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<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
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* FIO abstract importer that handles storing of transfers. Subclass add method
* for handling different input file types and format.
* @author Ondrej Fibich, Jiri Svitak
* @since 1.1
abstract class Fio_Bank_Statement_File_Importer extends Bank_Statement_File_Importer
* Sets last succesfully transfered transaction.
* Download of new transaction will start from this transaction.
* Transactions are identified by their transaction codes that are stored
* in the bank transfer model.
* @Override
protected function before_download(Bank_account_Model $bank_account,
Bank_Account_Settings $settings)
// get last transaction ID of this bank account that is stored in database
$bt_model = new Bank_transfer_Model();
$ltc = $bt_model->get_last_transaction_code_of($bank_account->id);
if (empty($ltc) || $ltc <= 0)
$ltc = 0; // no transaction for this account
// set a start transaction for downloading of next transactions
$url = $settings->get_download_base_url() . 'set-last-id/'
. $settings->api_token . '/' . $ltc . '/';
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
$response = curl_exec($ch);

// done?
if ($response !== FALSE)
return TRUE;
// error in downloading
$m = __('Setting of the last downloaded transaction has failed');
throw new Exception($m . ' (' . $response . ')');
* Gets parsed data.
* @return array Contains array of transactions
protected abstract function get_parsed_transactions();
* @Override
protected function store(&$stats = array())
$statement = new Bank_statement_Model();
$ba = $this->get_bank_account();
$user_id = $this->get_user_id();
/* header */
$header = $this->get_header_data();
// bank statement
$statement->bank_account_id = $ba->id;
$statement->user_id = $this->get_user_id();
$statement->type = $this->get_importer_name();
$statement->from = $header->dateStart;
$statement->to = $header->dateEnd;
$statement->opening_balance = $header->openingBalance;
$statement->closing_balance = $header->closingBalance;
/* transactions */
// preparation of system double-entry accounts
$suppliers = ORM::factory('account')->get_account_by_attribute(Account_attribute_Model::SUPPLIERS);
$member_fees = ORM::factory('account')->get_account_by_attribute(Account_attribute_Model::MEMBER_FEES);
$operating = ORM::factory('account')->get_account_by_attribute(Account_attribute_Model::OPERATING);
$cash = ORM::factory('account')->get_account_by_attribute(Account_attribute_Model::CASH);
$account = $ba->get_related_account_by_attribute_id(Account_attribute_Model::BANK);
$bank_interests = $ba->get_related_account_by_attribute_id(Account_attribute_Model::BANK_INTERESTS);

// model preparation
$bt = new Bank_transfer_Model();
$fee_model = new Fee_Model();

// statistics preparation
$stats['unidentified_nr'] = 0;
$stats['invoices'] = 0;
$stats['invoices_nr'] = 0;
$stats['member_fees'] = 0;
$stats['member_fees_nr'] = 0;
$stats['interests'] = 0;
$stats['interests_nr'] = 0;
$stats['deposits'] = 0;
$stats['deposits_nr'] = 0;

// miscellaneous preparation
$now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$number = 0;

// imported transaction codes, to check duplicities
$transaction_codes = array();

// saving each bank listing item
foreach ($this->get_parsed_transactions() as $item)
// convert date of transfer to international format
$datetime = $item['datum'];

// try to find counter bank account in database
$counter_ba = ORM::factory('bank_account')->where(array
'account_nr' => $item['protiucet'],
'bank_nr' => $item['kod_banky']

// counter bank account does not exist? let's create new one
if (!$counter_ba->id)
$counter_ba->name = $item['nazev_protiuctu'];
$counter_ba->account_nr = $item['protiucet'];
$counter_ba->bank_nr = $item['kod_banky'];
$counter_ba->member_id = NULL;

// determining in/out type of transfer
if ($item['castka'] < 0)
// outbound transfer
// -----------------
// by default we assume, it is "invoice" (this includes all expenses)
// double-entry transfer
$transfer_id = Transfer_Model::insert_transfer(
$account->id, $suppliers->id, null,
$counter_ba->member_id, $user_id, null,
$datetime, $now, $item['zprava'], abs($item['castka'])
// bank transfer
$bt->origin_id = $ba->id;
$bt->destination_id = $counter_ba->id;
$bt->transfer_id = $transfer_id;
$bt->bank_statement_id = $statement->id;
$bt->transaction_code = $item['id_pohybu'];
$bt->number = $number;
$bt->constant_symbol = $item['ks'];
$bt->variable_symbol = $item['vs'];
$bt->specific_symbol = $item['ss'];
// stats
$stats['invoices'] += abs($item['castka']);
// inbound transfer
// ----------------

