


Stáhnout (3.57 KB) Statistiky
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18ac9009 Ondřej Fibich
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is release under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

require_once __DIR__ . '/AbstractEndPointTestCase.php';

* Generated by PHPUnit_SkeletonGenerator on 2014-11-24 at 11:59:20.
class Network_Link_ApiTest extends AbstractEndPointTestCase
* @covers Network_Link_Api::get_all
public function testGet_all()
$rsp = $this->request_get('/network/link', NULL, 200);

* @covers Network_Link_Api::get_list
public function testGet_list()
$rsp = $this->request_get('/network/link/list', NULL, 200);

* @covers Network_Link_Api::get_list_of_type
public function testGet_list_of_type()
$this->request_get('/network/link/invalid_type/list', NULL, 404);
$rsp1 = $this->request_get('/network/link/roaming/list', NULL, 200);
$rsp2 = $this->request_get('/network/link/air/list', NULL, 200);
$rsp3 = $this->request_get('/network/link/fiber/list', NULL, 200);
$rsp4 = $this->request_get('/network/link/cable/list', NULL, 200);

* @covers Network_Link_Api::get_item
public function testGet_item()
$this->request_get('/111111', NULL, 404);
// TODO: add existing

* @covers Network_Link_Api::get_items_subnets
public function testGet_items_subnets()
$this->request_get('/network/link/subnets', NULL, 400); // ids missing
array('ids' => ''), 400); // ids empty
$rsp1 = $this->request_get('/network/link/subnets',
array('ids' => '1111111111'), 200);
$this->assertEquals(0, count($rsp1->body));
$rsp2 = $this->request_get('/network/link/subnets',
array('ids' => '111111111,111111112'), 200);
$this->assertEquals(0, count($rsp2->body));
// TODO: add existing

* @covers Network_Link_Api::get_items_vlans
public function testGet_items_vlans()
$this->request_get('/network/link/vlans', NULL, 400); // ids missing
$this->request_get('/network/link/vlans?ids=', NULL, 400); // ids empty
$rsp1 = $this->request_get('/network/link/vlans',
array('ids' => '1111111111'), 200);
$this->assertEquals(0, count($rsp1->body));
$rsp2 = $this->request_get('/network/link/vlans',
array('ids' => '111111111,111111112'), 200);
$this->assertEquals(0, count($rsp2->body));
// TODO: add existing

* @covers Network_Link_Api::count
public function testCount()
$rsp = $this->request_get('/network/link/count', NULL, 200);
