss:Color="'.$this->interiorColor.'"';}
if (!empty($this->interiorPattern)){$interiorPattern = 'ss:Pattern="'.$this->interiorPattern.'"';}
if (!empty($this->interiorPatternColor)){$interiorPatternColor = 'ss:PatternColor="'.$this->interiorPatternColor.'"';}
$interior = ' <Interior '.$interiorColor.' '.$interiorPattern.' '.$interiorPatternColor.'/>'."\r";
if (!empty($this->numberFormat)) {$numberFormat = ' <NumberFormat ss:Format="'.$this->numberFormat.'"/>'."\r";}
else $numberFormat = ' <NumberFormat/>'."\r";
$xml = ' <Style ss:ID="'.$this->id.'" '.$name.'>'."\r";
if ($this->useAlignment) $xml .= ' <Alignment '.$valign.' '.$halign.' '.$rotate.' '.$shrinktofit.' '.$wraptext.' '.$verticaltext.'/>'."\r";
if ($this->useBorder) $xml .= $borders;
if ($this->useFont) $xml .= ' <Font '.$fontSize.' '.$fontColor.' '.$bold.' '.$italic.' '.$strikethrough.' '.$underline.' '.$shadow.' '.$outline.' '.$fontName.' '.$fontFamily.'/>'."\r";
if ($this->useInterior) $xml .= $interior;
$xml .= $numberFormat;
$xml .= ' <Protection/>'."\r";
$xml .= ' </Style>'."\r";
* Checks whether a color is valid for the spreadsheet
* @param string $color Named color from MS or web color in HEX format (e.g.
* #ff00ff
* @return mixed Either the valid color in HEX format or false if the color
* is not valid
public function checkColor($color){
$pattern = "/[0-9a-f]{6}/";
if (preg_match($pattern, strtolower($color), $matches)) {
$color = '#'.$matches[0];
else if (isset($this->namedColorsIE[strtolower($color)])){
$color = $this->namedColorsIE[strtolower($color)];
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'Supplied color was not valid "'.$color.'"');
* Adds a format error. When the document is generated if there are any
* errors they will be listed on a seperate sheet.
* @param string $namedStyle The style in which the error occurred
* @param string $function The name of the function that was called
* @param string $message Details of the error
private function addError($function, $message){
$tmp = array(
'style' => $this->id,
'function' => $function,
'message' => $message,
$this->formatErrors[] = $tmp;

* Returns any errors found in the sheet
* @return mixed Array of errors if they exist, otherwise false
public function getErrors(){

