Chyba nahlasena z: . (file: /var/www/freenetis/system/classes/KO7/Request.php, line: 972)

FreenetIS verze: 1.2.0~alpha37

PHP verze: 8.1.18

Nahlasil: Milan

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Unable to find a route to match the URI: :uri

Unable to find a route to match the URI: :uri

Chyba se vyskytla na radku 972 souboru /var/www/freenetis/system/classes/KO7/Request.php.

967 		}
969 		if ( ! $this->_route instanceof Route)
970 		{
971 			return HTTP_Exception::factory(404, 'Unable to find a route to match the URI: :uri', [
972 				':uri' => $this->_uri,
973 			])->request($this)
974 				->get_response();
975 		}
977 		if ( ! $this->_client instanceof Request_Client)