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Revize 11e2d062

Přidáno uživatelem Ondřej Fibich před téměř 7 roky(ů)

Format fixes.

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class ExpirationCalcService extends \AbstractService
* @var Transfer_Model
protected $transfer_model;
* @var Fee_Model
protected $fee_model;
* @var Device_Model
protected $device_model;
* Creates service.
* @param \ServiceFactory $factory
public function __construct(\ServiceFactory $factory)
* Creates service.
* @param \ServiceFactory $factory
public function __construct(\ServiceFactory $factory)
$this->transfer_model = new Transfer_Model;
$this->fee_model = new Fee_Model;
$this->device_model = new Device_Model;
* @author Michal Kliment, Ondrej Fibich
* @param object $account
* @param int $shortened_on_year year to shortened expiration date from
* (10 years from now by default)
* (10 years from now by default)
* @return ExpirationCalcResult
public function get_expiration_info($account, $shortened_on_year = NULL)
$balance = $account->balance;
$last_deduct_date = date_parse(
// date
$entrance_date = date_parse($entrance_date_str);
// finds debt payment rate of entrance fee
$debt_payment_rate = ($account->member->debt_payment_rate > 0)
? $account->member->debt_payment_rate : $account->member->entrance_fee;
$debt_payment_rate = ($account->member->debt_payment_rate > 0) ? $account->member->debt_payment_rate : $account->member->entrance_fee;
// finds all debt payments of entrance fee
$payments, $entrance_date['month'], $entrance_date['year'],
$account->member->entrance_fee, $debt_payment_rate
$payments, $entrance_date['month'], $entrance_date['year'], $account->member->entrance_fee, $debt_payment_rate
// finds all member's devices with debt payments
// finds all debt payments of this device
$payments, $buy_date['month'], $buy_date['year'],
$device->price, $device->payment_rate
$payments, $buy_date['month'], $buy_date['year'], $device->price, $device->payment_rate
* @param float $payment_rate
protected static function find_debt_payments(
&$payments, $month, $year, $payment_left, $payment_rate)
&$payments, $month, $year, $payment_left, $payment_rate)
while ($payment_left > 0)
* @var string
public $expiration_date;
* Flag whether the expiration was too long and was shortened.
abstract class AbstractItCase extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* @var Database
protected static $connection;
* @var ServiceFactory
protected static $services;
* @var Database
protected static $connection;
* Reset URL setting to given values.
* @param string $domain installed domain name
* @param string $path installed directory sub-path
private static function reset_url_settings($domain, $path)
// set base domain
Settings::set('domain', $domain);
// set subdirectory
Settings::set('suffix', $path);
* Reset URL setting to values in test configuration.
protected static function reset_url_settings_to_current()
$domain = TestConfig::get('url.domain', 'localhost');
$path = TestConfig::get('url.path', '/freenetis/');
self::reset_url_settings($domain, $path);
* @var ServiceFactory
protected static $services;
* Overridden setup before class in order to init/update databse schema
* and setup provided service factory and DB connection.
public static function setUpBeforeClass()
// service factory
self::$services = new ServiceFactory();
// init DB schema if not already
$lck_file = server::base_dir() . '/upload/mutex';
self::$services->injectCoreDatabaseInit()->make($lck_file, function ()
* Reset URL setting to given values.
* @param string $domain installed domain name
* @param string $path installed directory sub-path
private static function reset_url_settings($domain, $path)
// set base domain
Settings::set('domain', $domain);
// set subdirectory
Settings::set('suffix', $path);
* Reset URL setting to values in test configuration.
protected static function reset_url_settings_to_current()
$domain = TestConfig::get('url.domain', 'localhost');
$path = TestConfig::get('url.path', '/freenetis/');
self::reset_url_settings($domain, $path);
* Overridden setup before class in order to init/update databse schema
* and setup provided service factory and DB connection.
public static function setUpBeforeClass()
// service factory
self::$services = new ServiceFactory();
// init DB schema if not already
$lck_file = server::base_dir() . '/upload/mutex';
self::$services->injectCoreDatabaseInit()->make($lck_file, function ()
// get DB connection
self::$connection = Database::instance();
// get DB connection
self::$connection = Database::instance();
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is release under GPLv3 licence.
abstract class AbstractEndPointTestCase extends AbstractItCase
* API user account username.
const API_USERNAME = 'test_NL';
* API user account password.
const API_PASSWORD = '12345678901234567890123456789012';
* Base path to FreenetIS API.
* @var string
protected $base_path;
