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Revize 1e8c793d

Přidáno uživatelem Michal Kliment před více než 9 roky(ů)

Release 1.1.8

Zobrazit rozdíly:

// ******************************************************************************
// Software: mPDF, Unicode-HTML Free PDF generator *
// Version: 5.6 based on *
// Version: 5.7.4 based on *
// FPDF by Olivier PLATHEY *
// HTML2FPDF by Renato Coelho *
// Date: 2013-01-20 *
// Date: 2014-08-23 *
// Author: Ian Back <> *
// License: GPL *
// *
// ******************************************************************************
//Scale factor
define('_MPDFK', (72/25.4));
// Define these in config.php
var $CJKforceend; // mPDF 5.6.40
// mPDF 5.6.34
var $h2bookmarks;
var $h2toc;
var $decimal_align; // mPDF 5.6.13
var $margBuffer; // mPDF 5.4.04
var $splitTableBorderWidth; // mPDF 5.4.16
var $incrementFPR3;
var $incrementFPR4;
var $hyphenate;
var $hyphenateTables;
var $SHYlang;
var $SHYleftmin;
var $SHYrightmin;
var $jSmaxCharLast;
var $jSmaxWordLast;
var $orphansAllowed;
var $max_colH_correction;
var $cssmgr;
var $grad;
var $bmp;
var $wmf;
var $uniqstr; // mPDF 5.7.2
var $writingToC; // mPDF 5.6.38
// mPDF 5.6.01
var $layers;
var $current_layer;
var $open_layer_pane;
var $decimal_offset; // mPDF 5.6.13
var $inMeter; // mPDF 5.5.09
var $CJKleading;
var $noImageFile;
var $lastblockbottommargin;
var $baselineC;
// mPDF 5.7.3 inline text-decoration parameters
var $baselineSup;
var $baselineSub;
var $baselineS;
var $subPos;
var $subArrMB;
var $ReqFontStyle;
var $cell_border_dominance_R;
var $cell_border_dominance_T;
var $cell_border_dominance_B;
var $tbCSSlvl;
var $listCSSlvl;
var $table_keep_together;
var $plainCell_properties;
var $inherit_lineheight;
var $blockContext;
var $floatDivs;
var $tablecascadeCSS;
var $listcascadeCSS;
var $patterns;
var $pageBackgrounds;
// List of ALL available CJK fonts (incl. styles) (Adobe add-ons) hw removed
var $available_CJK_fonts;
var $cascadeCSS;
var $HTMLHeader;
var $HTMLFooter;
var $HTMLHeaderE;
var $divrevert;
var $spanbgcolor;
var $spanlvl;
var $listlvl;
var $listnum;
var $listtype;
var $dotted_on;
var $strike;
var $CSS;
var $textbuffer;
var $currentfontstyle;
var $currentfontfamily;
var $lineheight;
var $basepath;
var $outlineparam;
var $outline_on;
var $textparam;
var $specialcontent;
var $selectoption;
//Private properties FROM FPDF
var $DisplayPreferences;
var $outlines;
var $flowingBlockAttr;
var $page; //current page number
var $n; //current object number
$this->useOddEven =& $this->mirrorMargins;
$this->useSubstitutionsMB =& $this->useSubstitutions;
$this->writingToC = false; // mPDF 5.6.38
$this->uniqstr = '20110230'; // mPDF 5.7.2
// mPDF 5.6.01
$this->layers = array();
$this->current_layer = 0;
$this->open_layer_pane = false;
//Initialization of properties
$this->smCapsStretch = 100;
$this->margBuffer = 0; // mPDF 5.4.04
$this->inMeter = false; // mPDF 5.5.09
$this->decimal_offset = 0;
$this->defTextColor = $this->TextColor = $this->SetTColor($this->ConvertColor(0),true);
$this->defDrawColor = $this->DrawColor = $this->SetDColor($this->ConvertColor(0),true);
$this->floatDivs = array();
$this->tablecascadeCSS = array();
$this->listcascadeCSS = array();
$this->patterns = array(); // Tiling patterns used for backgrounds
$this->pageBackgrounds = array();
$this->writingHTMLheader = false; // internal flag - used both for writing HTMLHeaders/Footers and FixedPos block
$this->baselineC = 0.35; // Baseline for text
// mPDF 5.7.3 inline text-decoration parameters
$this->baselineSup = 0.5; // Sets default change in baseline for <sup> text bas factor of preceeding fontsize
$this->baselineSub = -0.2; // Sets default change in baseline for <sub> text bas factor of preceeding fontsize
$this->baselineS = 0.3; // Sets default height for <strike> text as factor of fontsize
$this->noImageFile = str_replace("\\","/",dirname(__FILE__)) . '/includes/no_image.jpg';
$this->subPos = 0;
$this->forceExactLineheight = false;
$this->useRC128encryption = false;
$this->uniqid = '';
$this->cascadeCSS = array();
$this->bufferoutput = false;
$this->encrypted=false; //whether document is protected
$this->usingCoreFont = false;
$this->autoPageBreak = true;
require(_MPDF_PATH.'config.php'); // config data
$optcore = false;
$onlyCoreFonts = false;
if (preg_match('/([\-+])aCJK/i',$mode, $m)) {
$mode = preg_replace('/([\-+])aCJK/i','',$mode);
if ($m[1]=='+') { $this->useAdobeCJK = true; }
else { $this->useAdobeCJK = false; }
else { $this->useSubstitutions = false; }
/*-- HTML-CSS --*/
if (!class_exists('cssmgr', false)) { include(_MPDF_PATH .'classes/cssmgr.php'); }
$this->cssmgr = new cssmgr($this);
if (file_exists(_MPDF_PATH.'mpdf.css')) {
$css = file_get_contents(_MPDF_PATH.'mpdf.css');
$css2 = $this->ReadDefaultCSS($css);
$this->defaultCSS = $this->array_merge_recursive_unique($this->defaultCSS,$css2);
$css2 = $this->cssmgr->ReadDefaultCSS($css);
$this->defaultCSS = $this->cssmgr->array_merge_recursive_unique($this->defaultCSS,$css2);
/*-- END HTML-CSS --*/
$this->basepath = "";
$this->outlineparam = array();
$this->outline_on = false;
$this->textparam = array();
$this->specialcontent = '';
$this->selectoption = array();
case 'A1': {$format = array(1683.78,2383.94); break;}
case 'A2': {$format = array(1190.55,1683.78); break;}
case 'A3': {$format = array(841.89,1190.55); break;}
case 'A4': default: {$format = array(595.28,841.89); break;}
case 'A4': {$format = array(595.28,841.89); break;} // mPDF 5.7.4
case 'A5': {$format = array(419.53,595.28); break;}
case 'A6': {$format = array(297.64,419.53); break;}
case 'A7': {$format = array(209.76,297.64); break;}
case 'A': {$format=array(314.65,504.57 ); break;} // 'A' format paperback size 111x178mm
case 'DEMY': {$format=array(382.68,612.28 ); break;} // 'Demy' format paperback size 135x216mm
case 'ROYAL': {$format=array(433.70,663.30 ); break;} // 'Royal' format paperback size 153x234mm
default: $format = false;
default: {$format = array(595.28,841.89); break;} // mPDF 5.7.4
return $format;
$alpha = 1;
$a = array('BM'=>'/'.$bm);
if ($mode=='F' || $mode='B') $a['ca'] = $alpha;
if ($mode=='S' || $mode='B') $a['CA'] = $alpha;
if ($mode=='F' || $mode=='B') $a['ca'] = $alpha; // mPDF 5.7.2
if ($mode=='S' || $mode=='B') $a['CA'] = $alpha; // mPDF 5.7.2
$gs = $this->AddExtGState($a);
if ($return) { return sprintf('/GS%d gs', $gs); }
else { $this->_out(sprintf('/GS%d gs', $gs)); }
if($this->visibility!='visible') {
$this->hasOC = true;
$this->hasOC=intval($this->hasOC ); // mPDF 5.6.01
if($v=='printonly') {
$this->_out('/OC /OC1 BDC');
$this->hasOC=($this->hasOC | 1); // mPDF 5.6.01
elseif($v=='screenonly') {
$this->_out('/OC /OC2 BDC');
$this->hasOC=($this->hasOC | 2); // mPDF 5.6.01
elseif($v=='hidden') {
$this->_out('/OC /OC3 BDC');
$this->hasOC=($this->hasOC | 4); // mPDF 5.6.01
$this->Error('Incorrect visibility: '.$v);
$s .= $this->PrintBodyBackgrounds();
$s .= $this->PrintPageBackgrounds();
$this->pages[$this->page] = preg_replace('/(___BACKGROUND___PATTERNS'.date('jY').')/', "\n".$s."\n".'\\1', $this->pages[$this->page]);
$this->pages[$this->page] = preg_replace('/(___BACKGROUND___PATTERNS'.$this->uniqstr.')/', "\n".$s."\n".'\\1', $this->pages[$this->page]);
$this->pageBackgrounds = array();
// mPDF 5.6.01 - LAYERS
if (!$this->tocontents || !$this->tocontents->TOCmark) { //Page footer
function _resizeBackgroundImage($imw, $imh, $cw, $ch, $resize=0, $repx, $repy) {
function _resizeBackgroundImage($imw, $imh, $cw, $ch, $resize=0, $repx, $repy, $pba=array(), $size=array()) { // mPDF 5.6.10
// pba is background positioning area (from CSS background-origin) may not always be set [x,y,w,h]
// size is from CSS3 background-size - takes precendence over old resize
// $w - absolute length or % or auto or cover | contain
// $h - absolute length or % or auto or cover | contain
// mPDF 5.6.10
if (isset($pba['w'])) $cw = $pba['w'];
if (isset($pba['h'])) $ch = $pba['h'];
$cw = $cw*_MPDFK;
$ch = $ch*_MPDFK;
if (!$resize) { return array($imw, $imh, $repx, $repy); }
if ($resize==1 && $imw > $cw) {
if (empty($size) && !$resize) { return array($imw, $imh, $repx, $repy); }
// mPDF 5.6.10
if (isset($size['w']) && $size['w']) {
if ($size['w']=='contain') {
// Scale the image, while preserving its intrinsic aspect ratio (if any), to the largest size such that both its width and its height can fit inside the background positioning area.
