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18ac9009 Ondřej Fibich

* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is release under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

* Factory class for service layer class that provides access to service
* class instances and manage live cycle of these instances.
* @author Ondřej Fibich <>
* @since 1.2
class ServiceFactory
* Namespace that contains all service classes. It must ends with \.
const SERVICE_NS = '\\freenetis\\service\\';

* Pool of service instances.
* @var array
private $instances_pool = array();

* Inject (provide) service instance with given class suffix.
* @param string $class_suffix class name with namespace relative
* to namespace given by string constant SERVICE_NS
* @return IService service instance
private function inject($class_suffix)
// trim invalid name space separators
$t_class_suffix = trim($class_suffix, '\\');
// already initilized?
if (!array_key_exists($t_class_suffix, $this->instances_pool))
// load service class - this part will be removed when FreenetIS
// class loader will be able to load classes by their namespace
// and name
$file_name = str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $t_class_suffix);
require_once APPPATH . '/services/' . $file_name . EXT;
// create service instance with passed factory
$class = self::SERVICE_NS . $t_class_suffix;
$this->instances_pool[$t_class_suffix] = new $class($this);
// provide service instance
return $this->instances_pool[$t_class_suffix];

/* ************************************************************************\
* Services available to inject.
\* ************************************************************************/

* @return \freenetis\service\core\AclService
public function injectCoreAcl()
return $this->inject('core\AclService');

* @return \freenetis\service\core\DatabaseService
public function injectCoreDatabase()
return $this->inject('core\DatabaseService');

* @return \freenetis\service\core\DatabaseInitService
public function injectCoreDatabaseInit()
return $this->inject('core\DatabaseInitService');

* @return \freenetis\service\core\SetupService
public function injectCoreSetup()
return $this->inject('core\SetupService');
