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<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

require_once APPPATH.'libraries/importers/Duplicity_Exception.php';

* Subclass for all bank statements importers of new generation (since 1.1).
* Import is made using import static method that is the only public method of
* this class (only one that is called).
* New importers (drivers) should implement this abstract class and then info about
* them must be added into drivers array in this class.
* Driver handles checking of format, parsing, saving data into database.
* On the other hand this class handles opening of file, notifying of affected users,
* error handling, variable key searching and grouping drivers in order to provide
* an independent of driver on another parts of system.
* Drivers should be located at directory defined by DIR constant that
* contains a relative location to this class.
* Lifecycle of importer is following:
* 1. creation
* 2. set file data (input file)
* 3. format file checking
* 4. parse
* 5. store into database
* 6. inform users
* 7. end of life
* @author Ondrej Fibich
* @since 1.1
abstract class Bank_Statement_File_Importer
* Dir with driver classes
const DIR = 'importers';
* Available drivers (bank statements importers).
* Each driver contains items:
* name Name
* class Class name in Varaible keys folder
* bank_type Bank type of this driver (e.g. FIO, UniCredit, ...)
* extensions Supported extension array
* @var array
private static $drivers = array
/* FIO - JSON - Obtained from FIO bank API */
'name' => 'FIO JSON API importer',
'class' => 'Json_Fio_Bank_Statement_File_Importer',
'bank_type' => Bank_account_Model::TYPE_FIO,
'extensions' => array('json')
/* FIO - CSV - Obtained from FIO e-banking */
'name' => 'FIO CSV importer',
'class' => 'Csv_Fio_Bank_Statement_File_Importer',
'bank_type' => Bank_account_Model::TYPE_FIO,
'extensions' => array('csv')
* Gets available drivers.
* @return array
public static function get_drivers()
return self::$drivers;
* Tries to download statement and then import it.
* This action contains just getting of a file URL from bank settings.
* Then this URL with another info is passed to import method which
* does the rest of the job.
* @param Bank_account_Model $bank_account Bank account ot which the statement
* is imported
* @param Bank_Account_Settings $settings
* @param boolean $send_emails Send notification of affected members by e-mail
* @param boolean $send_sms Send notification of affected members by sms
* @return Bank_statement_Model Stored statement
* @throws InvalidArgumentException On invalid bank account settings
* that cannot be use for proper download
public static function download(Bank_account_Model $bank_account,
Bank_Account_Settings $settings, $send_emails, $send_sms)
// get type
$type = $settings->get_download_statement_type();
if (empty($type))
throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Unset download statement type'));
// get url
$url = $settings->get_download_statement_url();
if (empty($url))
throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Unset download statement URL'));
// obtain driver
$driver = self::factory($bank_account, $type);
$acc = $bank_account->account_nr . '/' . $bank_account->bank_nr;
if (!$driver)
$m = __('File importer for bank %s is not available', $acc);
throw new InvalidArgumentException($m);
// preparation before download
if (!$driver->before_download($bank_account, $settings))
throw new Exception(__('Cannot prepare for statement download'));
// import
return self::import($bank_account, $url, $type, $send_emails, $send_sms);
* Imports a bank statement placed in a file that is given by the filename
* to bank account that is given by its database model. Throws error
* exceptions with translated error description if any error occures.
* @param Bank_account_Model $bank_account Bank account ot which the statement
* is imported
* @param string $filename Full path to imported file
* @param string $ext File extension
* @param boolean $send_emails Send notification of affected members by e-mail