// Same as resize==3
$h = $imh * $cw/$imw;
$w = $cw;
if ($h > $ch) {
$w = $w * $ch/$h;
$h = $ch;
else if ($size['w']=='cover') {
// Scale the image, while preserving its intrinsic aspect ratio (if any), to the smallest size such that both its width and its height can completely cover the background positioning area.
$h = $imh * $cw/$imw;
$w = $cw;
if ($h < $ch) {
$w = $w * $h/$ch;
$h = $ch;
else {
if (stristr($size['w'] ,'%')) {
$size['w'] += 0;
$size['w'] /= 100;
$size['w'] = ($cw * $size['w']);
if (stristr($size['h'] ,'%')) {
$size['h'] += 0;
$size['h'] /= 100;
$size['h'] = ($ch * $size['h']);
if ($size['w']=='auto' && $size['h']=='auto') {
$w = $imw;
$h = $imh;
else if ($size['w']=='auto' && $size['h']!='auto') {
$w = $imw * $size['h']/$imh;
$h = $size['h'];
else if ($size['w']!='auto' && $size['h']=='auto') {
$h = $imh * $size['w']/$imw;
$w = $size['w'];
else {
$w = $size['w'];
$h = $size['h'];
return array($w, $h, $repx, $repy);
else if ($resize==1 && $imw > $cw) {
$h = $imh * $cw/$imw;
$repx = false;
return array($cw, $h, $repx, $repy);
else if ($resize==2 && $imh > $ch) {
$w = $imw * $ch/$imh;
$repy = false;
return array($w, $ch, $repx, $repy);
else if ($resize==3) {
$w = $imw;
$h = $imh;
$saverepx = $repx;
if ($w > $cw) {
$h = $h * $cw/$w;
$w = $cw;
$repx = false;
if ($h > $ch) {
$w = $w * $ch/$h;
$h = $ch;
$repy = false;
$repx = $saverepx;
return array($w, $h, $repx, $repy);
else if ($resize==4) {
$h = $imh * $cw/$imw;
$repx = false;
return array($cw, $h, $repx, $repy);
else if ($resize==5) {
$w = $imw * $ch/$imh;
$repy = false;
return array($w, $ch, $repx, $repy);
else if ($resize==6) {
$repx = false;
$repy = false;
return array($cw, $ch, $repx, $repy);
return array($imw, $imh, $repx, $repy);
function SetBackground(&$properties, &$maxwidth) {
// mPDF 5.6.10 5.6.11
if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-ORIGIN']) && ($properties['BACKGROUND-ORIGIN']=='border-box' || $properties['BACKGROUND-ORIGIN']== 'content-box')) { $origin = $properties['BACKGROUND-ORIGIN']; }
else { $origin = 'padding-box'; }
// mPDF 5.6.10
if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-SIZE'])) {
if (stristr($properties['BACKGROUND-SIZE'] ,'contain') ) { $bsw = $bsh = 'contain'; }
else if (stristr($properties['BACKGROUND-SIZE'] ,'cover') ) { $bsw = $bsh = 'cover'; }
else {
$bsw = $bsh = 'auto';
$sz = preg_split('/\s+/',trim($properties['BACKGROUND-SIZE']));
if (count($sz)==2) { $bsw = $sz[0]; $bsh = $sz[1]; }
else { $bsw = $sz[0]; }
if (!stristr($bsw ,'%') && !stristr($bsw ,'auto') ) { $bsw = $this->ConvertSize($bsw ,$maxwidth,$this->FontSize); }
if (!stristr($bsh ,'%') && !stristr($bsh ,'auto') ) { $bsh = $this->ConvertSize($bsh ,$maxwidth,$this->FontSize); }
$size = array('w'=>$bsw, 'h'=>$bsh);
if (preg_match('/(-moz-)*(repeating-)*(linear|radial)-gradient/',$properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE'])) {
return array('gradient'=>$properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE']);
return array('gradient'=>$properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE'], 'origin'=>$origin, 'size'=>$size ); // mPDF 5.6.10
else {
$file = $properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE'];
else { $resize = 0; }
if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE-OPACITY'])) { $opacity = $properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE-OPACITY']; }
else { $opacity = 1; }
return array('image_id'=>$image_id, 'orig_w'=>$orig_w, 'orig_h'=>$orig_h, 'x_pos'=>$x_pos, 'y_pos'=>$y_pos, 'x_repeat'=>$x_repeat, 'y_repeat'=>$y_repeat, 'resize'=>$resize, 'opacity'=>$opacity, 'itype'=>$sizesarray['itype']);
return array('image_id'=>$image_id, 'orig_w'=>$orig_w, 'orig_h'=>$orig_h, 'x_pos'=>$x_pos, 'y_pos'=>$y_pos, 'x_repeat'=>$x_repeat, 'y_repeat'=>$y_repeat, 'resize'=>$resize, 'opacity'=>$opacity, 'itype'=>$sizesarray['itype'], 'origin'=>$origin, 'size'=>$size );
return false;
foreach($this->pageBackgrounds AS $bl=>$pbs) {
foreach ($pbs AS $pb) {
if ((!isset($pb['image_id']) && !isset($pb['gradient'])) || isset($pb['shadowonly'])) { // Background colour or boxshadow
// mPDF 5.6.01 - LAYERS
if($pb['z-index']>0) {
$this->current_layer = $pb['z-index'];
$s .= "\n".'/OCBZ-index /ZI'.$pb['z-index'].' BDC'."\n";
if($pb['visibility']!='visible') {
$s .= '/OC /OC1 BDC'."\n";
if (isset($pb['clippath']) && $pb['clippath']) { $s .= 'Q'."\n"; }
$s .= 'EMC'."\n";
// mPDF 5.6.01 - LAYERS
if($pb['z-index']>0) {
$s .= "\n".'EMCBZ-index'."\n";
$this->current_layer = 0;
foreach ($pbs AS $pb) {
if($pb['visibility']!='visible') {
// mPDF 5.6.01 - LAYERS
if ((isset($pb['gradient']) && $pb['gradient']) || (isset($pb['image_id']) && $pb['image_id'])) {
if($pb['z-index']>0) {
$this->current_layer = $pb['z-index'];
$s .= "\n".'/OCGZ-index /ZI'.$pb['z-index'].' BDC'."\n";
if($pb['visibility']!='visible') {
$s .= '/OC /OC1 BDC'."\n";
else if($pb['visibility']=='screenonly')
$s .= '/OC /OC2 BDC'."\n";
else if($pb['visibility']=='hidden')
$s .= '/OC /OC3 BDC'."\n";
if (isset($pb['gradient']) && $pb['gradient']) {
if (isset($pb['gradient']) && $pb['gradient']) {
if (isset($pb['clippath']) && $pb['clippath']) { $s .= $pb['clippath']."\n"; }
$s .= $this->grad->Gradient($pb['x'], $pb['y'], $pb['w'], $pb['h'], $pb['gradtype'], $pb['stops'], $pb['colorspace'], $pb['coords'], $pb['extend'], true);
if (isset($pb['clippath']) && $pb['clippath']) { $s .= 'Q'."\n"; }
else if (isset($pb['image_id']) && $pb['image_id']) { // Background pattern
else if (isset($pb['image_id']) && $pb['image_id']) { // Background Image
$pb['y'] -= $adjustmenty;
$pb['h'] += $adjustmenty;
$n = count($this->patterns)+1;
