


Stáhnout (11.5 KB) Statistiky
| Větev: | Tag: | Revize:
31ca0a32 Michal Kliment


* Vtiger Webservice Client
class Vtiger_WSClient {
// Webserice file
var $_servicebase = 'webservice.php';

// HTTP Client instance
var $_client = false;
// Service URL to which client connects to
var $_serviceurl = false;

// Webservice user credentials
var $_serviceuser= false;
var $_servicekey = false;

// Webservice login validity
var $_servertime = false;
var $_expiretime = false;
var $_servicetoken=false;

// Webservice login credentials
var $_sessionid = false;
var $_userid = false;

// Last operation error information
var $_lasterror = false;

* Constructor.
function __construct($url) {
$this->_serviceurl = $this->getWebServiceURL($url);
$this->_client = new Vtiger_HTTP_Client($this->_serviceurl);
* Destructor.
function __destruct() {

* Return the client library version.
function version() {
global $wsclient_version;
return $wsclient_version;

* Reinitialize the client.
function reinitalize() {
$this->_client = new Vtiger_HTTP_Client($this->_serviceurl);

* Get the URL for sending webservice request.
function getWebServiceURL($url) {
if(stripos($url, $this->_servicebase) === false) {
if(strripos($url, '/') != (strlen($url)-1)) {
$url .= '/';
$url .= $this->_servicebase;
return $url;

* Get actual record id from the response id.
function getRecordId($id) {
$ex = explode('x', $id);
return $ex[1];

* Check if result has any error.
function hasError($result) {
if(isset($result['success']) && $result['success'] === true) {
$this->_lasterror = false;
return false;
$this->_lasterror = $result['error'];
return true;

* Get last operation error
function lastError() {
return $this->_lasterror;

* Perform the challenge
* @access private
function __doChallenge($username) {
$getdata = Array(
'operation' => 'getchallenge',
'username' => $username
$resultdata = $this->_client->doGet($getdata, true);

if($this->hasError($resultdata)) {
return false;

$this->_servertime = $resultdata['result']['serverTime'];
$this->_expiretime = $resultdata['result']['expireTime'];
$this->_servicetoken = $resultdata['result']['token'];
return true;

* Check and perform login if requried.
function __checkLogin() {
if(!$this->_expiretime || (time() > $this->_expiretime))
$this->doLogin($this->_serviceuser, $this->_servicekey);
* Do Logout Operation
* @access private
function __doLogout() {
$getdata = Array(
'operation' => 'logout',
'sessionName' => $this->_sessionid
$resultdata = $this->_client->doGet($getdata, true);

if($this->hasError($resultdata)) {
if (isset($resultdata['result']['message']) && $resultdata['result']['message'] == 'successfull')
return false;

return true;

* JSONify input data.
function toJSON($input) {
return $this->_client->__jsondecode($input);

* Convert input data to JSON String.
function toJSONString($input) {
return $this->_client->__jsonencode($input);

* Do Login Operation
function doLogin($username, $vtigerUserAccesskey) {
// Do the challenge before login
if($this->__doChallenge($username) === false) return false;
$postdata = Array(
'operation' => 'login',
'username' => $username,
'accessKey' => md5($this->_servicetoken.$vtigerUserAccesskey)
$resultdata = $this->_client->doPost($postdata, true);

if($this->hasError($resultdata)) {
return false;
$this->_serviceuser = $username;
$this->_servicekey = $vtigerUserAccesskey;

$this->_sessionid = $resultdata['result']['sessionName'];
$this->_userid = $resultdata['result']['userId'];
return true;
* Do Query Operation.
function doQuery($query) {
// Perform re-login if required.

// Make sure the query ends with ;
$query = trim($query);
if(strripos($query, ';') != strlen($query)-1) $query .= ';';

$getdata = Array(
'operation' => 'query',
'sessionName' => $this->_sessionid,
'query' => $query
$resultdata = $this->_client->doGet($getdata, true);
if($this->hasError($resultdata)) {
return $resultdata;
return $resultdata['result'];
* Do Query Operation - returns more than 100 results.
function doQueryNotLimited($query) {
// Perform re-login if required.
$query = trim($query);
$limit_pos = stripos($query, 'limit');
$count = 0;
$result_limit = 100;
if ($limit_pos === false)
$select_pos = stripos($query, 'select ') + 7; //strlen('select ')
$from_pos = stripos($query, ' from');
$count_query = substr_replace($query, 'count(*)', $select_pos, $from_pos - $select_pos);
$result = $this->doQuery($count_query);
if ($result && array_key_exists(0, $result) &&
array_key_exists('count', $result[0]))
$count = $result[0]['count'];
if (($limit_pos !== false) || ($count <= $result_limit))
return $this->doQuery($query);
$reps = ceil($count / $result_limit);
$results = array();
//remove ; from the end of query
if (substr($query, -1) == ';')
$query = substr_replace ($query, '', strlen ($query) - 1, 1);
for ($i = 0; $i < $reps; $i++)
//add limit
$query_limited = $query . ' LIMIT ' . ($i * $result_limit) . ', ' . $result_limit;
// Perform re-login if required.
$result = $this->doQuery($query_limited);
if (!$result)
return false;
$results = array_merge($results, $result);
return $results;

* Get Result Column Names.
function getResultColumns($result) {
$columns = Array();
if(!empty($result)) {
$firstrow= $result[0];
foreach($firstrow as $key=>$value) $columns[] = $key;
return $columns;

* List types available Modules.
function doListTypes() {
// Perform re-login if required.

