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74a7dbca Michal Kliment
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is release under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

* The "Api_account_Model" model represents an account using which remote
* requests via API may be made. In order to provide secure connection
* remote user must send in a form defined by API its username and token.
* If sended credentials are valid and account is enabled than user is allowed
* to access parts of API that are defined using allowed_paths and readonly
* properties.
* Allowed paths are a list of API URLs separated via comma that must match
* following regex: (/[a-zA-Z0-9_-*])+
* Character * has special meaning and it is transformed to ([^/]*) regex.
* If property readonly is set than this account cannot perform API request
* that changes some field.
* Each request made via this account and also any account modification
* is logged into Api_account_logs_Model entry.
* @author Ondřej Fibich <>
* @package Model
* @since 1.2
* @property int $id
* @property string $username Auth username
* @property string $token Auth token
* @property bool $enabled Is account enabled?
* @property bool $readonly Account is allowed to make only readonly requests?
* @property string $allowed_paths list of allowed paths that are delimited by
* comma and may contain * as generic character with reprezentation as
* regex [^/]*
* @property ORM_Iterator $api_account_logs Logs
class Api_account_Model extends ORM
protected $has_many = array('api_account_logs');
protected $belongs_to = array('creator' => 'user');
* Default value for allowed path property that allows access to all parts
* of API.
* Creates model without logging.
* @param integer $id
public function __construct($id = NULL)

// disable action log
* Creates filled but not persisted API log model with given user action
* type.
* @param integer $type
* @param integer $user_id ID of user who made action
* @param string $description log meaning
* @param integer $api_account_id [optional: default from $this]
* @return Api_account_log_Model created log model
* @throws InvalidArgumentException on invalid type
public function create_user_log($type, $user_id, $description = NULL,
$api_account_id = NULL)
if (!Api_account_log_Model::type_is_user($type))
throw new InvalidArgumentException('invalid user API log type');
$log = new Api_account_log_Model();
$log->type = $type;
$log->api_account_id = ($api_account_id === NULL)
? $this->id : $api_account_id;
$log->responsible_user_id = $user_id;
$log->description = $description;
$log->date = date(DATE_W3C);
return $log;
* Creates filled but not persisted API log model with given request type.
* @param integer $type
* @param string $description log meaning [optional]
* @param integer $api_account_id [optional: default from $this]
* @return Api_account_log_Model created log model
* @throws InvalidArgumentException on invalid type
public function create_request_log($type, $description,
$api_account_id = NULL)
if (!Api_account_log_Model::type_is_request($type))
throw new InvalidArgumentException('invalid request API log type');
$log = new Api_account_log_Model();
$log->type = $type;
$log->api_account_id = ($api_account_id === NULL)
? $this->id : $api_account_id;
$log->description = $description;
$log->date = date(DATE_W3C);
return $log;

* Checks whether the account with given username is not already in DB.
* @param string $username
* @param integer $ignore_id ignore account with given ID [optional]
* @return boolean
public function is_account_unique($username, $ignore_id = NULL)
return $this->db->query("
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM api_accounts
WHERE username = ? AND id <> ?
", $username, intval($ignore_id))->current()->count == 0;
* Finds and returns API account with given username or returns NULL if
* no such account exists.
* @param string $username
* @return Api_account_Model|NULL
public function find_by_username($username)
$api_account = ORM::factory('api_account')
->where('username', $username)
// found?
return ($api_account->id) ? $api_account : NULL;