// Change Options
* Changes the name of the named style
* @param string $name The named style referenced by Excel.
public function name($name){$this->name = $name; }
// Change Alignment
* Changes the vertical alignment setting for the style
* @param string $valign The value for the vertical alignment.
* Acceptable values are "Automatic" "Top" "Bottom" "Center"
public function alignVertical($valign){
// Automatic, Top, Bottom, Center
if ($valign != 'Automatic'
&& $valign != 'Top'
&& $valign != 'Bottom'
&& $valign != 'Center'){
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'vertical alignment was not valid "'.$valign.'"');
$this->valign = $valign;
$this->useAlignment = true;
* Changes the horizontal alignment setting for the style
* @param string $halign The value for the horizontal alignment. Acceptable
* values are "Automatic" "Left" "Center" "Right"
public function alignHorizontal($halign){
// Automatic, Left, Center, Right
if ($halign != 'Automatic'
&& $halign != 'Left'
&& $halign != 'Center'
&& $halign != 'Right'){
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'horizontal alignment was not valid "'.$halign.'"');
$halign = 'Automatic';
$this->halign = $halign;
$this->useAlignment = true;
* Changes the rotation setting for the style
* @param mixed $rotate The value for the Rotation. Value must be a
* number between -90 and 90
public function alignRotate($rotate){
// Degrees to rotate the text
if (!is_numeric($rotate)){
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'rotation was not numeric "'.$rotate.'"');
if (abs($rotate) > 90){
$rotate = $rotate % 90;
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'rotation was greater than 90, defaulted to "'.$rotate.'"');
$this->rotate = $rotate;
$this->useAlignment = true;
* Changes the Shrink To Fit setting for the style
* ShrinkToFit shrinks the text so that it fits within the cell.
* This doesn't actually work.
public function alignShrinktofit(){
$this->shrinktofit = 1;
$this->useAlignment = true;
* Changes the Vertical Text setting for the style.
* Text will be displayed vertically.
public function alignVerticaltext(){
$this->verticaltext = 1;
$this->useAlignment = true;
* Changes the Wrap Text setting for the style.
public function alignWraptext(){
$this->wraptext = 1;
$this->useAlignment = true;
// Change Font
* Changes the size of the font
* @param string $fontSize The value for the Size. Value must be greater
* than zero
public function fontSize($fontSize = 10){
if (!is_numeric($fontSize)){
$fontSize = 10;
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'font size was not a number, defaulted to 10 "'.$fontSize.'"');
if ($fontSize <= 0){
$fontSize = 10;
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'font size was less than zero, defaulted to 10 "'.$fontSize.'"');
$this->fontSize = $fontSize;
$this->useFont = true;
* Changes the color for the font
* @param string $fontColor The value for the Color.
* This can be a MS named color or a Hex web color.
public function fontColor($fontColor = 'Automatic'){
$pattern = "/[0-9a-f]{6}/";
$fontColor = $this->checkColor($fontColor);
if ($fontColor === false){
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'font color was not valid "'.$fontColor.'"');
$fontColor = 'Automatic';
$this->fontColor = $fontColor;
$this->useFont = true;
* Changes the font for the cell
* @param string $fontName The value for the font name. This should be a
* standard windows font available on most systems.
public function fontName($fontName = 'Arial'){
$this->fontName = $fontName;
$this->useFont = true;
* Changes the family for the font
* @param string $fontFamily The value for the font family. Not really sure
* what this does.
* Win32-dependant font family.
* Values can be "Automatic" "Decorative"
* "Modern" "Roman" "Script" "Swiss"
public function fontFamily($fontFamily = 'Swiss'){
// Win32-dependent font family.
// Automatic, Decorative, Modern, Roman, Script, and Swiss
if ($fontFamily != 'Automatic'
&& $fontFamily != 'Decorative'
&& $fontFamily != 'Modern'
&& $fontFamily != 'Roman'
&& $fontFamily != 'Script'
&& $fontFamily != 'Swiss'){
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'font family was not valid "'.$fontFamily.'"');
$this->fontFamily = $fontFamily;
$this->useFont = true;
* Makes the font bold for the named style
public function fontBold(){
$this->bold = 1;
$this->useFont = true;
* Makes the font italic for the named style
public function fontItalic(){
$this->italic = 1;
$this->useFont = true;
* Makes the font strikethrough for the named style
public function fontStrikethrough(){
$this->strikethrough = 1;
$this->useFont = true;
* Makes the font underlined for the named style
* @param string $uStyle The type of underlining for the style.
* Acceptable values are "None" "Single" "Double" "SingleAccounting"
* "DoubleAccounting"
public function fontUnderline($uStyle = 'Single'){
// None, Single, Double, SingleAccounting, and DoubleAccounting
if ($uStyle != 'None'
&& $uStyle != 'Single'
&& $uStyle != 'Double'
&& $uStyle != 'SingleAccounting'
&& $uStyle != 'DoubleAccounting'){
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'underline type was not valid "'.$uStyle.'"');
$this->underline = $uStyle;
$this->useFont = true;
* Makes the font shadowed for the named style
public function fontShadow(){
$this->shadow = 1;
$this->useFont = true;

* Makes the font outlines for the named style
public function fontOutline(){
$this->outline = 1;
$this->useFont = true;
// Change Border
* Sets the border for the named style.
* This function can be called multiple times to set different sides of the
* cell or set all sides the same at once.
* @param string $position Sets which side of the cell should be modified.
* Acceptable values are "All" "Left" "Top" "Right" "Bottom" "DiagonalLeft"
* "DiagonalRight"
* @param integer $weight Thickness of the border. Default is 1 "Thin"
* @param string $color Color of the border. Default is "Automatic" but any
* 6-hexadecimal digit number in "#rrggbb" format or it can be any of the
* Microsoft? Internet Explorer named colors
* @param string $linestyle Type of line to use on the border.
* Default is "Continuous". Acceptable balues are "None" "Continuous"
* "Dash" "Dot" "DashDot" "DashDotDot" "SlantDashDot" "Double"
public function border(
$position = 'All' // All, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, DiagonalLeft, DiagonalRight
,$weight = '1' // 0?Hairline, 1?Thin, 2?Medium, 3?Thick
,$color = 'Automatic' // Automatic, 6-hexadecimal digit number in "#rrggbb" format or it can be any of the Microsoft? Internet Explorer named colors
,$linestyle = 'Continuous' // None, Continuous, Dash, Dot, DashDot, DashDotDot, SlantDashDot, Double
if ($position != 'All'
&& $position != 'Left'
&& $position != 'Top'
&& $position != 'Right'
&& $position != 'Bottom'
&& $position != 'DiagonalLeft'
&& $position != 'DiagonalRight'){
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'border position was not valid, defaulted to All "'.$position.'"');
$position = 'All';
if (is_numeric($weight)){
if (abs($weight) > 3){
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'line weight greater than 3, defaulted to 3 "'.$weight.'"');
$weight = 3;
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'line weight not numeric, defaulted to 3 "'.$weight.'"');
$weight = 1;