list($orig_w, $orig_h, $x_repeat, $y_repeat) = $this->_resizeBackgroundImage($pb['orig_w'], $pb['orig_h'], $pb['w'], $pb['h'], $pb['resize'], $pb['x_repeat'], $pb['y_repeat']);
$this->patterns[$n] = array('x'=>$pb['x'], 'y'=>$pb['y'], 'w'=>$pb['w'], 'h'=>$pb['h'], 'pgh'=>$this->h, 'image_id'=>$pb['image_id'], 'orig_w'=>$orig_w, 'orig_h'=>$orig_h, 'x_pos'=>$pb['x_pos'], 'y_pos'=>$pb['y_pos'], 'x_repeat'=>$x_repeat, 'y_repeat'=>$y_repeat, 'itype'=>$pb['itype']);
list($orig_w, $orig_h, $x_repeat, $y_repeat) = $this->_resizeBackgroundImage($pb['orig_w'], $pb['orig_h'], $pb['w'], $pb['h'], $pb['resize'], $pb['x_repeat'], $pb['y_repeat'], $pb['bpa'], $pb['size']); // mPDF 5.6.10
$this->patterns[$n] = array('x'=>$pb['x'], 'y'=>$pb['y'], 'w'=>$pb['w'], 'h'=>$pb['h'], 'pgh'=>$this->h, 'image_id'=>$pb['image_id'], 'orig_w'=>$orig_w, 'orig_h'=>$orig_h, 'x_pos'=>$pb['x_pos'], 'y_pos'=>$pb['y_pos'], 'x_repeat'=>$x_repeat, 'y_repeat'=>$y_repeat, 'itype'=>$pb['itype'], 'bpa'=>$pb['bpa']); // mPDF 5.6.10
$x = $pb['x']*_MPDFK;
$y = ($this->h - $pb['y'])*_MPDFK;
$w = $pb['w']*_MPDFK;
$h = -$pb['h']*_MPDFK;
if (isset($pb['clippath']) && $pb['clippath']) { $s .= $pb['clippath']."\n"; }
if ($this->writingHTMLfooter || $this->writingHTMLheader) {
if ($this->writingHTMLfooter || $this->writingHTMLheader) { // Write each (tiles) image rather than use as a pattern
$iw = $pb['orig_w']/_MPDFK;
$ih = $pb['orig_h']/_MPDFK;
$w = $pb['w'];
$h = $pb['h'];
$x0 = $pb['x'];
$y0 = $pb['y'];
// mPDF 5.6.11
if (isset($pb['bpa']) && $pb['bpa']) {
$w = $pb['bpa']['w'];
$h = $pb['bpa']['h'];
$x0 = $pb['bpa']['x'];
$y0 = $pb['bpa']['y'];
// mPDF 5.6.11
if (isset($pb['size']['w']) && $pb['size']['w']) {
$size = $pb['size'];
if ($size['w']=='contain') {
// Scale the image, while preserving its intrinsic aspect ratio (if any), to the largest size such that both its width and its height can fit inside the background positioning area.
// Same as resize==3
$ih = $ih * $pb['bpa']['w']/$iw;
$iw = $pb['bpa']['w'];
if ($ih > $pb['bpa']['h']) {
$iw = $iw * $pb['bpa']['h']/$ih;
$ih = $pb['bpa']['h'];
else if ($size['w']=='cover') {
// Scale the image, while preserving its intrinsic aspect ratio (if any), to the smallest size such that both its width and its height can completely cover the background positioning area.
$ih = $ih * $pb['bpa']['w']/$iw;
$iw = $pb['bpa']['w'];
if ($ih < $pb['bpa']['h']) {
$iw = $iw * $ih/$pb['bpa']['h'];
$ih = $pb['bpa']['h'];
else {
if (stristr($size['w'] ,'%')) {
$size['w'] += 0;
$size['w'] /= 100;
$size['w'] = ($pb['bpa']['w'] * $size['w']);
if (stristr($size['h'] ,'%')) {
$size['h'] += 0;
$size['h'] /= 100;
$size['h'] = ($pb['bpa']['h'] * $size['h']);
if ($size['w']=='auto' && $size['h']=='auto') {
$iw = $iw;
$ih = $ih;
else if ($size['w']=='auto' && $size['h']!='auto') {
$iw = $iw * $size['h']/$ih;
$ih = $size['h'];
else if ($size['w']!='auto' && $size['h']=='auto') {
$ih = $ih * $size['w']/$iw;
$iw = $size['w'];
else {
$iw = $size['w'];
$ih = $size['h'];
// Number to repeat
if ($pb['x_repeat']) { $nx = ceil($w/$iw); }
if ($pb['x_repeat']) { $nx = ceil($pb['w']/$iw)+1; } // mPDF 5.6.11
else { $nx = 1; }
if ($pb['y_repeat']) { $ny = ceil($h/$ih); }
if ($pb['y_repeat']) { $ny = ceil($pb['h']/$ih)+1; } // mPDF 5.6.11
else { $ny = 1; }
$x_pos = $pb['x_pos'];
if (stristr($x_pos ,'%') ) {
$x_pos += 0;
$x_pos /= 100;
$x_pos = ($w * $x_pos) - ($iw * $x_pos);
$x_pos = ($pb['bpa']['w'] * $x_pos) - ($iw * $x_pos); // mPDF 5.6.11
$y_pos = $pb['y_pos'];
if (stristr($y_pos ,'%') ) {
$y_pos += 0;
$y_pos /= 100;
$y_pos = ($h * $y_pos) - ($ih * $y_pos);
$y_pos = ($pb['bpa']['h'] * $y_pos) - ($ih * $y_pos); // mPDF 5.6.11
if ($nx>1) {
while($x_pos>0) { $x_pos -= $iw; }
while($x_pos>($pb['x']-$pb['bpa']['x'])) { $x_pos -= $iw; } // mPDF 5.6.11
if ($ny>1) {
while($y_pos>0) { $y_pos -= $ih; }
while($y_pos>($pb['y']-$pb['bpa']['y'])) { $y_pos -= $ih; } // mPDF 5.6.11
for($xi=0;$xi<$nx;$xi++) {
for($yi=0;$yi<$ny;$yi++) {
if (isset($pb['clippath']) && $pb['clippath']) { $s .= 'Q'."\n"; }
$s .= 'EMC'."\n";
if ((isset($pb['gradient']) && $pb['gradient']) || (isset($pb['image_id']) && $pb['image_id'])) {
$s .= 'EMC'."\n";
// mPDF 5.6.01 - LAYERS
if($pb['z-index']>0) {
$s .= "\n".'EMCGZ-index'."\n";
$this->current_layer = 0;
$w = $pb['w']*_MPDFK;
$h = -$pb['h']*_MPDFK;
if (isset($pb['clippath']) && $pb['clippath']) { $s .= $pb['clippath']."\n"; }
if ($pb['opacity']>0 && $pb['opacity']<1) { $opac = $this->SetAlpha($pb['opacity'],'Normal',true); }
else { $opac = ''; }
$s .= sprintf('q /Pattern cs /P%d scn %s %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q', $n, $opac, $x, $y, $w, $h) ."\n";
// mPDF 5.7.3
if (($this->writingHTMLfooter || $this->writingHTMLheader) && (!isset($pb['clippath']) || $pb['clippath']=='') ) {
// Set clipping path
$pb['clippath'] = sprintf(' q 0 w %.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l %.3F %.3F l %.3F %.3F l %.3F %.3F l W n ', $x, $y, $x, $y+$h, $x+$w, $y+$h, $x+$w, $y, $x, $y);
if (isset($pb['clippath']) && $pb['clippath']) { $s .= $pb['clippath']."\n"; }
// mPDF 5.7.3
if ($this->writingHTMLfooter || $this->writingHTMLheader) { // Write each (tiles) image rather than use as a pattern
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$ih = $pb['orig_h']/_MPDFK;
$w = $pb['w'];
$h = $pb['h'];
$x0 = $pb['x'];
$y0 = $pb['y'];
if (isset($pb['bpa']) && $pb['bpa']) {
$w = $pb['bpa']['w'];
$h = $pb['bpa']['h'];
$x0 = $pb['bpa']['x'];
$y0 = $pb['bpa']['y'];
if (isset($pb['size']['w']) && $pb['size']['w']) {
$size = $pb['size'];
if ($size['w']=='contain') {
// Scale the image, while preserving its intrinsic aspect ratio (if any), to the largest size such that both its width and its height can fit inside the background positioning area.