* @param boolean $send_sms Send notification of affected members by sms
* @return Bank_statement_Model Stored statement
* @throws InvalidArgumentException On invalid file or bank account entity
* @throws Exception On any error during parsing or storing of statement
public static function import(Bank_account_Model $bank_account,
$filename, $ext, $send_emails = TRUE, $send_sms = FALSE)
/* obtain driver */
$driver = self::factory($bank_account, $ext);
$acc = $bank_account->account_nr . '/' . $bank_account->bank_nr;
if (!$driver)
$m = __('File importer for bank %s is not available', $acc);
throw new InvalidArgumentException($m);
$driver->inform_affected_member_by_email = $send_emails;
$driver->inform_affected_member_by_sms = $send_sms;
/* set file data */
$fd = @file_get_contents($filename);
if ($fd == FALSE)
$e = error_get_last();
$m = __('Cannot read from input file') . ' "' . $filename . '": '
. (isset($e['message']) ? $e['message'] : '');
throw new InvalidArgumentException($m);
/* check format */
if (!$driver->check_file_data_format())
$m = __('Invalid input file format in file "%s" caused by: %s',
array($filename, '<br>' . implode('<br>', $driver->get_errors())));
throw new Exception($m);
/* check header of statement */
$header_data = $driver->get_header_data();
if (!$header_data ||
$header_data->get_bank_id() != $bank_account->bank_nr ||
$header_data->get_account_id() != $bank_account->account_nr)
$an = $header_data->get_account_id() . '/' . $header_data->get_bank_id();
$m = __('Bank account number in listing (%s) header does not match ' .
'bank account %s in database!', array($an, $acc));
throw new Exception($m);
/* parse file */
if (!$driver->parse_file_data())
$m = __('Error during parsing of statement file %s caused by: %s',
array($filename, '<br>' . implode('<br>', $driver->get_errors())));
throw new Exception($m);
/* store result */
$bank_statement = $driver->store();
if (!$bank_statement || !$bank_statement->id)
$m = __('Error during storing of parsed file %s import caused by: %s',
array($filename, '<br>' . implode('<br>', $driver->get_errors())));
throw new Exception($m);
/* inform affected members */
return $bank_statement;
* Creates an instance of file importer driver that is capable of
* importing bank statement.
* @param Bank_account_Model $bank_account
* @param string $ext File extension
* @return Bank_Statement_File_Importer Driver or NULL if no suitable
* driver is available.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException On invalid file or bank account entity
protected static function factory($bank_account, $ext)
// bank account check
if ($bank_account == NULL || !$bank_account->id)
throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Invalid bank account'));
// find suitable driver
foreach (self::$drivers as $d)
if ($d['bank_type'] == $bank_account->type &&
in_array($ext, $d['extensions']))
$cn = $d['class'];
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . self::DIR . '/' . $cn . '.php';
return new $cn($bank_account);
// not founded
return NULL;
* Bank account model for importing of statement.
* @var Bank_account_Model
private $bank_account = NULL;
* Contains parsed file that contains a bank statement
* @var string
private $file_data = NULL;
* Error stack that contains translated errors
* @var arrray
private $errors = array();
* Array of memeber IDs that are affected by the content of file data
* @var array
private $affected_members = array();
* Inform affected by e-mail notification (ON by default) that contains
* information about the received payment.
* @var boolean
private $inform_affected_member_by_email = TRUE;
* Inform affected by SMS notification (OFF by default) that contains
* information about the received payment.
* @var boolean
private $inform_affected_member_by_sms = FALSE;
* Creates new instance od bank statement import.
* @param Bank_account_Model $bam
protected function __construct(Bank_account_Model $bam)
$this->bank_account = $bam;
* Get importer name.
* @return string
public function get_importer_name()
foreach (self::$drivers as $d)
if ($d['class'] == get_class($this))
return $d['name'];
return NULL;