$color = $this->checkColor($color);
if ($color === false){
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'border color was not valid, defaulted to Automatic "'.$weight.'"');
$color = 'Automatic';

if ($linestyle != 'None'
&& $linestyle != 'Continuous'
&& $linestyle != 'Dash'
&& $linestyle != 'Dot'
&& $linestyle != 'DashDot'
&& $linestyle != 'DashDotDot'
&& $linestyle != 'SlantDashDot'
&& $linestyle != 'Double'){
$linestyle = 'Continuous';
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'line style was not valid, defaulted to Continuous "'.$linestyle.'"');

$tmp = array(
'LineStyle' => $linestyle,
'Color' => $color,
'Weight' => $weight,
if ($position == 'Top' || $position == 'All') $this->borderTop = $tmp;
if ($position == 'Bottom' || $position == 'All') $this->borderBottom = $tmp;
if ($position == 'Left' || $position == 'All') $this->borderLeft = $tmp;
if ($position == 'Right' || $position == 'All') $this->borderRight = $tmp;
if ($position == 'DiagonalLeft' ) $this->borderDL = $tmp;
if ($position == 'DiagonalRight' ) $this->borderDR = $tmp;
$this->useBorder = true;
// Change Interior
* Sets the background style of a style
* @param string $color Named color from MS or web color in HEX format (e.g.
* #ff00ff
* @param string $pattern Defaults to a None if not supplied.
* @param string $patternColor Defaults to a Automatic if not supplied.
public function bgColor($color = 'Yellow',$pattern = 'Solid', $patternColor = null){
// 6-hexadecimal digit number in "#rrggbb" format
// Or it can be any of the Internet Explorer named colors
$color = $this->checkColor($color);
if ($color === false){
$color = 'Yellow';
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'cell color not valid, defaulted to Yellow "'.$color.'"');
$this->interiorColor = $color;
if ($pattern != 'None'){
$this->bgPattern($pattern, $patternColor);
$this->useInterior = true;

* Sets the background pattern of a style.
* @see bgColor()
* @param string $color Named color from MS or web color in HEX format (e.g.
* #ff00ff
* @param string $pattern Defaults to a solid if not supplied.
public function bgPattern($pattern = 'None', $color = null){
// None, Solid, Gray75, Gray50, Gray25, Gray125, Gray0625,
// HorzStripe, VertStripe, ReverseDiagStripe, DiagStripe,
// DiagCross, ThickDiagCross, ThinHorzStripe, ThinVertStripe,
// ThinReverseDiagStripe, ThinDiagStripe, ThinHorzCross, and ThinDiagCross
if ($pattern != 'None'
&& $pattern != 'Solid'
&& $pattern != 'Gray75'
&& $pattern != 'Gray50'
&& $pattern != 'Gray25'
&& $pattern != 'Gray125'
&& $pattern != 'Gray0625'
&& $pattern != 'HorzStripe'
&& $pattern != 'VertStripe'
&& $pattern != 'ReverseDiagStripe'
&& $pattern != 'DiagStripe'
&& $pattern != 'DiagCross'
&& $pattern != 'ThickDiagCross'
&& $pattern != 'ThinHorzStripe'
&& $pattern != 'ThinVertStripe'
&& $pattern != 'ThinReverseDiagStripe'
&& $pattern != 'ThinDiagStripe'
&& $pattern != 'ThinHorzCross'
&& $pattern != 'ThinDiagCross'){
$pattern = 'None';
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'cell pattern was not valid, defaulted to Solid "'.$pattern.'"');

$this->interiorPattern = $pattern;
if ($color != null) $this->bgPatternColor($color);
$this->useInterior = true;

* Specifies the secondary fill color of the cell when Pattern does not equal Solid.
* @see function bgPattern()
* @param string $color Named color from MS or web color in HEX format (e.g.
* #ff00ff
* @param string $pattern Defaults to a solid if not supplied.
public function bgPatternColor($color = 'Yellow'){
// 6-hexadecimal digit number in "#rrggbb" format
// Or it can be any of the Internet Explorer named colors
if ($color != 'Automatic'){
$color = $this->checkColor($color);
if ($color === false){
$color = 'Automatic';
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'cell pattern color was not valid, defaulted to Automatic "'.$color.'"');
$this->interiorPatternColor = $color;
$this->useInterior = true;

// Number Formats

* Sets the number format of a style
* @param string $formatString Format string to be used by Excel for
* displaying the number.
public function numberFormat($formatString){$this->numberFormat = $formatString;}

* Sets a default date format for a style
public function numberFormatDate(){$this->numberFormat('mm/dd/yy');}

* Sets a default time format for a style
public function numberFormatTime(){$this->numberFormat('hh:mm:ss');}

* Sets a default date and time format for a style
public function numberFormatDatetime(){$this->numberFormat('mm/dd/yy\ hh:mm:ss');}