// Same as resize==3
$ih = $ih * $pb['bpa']['w']/$iw;
$iw = $pb['bpa']['w'];
if ($ih > $pb['bpa']['h']) {
$iw = $iw * $pb['bpa']['h']/$ih;
$ih = $pb['bpa']['h'];
else if ($size['w']=='cover') {
// Scale the image, while preserving its intrinsic aspect ratio (if any), to the smallest size such that both its width and its height can completely cover the background positioning area.
$ih = $ih * $pb['bpa']['w']/$iw;
$iw = $pb['bpa']['w'];
if ($ih < $pb['bpa']['h']) {
$iw = $iw * $ih/$pb['bpa']['h'];
$ih = $pb['bpa']['h'];
else {
if (stristr($size['w'] ,'%')) {
$size['w'] += 0;
$size['w'] /= 100;
$size['w'] = ($pb['bpa']['w'] * $size['w']);
if (stristr($size['h'] ,'%')) {
$size['h'] += 0;
$size['h'] /= 100;
$size['h'] = ($pb['bpa']['h'] * $size['h']);
if ($size['w']=='auto' && $size['h']=='auto') {
$iw = $iw;
$ih = $ih;
else if ($size['w']=='auto' && $size['h']!='auto') {
$iw = $iw * $size['h']/$ih;
$ih = $size['h'];
else if ($size['w']!='auto' && $size['h']=='auto') {
$ih = $ih * $size['w']/$iw;
$iw = $size['w'];
else {
$iw = $size['w'];
$ih = $size['h'];
// Number to repeat
if ($pb['x_repeat']) { $nx = ceil($pb['w']/$iw)+1; }
else { $nx = 1; }
if ($pb['y_repeat']) { $ny = ceil($pb['h']/$ih)+1; }
else { $ny = 1; }
$x_pos = $pb['x_pos'];
if (stristr($x_pos ,'%') ) {
$x_pos += 0;
$x_pos /= 100;
$x_pos = ($pb['bpa']['w'] * $x_pos) - ($iw * $x_pos);
$y_pos = $pb['y_pos'];
if (stristr($y_pos ,'%') ) {
$y_pos += 0;
$y_pos /= 100;
$y_pos = ($pb['bpa']['h'] * $y_pos) - ($ih * $y_pos);
if ($nx>1) {
while($x_pos>($pb['x']-$pb['bpa']['x'])) { $x_pos -= $iw; }
if ($ny>1) {
while($y_pos>($pb['y']-$pb['bpa']['y'])) { $y_pos -= $ih; }
for($xi=0;$xi<$nx;$xi++) {
for($yi=0;$yi<$ny;$yi++) {
$x = $x0 + $x_pos + ($iw*$xi);
$y = $y0 + $y_pos + ($ih*$yi);
if ($pb['opacity']>0 && $pb['opacity']<1) { $opac = $this->SetAlpha($pb['opacity'],'Normal',true); }
else { $opac = ''; }
$s .= sprintf("q %s %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /I%d Do Q", $opac,$iw*_MPDFK,$ih*_MPDFK,$x*_MPDFK,($this->h-($y+$ih))*_MPDFK,$pb['image_id']) ."\n";
else {
if (($pb['opacity']>0 || $pb['opacity']==='0') && $pb['opacity']<1) { $opac = $this->SetAlpha($pb['opacity'],'Normal',true); }
else { $opac = ''; }
$s .= sprintf('q /Pattern cs /P%d scn %s %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q', $n, $opac, $x, $y, $w, $h) ."\n";
if (isset($pb['clippath']) && $pb['clippath']) { $s .= 'Q'."\n"; }
return $s;
// mPDF 5.6.01 - LAYERS
function BeginLayer($id) {
if($this->current_layer>0) $this->EndLayer();
if ($id < 1) { return false; }
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$this->layers[$id] = array('name'=>'Layer '.($id) );
if (($this->PDFA || $this->PDFX)) { $this->PDFAXwarnings[] = "Cannot use layers when using PDFA or PDFX"; return ''; }
else if (!$this->PDFA && !$this->PDFX) { $this->pdf_version='1.5'; }
$this->current_layer = $id;
$this->_out('/OCZ-index /ZI'.$id.' BDC');
$this->pageoutput[$this->page] = array();
function EndLayer() {
if($this->current_layer>0) {
$this->current_layer = 0;
// Depracated - can use AddPage for all
function AddPages($orientation='',$condition='', $resetpagenum='', $pagenumstyle='', $suppress='',$mgl='',$mgr='',$mgt='',$mgb='',$mgh='',$mgf='',$ohname='',$ehname='',$ofname='',$efname='',$ohvalue=0,$ehvalue=0,$ofvalue=0,$efvalue=0,$pagesel='',$newformat='')
function AddPage($orientation='',$condition='', $resetpagenum='', $pagenumstyle='', $suppress='',$mgl='',$mgr='',$mgt='',$mgb='',$mgh='',$mgf='',$ohname='',$ehname='',$ofname='',$efname='',$ohvalue=0,$ehvalue=0,$ofvalue=0,$efvalue=0,$pagesel='',$newformat='')
/*-- CSS-FLOAT --*/
$s = $this->PrintPageBackgrounds();
// Writes after the marker so not overwritten later by page background etc.
