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Revize 2bd3da8a

Přidáno uživatelem Ondřej Fibich před téměř 6 roky(ů)

Fixes #1096: Big debtor message + notification auto activation e-mail report [develop]

Zobrazit rozdíly:

$rules = $messages_aa->get_message_settings($message->id);
// activate flags
$a_redir = $a_email = $a_sms = FALSE;
$report_to = array();
// get all rules that match
$filtered_rules = Time_Activity_Rule::filter_rules(
$rules, self::AM_NOTIFICATION, $this->t
// check all rules if redir/email/sms should be activated now
foreach ($filtered_rules as $rule)
$a_redir = $a_redir || $rule->redirection_enabled;
$a_email = $a_email || $rule->email_enabled;
$a_sms = $a_sms || $rule->sms_enabled;
$any = $rule->redirection_enabled || $rule->email_enabled || $rule->sms_enabled;
if ($any && $rule->send_activation_to_email)
$report_to += explode(',', $rule->send_activation_to_email);
// global options
$a_redir = $a_redir && Settings::get('redirection_enabled');
if (count($info_messages))
$m = __('Notification message "%s" has been automatically activated',
Log_queue_Model::info($m, implode("\n", $info_messages));
// send report
if (count($report_to))
$this->send_message_activation_report($report_to, $m, $info_messages, $members);
catch (Exception $e)
self::log_error($e->getMessage(), $e, FALSE);
self::log_error('notification_activation', $e, FALSE);
Log_queue_Model::error($e->getMessage(), $e);
catch (Exception $e)
self::log_error($error_prefix, $e, FALSE);
self::log_error('notification_activation', $e, FALSE);
Log_queue_Model::error($error_prefix, $e);
private function send_message_activation_report($to_emails, $description,
$actions, $activated_members)
$email_view = new View('email_templates/notification_activation_report');
$email_view->header = $description;
$email_view->actions = $actions;
$email_view->affected_members = $activated_members;
$email_subject = Settings::get('email_subject_prefix') . ': ' . $description;
$email_body = $email_view->render();
$from = Settings::get('email_default_email');
$email_model = new Email_queue_Model();
foreach ($to_emails as $email)
$email_model->push($from, $email, $email_subject, $email_body);
* Deduct all fees automatically if enabled

Také k dispozici: Unified diff