* User ID of caller of this importer. (user who calls it)
* @return integer
protected function get_user_id()
$user_id = Session::instance()->get('user_id', NULL); // logged user

if (!$user_id) // not logged => scheduler => association user
$association = new Member_Model(Member_Model::ASSOCIATION);
$user_id = $association->get_main_user();
return $user_id;
* Gets bank account for which the importer is evaulating imports.
* @return Bank_account_Model
protected function get_bank_account()
return $this->bank_account;
* Sets bank statement file data (content of a file)
* @param string $fd
protected function set_file_data($fd)
$this->file_data = $fd;
* Gets bank statement file data (content of a file)
* @return string
protected function get_file_data()
return $this->file_data;
* Adds given error to the start of the error stack.
* @param string $error Error messsage
* @param boolean $translate Should be error message translated before adding?
protected function add_error($error, $translate = TRUE)
$this->errors = array
$translate ? __($error) : $error
) + $this->errors;
* Add given exception as error to the start of the error stack.
* @param Exception $e
* @param boolean $translate Should be exception message translated before adding?
protected function add_exception_error(Exception $e, $translate = TRUE)
$this->errors = array
($translate ? __($e->getMessage()) : $e->getMessage()) .
': ' . nl2br($e->getTraceAsString())
) + $this->errors;
* Adds member as affected by this parsed statement. Later if statement is
* succefully parsed and saved these members are inform by notification.
* @param integer $member_id
protected function add_affected_member($member_id)
$member_id = intval($member_id);
if (!in_array($member_id, $this->affected_members))
$this->affected_members[] = $member_id;
* Gets error trace
* @return array
protected function get_errors()
return $this->errors;
* Finds member ID by variable method. If given variable symbol is not
* founded in the database and a variable key generator is active and
* capable of error correction than the variable key is tried repared
* and searched again.
* @staticvar Variable_Symbol_Model $vk_model
* @param string $variable_symbol
* @param boolean $error_correction May be used error correction for VS?
* @return null|integer NULL of not founded, member ID otherwise
protected function find_member_by_vs($variable_symbol, $error_correction = TRUE)
static $vk_model = NULL;
if (!$vk_model)
$vk_model = new Variable_Symbol_Model();
// locate in database
$member_id = $vk_model->get_member_id($variable_symbol);
// located
if ($member_id)
return $member_id;
// not located try to detect error if a variable generator is used
else if ($error_correction)
$vkg = Variable_Key_Generator::factory();
if ($vkg)
if ($vkg->errorCheckAvailable())
if ($vkg->errorCorrectionAvailable())
$corrected = $vkg->errorCorrection($variable_symbol);
if ($corrected['status'])
$cvs = $corrected['corrected_variable_key'];
// try to locate and if it is not located
// then do not any futher error correction
return $this->find_member_by_vs($cvs, FALSE);
return NULL;
* This method may be implemented in order to do some action before
* downloading of a bank statement.
* Does not do anything by default.
* @param Bank_account_Model $bank_account
* @param Bank_Account_Settings $settings
* @return boolean Successfully run?
* @throws Exception On any error
protected function before_download(Bank_account_Model $bank_account,
Bank_Account_Settings $settings)
return TRUE;
* Checks whether the file content that is stored into a fileData property
* has valid format. This method checks only a format (syntax), semantic
* meaning of content is examined later.
* An error in the format may be add into error stack (addError) that is later
* displayed to user if this function returns FALSE.
* @return boolean TRUE if format is corrrent, FALSE otherwise
protected abstract function check_file_data_format();
* Gets header data of file data format. This method is used for checking
* if the bank statement correspondes to bank account in the database.
* Data must be available in any time after calling of check_file_data_format
* method.
* An error in the format may be add into error stack (addError) that is later
* displayed to user if this function returns FALSE.
* @return Header_Data
protected abstract function get_header_data();
* Parses a file data into a semantic interpretation of its content.
* This interpretation must be defined by implementing class.
* An error in the format may be add into error stack (addError) that is later
* displayed to user if this function returns FALSE.
* @return boolean TRUE if file data were succesfully parsed, FALSE otherwise
protected abstract function parse_file_data();
* Stores data that are obtain via parse_file_data method (stored internally
* - so it is in hand of the implemented file importer).
* All transfers are stored in the database and grouped using statement
* entity. This statement entity is than returned.
* This method should also set affected members in order to notify them.
* An error in the format may be add into error stack (addError) that is later
* displayed to user if this function returns FALSE.
* @param array $stats Statistics about imported statement
* @return Bank_statement_Model Bank statement that was stored or NULL
* if bank statement was not stored
* @throws Duplicity_Exception On transfers that were already imported
protected abstract function store(&$stats = array());
* Informs affected members by email or SMS according to setting variables
* inform_affected_member_by_email and inform_affected_member_by_sms.
* @return boolean TRUE if all affected members were notified, FALSE otherwise
protected function notify_affected_members()
if (!module::e('notification'))
return FALSE;
$send_email = Notifications_Controller::ACTIVATE;
$send_sms = Notifications_Controller::ACTIVATE;
if (!$this->inform_affected_member_by_email)
$send_email = Notifications_Controller::KEEP;
if (!$this->inform_affected_member_by_sms)
$send_sms = Notifications_Controller::KEEP;
foreach ($this->affected_members as $member_id)
$member_id, $this->get_user_id(), $send_email, $send_sms
// status ok
return TRUE;
catch (Exception $e)
$m = 'Error during notifying of affected members of a bank import';
Log_queue_Model::error($m, $e);
// failed
return FALSE;

* Class for storing of header data of file import.
class Header_Data
* Bank account ID
* @var integer
private $account_id;
* Bank ID
* @var integer
private $bank_id;
* Other properties
* @var array
private $properties = array();
* Creates new Header_Data
* @param integer $account_id
* @param integer $bank_id
function __construct($account_id, $bank_id)
$this->account_id = $account_id;
$this->bank_id = $bank_id;
* Gets bank account ID
* @return integer
public function get_account_id()
return $this->account_id;

* Gets bank ID
* @return integer
public function get_bank_id()
return $this->bank_id;
* String representation of header data
* @return string
public function __toString()
return $this->account_id . '/' . $this->bank_id;
* Gets another property
* @param string $name
public function __get($name)
if (isset($this->properties[$name]))
return $this->properties[$name];
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unknown property: ' . $name);

* Sets another property
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $value
public function __set($name, $value)
$this->properties[$name] = $value;