$this->pages[$this->page] = preg_replace('/(___BACKGROUND___PATTERNS'.date('jY').')/', '\\1'."\n".$s."\n", $this->pages[$this->page]);
$this->pages[$this->page] = preg_replace('/(___BACKGROUND___PATTERNS'.$this->uniqstr.')/', '\\1'."\n".$s."\n", $this->pages[$this->page]);
$this->pageBackgrounds = array();
$style=$this->FontStyle.($this->U ? 'U' : '').($this->S ? 'S' : '');
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$save_kwt = $this->kwt;
$this->kwt = 0;
// mPDF 5.6.01 - LAYERS
$save_layer = $this->current_layer;
$save_vis = $this->visibility;
// mPDF 5.6.01 - LAYERS
// Paint Div Border if necessary
else { $toplvl = $this->blklvl-1; }
$sy = $this->y;
for ($bl=1;$bl<=$toplvl;$bl++) {
// mPDF 5.6.01 - LAYERS
if ($this->blk[$bl]['z-index']>0) {
if (isset($this->blk[$bl]['visibility']) && $this->blk[$bl]['visibility'] && $this->blk[$bl]['visibility']!='visible') {
$this->y = $sy;
// RESET block y0 and x0 - see below
// mPDF 5.6.01 - LAYERS
// BODY Backgrounds
if ($this->page > 0) {
$s = '';
$s .= $this->PrintBodyBackgrounds();
$s .= $this->PrintPageBackgrounds();
$this->pages[$this->page] = preg_replace('/(___BACKGROUND___PATTERNS'.date('jY').')/', "\n".$s."\n".'\\1', $this->pages[$this->page]);
$this->pages[$this->page] = preg_replace('/(___BACKGROUND___PATTERNS'.$this->uniqstr.')/', "\n".$s."\n".'\\1', $this->pages[$this->page]);
$this->pageBackgrounds = array();
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/
$save_vis = $this->visibility;
$style=$this->FontStyle.($this->U ? 'U' : '').($this->S ? 'S' : '');
// Tiling Patterns
$this->pageBackgrounds = array();
//Set line cap style to square
// mPDF 5.6.01 - LAYERS
if ($save_layer>0)
$oldcolumn = $this->CurrCol;
// Automatic page break
// Allows PAGE-BREAK-AFTER = avoid to work
if (!$this->tableLevel && (($this->y+$this->divheight>$this->PageBreakTrigger) || ($this->y+$h>$this->PageBreakTrigger) ||
($this->y+($h*2)>$this->PageBreakTrigger && $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['page_break_after_avoid'])) and !$this->InFooter and $this->AcceptPageBreak()) {
($this->y+($h*2)+$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_bottom']+$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_bottom']>$this->PageBreakTrigger && $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['page_break_after_avoid'])) and !$this->InFooter and $this->AcceptPageBreak()) { // mPDF 5.7.2
$x=$this->x;//Current X position
//Calculate baseline Superscript and Subscript Y coordinate adjustment
$bfx = $this->baselineC;
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if($this->SUP) { $baseline += ($bfx-1.05)*$this->FontSize; }
else if($this->SUB) { $baseline += ($bfx + 0.04)*$this->FontSize; }
// mPDF 5.7.3 inline text-decoration parameters
if($this->SUP) { $baseline -= $this->textparam['text-baseline']; } // mPDF 5.7.1
else if($this->SUB) { $baseline -= $this->textparam['text-baseline']; } // mPDF 5.7.1
else if($this->bullet) { $baseline += ($bfx-0.7)*$this->FontSize; }
// Vertical align (for Images)
if($this->ColorFlag) $s .='q '.$this->TextColor.' ';
if($this->outline_on && !$this->S) {
if($this->textparam['outline-s'] && !$this->S) { // mPDF 5.6.07
$s .=' '.sprintf('%.3F w',$this->LineWidth*_MPDFK).' ';
$s .=" $this->DrawColor ";
$s .=" 2 Tr ";
$tc = strtoupper($this->TextColor); // change 0 0 0 rg to 0 0 0 RG
if($this->FillColor!=$tc) { $s .= ' '.$tc.' '; } // stroke (outline) = same colour as text(fill)
else { $s .=" 0 Tr "; } // mPDF 5.6.07
if (strpos($this->ReqFontStyle,"I") !== false && strpos($this->FontStyle,"I") === false) { // Artificial italic
$aix = '1 0 0.261799 1 %.3F %.3F Tm ';
if($this->U) {
$c = strtoupper($this->TextColor); // change 0 0 0 rg to 0 0 0 RG
// mPDF 5.7.3 inline text-decoration parameters
$c = $this->textparam['u-decoration']['color'];
if($this->FillColor!=$c) { $sub .= ' '.$c.' '; }
if (isset($this->CurrentFont['up'])) { $up=$this->CurrentFont['up']; }
// mPDF 5.7.3 inline text-decoration parameters
$decorationfontkey = $this->textparam['u-decoration']['fontkey'];
$decorationfontsize = $this->textparam['u-decoration']['fontsize'];
if (isset($this->fonts[$decorationfontkey]['up'])) { $up=$this->fonts[$decorationfontkey]['up']; }
else { $up = -100; }
$adjusty = (-$up/1000* $this->FontSize);
if (isset($this->CurrentFont['ut'])) { $ut=$this->CurrentFont['ut']/1000* $this->FontSize; }
else { $ut = 60/1000* $this->FontSize; }
$adjusty = (-$up/1000* $decorationfontsize);
if (isset($this->fonts[$decorationfontkey]['ut'])) { $ut=$this->fonts[$decorationfontkey]['ut']/1000* $decorationfontsize; }
else { $ut = 60/1000* $decorationfontsize; }
$ubaseline = $this->baselineC*$bfs - $this->textparam['u-decoration']['baseline'];
$olw = $this->LineWidth;
$sub .=' '.(sprintf(' %.3F w 0 j 0 J ',$ut*_MPDFK));
$sub .=' '.$this->_dounderline($this->x+$dx,$this->y+$baseline+$va+$adjusty,$txt);
$sub .=' '.$this->_dounderline($this->x+$dx,$this->y+$ubaseline+$va+$adjusty,$txt,$OTLdata,$textvar);
$sub .=' '.(sprintf(' %.3F w 2 j 2 J ',$olw*_MPDFK));
if($this->FillColor!=$c) { $sub .= ' '.$this->FillColor.' '; }
if($this->strike) {
$c = strtoupper($this->TextColor); // change 0 0 0 rg to 0 0 0 RG
// mPDF 5.7.3 inline text-decoration parameters
$c = $this->textparam['s-decoration']['color'];
if($this->FillColor!=$c) { $sub .= ' '.$c.' '; }
//Superscript and Subscript Y coordinate adjustment (now for striked-through texts)
if (isset($this->CurrentFont['desc']['CapHeight'])) { $ch=$this->CurrentFont['desc']['CapHeight']; }
// mPDF 5.7.3 inline text-decoration parameters
$decorationfontkey = $this->textparam['s-decoration']['fontkey'];
$decorationfontsize = $this->textparam['s-decoration']['fontsize'];
//Superscript and Subscript Y coordinate adjustment (now for striked-through texts)
if (isset($this->fonts[$decorationfontkey]['desc']['CapHeight'])) { $ch=$this->fonts[$decorationfontkey]['desc']['CapHeight']; }
else { $ch = 700; }
$adjusty = (-$ch/1000* $this->FontSize) * 0.35;
if (isset($this->CurrentFont['ut'])) { $ut=$this->CurrentFont['ut']/1000* $this->FontSize; }
else { $ut = 60/1000* $this->FontSize; }
$adjusty = (-$ch/1000* $decorationfontsize) * $this->baselineS;
if (isset($this->fonts[$decorationfontkey]['ut'])) { $ut=$this->fonts[$decorationfontkey]['ut']/1000* $decorationfontsize; }
else { $ut = 60/1000* $decorationfontsize; }
$sbaseline = $this->baselineC*$bfs - $this->textparam['s-decoration']['baseline'];
$olw = $this->LineWidth;
$sub .=' '.(sprintf(' %.3F w 0 j 0 J ',$ut*_MPDFK));
$sub .=' '.$this->_dounderline($this->x+$dx,$this->y+$baseline+$va+$adjusty,$txt);
$sub .=' '.$this->_dounderline($this->x+$dx,$this->y+$sbaseline+$va+$adjusty,$txt,$OTLdata,$textvar);
