


Stáhnout (6.12 KB) Statistiky
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# Script for generating all AXO values in a form of a CSV file on stdin
# with columns:
# - AXO section string
# - AXO value string
# - is_own boolean
# Info log is written to stderr.
# Takes only one option (-d) that specifies whether the output list should
# have unique values (no unique values by default).
# @author Ondřej Fibich
# @version 1.0

use strict;
use warnings;
use XML::Writer;
use XML::DOM;
use IO::File;
use File::Find;

# Base app dir
my $APP_DIR = "../../..";
# Model dir
my $MODEL_DIR = $APP_DIR . "/models";
# Controller dir
my $CONROLLER_DIR = $APP_DIR . "/controllers";
# Helper dir
my $HELPER_DIR = $APP_DIR . "/helpers";
# Libraries dir
my $LIBRARY_DIR = $APP_DIR . "/libraries";
# Views dir
my $VIEW_DIR = $APP_DIR . "/views";
# Ignore duplicates
my $unique = 0;
# Array of printed AXOs
my %axos = ();

# Print error message to stderr and terminate program with error code
# Params:
# $message Error message to STDERR
# $ecode Error code for exit
sub Error($$);

# Print warning message to stderr
# Params:
# $message Warning message to STDERR
sub Warning($);

# Parse controllers, models and helpers dir and write its content to XML config
# Params:
# $tag Tag name for item
# $subject Name of item (example: Model), used for error messages
# $dir Dir of items
# Return:
# Return list of counters, first item is count of parsed files,
# second is count of parsed methods.
sub Parse($$$);

# command line options
if ($#ARGV >= 0)
if ($ARGV[0] eq "-d")
$unique = 1;
print STDERR "usage: perl [-d]\n";

# Print header for CSV
print "\"Action\";\"AXO section\";\"AXO value\";\"Is own\";\n";

# Parse controllers
print STDERR "=====================================================================\n";
my ($c_count, $m_count) = Parse("controller", "Controllers", $CONROLLER_DIR);
print STDERR $c_count . " controllers parsed, " . $m_count . " ACL call founded.\n\n";
# Parse models
print STDERR "=====================================================================\n";
($c_count, $m_count) = Parse("model", "Model", $MODEL_DIR);
print STDERR $c_count . " models parsed, " . $m_count . " ACL call founded.\n\n";
# Parse helpers
print STDERR "=====================================================================\n";
($c_count, $m_count) = Parse("helper", "Helper", $HELPER_DIR);
print STDERR $c_count . " helpers parsed, " . $m_count . " ACL call founded.\n\n";
# Parse libraries
print STDERR "=====================================================================\n";
($c_count, $m_count) = Parse("library", "Library", $LIBRARY_DIR);
print STDERR $c_count . " libraries parsed, " . $m_count . " ACL call founded.\n\n";
# Parse views
print STDERR "=====================================================================\n";
($c_count, $m_count) = Parse("view", "View", $VIEW_DIR);
print STDERR $c_count . " views parsed, " . $m_count . " ACL call founded.\n\n";

# Exit script


# Print error message to stderr and terminate program with error code
# Params:
# $message Error message to STDERR
# $ecode Error code for exit
sub Error($$)
my($message, $ecode) = @_;
print STDERR "Program error: ";
print STDERR $message . "\n";
print STDERR "Program will be terminated...\n";
exit $ecode;

# Print warning message to stderr
# Params:
# $message Warning message to STDERR
sub Warning($)
my($message) = @_;
print STDERR "Program warning: ";
print STDERR $message . "\n";
# Parse controllers, models and helpers dir and write its content to XML config
# Params:
# $tag Tag name for item
# $subject Name of item (example: Model), used for error messages
# $dir Dir of items
# Return:
# Return list of couters, first item is count of parsed files,
# second is count of parsed methods.
sub Parse($$$)
my ($tag, $subject, $dir) = @_;
my @items; #<$dir/*>;
my $fh = new IO::File;
my $source;
my $file_name;
my $parsed_count = 0;
my $parsed_acl_call_count = 0;

# get all php in dir and its subdirs
find(sub { push @items, $File::Find::name if /\.php$/ }, $dir);
@items = sort(@items);

# For all items
foreach my $item (@items)
# Get file name and filter non PHP files
if ($item =~ /\/(\w+)\.php$/)
$file_name = $1;
Warning("Skipping " . $item . " file");

# Open source file
if (! $fh->open("< $item"))
Warning("Cannot read from " . $subject . ": " . $item);

# Print info
print STDERR "Parsing: " . $item . "\n";

# Join file to one string
$source = join("", <$fh>);
# Increase counter
$parsed_count = $parsed_count + 1;

# For each ACL method call
while ($source =~ m/acl_check_(edit|new|delete|confirm|view)\s*\(\s*((["']([^"']+)["'])|(get_class\s*\(\s*[\$]{1}this\s*\)\s*))\s*,\s*["']([^"']+)["']\s*(,)?/g)
# get values from the matched regex
my ($action, $axo_section, $axo_value, $is_own) = ($1, $2, $6, defined($7));
# section this
if ($axo_section =~ m/get_class\s*\(\s*[\$]{1}this\s*/g) {
if (!("controller" eq $tag)) {
print STDERR "get_class in view: " . $file_name . " : " . $tag . "\n";
next; # skip
my $old = $axo_section;
$axo_section = ucfirst($file_name) . "_Controller";
print STDERR $old . " >> " . $axo_section . "\n";
} else {
$axo_section = substr($axo_section, 1, -1);
# increase counter
$parsed_acl_call_count = $parsed_acl_call_count + 1;
# unique treatment
if ($unique)
my $index = $action . "#" . $axo_section . "#" . $axo_value . "#" . $is_own;

if (defined($axos{$index}))
next; # skip already printed

$axos{$index} = 1;
# output values
print "\"" . $action . "\";\"" . $axo_section . "\";\""
. $axo_value . "\";\"" . ($is_own ? 1 : 0) . "\";\n";

# Close source file
return ($parsed_count, $parsed_acl_call_count);
