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Revize 2d16f2ee

Přidáno uživatelem Michal Kliment před více než 4 roky(ů)

Improve breadcrumb. Fix redirection and access according to email module state and ACL (e.g. do not redirect to e-mail show after submit if it would end with access denied page). Fix new code indentation and formatting.

Zobrazit rozdíly:

if (!module::e('email'))
Controller::error (ACCESS);
public function index()
if ($this->input->post('address') == NULL ||
$this->input->post('email_member_id') == NULL)
$te = new TextEditor();
($this->input->post('editor') == NULL)
? '' : $this->input->post('editor')
$view = new View('main');
$view->title = __('Write email');
$view->content = new View('email/write');
$view->content->editorFieldName = $te->getFieldName();
$view->content->email_from = Settings::get('email_default_email');
$view->content->email_to = $this->input->post('address');
$view->content->subject = ($this->input->post('subject') == NULL) ? '' : $this->input->post('subject');
$view->content->editor = $te->getHtml();
$view->content->email_member_id = $this->input->post('email_member_id');
* Sends email
* Sends email via e-mail queue using an email form. Receiver is prefilled
* from the specified contact.
public function send()
public function send($contact_id = NULL)
if ($this->input->post('email_from') == NULL ||
$this->input->post('email_to') == NULL ||
$this->input->post('email_member_id') == NULL)
// check parameter
if ($contact_id && is_numeric($contact_id))
$contact = new Contact_Model($contact_id);
if (!$contact->id || $contact->type != Contact_Model::TYPE_EMAIL)
// Use connect() method to load Swiftmailer and connect
// using the parameters set in the email config file
$swift = email::connect();
// form
$form = new Forge();
// From, subject and HTML message
$from = $this->input->post('email_from');
$subject = 'FreenetIS - ' . $this->input->post('subject');
$message = '<html><body>' . $this->input->post('editor') . '</body></html>';
// Build recipient lists
$recipients = new Swift_RecipientList;
->value(isset($contact) ? $contact->value : '');
// Build the HTML message
$message = new Swift_Message($subject, $message, "text/html");
if ($swift->send($message, $recipients, $from))
if ($form->validate())
url::redirect('members/show/' . $this->input->post('email_member_id'));
$form_data = $form->as_array(FALSE);
$email = new Email_queue_Model();
// insert email into queue
$email->from = $form_data['from'];
$email->to = $form_data['to'];
$email->subject = $form_data['subject'];
$email->body = $form_data['email_message'];
$email->state = Email_queue_Model::STATE_NEW;
status::success('E-mail was inserted to e-mail queue.');
if ($this->acl_check_view('Email_queues_Controller', 'email_queue'))
$this->redirect('show', $email->id);
catch (Exception $e)
status::error('Error - cannot insert e-mail to queue.', $e);
$content = form::open(url_lang::base() . 'email');
$content.= form::hidden('email_member_id', $this->input->post('email_member_id'));
$content.= form::hidden('address', $this->input->post('email_to'));
$content.= form::hidden('email_from', $this->input->post('email_from'));
$content.= form::hidden('subject', $this->input->post('subject'));
$content.= form::hidden('editor', $this->input->post('editor'));
$content.= form::submit('submit', __('Back'), 'class="submit"');
$content.= form::close();
// breadcrumbs
$breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs::add()
->link('email_queues', 'E-mails',
$this->acl_check_view('Email_queues_Controller', 'email_queue'))
->text('New e-mail');
Controller::error(EMAIL, $content);
$view = new View('main');
$view->title = __('New e-mail');
$view->breadcrumbs = $breadcrumbs->html();
$view->content = new View('form');
$view->content->headline = __('New e-mail');
$view->content->link_back = '';
$view->content->form = $form->html();
// Disconnect
'e-mail variables' => 'Proměnné e-mailu',
'e-mail variables have been successfully updated' => 'Proměnné e-mailu byly úspěšně aktualizovány.',
'e-mail variables havent been successfully updated' => 'Proměnné e-mailu nebyly úspěšně aktualizovány.',
'e-mail was inserted to e-mail queue' => 'Email byl úspěšně přidán do fronty k odeslání.',
'e-mails' => 'E-maily',
'encoding' => 'Kódování',
'enable action logs' => 'Zapnout logy akcí',
'new bank accounts' => 'Nové bankovní účty',
'new device admin has been successfully saved' => 'Nový správce zařízení byl úspěšně uložen.',
'new device engineer has been successfully saved' => 'Nový technik zařízení byl úspěšně uložen.',
'new e-mail' => 'Nový e-mail',
'new member' => 'Nový člen',
'new password' => 'Nové heslo',
'new password can be changed at the following link' => 'Nové heslo si můžete změnit na následujícím odkazu',
<h2><?php echo $title ?></h2>
<h2><?php echo $title ?></h2>
<br />
<?php echo $member_links ?>
<table class="picturebox">
<td><?php echo __('E-mail') ?></td>
<td><?php if (Settings::get('email_enabled')):
echo form::open(url_lang::base().'email') ;
echo form::hidden('email_member_id', $member->id );
echo form::hidden('address', $contact->value );
echo form::imagebutton('submit', url::base().'media/images/icons/write_email.png', array('title' => __('Send e-mail'), 'style' => 'width:16px; height:16px; border-width: 0px 0px 0px 0px; border-spacing: 0px;'));
echo form::close();
endif ?></td>
<?php if (Settings::get('email_enabled')): ?>
<td><?php echo html::anchor('email/send/'.$contact->id, html::image('media/images/icons/write_email.png', array('title' => __('Send e-mail'), 'style' => 'width:16px; height:16px; border-width: 0px 0px 0px 0px; border-spacing: 0px;'))) ?></td>
<?php endif; ?>

Také k dispozici: Unified diff