$sub .=' '.(sprintf(' %.3F w 2 j 2 J ',$olw*_MPDFK));
if($this->FillColor!=$c) { $sub .= ' '.$this->FillColor.' '; }
if (!$this->usingCoreFont) {
if ($this->biDirectional) { $checkCursive=true; } // *RTL*
if ($this->biDirectional) { $checkCursive=true; }
else if (isset($this->CurrentFont['indic']) && $this->CurrentFont['indic']) { $checkCursive=true; } // *INDIC*
while($i<$nb) {
//Get next character
$saved[ 'SUB' ] = $this->SUB;
$saved[ 'linewidth' ] = $this->LineWidth;
$saved[ 'drawcolor' ] = $this->DrawColor;
$saved[ 'is_outline' ] = $this->outline_on;
$saved[ 'outlineparam' ] = $this->outlineparam;
$saved[ 'textparam' ] = $this->textparam;
$saved[ 'toupper' ] = $this->toupper;
$saved[ 'tolower' ] = $this->tolower;
$saved[ 'capitalize' ] = $this->capitalize;
$saved[ 'border' ] = $this->spanborddet;
$saved[ 'color' ] = $this->TextColor;
$saved[ 'bgcolor' ] = $this->FillColor;
$saved['lang'] = $this->currentLang;
$saved['display_off'] = $this->inlineDisplayOff;
$saved[ 'lang' ] = $this->currentLang;
$saved[ 'display_off' ] = $this->inlineDisplayOff;
return $saved;
$this->SUB = $saved[ 'SUB' ];
$this->LineWidth = $saved[ 'linewidth' ];
$this->DrawColor = $saved[ 'drawcolor' ];
$this->outline_on = $saved[ 'is_outline' ];
$this->outlineparam = $saved[ 'outlineparam' ];
$this->textparam = $saved[ 'textparam' ];
$this->inlineDisplayOff = $saved['display_off'];
$this->toupper = $saved[ 'toupper' ];
$saved[ 'SUB' ] = $this->SUB;
$saved[ 'linewidth' ] = $this->LineWidth;
$saved[ 'drawcolor' ] = $this->DrawColor;
$saved[ 'is_outline' ] = $this->outline_on;
$saved[ 'outlineparam' ] = $this->outlineparam;
$saved[ 'textparam' ] = $this->textparam;
$saved[ 'ReqFontStyle' ] = $this->ReqFontStyle;
$saved[ 'fontkerning' ] = $this->kerning;
$saved[ 'fixedlSpacing' ] = $this->fixedlSpacing;
$this->SUB = $saved[ 'SUB' ];
$this->LineWidth = $saved[ 'linewidth' ];
$this->DrawColor = $saved[ 'drawcolor' ];
$this->outline_on = $saved[ 'is_outline' ];
$this->outlineparam = $saved[ 'outlineparam' ];
$this->textparam = $saved[ 'textparam' ];
if ($write) {
$this->SetFont($saved[ 'family' ],$saved[ 'style' ].($this->U ? 'U' : '').($this->S ? 'S' : ''),$saved[ 'sizePt' ],true,true); // force output
$fontout = (sprintf('BT /F%d %.3F Tf ET', $this->CurrentFont['i'], $this->FontSizePt));
$fill = 0;
$hanger = ''; // mPDF 5.6.40
// Always right trim!
// Right trim content and adjust width if need to justify (later)
if (isset($content[count($content)-1]) && preg_match('/[ ]+$/',$content[count($content)-1], $m)) {
$mba = max($mba, $oh);
// mPDF 5.7.3 inline text-decoration parameters
else if (!$is_table && isset($font[$k]['textparam']['text-baseline'])) {
if ($font[$k]['textparam']['text-baseline'] > 0) { // superscript
$nh = ($maxfontsize * $this->baselineC) + $font[$k]['textparam']['text-baseline'] + ($font[$k]['size'] * (1-$this->baselineC));
if ($lhfixed && $nh > $def_fontsize) { $this->forceExactLineheight = false; }
$af = max($af, ($nh-$maxfontsize));
else if ($font[$k]['textparam']['text-baseline'] < 0) { // subscript
$nh = ($maxfontsize * (1-$this->baselineC)) - $font[$k]['textparam']['text-baseline'] + ($font[$k]['size'] * $this->baselineC);
if ($lhfixed && $nh > $def_fontsize) { $this->forceExactLineheight = false; }
$bf = max($bf, ($nh-$maxfontsize));
if ((!$lhfixed || !$this->forceExactLineheight) && ($af > (($maxlineHeight - $maxfontsize)/2) || $bf > (($maxlineHeight - $maxfontsize)/2))) {
$maxlineHeight = $maxfontsize + $af + $bf;
if ($newblock && ($blockstate==1 || $blockstate==3) && $lineCount == 0 && !$is_table && !$is_list) {
$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['y0'] = $this->y;
$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['startpage'] = $this->page;
if ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float']) { $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float_start_y'] = $this->y; } // mPDF 5.6.63
if ($this->ColActive) { $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y; } // *COLUMNS*
// ADDED for Paragraph_indent
// Paragraph INDENT
$WidthCorrection = 0;
if (($newblock) && ($blockstate==1 || $blockstate==3) && isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['text_indent']) && ($lineCount == 0) && (!$is_table) && (!$is_list) && ($align != 'C')) {
$ti = $this->ConvertSize($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['text_indent'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
$ti = $this->ConvertSize($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['text_indent'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['InlineProperties']['size'],false);
$WidthCorrection = ($ti*_MPDFK);
if ($content) {
// In FinishFlowing Block no lines are justified as it is always last line
// but if orphansAllowed have allowed content width to go over max width, use J charspacing to compress line
// but if CJKorphan has allowed content width to go over max width, use J charspacing to compress line
$nb_carac = 0;
$nb_spaces = 0;
$jcharspacing = 0;
$jws = 0;
$dottab = false; // mPDF 5.6.19
foreach ( $content as $k => $chunk ) {
if (!isset($this->objectbuffer[$k]) || (isset($this->objectbuffer[$k]) && !$this->objectbuffer[$k])) {
if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
if (preg_match("/([".$this->pregHIchars.$this->pregBNchars.$this->pregPAchars."])/u", $chunk)) { $inclCursive = true; } // *INDIC*
else if ($this->objectbuffer[$k]['type']=='dottab') { $dottab = $this->objectbuffer[$k]['outdent']; } // mPDF 5.6.19
// if it's justified, we need to find the char/word spacing (or if orphans have allowed length of line to go over the maxwidth)
// If "orphans" in fact is just a final space - ignore this
if (((($contentWidth + $lastitalic) > $maxWidth) && ($content[count($content)-1] != ' ') ) ||
(!$endofblock && $align=='J' && ($next=='image' || $next=='select' || $next=='input' || $next=='textarea' || ($next=='br' && $this->justifyB4br)))
) {
// mPDF 5.6.40
$lastchar = mb_substr($content[(count($content)-1)],mb_strlen($content[(count($content)-1)], $this->mb_enc)-1, 1, $this->mb_enc);
if (preg_match("/[".$this->CJKoverflow."]/u", $lastchar)) { $CJKoverflow = true; }
else {$CJKoverflow = false; }
if ((((($contentWidth + $lastitalic) > $maxWidth) && ($content[count($content)-1] != ' ') ) ||
(!$endofblock && $align=='J' && ($next=='image' || $next=='select' || $next=='input' || $next=='textarea' || ($next=='br' && $this->justifyB4br)))) && !($CJKoverflow && $this->allowCJKoverflow) ) { // mPDF 5.6.40
list($jcharspacing,$jws) = $this->GetJspacing($nb_carac,$nb_spaces,($maxWidth-$lastitalic-$contentWidth-$WidthCorrection-(($this->cMarginL+$this->cMarginR)*_MPDFK)-($paddingL+$paddingR +(($fpaddingL + $fpaddingR) * _MPDFK) )),$inclCursive);
