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# #
# Author: Michal Kliment #
# Description: This script regenerate DHCP server from FreenetIS #
# #
# Version: 0.1.1 #
# #

########################################## CONFIG VALUES ##############################################

# Base PATH_FN to running FreenetIS instance
:global PATHFN "http://localhost/freenetis"

# ID of device from FreenetIS
:global DEVICEID 0

# Forced download
:global FORCED 0

######################################## SCRIPT - DO NOT CHANGE! ######################################

# First run with forced download
:if ([:len [/file find name="dhcp.rsc"]] = 0) do={
:set FORCED 1

# Download script from FreenetIS
/tool fetch url="$PATHFN/en/devices/export/$DEVICEID/mikrotik-ip-dhcp-server/text/$FORCED" dst-path="dhcp.rsc"

# Waiting to end of downloading
:delay 3

# Run script
import dhcp.rsc