// interest transfer
if ($item['typ'] == 'Připsaný úrok')
// let's create interest transfer
$transfer_id = Transfer_Model::insert_transfer(
$bank_interests->id, $account->id, null, null,
$user_id, null, $datetime, $now, $item['typ'],
$bt->origin_id = null;
$bt->destination_id = $ba->id;
$bt->transfer_id = $transfer_id;
$bt->bank_statement_id = $statement->id;
$bt->transaction_code = $item['id_pohybu'];
$bt->number = $number;
$stats['interests'] += abs($item['castka']);
elseif ($item['typ'] == 'Vklad pokladnou')
$member_id = $this->find_member_by_vs($item['vs']);
if (!$member_id)
// if VS is empty, that it is deposit (propably
// accountant came to bank with cash and put
// them on the association bank account).
// Otherwise if there is a VS that wrong (because
// it was not founded in DB) then assume that it
// is member fee. (#851)
if (empty($item['vs']))
// deposit transfer
$transfer_id = Transfer_Model::insert_transfer(
$cash->id, $account->id, null, null,
$user_id, null, $datetime, $now,
$item['typ'], abs($item['castka'])
$stats['deposits'] += abs($item['castka']);
else // undefined member fee
// double-entry incoming transfer
$transfer_id = Transfer_Model::insert_transfer(
$member_fees->id, $account->id, null,
null, $user_id, null, $datetime, $now,
$item['zprava'], abs($item['castka'])
$stats['member_fees'] += abs($item['castka']);
$bt->origin_id = null;
$bt->destination_id = $ba->id;
$bt->transfer_id = $transfer_id;
$bt->bank_statement_id = $statement->id;
$bt->transaction_code = $item['id_pohybu'];
$bt->number = $number;
$bt->constant_symbol = $item['ks'];
$bt->variable_symbol = $item['vs'];
$bt->specific_symbol = $item['ss'];
// double-entry incoming transfer
$transfer_id = Transfer_Model::insert_transfer(
$member_fees->id, $account->id, null, $member_id,
$user_id, null, $datetime, $now, $item['zprava'],
// incoming bank transfer
$bt->origin_id = $counter_ba->id;
$bt->destination_id = $ba->id;
$bt->transfer_id = $transfer_id;
$bt->bank_statement_id = $statement->id;
$bt->transaction_code = $item['id_pohybu'];
$bt->number = $number;
$bt->constant_symbol = $item['ks'];
$bt->variable_symbol = $item['vs'];
$bt->specific_symbol = $item['ss'];

// assign transfer? (0 - invalid id, 1 - assoc id, other are ordinary members)
if ($member_id && $member_id != Member_Model::ASSOCIATION)
$ca = ORM::factory('account')
->where('member_id', $member_id)

// has credit account?
if ($ca->id)
// add affected member for notification
// assigning transfer
$a_transfer_id = Transfer_Model::insert_transfer(
$account->id, $ca->id, $transfer_id, $member_id,
$user_id, null, $datetime, $now,
__('Assigning of transfer'), abs($item['castka'])

// transaction fee
$fee = $fee_model->get_by_date_type(
$datetime, 'transfer fee'
if ($fee && $fee->fee > 0)
$tf_transfer_id = Transfer_Model::insert_transfer(
$ca->id, $operating->id, $transfer_id,
$member_id, $user_id, null, $datetime,
$now, __('Transfer fee'), $fee->fee
// do not change owner if there is already
// one (#800)
if (!$counter_ba->member_id)
$counter_ba->member_id = $member_id;
// member fee stats
$stats['member_fees'] += abs($item['castka']);
// otherwise we assume that it is member fee
// let's identify member
$member_id = $this->find_member_by_vs($item['vs']);
if (!$member_id)

// double-entry incoming transfer
$transfer_id = Transfer_Model::insert_transfer(
$member_fees->id, $account->id, null, $member_id,
$user_id, null, $datetime, $now, $item['zprava'],
// incoming bank transfer
$bt->origin_id = $counter_ba->id;
$bt->destination_id = $ba->id;
$bt->transfer_id = $transfer_id;
$bt->bank_statement_id = $statement->id;
$bt->transaction_code = $item['id_pohybu'];
$bt->number = $number;
$bt->constant_symbol = $item['ks'];
$bt->variable_symbol = $item['vs'];
$bt->specific_symbol = $item['ss'];

// assign transfer? (0 - invalid id, 1 - assoc id, other are ordinary members)
if ($member_id && $member_id != Member_Model::ASSOCIATION)
$ca = ORM::factory('account')
->where('member_id', $member_id)
// has credit account?
if ($ca->id)
// add affected member for notification
// assigning transfer
$a_transfer_id = Transfer_Model::insert_transfer(
$account->id, $ca->id, $transfer_id, $member_id,
$user_id, null, $datetime, $now,
__('Assigning of transfer'), abs($item['castka'])

// transaction fee
$fee = $fee_model->get_by_date_type(
$datetime, 'transfer fee'
if ($fee && $fee->fee > 0)
$tf_transfer_id = Transfer_Model::insert_transfer(
$ca->id, $operating->id, $transfer_id,
$member_id, $user_id, null, $datetime,
$now, __('Transfer fee'), $fee->fee
// do not change owner if there is already
// one (#800)
if (!$counter_ba->member_id)
$counter_ba->member_id = $member_id;
// member fee stats
$stats['member_fees'] += abs($item['castka']);


// add item transaction code to array to check duplicities later
$transaction_codes[] = $item['id_pohybu'];

// line number increase

// let's check duplicities
$duplicities = $bt->get_transaction_code_duplicities($transaction_codes, $ba->id);
if (count($duplicities) > count($transaction_codes))
$dm = __('Duplicate transaction codes') . ': ' . implode(', ', $duplicities);
throw new Duplicity_Exception($dm);
// done
// return
return $statement;
catch (Duplicity_Exception $e)
throw $e;
catch (Exception $e)
return NULL;