$getdata = Array(
'operation' => 'listtypes',
'sessionName' => $this->_sessionid
$resultdata = $this->_client->doGet($getdata, true);
if($this->hasError($resultdata)) {
return false;
$modulenames = $resultdata['result']['types'];

$returnvalue = Array();
foreach($modulenames as $modulename) {
$returnvalue[$modulename] =
Array ( 'name' => $modulename );
return $returnvalue;

* Describe Module Fields.
function doDescribe($module) {
// Perform re-login if required.

$getdata = Array(
'operation' => 'describe',
'sessionName' => $this->_sessionid,
'elementType' => $module
$resultdata = $this->_client->doGet($getdata, true);
if($this->hasError($resultdata)) {
return false;
return $resultdata['result'];

* Retrieve details of record.
function doRetrieve($record) {
// Perform re-login if required.

$getdata = Array(
'operation' => 'retrieve',
'sessionName' => $this->_sessionid,
'id' => $record
$resultdata = $this->_client->doGet($getdata, true);
if($this->hasError($resultdata)) {
return false;
return $resultdata[result];

* Do Create Operation
function doCreate($module, $valuemap) {
// Perform re-login if required.

// Assign record to logged in user if not specified
if(!isset($valuemap['assigned_user_id'])) {
$valuemap['assigned_user_id'] = $this->_userid;

$postdata = Array(
'operation' => 'create',
'sessionName' => $this->_sessionid,
'elementType' => $module,
'element' => $this->toJSONString($valuemap)
$resultdata = $this->_client->doPost($postdata, true);
if($this->hasError($resultdata)) {
return false;
return $resultdata['result'];
* Do CreateBulk Operation
function doCreateBulk($module, $valuemaps) {
// Assign record to logged in user if not specified
foreach ($valuemaps as &$valuemap)
if(!isset($valuemap['assigned_user_id'])) {
$valuemap['assigned_user_id'] = $this->_userid;

$postdata = Array(
'operation' => 'create_bulk',
'sessionName' => $this->_sessionid,
'elementType' => $module,
'element' => $this->toJSONString($valuemaps)
// Perform re-login if required.
$resultdata = $this->_client->doPost($postdata, true);
if($this->hasError($resultdata)) {
return $resultdata;
return $resultdata['result'];

* Do Update Operation
function doUpdate($valuemap) {
// Perform re-login if required.

// Assign record to logged in user if not specified
if(!isset($valuemap['modifiedby'])) {
$valuemap['modifiedby'] = $this->_userid;

$postdata = Array(
'operation' => 'update',
'sessionName' => $this->_sessionid,
'element' => $this->toJSONString($valuemap)
$resultdata = $this->_client->doPost($postdata, true);
if($this->hasError($resultdata)) {
return false;
return $resultdata['result'];
* Do UpdateBulk Operation
function doUpdateBulk($module,$valuemaps) {
// Assign record to logged in user if not specified
foreach ($valuemaps as &$valuemap)
if(!isset($valuemap['modifiedby'])) {
$valuemap['modifiedby'] = $this->_userid;

$postdata = Array(
'operation' => 'update_bulk',
'sessionName' => $this->_sessionid,
'elementType' => $module,
'element' => $this->toJSONString($valuemaps)
// Perform re-login if required.
$resultdata = $this->_client->doPost($postdata, true);
if($this->hasError($resultdata)) {
return false;
return $resultdata['result'];
* Do Delete Operation
function doDelete($id) {
// Perform re-login if required.

$postdata = Array(
'operation' => 'delete',
'sessionName' => $this->_sessionid,
'id' => $id
$resultdata = $this->_client->doPost($postdata, true);
if($this->hasError($resultdata)) {
return false;
return true;
* Invoke custom operation
* @param String $method Name of the webservice to invoke
* @param Object $type null or parameter values to method
* @param String $params optional (POST/GET)
function doInvoke($method, $params = null, $type = 'POST') {
// Perform re-login if required
$senddata = Array(
'operation' => $method,
'sessionName' => $this->_sessionid
if(!empty($params)) {
foreach($params as $k=>$v) {
if(!isset($senddata[$k])) {
$senddata[$k] = $v;

$resultdata = false;
if(strtoupper($type) == "POST") {
$resultdata = $this->_client->doPost($senddata, true);
} else {
$resultdata = $this->_client->doGet($senddata, true);

if($this->hasError($resultdata)) {
return false;
return $resultdata['result'];