/*-- CJK-FONTS --*/
// mPDF 5.6.40
else if ($this->checkCJK && $align=='J' && $CJKoverflow && $this->allowCJKoverflow && $this->CJKforceend) {
// force-end overhang
$hanger = mb_substr($content[count($content)-1],mb_strlen($content[count($content)-1],$this->mb_enc)-1,1,$this->mb_enc );
if (preg_match("/[".$this->CJKoverflow."]/u", $hanger)) {
$content[count($content)-1] = mb_substr($content[count($content)-1],0,mb_strlen($content[count($content)-1],$this->mb_enc)-1,$this->mb_enc );
$this->restoreFont( $font[ count($content)-1 ],false );
$contentWidth -= $this->GetStringWidth($hanger) * _MPDFK;
$nb_carac -= 1;
list($jcharspacing,$jws) = $this->GetJspacing($nb_carac,$nb_spaces,($maxWidth-$lastitalic-$contentWidth-$WidthCorrection-(($this->cMarginL+$this->cMarginR)*_MPDFK)-($paddingL+$paddingR +(($fpaddingL + $fpaddingR) * _MPDFK) )),$inclCursive);
/*-- END CJK-FONTS --*/
// Check if will fit at word/char spacing of previous line - if so continue it
// but only allow a maximum of $this->jSmaxWordLast and $this->jSmaxCharLast
else if ($contentWidth < ($maxWidth - $lastitalic-$WidthCorrection - (($this->cMarginL+$this->cMarginR)* _MPDFK) - ($paddingL+$paddingR +(($fpaddingL + $fpaddingR) * _MPDFK))) && !$this->fixedlSpacing) {
/*-- END RTL --*/
$this->x = $currentx + $this->cMarginL + $ipaddingL + $fpaddingL;
if ($align == 'R') { $this->x += $empty; }
if ($dottab !== false && $blockdir=='rtl') { $this->x -= $dottab; } // mPDF 5.6.19
else if ($align == 'R') { $this->x += $empty; }
else if ($align == 'J' && $blockdir == 'rtl') { $this->x += $empty; }
else if ($align == 'C') { $this->x += ($empty / 2); }
// Paragraph INDENT
$WidthCorrection = 0;
if (($newblock) && ($blockstate==1 || $blockstate==3) && isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['text_indent']) && ($lineCount == 0) && (!$is_table) && (!$is_list) && ($align !='C')) {
$ti = $this->ConvertSize($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['text_indent'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
$ti = $this->ConvertSize($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['text_indent'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['InlineProperties']['size'],false);
$this->x += $ti;
if ((($blockdir == 'rtl') && ($contains_rtl )) || $all_rtl ) { $this->restoreFont( $font[ $arraysize-1 - $k ] ); }
else { $this->restoreFont( $font[ $k ] ); }
// mPDF 5.6.13 Decimal alignment - set in _tableWrite
if ($is_table && substr($align,0,1)=='D' && $k==0 ) {
$dp = $this->decimal_align[substr($align,0,2)];
$s = preg_split('/'.preg_quote($dp,'/').'/', $content[0], 2); // ? needs to be /u if not core
$s0 = $this->GetStringWidth($s[0], false);
$this->x += ($this->decimal_offset - $s0);
$this->fixedlSpacing = false;
$this->minwSpacing = 0;
// mPDF 5.6.26
$save_vis = $this->visibility;
if (isset($this->textparam['visibility']) && $this->textparam['visibility'] && $this->textparam['visibility'] != $this->visibility) {
// *********** SPAN BACKGROUND COLOR ***************** //
if (isset($this->spanbgcolor) && $this->spanbgcolor) {
$cor = $this->spanbgcolorarray;
if (isset($this->objectbuffer[$dirk])) {
if ($this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['type']=='dottab') {
$this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['OUTER-WIDTH'] +=$empty;
$this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['OUTER-WIDTH'] +=$this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['outdent']; // mPDF 5.6.19
$stringWidth = $this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['OUTER-WIDTH'];
if ($stringWidth==0) { $stringWidth = 0.000001; }
if ($k == $arraysize-1) $this->Cell( $stringWidth, $lineHeight, $chunk, '', 1, '', $fill, $this->HREF , $currentx,0,0,'M', $fill, $af, $bf, true ); //mono-style line or last part (skips line)
if ($k == $arraysize-1) {
// mPDF 5.6.40
if ($this->checkCJK && $CJKoverflow && $align=='J' && $this->allowCJKoverflow && $hanger && $this->CJKforceend) {
// force-end overhang
$this->Cell( $stringWidth, $lineHeight, $chunk, '', 0, '', $fill, $this->HREF, $currentx,0,0,'M', $fill, $af, $bf, true );
$this->Cell( $this->GetStringWidth($hanger), $lineHeight, $hanger, '', 1, '', $fill, $this->HREF, $currentx,0,0,'M', $fill, $af, $bf, true );
else {
$this->Cell( $stringWidth, $lineHeight, $chunk, '', 1, '', $fill, $this->HREF, $currentx,0,0,'M', $fill, $af, $bf, true );
else $this->Cell( $stringWidth, $lineHeight, $chunk, '', 0, '', $fill, $this->HREF, 0, 0,0,'M', $fill, $af, $bf, true );//first or middle part
if (!empty($this->spanborddet)) {
if (strpos($contentB[$k],'R')!==false && $k != $arraysize-1) $this->x += $this->spanborddet['R']['w'];
$fill = $save_fill; $spanfill = 0;
if ($fill) { $this->SetFColor($bcor); }
// mPDF 5.6.26
if (isset($this->textparam['visibility']) && $this->textparam['visibility'] && $this->visibility != $save_vis) {
$this->printobjectbuffer($is_table, $blockdir);
$this->objectbuffer = array();
/*-- LISTS --*/
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if (isset($bull['x'])) { $this->x += $bull['x']; }
$this->y -= $lineHeight;
if (is_array($bull['col'])) { $this->SetTColor($bull['col']); }
if (isset($bull['col']) && $bull['col']) { $this->SetTColor($bull['col']); } // mPDF 5.6.67
if (isset($bull['txt'])) { $this->Cell($bull['w'], $lineHeight,$bull['txt'],'','',$bull['align'],0,'',0,-$this->cMarginL, -$this->cMarginR ); }
if (isset($bull['font']) && $bull['font'] == 'czapfdingbats') {
if ($objattr['type'] == 'image') {
if (isset($objattr['transform'])) {
$this->_out("\n".'% BTR'); // Begin Transform
if (isset($objattr['z-index']) && $objattr['z-index'] > 0 && $this->currentlayer==0) {
if(isset($objattr['visibility']) && $objattr['visibility']!='visible' && $objattr['visibility']) {
if ($tr) { $tr .= ' '; }
$gradmask = '';
$tr2 = '';
if (isset($objattr['transform'])) {
$maxsize_x = $w;
$maxsize_y = $h;
$cx = $x + $w/2;
$cy = $y + $h/2;
if (count($m[0])) {
for($i=0; $i<count($m[0]); $i++) {
$c = strtolower($m[1][$i]);
$v = trim($m[2][$i]);
$vv = preg_split('/[ ,]+/',$v);
if ($c=='translate' && count($vv)) {
$translate_x = $this->ConvertSize($vv[0],$maxsize_x,false,false);
if (count($vv)==2) { $translate_y = $this->ConvertSize($vv[1],$maxsize_y,false,false); }
else { $translate_y = 0; }
$tr2 .= $this->transformTranslate($translate_x, $translate_y, true).' ';
else if ($c=='translatex' && count($vv)) {
$translate_x = $this->ConvertSize($vv[0],$maxsize_x,false,false);
$tr2 .= $this->transformTranslate($translate_x, 0, true).' ';
else if ($c=='translatey' && count($vv)) {
$translate_y = $this->ConvertSize($vv[1],$maxsize_y,false,false);
