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<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');

class Image_ImageMagick_Driver extends Image_Driver {

// Directory that IM is installed in
protected $dir = '';

// Command extension (exe for windows)
protected $ext = '';

// Temporary image filename
protected $tmp_image;

* Attempts to detect the ImageMagick installation directory.
* @throws Kohana_Exception
* @param array configuration
* @return void
public function __construct($config)
if (empty($config['directory']))
// Attempt to locate IM by using "which"
if ( ! is_file($path = exec('which convert')))
throw new Kohana_Exception('image.imagemagick.not_found');

$config['directory'] = dirname($path);

// Set the command extension
$this->ext = (PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX === 'dll') ? '.exe' : '';

// Check to make sure the provided path is correct
if ( ! file_exists(realpath($config['directory']).'/convert'.$this->ext))
throw new Kohana_Exception('image.imagemagick.not_found', 'convert'.$this->ext);

// Set the installation directory
$this->dir = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($config['directory'])).'/';

* Creates a temporary image and executes the given actions. By creating a
* temporary copy of the image before manipulating it, this process is atomic.
public function process($image, $actions, $dir, $file)
// We only need the filename
$image = $image['file'];

// Unique temporary filename
$this->tmp_image = $dir.'k2img--'.sha1(time().$dir.$file).substr($file, strrpos($file, '.'));

// Copy the image to the temporary file
copy($image, $this->tmp_image);

// Quality change is done last
$quality = (int) arr::remove('quality', $actions);

// Use 95 for the default quality
empty($quality) and $quality = 95;

// All calls to these will need to be escaped, so do it now
$this->cmd_image = escapeshellarg($this->tmp_image);
$this->new_image = escapeshellarg($dir.$file);

if ($status = $this->execute($actions))
// Use convert to change the image into it's final version. This is
// done to allow the file type to change correctly, and to handle
// the quality conversion in the most effective way possible.
if ($error = exec(escapeshellcmd($this->dir.'convert'.$this->ext).' -quality '.$quality.'% '.$this->cmd_image.' '.$this->new_image))
$this->errors[] = $error;

// Remove the temporary image
$this->tmp_image = '';

return $status;

public function crop($prop)
// Sanitize and normalize the properties into geometry

// Set the IM geometry based on the properties
$geometry = escapeshellarg($prop['width'].'x'.$prop['height'].'+'.$prop['left'].'+'.$prop['top']);

if ($error = exec(escapeshellcmd($this->dir.'convert'.$this->ext).' -crop '.$geometry.' '.$this->cmd_image.' '.$this->cmd_image))
$this->errors[] = $error;
return FALSE;

return TRUE;

public function flip($dir)
// Convert the direction into a IM command
$dir = ($dir === Image::HORIZONTAL) ? '-flop' : '-flip';

if ($error = exec(escapeshellcmd($this->dir.'convert'.$this->ext).' '.$dir.' '.$this->cmd_image.' '.$this->cmd_image))
$this->errors[] = $error;
return FALSE;

return TRUE;

public function resize($prop)
case Image::WIDTH: // Wx
$dim = escapeshellarg($prop['width'].'x');
case Image::HEIGHT: // xH
$dim = escapeshellarg('x'.$prop['height']);
case Image::AUTO: // WxH
$dim = escapeshellarg($prop['width'].'x'.$prop['height']);
case Image::NONE: // WxH!
$dim = escapeshellarg($prop['width'].'x'.$prop['height'].'!');

// Use "convert" to change the width and height
if ($error = exec(escapeshellcmd($this->dir.'convert'.$this->ext).' -resize '.$dim.' '.$this->cmd_image.' '.$this->cmd_image))
$this->errors[] = $error;
return FALSE;

return TRUE;

public function rotate($amt)
if ($error = exec(escapeshellcmd($this->dir.'convert'.$this->ext).' -rotate '.escapeshellarg($amt).' -background transparent '.$this->cmd_image.' '.$this->cmd_image))
$this->errors[] = $error;
return FALSE;

return TRUE;

public function sharpen($amount)
// Set the sigma, radius, and amount. The amount formula allows a nice
// spread between 1 and 100 without pixelizing the image badly.
$sigma = 0.5;
$radius = $sigma * 2;
$amount = round(($amount / 80) * 3.14, 2);

// Convert the amount to an IM command
$sharpen = escapeshellarg($radius.'x'.$sigma.'+'.$amount.'+0');

if ($error = exec(escapeshellcmd($this->dir.'convert'.$this->ext).' -unsharp '.$sharpen.' '.$this->cmd_image.' '.$this->cmd_image))
$this->errors[] = $error;
return FALSE;

return TRUE;

protected function properties()
return array_slice(getimagesize($this->tmp_image), 0, 2, FALSE);

} // End Image ImageMagick Driver