* API account that is used for logging to API.
* @var Api_account_Model
protected $api_account;
* Defines authentication type that is used for connecting to API.
* @var string
protected $auth_method;
* API user account username.
const API_USERNAME = 'test_NL';
* API user account password.
const API_PASSWORD = '12345678901234567890123456789012';
* Base path to FreenetIS API.
* @var string
protected $base_path;
* API account that is used for logging to API.
* @var Api_account_Model
protected $api_account;
* Defines authentication type that is used for connecting to API.
* @var string
protected $auth_method;
* Holds state of settings "api_enabled" during test.
* Enable API and save old state before tests.
public static function setUpBeforeClass() {
public static function setUpBeforeClass()
self::$old_api_enabled = module::e('api');
Settings::set('api_enabled', TRUE);
* Restore old API state after all tests done.
public static function tearDownAfterClass() {
public static function tearDownAfterClass()
Settings::set('api_enabled', self::$old_api_enabled);
* Prepare base path and add API account.
protected function setUp()
$this->base_path = Settings::get('protocol') . '://'
. Settings::get('domain') . Settings::get('suffix') . 'cs'
. Api_Controller::API_BASE_PATH;
$this->api_account = new Api_account_Model();
$this->api_account->allowed_paths = '/**'; // allow all
$this->api_account->enabled = TRUE;
$this->api_account->readonly = FALSE;
$this->api_account->username = self::API_USERNAME;
$this->api_account->token = self::API_PASSWORD;
$this->auth_method = 'authenticateWith'
. ucfirst(Settings::get('api_auth_type'));
* Remove API account.
protected function tearDown()
* Gets resource on given path, with given parameters, than test the response
* code and return the response.
* @param string $path path relative to base path
* @params array $params optional request parameters
* @param integer $expected_code optional expected HTTP response code
* @return \Httpful\Response
protected function request_get($path = '', $params = array(),
$expected_code = 0)
if (!empty($params))
$params_str_array = array();
foreach ($params as $name => $value)
$params_str_array[] = urlencode($name) . '=' . urlencode($value);
$path .= '?' . implode('&', $params_str_array);
$rsp = Request::get($this->base_path . $path)
->{$this->auth_method}(self::API_USERNAME, self::API_PASSWORD)
if ($expected_code > 0)
$this->assertEquals($expected_code, $rsp->code, 'GET failed expected');
return $rsp;
* Prepare base path and add API account.
protected function setUp()
$this->base_path = Settings::get('protocol') . '://'
. Settings::get('domain') . Settings::get('suffix') . 'cs'
. Api_Controller::API_BASE_PATH;
$this->api_account = new Api_account_Model();
$this->api_account->allowed_paths = '/**'; // allow all
$this->api_account->enabled = TRUE;
$this->api_account->readonly = FALSE;
$this->api_account->username = self::API_USERNAME;
$this->api_account->token = self::API_PASSWORD;
$this->auth_method = 'authenticateWith'
. ucfirst(Settings::get('api_auth_type'));
* Remove API account.
protected function tearDown()
* Gets resource on given path, with given parameters, than test the response
* code and return the response.
* @param string $path path relative to base path
* @params array $params optional request parameters
* @param integer $expected_code optional expected HTTP response code
* @return \Httpful\Response
protected function request_get($path = '', $params = array(), $expected_code = 0)
if (!empty($params))
$params_str_array = array();
foreach ($params as $name => $value)
$params_str_array[] = urlencode($name) . '=' . urlencode($value);
$path .= '?' . implode('&', $params_str_array);
$rsp = Request::get($this->base_path . $path)
->{$this->auth_method}(self::API_USERNAME, self::API_PASSWORD)
if ($expected_code > 0)
$this->assertEquals($expected_code, $rsp->code, 'GET failed expected');
return $rsp;
class ExpirationCalcServiceTest extends AbstractItCase
* @var ExpirationCalcService
private $object;
* @var ExpirationCalcService
private $object;
* Hold deduct day during test for recover.
private $old_deduct_day;
protected function setUp()
$this->object = new ConfigurableTestExpirationCalcService(self::$services);
$this->object = new ConfigurableTestExpirationCalcService(self::$services);
$this->old_deduct_day = Settings::get('deduct_day');
protected function tearDown()
class ConfigurableTestExpirationCalcService extends ExpirationCalcService
public function set_transfer_model($transfer_model)
$this->transfer_model = $transfer_model;
$this->device_model = $device_model;
class TestStaticTransferModel
private $account_id;
private $last_transfer_date;
return $this->account_id == $account_id ? $this->last_transfer_date : NULL;
class TestStaticFeeModel
private $member_id;
private $fee;
return ($this->member_id == $member_id) ? $this->fee : 0;

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