$tr2 .= $this->transformTranslate(0, $translate_y, true).' ';
else if ($c=='scale' && count($vv)) {
$scale_x = $vv[0] * 100;
if (count($vv)==2) { $scale_y = $vv[1] * 100; }
else { $scale_y = $scale_x; }
$tr2 .= $this->transformScale($scale_x, $scale_y, $cx, $cy, true).' ';
else if ($c=='scalex' && count($vv)) {
$scale_x = $vv[0] * 100;
$tr2 .= $this->transformScale($scale_x, 0, $cx, $cy, true).' ';
else if ($c=='scaley' && count($vv)) {
$scale_y = $vv[1] * 100;
$tr2 .= $this->transformScale(0, $scale_y, $cx, $cy, true).' ';
else if ($c=='skew' && count($vv)) {
$angle_x = $this->ConvertAngle($vv[0], false);
if (count($vv)==2) { $angle_y = $this->ConvertAngle($vv[1], false); }
else { $angle_y = 0; }
$tr2 .= $this->transformSkew($angle_x, $angle_y, $cx, $cy, true).' ';
else if ($c=='skewx' && count($vv)) {
$angle = $this->ConvertAngle($vv[0], false);
$tr2 .= $this->transformSkew($angle, 0, $cx, $cy, true).' ';
else if ($c=='skewy' && count($vv)) {
$angle = $this->ConvertAngle($vv[0], false);
$tr2 .= $this->transformSkew(0, $angle, $cx, $cy, true).' ';
else if ($c=='rotate' && count($vv)) {
$angle = $this->ConvertAngle($vv[0]);
$tr2 .= $this->transformRotate($angle, $cx, $cy, true).' ';
// Transform also affects image background
if ($tr2) { $this->_out('q '.$tr2.' '); }
if (isset($objattr['bgcolor']) && $objattr['bgcolor']) {
$bgcol = $objattr['bgcolor'];
$this->Rect($x,$y,$w,$h, 'F');
if ($tr2) { $this->_out('Q'); }
if (isset($objattr['GRADIENT-MASK'])) {
/*-- IMAGES-WMF --*/
if (isset($objattr['itype']) && $objattr['itype']=='wmf') {
$outstring = sprintf('q '.$tr.'%.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /FO%d Do Q', $sx, -$sy, $objattr['INNER-X']*_MPDFK-$sx*$objattr['wmf_x'], (($this->h-$objattr['INNER-Y'])*_MPDFK)+$sy*$objattr['wmf_y'], $objattr['ID']);
$outstring = sprintf('q '.$tr.$tr2.'%.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /FO%d Do Q', $sx, -$sy, $objattr['INNER-X']*_MPDFK-$sx*$objattr['wmf_x'], (($this->h-$objattr['INNER-Y'])*_MPDFK)+$sy*$objattr['wmf_y'], $objattr['ID']); // mPDF 5.7.3 TRANSFORMS
/*-- END IMAGES-WMF --*/
if (isset($objattr['itype']) && $objattr['itype']=='svg') {
$outstring = sprintf('q '.$tr.'%.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /FO%d Do Q', $sx, -$sy, $objattr['INNER-X']*_MPDFK-$sx*$objattr['wmf_x'], (($this->h-$objattr['INNER-Y'])*_MPDFK)+$sy*$objattr['wmf_y'], $objattr['ID']);
$outstring = sprintf('q '.$tr.$tr2.'%.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /FO%d Do Q', $sx, -$sy, $objattr['INNER-X']*_MPDFK-$sx*$objattr['wmf_x'], (($this->h-$objattr['INNER-Y'])*_MPDFK)+$sy*$objattr['wmf_y'], $objattr['ID']); // mPDF 5.7.3 TRANSFORMS
else {
$outstring = sprintf("q ".$tr."%.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm ".$gradmask."/I%d Do Q",$obiw*_MPDFK, $obih*_MPDFK, $objattr['INNER-X'] *_MPDFK, ($this->h-($objattr['INNER-Y'] +$obih ))*_MPDFK,$objattr['ID'] );
$outstring = sprintf("q ".$tr.$tr2."%.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm ".$gradmask."/I%d Do Q",$obiw*_MPDFK, $obih*_MPDFK, $objattr['INNER-X'] *_MPDFK, ($this->h-($objattr['INNER-Y'] +$obih ))*_MPDFK,$objattr['ID'] ); // mPDF 5.7.3 TRANSFORMS
if (isset($objattr['link'])) $this->Link($objattr['INNER-X'],$objattr['INNER-Y'],$objattr['INNER-WIDTH'],$objattr['INNER-HEIGHT'],$objattr['link']);
if (isset($objattr['opacity'])) { $this->SetAlpha(1); }
// Transform also affects image borders
if ($tr2) { $this->_out('q '.$tr2.' '); }
if ((isset($objattr['border_top']) && $objattr['border_top']>0) || (isset($objattr['border_left']) && $objattr['border_left']>0) || (isset($objattr['border_right']) && $objattr['border_right']>0) || (isset($objattr['border_bottom']) && $objattr['border_bottom']>0)) { $this->PaintImgBorder($objattr,$is_table); }
if ($tr2) { $this->_out('Q'); }
if(isset($objattr['visibility']) && $objattr['visibility']!='visible' && $objattr['visibility']) {
if (isset($objattr['z-index']) && $objattr['z-index'] > 0 && $this->currentlayer==0) {
if (isset($objattr['transform'])) {
$this->_out("\n".'% ETR'); // Begin Transform
/*-- BARCODES --*/
if ($objattr['type'] == 'dottab') {
// mPDF 5.6.19
if (isset($objattr['fontfamily'])) { $this->SetFont($objattr['fontfamily'],'',$objattr['fontsize'] ); }
$sp = $this->GetStringWidth(' ');
if ($nb>0) { $dots=' '.str_repeat('.',$nb).' '; }
else { $dots=' '; }
$col = $this->ConvertColor(0);
if (isset($objattr['colorarray']) && is_array($objattr['colorarray'])) {
if (isset($objattr['colorarray']) && ($objattr['colorarray'])) { // mPDF 5.6.19
$col = $objattr['colorarray'];
$save_dh = $this->divheight; // mPDF 5.6.19
$save_sbd = $this->spanborddet;
$save_u = $this->U;
$save_s = $this->strike;
$this->spanborddet = '';
$this->divheight = 0; // mPDF 5.6.19
$this->U = false;
$this->strike = false;
$this->spanborddet = $save_sbd;
$this->U = $save_u;
$this->strike = $save_s;
$this->divheight = $save_dh; // mPDF 5.6.19
// mPDF 5.0
// where the line should be cutoff if it is to be justified
$cutoffWidth = $contentWidth;
$curlyquote = mb_convert_encoding("\xe2\x80\x9e",$this->mb_enc,'UTF-8');
$curlylowquote = mb_convert_encoding("\xe2\x80\x9d",$this->mb_enc,'UTF-8');
// mPDF 5.5.07
$raquote = mb_convert_encoding("\xc2\xbb",$this->mb_enc,'UTF-8'); //&#187; &raquo;
// mPDF 5.5.20
$rsquo = mb_convert_encoding("\xe2\x80\x99",$this->mb_enc,'UTF-8'); //&#8217; &rsquo;
$sbquo = mb_convert_encoding("\xe2\x80\x9a",$this->mb_enc,'UTF-8'); //&#8218; &sbquo;
$bdquo = mb_convert_encoding("\xe2\x80\xba",$this->mb_enc,'UTF-8'); //&#8222; &bdquo;
$CJKoverflow = false;
$hanger = ''; // mPDF 5.6.40
$oldcolumn = $this->CurrCol;
$tmp = mb_strlen( $s, $this->mb_enc );
$orphs = 0;
$check = 0;
// for every character in the string
for ( $i = 0; $i < $tmp; $i++ ) {
// extract the current character
$cw += $rbw*_MPDFK;
$contentB[(count($contentB)-1)] .= 'R';
if ($c==' ') { $check = 1; }
else if ($c=='.' || $c==',' || $c==')' || $c==']' || $c==';' || $c==':' || $c=='!' || $c=='?'|| $c=='"' || $c==$curlyquote || $c==$curlylowquote || $c==$raquote || $c==$rsquo || $c==$sbquo || $c==$bdquo ) {$check++; } // mPDF 5.5.07 mPDF 5.5.20
/*-- CJK-FONTS --*/
else if ($this->checkCJK) {
if ((!$is_table && $this->CJKfollowing && preg_match("/[".$this->CJKfollowing."]/u", $c)) || ($is_table && preg_match("/[".$this->CJKoverflow ."]/u", $c))) { $check++; }
else { $check = 0; }
/*-- END CJK-FONTS --*/
else { $check = 0; }
// There's an orphan '. ' or ', ' or <sup>32</sup> about to be cut off at the end of line
if($check==1) {
$currContent .= $c;
$cutoffWidth = $contentWidth;
$contentWidth += $cw;
... Rozdílový soubor je zkrácen, protože jeho délka přesahuje max. limit.

Také k dispozici: Unified diff